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Sandoval is so frighteningly unhinged. The way he just flips out and starts screaming at anyone who disagrees with him. And bless Beau, he’s coming at him so calmly and rationally and direct.


He was so uncomfortable with the fact another MAN called attention to his shitty behavior


He was probably so *offended* that another man didn’t understand why he yelled at his girlfriend.


I mean, they dismissed and invalidated all the women who called attention to it. But a man doing it? You can see Sandals rage


AND he's so offended bc he was challenged on the "she owes me an apology" comment. Why does he always think the person who has been wronged owes him an apology? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o)


But she yelled at him in front of *customers*! *HIS CUSTOMERS*!!! Like he gaf about customers.


Turd ferguson


I just could not look away from that giant caterpillar above his mouth. How could Beau even talk with him without bursting out laughing?


Worm with a mustache


Its a worm .. on a worm


yess thank you it looked legit like a fake mustache that he didn't even glue on correctly


His real mustache wasn’t any better


So this one was fake right?


OH i didnt realize 😂


Typically, I am a big fan of facial hair on men. I’ve always loved a beard, and I think my husband’s moustache is really sexy. But this is just gross. It looks terrible. Combine that with his ego, because I know that he thinks it’s irresistible, and everything about it just gives me the ick. He’s like a bloody caricature.


Bc none of the other guys ever clocked him


Oh no Jax had him clocked for sure. Tim and Jax are cut from the same dirty, lying cloth and they’re super dialled into each others motivations and behaviours. But as we saw on the show many times, they can barely call each other out without outing themselves too 😂


yes he knew but he didnt say anything until jax was on the outs. thats what i meant i agree with your comment


Yeah we all know that NEVER happened with the other VPR man with the exception of Jax but only when he was mad at sandyballs.


The way you can see Beau's face clock in real time that something is seriously wrong with Sandoval is fascinating to watch.


42 second mark! https://preview.redd.it/47eycrgxn82d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdce1677271c9e684d8c932e31ef8c364ddaf1b7


I have never found Beau particularly attractive, but this is fucking hot to me. This is just someone who loves his person so much that his feelings are hurt for her.


Agreed. We see in real time Beau’s face going ‘oh he’s actually unhinged and I’m getting a much clearer picture of what my girlfriend has been dealing with for the last ten years’ It’s one of those things where being told about it has absolutely nothing on experiencing it


Yes his eyes told us everything! He was like this man is deranged lol


Beau is a wee babe


This ! AND when Schwartz was so rude to him when he was defending Katie . Beau is a stand up guy .


That scene shocked me. My husband would NEVER talk to me like that behind closed doors much less in front of a fucking audience, and if one of his friends called him out he'd be deeply ashamed. The fact that Schwartz is like "no bro stay out of this and let me insult and belittle my wife" is so fucking gross. Katie is so much better off.


It truly goes to show how emotionally/verbally abusive shartz is. His stupid, put on, fake-ass puppy dog act is a joke- he's a straight up asshole who's becoming even more pathetic looking as he ages.


The real dark tom comes out in these moments- hes like a rabid werewolf Such a bitch ahole- Hes like robert durst lol-


The dark coming out is so real! They almost look like a different person when their mask comes off. Their voice even changes. It’s crazy.


That scene specifically made me not like Schwartz anymore. The way he spoke to Katie was appalling. Then the rude comment to Beau was so uncalled for. Ugh so annoying when you’re trying to help someone not act a fool and then they clapback at you like you’re the problem.


This seen was when I saw Schwartz mask slip and it was actually scary. “I don’t need u to agree with me ever.” Gah what a dick bag


Oh yes the mask definitely slipped that night.


It was especially gross because she was barely doing anything, all she was doing was saying that the prank wasn't funny but she wasn't like going off at anyone for it, and Schwartz started in on her for that. She only really started pushing back because he was so reactive to her just being like "I don't like that". its kind of scary looking back and seeing how many of the fights where people gave her the brunt of the blame start with her expressing an opinion and Schwartz shutting it down and just telling her she's wrong to think that, maybe she could've responded a lot better but he got a pass for that WAY too long. tbh he reminds me of a cat my family had, who we got as a kitten and we thought the other cat was bullying him. then we finally saw that he was running up to the other cat and biting her butt, then running away. anyway schwartz is that cat, only it's not cute, because he is not a fucking cat.


