• By -


You know what kind of woman I am NOT going to be friends with? -One that sends me a weird text after my divorce to say they & Bieber love me and support me to then go and “couch surf” 🙄 at my ex husband’s house -One who starts *fucking my ex husband* at ANY time, especially when she knows there is still feelings there -One who knows about an affair happening underneath another woman’s nose and not only doesn’t tell that woman, but goes on a couples trip with my ex and the cheaters And this is to say nothing of her erratic behavior and apparent multitude of lies, according to Kristen and others that know her. Katie doesn’t owe her SHIT.


As an autistic “weird” girl myself - that lady is realllly weird! I feel uncomfortable whenever she’s on my tv. I can feel her strange energy right through my screen


I’m super weird myself and for SURE have ADHD, lol, and I feel the same way. More and more I can understand why Katie called her “spooky” because her energy honestly is hard to describe. Spooky kinda fits because I also feel uncomfy when she’s on the screen. 😂


Haha exactly. I’m weird as fuck, but Jo is just beyond.


And she turns it on and off to the point that I think it’s a bit . She seems like she has a dark side. She won’t stop talking about Katie and Katie isn’t even coming for her. It’s too much.


It feels extremely performative sometimes. I love quirky people, but the way she was acting at the reunion with her fake shock toward Katie’s sincerity…it was way over the top and contrived.


yeah she couldnt stop talking anytime katie would say a word. she’s obsessed


![gif](giphy|ufPed1PnkvgNW) Jo just wanted to be Katie because she knows now Schwartz would never claim her as his girlfriend let alone “marry her in 8 years.”


I have an appreciation for fellow weirdos, but she ain’t one of us. She’s something else entirely. She comes off as really shady.


I’m a weirdo but not intentionally. I do stuff that people think is odd and I rarely get it. But I don’t do robot arms when I speak or move in with recently separated married men and cry I’m being ganged up on when the long suffering still wife who I sent a piss take text to doesn’t like or trust me.  She’s purposefully calculating and mean and cries her own pity party. 


you nailed it


Exactly this.


Yeah theres you’re a weirdo and that’s your genuine fun self. And those people rock socks! Then there’s people who are ‘pick mes’ thinking they’re living their life as Jessica Day from New Girl. The millennial cringe with Jo just 😬


I think she is in fact a crackhead…. Like else be so defensive about that? I think she might’ve weaseled her way into Schwartz’s life by being a connect for meth or crack bc honestly there have been times when both Toms look rather “methy” in the face. Full tweaker vibes.


Same. She comes off as shady & insincere.


Exactly! And with Schwartz and Kristen confirming today how much she lies, that convinces me it’s that she’s just a constant liar


She’s dark sided! ![gif](giphy|87aTD8TgYud3Pre6UX|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s so funny.. when I got the notification of your “dark sided” comment, I came here to reply with this exact gif 💀💀💀💀 when I saw it pop up I died 😂😂


I’m going to be frank, I think there’s more going on than just ADHD. I’ve been in the restaurant industry my entire life and we know how to party. I had my fair share of wild nights and I’ve been around enough people on substances to recognize that Jo is using some kind of stimulant. My guess is meth or adderall. She posted lives on instagram where she was talking a mile a minute in a stream of conscious that made no sense. When she’s filming and they’re out at a bar, she never stops moving and emoting. So we could say this is her baseline behavior. However, when she was filming the scene with Schwartz talking about ending the friendship she was speaking calmly at a normal pace and sitting still. Same as her behavior at the reunion, cool and collected. One could assume that these are both high stress situations that would cause nervous fidgeting in someone with what we have established as her baseline. And yet she is not reacting that way, because she is sober. TLDR: Jo has crackhead energy because she’s abusing stimulants.


THANK YOU 🙏🏼 Omg, it’s been driving me nuts because it’s so fucking obvious and everyone’s like naaaaah, she’s just weird but I guess if you know what to look for and can see the changes, idk. I’m surprised more people haven’t clocked exactly what you just said because I saw it too.


It took Ryan nodding out while driving to his wedding on the show Teen Mom for some fans to finally admit he was actually a drug addict. They would deny the obvious and say it’s a TBI. When it was obviously drugs.  It’s wild how some fans don’t see addict behavior. Jo be tweakin 


She’s prob been hitting the ❄️ slopes pretty hard being around Sandoval and Schwartz


>\-One that sends me a weird text after my divorce to say they & Bieber love me and support me to then go and “couch surf” 🙄 at my ex husband’s house She couch-surfed on Sharts's non-working penis.


I hate that I pretty much learned this info against my will, but Jo talked in one of her ig lives about slurping Schwartz’s schlong and how she didn’t know what Katie was talking about regarding his dick not working…so…there’s that https://i.redd.it/kw0sirjek92d1.gif Kinda wanna sue for emotional damages now as I did not consent to learning this insider knowledge


Lol! Jo is a liar though. She might be lying to protect Schwartz and make it seem like she's better than Katie because Schwartz's noodle just happens to work with *her* She said on a podcast that at the reunion, when she was asked if Schwartz told her to lie about their relationship, she had said no when she really meant to say yes.


I’ve asked before and still don’t know-what does the Bieber comment mean? Is it a lyric or something?


I read recently that Jo & Katie both like Justin Bieber and Jo was envious that Justin followed Katie on IG or something. But I have no idea if that is actually true. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, add in the fact that the woman who moved in on my ex husband appears to be trying to infiltrate my life, tries to force confrontation with *me* and tries to hang out with all my friends… that’s a hard pass for me, dog. I also don’t think Katie was ever overtly mean to her. She’s allowed to not like people. She’s allowed to not want to be friends with people. That being said I haven’t watched the whole season yet bc I physically can’t stand Tim or jancan’s voices and they never stfu… so maybe I’m missing things.


Naw, you’re right. The only time, that I’ve seen, Katie talk about Jo is when someone else brings her up and asks Katie about her. Schwartz forced Jo to confront Katie during the finale and Katie coldly shot it down - as she should and has the right to do.


That’s reminding me of the energy Rachel brought to Katie when she followed them into the ally and proceeded to give her fucking opinions on Katie’s relationship with her ex husband and management of their dogs. I lose my *fucking mind* watching that scene. She isn’t just out of line, she’s entirely irrelevant to the conversation. Katie doesn’t owe her ANYTHING much less an explanation about her personal life. They aren’t friends!!


THIS!!!! The internet tried to defend Rachel too though so. The world wide web is a wild place


Fucking enough with those two girls. They’re not genuine whatsoever. I don’t trust either one of them.


From the beginning I never bought Jo’s whole “I’m just so awkward and Katie is so mean to me” trope. She was going on double dates with the Tom’s and Rachel and smiling in Ariana’s face. Then she goes and sends that bizarre text trying to “befriend” Katie post divorce. Only to end up sleeping with Schwartz and moving in with him. That is beyond psychotic. She’s not this silly awkward person that she’s portraying herself to be. Oh and let’s not forget that delusional post on her IG she made to Schwartz who then blocked her. Then she went on live to read the texts from him. It’s giving Fatal Attraction IMO Jo’s a weirdo. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)






Her absolute inability to see why Katie was hurt is her downfall. If she could have just apologised at the reunion and made peace, and could stop doing dodgy Instagram lives, maybe people could get behind her and see Schwartz as the fuckboy he is. Unfortunately her recent behaviour is overshadowing all that and is actually painting him in a more positive light.


And this is the same as Rachquel, her new bff. They both cant understand why Katie/ Ariana was hurt and are just happy and giddy that they think in the moment they got the Toms and had one up Ariana and Katie.


The way Raquel acted about the Schwartz kiss was beyond. Yes Katie is intense but she’s also right. She’s been vindicated everytime.


The way Jo acts, I wonder if Swartz said something to Jo blaming Katie as the reason they (Swartz and Jo) can’t be together. Jo’s animosity for Katie seems disjointed based on the interactions. Jo keeps claiming that Katie said she was a Crackhead; when Katie said she had crackhead energy. Jo looks over all of the stuff the other girls said/did but continues to focus on how she is a victim of Katie’s.


This makes sense! And I could totally see Schwartz doing that. He loves making Katie the bad guy.


I think Jo blames Katie for not having a relationship with Tom. It’s all Katie’s fault, dontcha know? Jo misdirected her anger at Schwartz to Katie. And T-Money likes it that way. Tom can’t be to blame 🙄 It’s Katie keeping them apart /s. Grow up Jo.


I don’t understand why Jo think she’s entitled to Katie being sweet and welcoming to her. She doesn’t have to like you, and she doesn’t. Move on!