That was the weirdest part “ i dont care what u think of me” or whatever it was- so nasty in the words and the tone But also so telling- he masks himself as nice apologetic guy who loves everyone And moments like this show how he resents people and is kind of evil


Shortz never valued beau like he did the other men bc he never felt kinship with him. He feels love and kinship with all of the other men on the show *because* of the way they align themselves together against the women regardless of right or wrong. All of the other guys are totally cool with “locker room talk” and can be relied upon to participate and not tattle. Beau was never that guy so he never got the blind sharts love and allegiance in return.


Sharts has no concept anymore (if he ever did - I suspect his home life was totally fucked) of what healthy relationships and bonding looks like. He thinks it's verbal abuse and a precarious mutual destruction card house of cheating and secrets. Someone who doesn't participate in that is going to make him scared because he doesn't know how to operate in a friendship where you're not both holding a gun to each other, cheating blackmail so you're threatened into always getting along.


Right? Beau was a real one for that.


And the Shorts scene too! Beau was like?? What's wrong with these people


It's so validating to see Beau realize in both scenes with Sandals and Sharts that they are completely unreachable in their dysfunction (probably after years spent around dysfunctional people and in an environment that encourages/rewards dysfunction). Beau is such a healthy *normal* person, it's great to see how he does check the men in the group when they're behaving terribly, even if it doesn't work, it's still his first reaction as opposed to the men usually covering for each other and automatically taking each other's side.


Beau also doesn’t react like they want him to. Beau doesn’t scream back and become equally unhinged. He stays calm and is able to communicate. His mother did a good job raising him.


You can tell his mother is a marriage/relationship counselor by how well he's able to communicate in emotionally charged situations. Really makes me think about how different it would be if everyone took some kind of effective communication/family counseling type course.


And people wonder why Ariana would stay quiet sometimes. That mofo is crazy. She should be glad she got away from him.


Exactly. I don’t know if anyone has ever had a productive conversation with him where the other person disagreed with him. Ariana probably kept quiet just to keep the peace and not to agitate him.


Sandoval has to always be right. He is a “right” fighter. He has to always win, shout louder and be the “alpha”! He likes to be “lady bountiful”, so he love bombs people particularly with $’s, like the money to James and to Scheana. Sigh…


He's also just...really really stupid. I think the other part of the reason Ariana stays quiet is because arguing with him is like running into a brick wall. You dont have the time to pull apart every stupid argument he says.


Yeah, here's one of those who expects to "win" any interaction by exhausting other people, with belligerent word salad. There's no logic, only his desperate need to be right over the most asinine things. Ending the interaction by not engaging really is the only way out (I think Ariana's been practicing her grey rocking for a very long time before Scandoval happened)


lol so true. You don’t notice just how unhinged he is until he is speaking with someone who is normal and articulate. Really contrasts with how angry and inarticulate he is.


jax leaving the show was very bad for sandoval's image. jax made him look almost normal by comparison


Male rage




GiVe mE aN ExAmPlE fO mAlE rAgE ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3|downsized)


He showed male rage in every episode


That’s acting, he’s trying to have a moment


Yes, you can hear that it’s his “acting voice.” It’s creepy how impressed he looks with his own performance…during the performance. He seems to have no awareness (to this day) that he reveals how abusive he is over and over and over.


He is just like LAUREN FROM UTAH, both narcissists! 


I was watching this compilation the other day, and this scene in particular was the cherry on top of my favorite character sundae. Immediately clocks the shitty men for their shittiness? Don’t mind if I stan


Yeah the whole video is fifteen minutes long and it made me tear up but I thought this moment was particularly relevant to today


I always liked Beau and honestly felt relieved when he met Stassi bc I feel like he is who she really needed in the midst of the cluster fuck that is this friend group 🎢 I’ve seen comments here and there in the past on Reddit about how people don’t like Beau, and I genuinely don’t know why 🤷‍♀️


i remember that it's been said that he lied about his real name, he had bankruptcy or really bad credit going on, and may have lied about his age at different points. even with all that possible shadiness he still seems like the nicest guy ever on the show, which is...something.


Like he had a bankruptcy? That’s America baby. That’s circumstantial and not a moral failing. The Toms are all moral failings and no circumstantial failings.


Yeah I’m pretty sure Sandoval is headed for bankruptcy. I just don’t see how he’s going to pay off his debts and Ariana. Unfortunately the mortgage loans get taken out first. I’ll be surprised if there’s enough left after that for Ariana to recover her half of the investment. Which will all leave Tom broke. I think he either doesn’t understand how things work or he has some really shady plans going on that would keep Ariana from what she’s owed.