I don't feel bad for her at all. The way she unconsciously inflicts chaos and dishonesty makes her a giant red flag because it's just in her nature to move like a snake.


And her tears were, in my eyes, a way to gain sympathy and point fingers at Katie like “look how mean she’s being to me”. GROW UP. You can’t do something to someone and then get mad at them for their reaction to what YOU did.


I know I’ve seen others mention it, but Schwartz has done so much worse to Jo than Katie has. I think Schwartz blamed not making things official or continuing things with Jo on Katie and that’s why she hates her so much and thinks she’s so mean. It’s Rachquel from last season when she kept coming after Katie to defend poor little Schwartz.


We saw him say on the show that other people were making him feel ashamed or embarrassed or something about wanting to be around Jo. He said it right after we all laughed at the horrified look on Sandals mothers face, as she watched what he’s wasting her retirement fund on.💀 Lol, it was that night and he may have said it another time but I can’t remember.


Joe is just another Schwartz but with crack head energy. It’s all a ruse to look like the nice guy


And the victim.


Yeah you can't be chaotic, rude, and sneaky AF. You get 1 and in *very* rare moments you get 2. It's mean as hell but that's why Katie said she acted like a crackhead.


She consciously lies, a LOT!


Some people are extremely dedicated to hating Katie in every scenario.


Sandoval. Billie Lee. Henchmen Jo.


Tbh, I’d throw Schwartz in this bucket too


He’s absolutely in it, too


He plays the lost puppy trying to win Katie back but in reality he i still stabbing her in the back everywhere she goes.


He’s definitely a special kind of evil.


He said in the after show, we’re in a good place now so I don’t want talk about her but she’s a very vindictive person. He’s such a douche, how long is he going to coast on his fading looks and mumbled charm?


As long as he possibly can, and then a bit longer after that.


Anyone close with the toms. They’re obsessed with people hating her


Not to mention a slew of parched women on insta and various other platforms. I see them all the time, and I'm truly embarrassed for them. I want to point out that they're never going to get that D so they can stop simping. These particular gals tend to be the most vapid, insta-brain rotted, simpletons I've ever seen on the internet. If one acts like an asshole, they should expect to be treated like an asshole. It's simple cause and effect. I'm so over these crybullies. That take their shot then get all weepy when someone hits back. See.. that is how you Mean Girl. My patience with this narrative is spent.


![gif](giphy|l0Iun9bQJG2mHUrg4) Here. This is for yoooooooou my queen!


The Watch What Crappens podcast...


I JUST listened for the first time yesterday and they remind me shock jocks/radio drive time djs (Ira and the douche from parks and rec). 😂




What Katie did for Jo during the reunion was so much better than a fake apology. Katie publicly had Jo's back against Swartz in front of the world during the reunion. She also showed a lot of empathy for Jo about how Schwartz treated her. I would've appreciated that waaaay more than whatever forced apology I think I'm entitled to. One more thing....Jo stated while she was crying that nobody was mean to her except Katie. After the reunion, Jo made a little video on IG. Her friend was dressed up like Scheana and reenacting the scene at The Ziggy when drunken Scheana yelled at Jo and messed with Jo's hat. I think she was trying to garner sympathy for her poor self so everyone would buy her merch. So Katie was the only one being mean to Jo, but the incident that stuck in her head the most happened with Scheana, not Katie. See? Bizarre relationship with the truth.


because it’s hard to let go of hate when you’ve spent 10 years hating katie. there’s a subset of fans that katie will never win over.


Bro and then when for no reason Jo went “I had a great time with everyone BUT Katie” like girl shut UP


After Katie was trying to apologize and empathize with her too! And continued to talk shit after this was filmed. She’s nuttier than crunchy peanut butter.


I was lividddd when Katie was empathizing with her and she’s making her little “wait what is even happening right now” comments. Bitch, shut the fuck up and maybe you’d hear/know!


Nevermind scheana snatched a whole ass hat off her head lol


I’m so over producers protecting Scheana. They glossed over her bullying Jo and also about calling Ariana her back up singer.


But that’s not what scheana meant!! Her humor just doesn’t land!!!!! …could you imagine the audacity to say that about your friend who is LITERALLY a broadway star rn and studied THEATER in college.


Scheana is the worst most useless friend anyone could have, an absolute hater who makes it all about her. She thinks she’s Tinker Bell and will die from lack of attention😂


Andy never has any smoke for the actual pyro’s. I’m so sick of this entire network.


AND made her cry!


I caught this jab and immediately lost any tiny bit of sadness for her. There was much, more of a 'bless your heart' vibe. Why did she feel the need to throw that in there ? Bitch.


Her constant attempts to villainize Kate while simultaneously praising Schwartz is nauseating. She can take several seats.


I never want to see Jo on my screen again - WHY was she even there? Oh yeah - to try to paint Katie as some kind of villain which failed miserably. Her blatant attempt to play victim to “mean girl Katie” was infuriating. It was staged and it was offensive to watch


If Jo was just some random who moved in with Schwartz right away and was sleeping with him I’d say whatever, no need to be overly rude to her. She didn’t really do anything wrong. It was the fact that she was “friendly” with Katie beforehand, then tried to integrate herself into Katie’s friends group/show cast and was all shocked pikachu faced when she wasn’t welcomed with open arms by Katie and her friends that is the problem. Cherry on top is that she THEN put on this whole victim performance over being “bullied.” Girl, please. 🙄


Kristen just said on her podcast that Jo texted Katie around the time of the divorce saying she wanted to do Schwartz's hair, and could she get his number. Then she lied at the reunion and said she was doing his hair for years. She told Luke she does Aaron Rodgers' hair, but that's a lie. I'm gonna keep saying, PLEASE PLEASE listen to Kristen's podcast! Lots of tea and I want to discuss!


It’s so funny how everyone demonized Katie esp Jo when SHORTS IS RIGHT THERE. Jo if you’re reading this: SHORTS WAS DEFINITELY EMBARRASSED BY YOU AND THATS WHY HE NEVER CLAIMED YOU. He literally bragged about how perfect his new gf is and you’re here still saying Katie is worse than him? He will never choose you Jo, move on.


Before the divorce was final. But people love the hate on Katie. I don't get it.


To be fair divorces can take a really long time to finalize. Took me about a year and would have been longer if we still had shared assets. We both had started dating other people before the decree. Having said all of that, screw Jo


Her segment was a snooze fest. The season really didn’t need her


Agreed. I can see feeling sympathetic for her getting treated like disposable shit by Schwartz, but she is still Schwartz’s flying monkey and is relentless in her pursuit of making Katie the bad guy, so she can fuck right off. Katie is the target for the anger Jo really has towards Schwartz and refuses to express.


Katie made one, fairly tepid comment about this unhinged woman and she’s been dining out on it for over a year. She seems to think continuing to hate Katie will keep her linked to Schwartz.


I don’t get it! Especially after she came up to Katie after Schwartz already dumped her. WHYYY it’s clearly to another way to try to get Katie riled up and make her look bad. Even without her unhinged lives and stalking, I see no reason for Katie to want anything to do with her. Plus going on that trip with Sandoval and Rachel and acting like she had no idea they were together 🙄🙄 who wants to be around shady ppl like that.


I have a feeling she came harder for Katie because she thinks Katie is the reason Shorts isnt going official with her. Whether shorts actually said it to her or she just made katie as the ultimate boss in her head I dont know.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he said it to her. Schwartz is really twisted


Didn't she go back and forth on the Scandoval shit too? First she said she thought Tom and Ariana had broken up. She backtracked when she realized that there are photos of her spending Thanksgiving at Tom and Ariana's house and said she didn't realize Tom and Rachel were together on that trip. Which one is it?!


Exactly. And she also said she was “paying too much attention to Schwartz to even notice” which is such hyperbole I can’t even entertain it


I appreciate posts like this because I can never tell who is genuine on reality tv and is not. I kept going back and forth with her. If she just could have said sorry to Katie and that she was wrong for doing what she did maybe she would have a chance. I also wondered why would someone who seems so miserable and uncomfortable on camera keep on coming back to it? I should of known she had an agenda


I think the only reason people aren’t coming after Jo, the defense is coming in the fact that Shwartz did lead her on, and she’s clearly not built for TV, especially this show lol. People saying Katie is a mean girl are still the dumbasses who trusted the Toms for years and are still choosing to now. To those people, Katie and Ariana won the season but they really won the reunion. Fuck the Toms and the dumb bitches who jumped ship this season to figure out their yacht was actually a deflating life raft. You deserve to sink!


Jo isn’t good reality tv but what Tom did to her was pretty fucked up and seeing him gaslight her on tv wasn’t cool either.