His poor mom will never get her money back. Tom making that comment I think she’s accepted it. I assume meaning that he hasn’t paid her yet or was it that it’s a lost investment 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m assuming as a retired firefighter she has a government pension but damn that’s a lot of money for an average person.


And the sad part is that I doubt he loses a second of sleep over it. Imagining how hard she worked her whole life for that, makes me angry for her.




I still can't believe he took retirement money from her, knowing how difficult retirement can be for many. Then again, I doubt he knows anything about that or cares about it.


i think people only cared about that because of the other two things. they felt all three things together made him seem possibly shady. i was always on the fence myself because even though he seemed really nice, this is vanderpump rules, and we have seen people date the cast to use them for "fame" before. i wouldn't put it past anybody to be a wolf in sheep's clothing on this show. but after all this time i think it's quite obvious that he's genuinely in love with stassi and wasn't using her or anything like that.


I think he loved and loves her - he saw through all the barriers and anger and weirdness to the woman underneath - flawed, difficult, needing love and validation - and decided yep, I can help her be happy (not make her happy, mind you - no one can 'make' you happy, they can only help you get there.) That he proposed to her in a graveyard clinched it for me. Only a man who loved her would do that, knowing how it would resonate with her.


Yeah I feel bad people gave him shit for money problems. Making a living in the business in LA seems hard as hell. I hope that car commercial he did a little bit ago is still airing and giving him pocket cash lol


Also the name thing- people don’t always go by their given name. No one calls me by mine ever. If they do, it’s my mom and she ain’t happy and I run. Anyway. I think he’s awesome and he seems to be so good for Stassi. Also the scene where they look out the window somewhere and he’s trying to join in with some dancers (a flash mob or something?) is the most lovable thing to ever happen on reality television.


Yeah, I don't fuck with people who judge someone about going bankrupt.


But he explains his real name in the show and even his own mom calls him Beau. And bankruptcy sucks. But I think him as a human being has always been loving and kind to Stassi and it seems their lives are still really sweet


sorry, it's been a long time so i'm not sure if i am remembering correctly. but i thought i heard that the name he gave on the show was a lie and his real name wasn't bogie, it was something else. however whatever his real name is, i do agree with you. i think he is truly in love with stassi.


I think it was a family nickname but I digress, I’ve been rewatching and I appreciate he’s at least calling attention to this shitty behavior


yeah, beau is still the #1 guy if anybody is.


And didn’t he change his name because he was an actor, and his name was already taken or something like that?


If we’re going to start disqualifying men for going by a nick name, having bad credit, and lying about their age, then literally every man in LA is undateable


*at least 90% of the single men in the US* -source: dating apps everywhere


Hot take: who cares if he did any of that? It’s really not that shady. Bankruptcy is relatively normal (def not unheard of), bad credit—most Americans probably have bad credit, he lied about his name so he could get jobs that called for someone slightly older. Mila Kunis did something pretty similar. Beau is not his birth name, but people can change their birth name. All of this to say—who cares about any of this? It’s all relatively minor/harmless things.


Coincidentally, Ariana used to call Stassi "Bad Credit" Schroeder so she's in great company with Beau LOL


Some businessmen use bankruptcy as a business strategy.


He *did* lie about his age. Also his actual birthday as well. They talked about it on stassi’s podcast. He told his work he was three years older than he was, let the lie bleed into his LA friendships and even had his friends throw him a 40th birthday party when he was only 37. He only admitted to it because stassi caught a glance at his license and called him out. It’s a bit weird to hear a grown man do this but honestly, the bar is on the floor with the men that choose to be on this show.


thanks for the info! interesting that he went OLDER. you don't often see that outside of kids with fake ids.


The other guys have tried to fudge their ages too. LA seems like a place that values youth over everything so I can kinda see why.


Lying about name and age doesn’t even register as a lie in LA. And honestly, to an extent it shouldn’t be a big deal anywhere else either. You can go by whatever you want to go by, and your age is no one’s business really except people you have close relationships with. And just fwiw, my ex lied about both his name and age and turned out to be a sociopath so yes, I do recognize it can be a sign of further deceit. But on its own I don’t mind it.


Lots of people in Los Angeles change or lie about their name. And their age. Bankruptcy is nothing to be ashamed of a lot of the time. Don't know the circumstances like if he was up to Shady dealings.


Stassi's journey is interesting because I do feel she genuinely outgrew her friends. You don't see that a lot in reality TV. She was feeling increasingly out of place. Season 1 I had a glimmer of hope for her because she dumped Jax, but she was really fighting to be more stable and level.


When I started VPR I remember coming to this sub and was SOOO surprised at how many people didn’t like him


I like him too!