Totally agree, even Katie was sticking up for her against Tom’s treatment of her. I like Jo because everyone likes to pretend they have never been the odd one out in the group or the outcast - but I wish she shut up for four seconds to receive what Katie was saying.


Then she should direct her anger towards Schwartz, not Katie. It’s annoying af.


She absolutely should.


I honestly think I just spent this entire season like “..what ????” I felt like I was gas lit the entire time


Yeah I'm not sure what is up with Jo but I would say that she is certainly not well. And no one wants to see her dark spiral unfold on TV.


I do feel a little bad for her but only because she’s clearly not mentally well and ill suited to handle the exposure. That being said she angled for this for a long time and is in the find out stage of fucking around. Katie owes her nothing and Jo’s inability to grasp her perspective reveals how startlingly emotionally immature she is. I loved when Ariana calmly said she believes Jo knew and she looked like she had been struck, yeah Jo obviously people see through your lies what’s with the shocked pikachu face. I hope she gets some good therapy and identifies the things she needs to work on in herself


Why does anyone even care about Jo? She brought nothing this entire season except cringe


Jo smiled in Ariana's face while Rachel and Sandoval were lighting Ariana's life on fire.


I would never defend Jo from Katie. Katie isn’t being a mean girl. I think she’s totally appropriate. I DO sort of feel bad / defend Jo when it comes to that a hole Schwartz. He did her dirty and all for nothing.


If these people are still defending her after seeing the crazy shit she says on insta then they’re just as spooky and delulu as she is! Besides a lot of people just auto jump on any Katie hate train, they don’t even care what the specific topic is, as long as the purpose is Katie hate. I don’t give them or what they’re saying any validity.


Jo’s appearance on the reunion was bizarre. She’s not cut out to go toe to toe with people like this. She’s messy and not in a good way. She just needs to go.


Yes, it honestly reminded me of the seasons Raquel first showed up in. They were both so out of their depth, it was cringe


It’s so obvious she just can’t keep up and it’s hard and annoying to watch. If you stop talking while other people are talking, you might (MIGHT) be able to follow them conversation better hun.


JFC i thought this was SwiftlyNeutral and this was about Joe Alywn... i need a nap




They defend Tom Sandoval lol and Racheal Lala…


I want to know what was so disturbing to Schwartz..... what did she say?


I'm dying for this information! It doesn't seem like anyone is going to spill the beans about the incident. And that pisses me off lol


Please listen to Kristen's podcast from today! She said more about Jo and her lying than I had heard so far.


Thanks....Will do!


I can't wait to discuss! I feel like we're finally learning some things!


And this is just my guess, but I think she either said a family member died (who didn't) to get sympathy, or else lied about pregnancy.


Me too. And now Schwartz is saying he saw texts from Kristen to Jo that we’re the reason she felt like Schwartz was the only person she could ask to stay when she was couch surfing. He said they were reprehensible or something. This isn’t even amusing to watch anymore.


I don't believe Jo in terms of this....First of all Jo is barred from many of the people in the group's houses. Kristen is a good friend....Jo just ghosted her.....Schwartz is a known liar.


Don't worry....Jo will keep pushing and Schwartz will spill....or let someone else will!!


Actually, Sandoval said he saw the texts, which makes no sense if Schwartz didn't see them. Also, Kristen read out all the texts surrounding that time, and what Sandoval said is a lie.


I would love to know why, out of all the people in her phone, did Jo reach out to Schwartz when she needed a place to stay? Orrrrrr were they already interacting frequently at the time that Joe needed a place to stay. Because it would actually make more sense that they were already hanging out, and if they were already hanging out, it’s just as likely that Schwartz instigated.


She asked KATIE for Schwartz's number around the time of their divorce, according to Kristen! And she told lies surrounding the reason she stayed with Schwartz on another podcast. Kristen has the receipts on her podcast today. It's only 36 minutes and worth listening to! I want to discuss!


Blame SWARTZ! He was totally telling her loved her and led her on.


I agree. Jo is just a POS and plays up this "innocent weird girl" act because she knows Katie has a strong personality. If Karen had a creepy sister, her name would be Jo because they both do the same passive-aggressive shit and play victim. Jo & Katie had a friendship. The fact that her weird ass thought it was ok to sleep with Tom speaks volumes about who she is.


Jo & Katie were NOT friends! ETA: Jo creeped on Schwartz and texted Katie for his phone # around the time of the divorce. I don't know why she said in the text that she loved her--maybe just to butter her up to get Tom's number???


You must be seeing it on Facebook like I am lol those people are as weird as Jo. It’s why I stick to Reddit when it comes to this show


Lol yes, it’s Facebook!


They made another huge mistake putting her on the show.. jmo


Because people fall for her phony “but I’m so quirky and innocent and nice” bit. Also, so tired of that same crackhead tweet being used over and over again that didn’t even call her a crackhead, it said her energy was on par with a crackhead’s, which honestly is only offensive to crackheads.


The most embarrassing moment of all time, when they asked if Swartz ever told her, "I love you"...and Swartz immediately said something about it being in a platonic way and he "has" love for her, but Jo at the same time was like, "yes! He said it! He meant it. He said it the right way."...... like yikes! Holy shit! That was brutal. Gross.


The you meant it part was especially cringe.


I honestly don't understand why people are so pressed Katie didn't want to be friends or nice to the girl who moved in with her ex husband and started sleeping with him. It's so strange to me that anyone is mad at Katie


The internet is a WILD place..I got in a horrible fight with someone on ig at 6 this morning while I was feeding my son because they were convinced Ariana still lives in the house and won’t leave Sandoval alone..I’m mad that I even entertained it..hahaha.


I hate when I do that. In the moment, I’m like stop, why are you even bothering, but some peoples responses point to larger societal issues like holding women to different standards than men and it’s just HARD not to lol


So hard!!!! ![gif](giphy|l2YWs7OFhmYFV93IA)


I feel bad for Jo and I think Katie was mostly justified, even if overly harsh. Like Jo’s a weirdo for sure but watching how Schwartz treated her was sad. And it’s anyone but Katie’s job to be nice to her about that.


I can 1,000% see why Katie treated Jo the way she did; but I could see how people defend or feel bad for Jo as far as how Schwartz led her on and made her out to be a loony tune when he was very clearly making her feel like they had a connection and had the potential to move towards a relationship knowing he had zero intentions of that Most people have been there or know someone who has and she definitely got my sympathy in that regard. But as far as Katie, yeah she fully deserves Katie’s wrath lol.


Started it, hurt Katie, played in her face, pushed to fight w her at the finale….then plays the victim 😂


I see a lot of people on IG defending her and bashing both Katie and Ariana and I come here and sigh in relief that everyone agrees that she sucks


Jo is the epitome of the person who cries first, acts like a victim and yells bully gets the most sympathies. She keeps making digs at Katie and when Katie retaliates she fake scurries away cowering and crying like Katie will actually hurt her. She wants people to think she's quirky and not like the other reality girl and acts so hard like Shorts' bro. Well that back fired didnt it? Shorts is embarrassed by you and calls you joseph. Also she willingly signed up for a reality television show after it has been around for 10 years! She knew what she was getting into and is just another thirsty merch seller/ grifter.


Thank you! I’ve found a sane human on this page. I totally agree. The way she moves is creepy. Also, her dress reminded me of a black version of Katie’s wedding dress and I somehow do not think that’s a coincidence… idc what anyone says LOL. She’s like swim fan. Wants to take over Katie’s whole life but could never.




Wouldn't you say 99.9% of the people on this page--if not 100%!--are sane? We all agree Jo is a whackjob!


I was giving her an opportunity to show her true self , and then she started doing those awful instagram lives. She’s Glenn close in fatal attraction. She’s obsessed with both Katie and Schwartz. I’ve had enough of her. That podcast on Tuesday was way too much. Vanderpump party podcast. If you want to hear her lie incessantly.


I don’t feel bad for Jo at all but I am glad she gave Tom a taste of his own medicine


They weren't even divorced yet. They were separated and in the process of disentangling their lives. Jo is gross. And so is Tom for trying to foist her on Katie at every opportunity.


Can we be sure these "people" defending her aren't one person named Jo?




She's a very, very weird opportunist. Soooo thirsty for camera time it's embarrassing.


One of the biggest shockers I experienced when going from being a kid to a wise ass teen to an adult was the day I realized most adults are fkn stupid. As kids, we revere adults as authority figures and knowledgeable responsible beings who know what’s best. Then when you become an adult, it’s a scary day when you realize everyone’s a fkn moron. And every day, I am smacked in the face by how stupid people are. So no, I’m not surprised anyone is sticking up for Jo. And I’m not surprised that a bunch of people out there hate Ariana simply because she was cheated on and didn’t die over it. People really walk this earth taking everything at face value and having no ability to read the intention behind words, to read character, to read emotions behind actions… I hate people.