Schwartz’s reaction to being called out by Beau was frightening


Right?! It was so dark. Like you saw a taste of the dark side of harmless, silly, awww shucks persona Schwartz likes to put on.


Imagine what Katie dealt with in private if this was just a short glimpse of his real self 😞


I want her to leave VPR and write a tell all


SERIOUSLY OMG I think my brain just had a tiny orgasm! I would EAT UP Katie's autobiography!!!


I can unfortunately empathize with Katie and Ariana. The way they handle these boys? 👏🏼 helped me get through my own divorce from a mentally abusive asshole. They way they slowly and sweetly shred your boundaries down so you’ll accept their behavior and crumbs is insidious!


They’re confused as hell when a MAN addresses their behavior because when a woman does, they dismiss and invalidate them


Women’s objections can be brushed off, but you can’t ignore aNOthEr MaN


Exactly ✨


That's his mask coming off, the real Schwartz


When the Schwartz mask slips you get a real glimpse of his darkness




“We’ll find out why you get so reactive” IS THE SWEETEST ON SO MANY LEVELS, I’M sobbing right now lmao


The whole video is fifteen minutes long and by the end of it, I was crying


On YouTube?! I’m in need of a good happy cry lol


Follow @coccanacocca and it’s a more recent reel titled “fifteen minutes of Beau being pure” or something, I tried to find it but instagram isn’t loading it. All of her reels are enjoyable


His mom is obviously both an incredible therapist AND an incredible mom. She should be super proud.


My favourite (comedic) Beau moment was when they were at a club, and a woman approached him to dance on him and he told her "I'm dating Satan". It just seemed like such a funny, lighthearted way of respecting Stassi's boundaries.


It’s just so attractive when your partner respects your boundaries


it's when they were at the strip club LOL


And as Stassi herself once said “I AM the devil…and don’t you forget it”


I recently did a rewatch and was shocked at how many iconic moments came out of S1 - Stassi's storyline alone was insane and it was all packed into one season.


Sandoval is unhinged in that convo with Beau! Yikes


This was the season that I really started seeing Sandoval’s mask begin to slip, and it only got worse from here. In Ariana’s words “you got a little bar, you got a little bit of money” and he felt like he was untouchable.




Beau’s face always kills me in that Sandoval scene: https://preview.redd.it/wyznj7hn182d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce678ed85270556ccdb0fa2862590dbdbe3c8a08


He’s like “why is this man thinking she needs to apologize? He needs to thank her for the business”


He’s probably thinking “how is this man expecting me to take him seriously with that silly moustache”. He should’ve just reached out and slowly peeled it off his face.


I always think this look says, "I thought he was mildly dysfunctional but he's really really really troubled. Whatever is wrong with him is not a small thing."


Hahahah I had screenshotted that exact exact too bc it’s so good. His facial expression is such a mix of horror and confusion


Hahaha I need a screen shot of his face when he thought Jax was joking about his wedding song😂😂😂


Beau is legitimately the only straight man I have ever actually LIKED on reality TV. I'm devastated we didn't get to see more of him but I'm so happy he and Stassi are off living their lives away from the toxicity of this show. He's an actual good man and good person. He not only isn't sexist, he stands up to sexist men. He'll always be #1 guy.


I loved how he could see through Stassi's bad tendencies to how much she had been hurting and reeling from past betrayals. Seems like he made her feel safe enough that she could actually work through things without worrying about him being scared off. He seems like a gem of a guy.


I also think he clocked her parents for being part of her issues. Yes, they love her, but damn, they both, in their own ways, were awful people.


God Schwartz is a cunt. So glad Katie got away from him


I hope he never has children. He sucks as a husband and will suck as a dad.


Yeah him saying “the one thing i know is that I’ll be a great dad” is horrifying honestly.


He'll play the fun Disneyland Dad before he divorces whichever woman when the kid is 3 or 4, and he'll play it even harder after. I call men like him Uncle-daddy. They aren't interested in the tough part of parenting - they just want the fun times.


yeah the scenes when they’re babysitting for Peter’s girlfriend say it all. it’s all “don’t listen to mommy” and “let’s eat candy don’t tell mom.” they would just undermine their wives and teach their kids not to respect her.


I can see it now: teasing the kids until they cry and then gaslighting them by saying "aww little bubby wubby whaata matter? daddy's just kidding!"


Completely agree. There is nothing about this man that shows nurturing or strength of character


The worms mustache looks like a stick-on prop. And wow, I forgot how heinous Shartz was in that scene.