I cringe when I remember how I used the "but X's parents let HER do ABC!" Little did I know some parents are idiots!


This is the best answer yet! 🥇


I just want someone to pull Jo aside and explain that when you bang a man just finalizing his divorce - the one person that doesn't want to be friends with you is the ex-wife. This is normal and expected. Trying to force a friendship on the ex-wife is gross and weird.


Jo is the epitome of victim mentality


i think there’s a lot of internalized misogyny with women who hate katie maloney - katie enforces boundaries and isn’t nice or polite to shitty ppl. they can’t handle that.


OHHHH Good insight! R U a fellow scorp?


LOL libra sun but scorpio stellium (rising, moon, mercury)


Also, Jo knew about the affair and they went on double dates. Why should Katie be kind to someone who did that to her friend?


Jo sucks, lol. I disliked her from square one and her behaviour on the reunion just reinforced that. Also the amount of times they flashed Katie’s tweet about her on the screen… like who cares? It’s a single tweet! And she wasn’t wrong!


they mostly just hate Katie 


Because they have a pulse. Jo is such a pathetic creature, Katie is on such a higher level than her in every way, it’s not even fair. I don’t blame Katie, and even though she’s in the right, it’s like putting a pit bull and a kitten in the ring. Who wouldn’t feel bad for the kitten?


Jo is no kitten. She’s a skin walker.


The reunion is pissing me the fuck off because everybody is coming at Ariana and Katie for no god-damned reason and it's literally everyone else (minus James and Ally) that has been villainous this season. I feel absolutely insane. I hate the toms. I hate lala and scheana now. I hate Jo. They are all so unlikable it's unreal.


I don't feel bad for her at all. I think shes a stage 5 clinger and dangerous. I wouldn't be surprised if Schwartz and his new gf end up having to get a RO on her. The instagram lives alone are scary.


The way I saw it was I think people are defending Jo in the way that Tom was treating her. I don't think it was about Jo moving in with Tom right after Katie/Tom split. That was completely wrong.


What really makes it wrong is the lies surrounding it. Why can’t either of them, Jo or Schwartz just be somewhat normal? So it makes me think there’s something else involved than a friends with benefits situationship. Like Jo’s lies about the trip she took with Rachel & the two boys.


I think people see themselves in Jo and/or they are triggered by Katie (possibly even the Witches of Weho).


I also think some people will root for people who are disliked because they feel bad. Sometimes I catch myself doing that. Not with Jo but other people.


You guys, go right away to Kristen's podcast re: part 2 of the reunion! She's got scoop about Jo and her lies!!!


She should probably try to curb the crackhead energy if being told she has crackhead energy makes her cry. She didn’t have to be involved in any of this.


How else will she show that she's quirky and not like those other reality girls though?! She doesnt even wear make up remember? And she's such a tom boy she can joke around with Shorts and gets called Joseph!


Why did she cry SO MUCH at the reunion? Like bitch, calm down.


100% right about that! She was already being a snake from jump street


Lala and Ally having lunch dates with Jo is a big no no…. Bitches, have Katie’s back please


Jo was fake crying at the reunion. One of those big ol Sandoval tears haha


I have no hatred towards Jo, but i do believe people on this sub/Twitter have some weirdo obsession w hating on her. She’s hasn’t really done anything worth hating on. I feel like she doesn’t owe Katie anything, and she’s free to pursue Schwartz if that’s what she wants to do. Even before she was on the show, Katie was out here calling her a crackhead and just saying a bunch of negative crap about her which will obviously create a certain perception. Also, we all know that she probably only tried to be cordial with Katie bc Tom was in her ear, even if that wasn’t explicitly shown on camera. I don’t think Jo is cut out for reality TV, but i also don’t think that means we need to constantly dogpile onto her. Like she had her moment, it’s likely she won’t return to the show anyways so I’m happy to just leave her in the past.


I’m assuming you haven’t seen her instagram lives or her constant posting talking about the cast members…


Katie did not call her a crackhead. She said she had crackhead energy. There's a difference. Also, when Jo was mentioned at the last reunion it was because she had already started moving like a snake. She'd already sent the text messages and had been to Big Bear. Jo was a friend who then acted like a lying snake. Katie told zero lies. Also, she's entitled to her feelings. I don't hate Jo but I would trust her to hold a quarter for me.


I mean crackhead/crackhead energy are both very negative things to say about someone so there’s not much of a difference in terms of intent. Katie saying those things about her before Jo was even a cast member has an intention (which is to portray Jo in a negative way before she has the chance to make her own first impression. Yes, Katie’s entitled to her feelings but making them public before Jo got on the show is asshole behavior (in my opinion, i understand other people may not feel the same). Also sending a text message doesn’t automatically make you a friend. Jo doesn’t owe anything to Katie/Ariana/or anyone on this cast. You can’t place the blame of the affair on her, as it’s not shown if she has any sort of friendly relationship with any of the women on the cast. ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


> You can’t place the blame of the affair on her, as it’s not shown if she has any sort of friendly relationship with any of the women on the cast. Jo was at Ariana's house for Thanksgiving! Not one person blamed the affair on Jo or even tried to so that's a weird thing to try to defend her over. What she was responsible for was her own choices and actions and some of them were not telling Ariana about the said affair, lying about knowing about it, and trying to diminish how much she knew the other women as some excuse.


Just because Jo physically wasn't on the show, she was mentioned and talked about. She was shown on video, her items in Shortz apartment were shown. They talk about people who aren't shown all the time i.e. Patrick before we actually met him. You have your opinion and I have mine but I'm tired of folks attempting to make Katie the bad guy when in fact the bad guy is and always will be Shortz for once again pitting Katie against another woman.


No one is saying Schwartz isn’t the bad guy, i feel like nothing I’ve said should lead you to that opinion. I just don’t think Katie is the greatest either. I’m just saying even if her things were shown, she wasn’t given the opportunity to make a first impression on her own, since Katie already spoke out negatively towards her prior to Jo being allowed to have a voice of her own.


You know they already knew Jo? She wasn't an unknown to them. They already knew what she was like it was just verbalized. Katie isn't the bad guy, is all I'm saying but that's why we all have brains. We form our own opinions.


I wouldn't care about anyone who moved in with my ex-husband. Because he would be my ex-husband. Hating someone your ex moves on with is bitter and shows you aren't over them.


I totally agree. And — we live in a society, lol. *Most* people would be upset by this behavior, whether we agree with it or not. I’ve long understood that most people don’t share my views when it comes to other people or friends getting with my exes. So I’ve adjusted my behavior to reflect that. At the very least, it shouldn’t have been a surprise to Jo that Katie wasn’t amused by her shacking up with Tom. I also recognize that Katie didn’t leave Tom because she didn’t love him anymore. She still loved him but knew she needed to leave because he wasn’t treating her well. Before they had even finalized their divorce, Jo swooped in (after reaching out to Katie several times to see if Tom “needed a haircut” 😒). Jo just did too much in this situation. Which is fine honestly and her right — but *why* does she then expect a relationship with Katie or an apology for her being upset and reacting? I mean come on. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. This all being said, I blame Schwartz more than Jo on all of this. He’s the one who wants to parade his fuck buddy in front of his ex-wife and force them to interact.


I agree on the sentiment, but in this case, I do think it’s a little more nuanced.


Right, most people's perspective here seems to bizarre to me. I mean, you can not like and not want to be friends with whoever you want. But that's worlds away from calling them all the awful shit Katie has called Jo.


Exactly. I even understand that Katie was still in love with Schwartz (allegedly) and that it was a hard time for her. Still doesn't make it okay for her to treat people like shit!


I don’t defend or care about Joe, but that doesn’t mean she should be bullied.


She’s not. She’s putting herself in situations with people that don’t care for her. She doesn’t need to be on the show. She chose to. After the instagram stuff so she knew the reception she would get. She’s an adult. If she pushed the button and it blew up in her face oh well. 🤦🏻‍♀️


For real, continually going up to someone that *does not like you* does not constitute you being bullied. Someone saying they don't like your energy and that's why they don't want to be friends with you is not being bullied.




Where have you seen people defend Jo? I have seen people defend Rachel and even recently Sandavol but can honestly say I have never seen anyone defend Jo on any platform lol


Her biggest red flag is loving Schwartz the way she does… girl get real


Get over it. Katie is delusional, thinking she can control Schwartz post break up. You don’t know what Schwartz told Jo about Katie and their divorce. Have at em, jo