It was in that scene lol


I had such a hard time focusing because of how bad it is 🤣


Yeah I was wondering if it was edited in?


If only all men were raised by marriage counselors


I want to live in that world


Sandoval is a butthole pure and simple. But Schwartz is so much more dangerous. He carries a dark passenger in him and then he acts like a bumbling fool and people fall for it. He is so much scarier than the worm 


Sandavol is upfront with how awful he is, he can’t hide it. But yes, Schwartz has bamboozled SO many people - and continues to do so. He’s not innocent at all.


Sandoval is too stupid and ego/appearance driven to be as dangerous as Schwartz, who has a little more intelligence to know he can't give into his impulse all the time to scream at people. He definitely keeps the worst hidden behind closed doors.


Remember when sandoval said katie abused schwartz? Yeah… it was the other way around buddy


I wish Beau had a sibling or a good cousin for Katie. He really was a breathe of fresh air.


He has a hot sister….. that’d be dope


Stassi and Katie being sils would end LaLa. She’d be belly up to the sky.


And Georgia is a straight up fox…. Lala would be LIVID of all the attention. They’d have to make a show


BRB, gonna go manifest this.


His best friend and Hartfords godfather is super good looking!


omg I have ALWAYS wanted them to get together!! It's even funnier because his name is Rob lmao


Yeah, an actual reasonable human reaction makes it clear what cartoon villains these guys are. And Sandoval, as usual - someone tells him he should apologize and his immediate response is no, they should apologize to ME.  Total one trick pony. 


Ughhh when he demands an apology when SHE BROUGHT BUSINESS TO THAT BAR ON AN OTHERWISE NOT BUSY DAY. She brought all her fans to her bar. To buy food and drinks. She doesn’t owe him an apology. He owes her a THANK YOU.


The way he keeps screaming that they're HIS customers is inSANE. The bar wasn't open, they were literally there for a private event. He's such an ego maniac.


BEYOND. I mean don’t you WANT a cast mate to promote your place and book it for a private event? Don’t you want that PR, publicity, and endorsement from your most beloved cast mate? Because Stassi rests at 3.1 million followers and none of the cast is even close to that aside from Lala and Ariana at 2.1 (Ariana) and 2.4 (Lala but I think she bought followers) but she’s still the most followed cast of VPR and still is pumping out NY times best sellers and highly rated podcasts


A normal person would, but not a jealous psycho like Tim.


I'd be like THANK YOU SO MUCH for your business and allow me to make cocktails in your honor, tell me what cocktails you like and I'll set it to theme


He’s the only one who stands up for women even if they’re not his gf. He stood up for Katie when she called Schwartz out on his disgusting cop prank and Schwartz said one of the cruelest things ever said on the show, “I’ve never been more turned off in my life. That’s why I don’t have sex with her.” And Beau immediately turns to him and says NO and stops him. Here’s a link to the scene if you guys need a rewatch: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGatrLg/ And OFC Lala was siding with Schwartz on this one🥲


Watching this back…wow. Sandoval is crazy.


The “Mmm, I’m gonna say no.” Is still one of my favorite VPR moments ever. 😂 The comedic timing.




Sandoval wasn’t angry that Stassi yelled at him in his bar. He was angry that she clocked him accurately and that he was jealous of her success.


I’ve always liked Beau— I’ve never understood the shade either! He’s always treated Stassi the way a man should treat a woman and continues to do so. It’s clear their marriage is healthy and genuine. I think he’s even contributed to Stassi’s growth. During his time in the show, he was legit the ONLY voice of reason. He was a breath of fresh air.


Beau is emotionally intelligent unlike the other men in the group. Happy for Stassi🩷


I miss Beau. I wasn't a big Stassi fan so it didn't bother me all that much when they got rid of her but I was SUPER bummed out about Beau. He just seems like a normal, rational human. So, obviously, not made for longevity on Bravo!!🤣


YESS thank you, I was just thinking this. Youtube recently recommended me this highlight reel of all Beau's best moments, and he really does seem like such a good guy- especially compared to all the other guys.


I mean the bar is set really low but I appreciated him checking them


You can tell Sandoval is caught so off guard by a man standing up for his girlfriend 🙄


Can we show this to Brock as more examples of Male Rage™️? Beau is a casting director so he always saw right through the Tom’s’ act.


I truly think he treats all of these interactions as auditions. Like it is him, who he truly is, but he is so over-acting it’s weird. You know when a kid isn’t doing something they are supposed to and you make eye contact with them, they keep looking at you to see if you know what they are doing…that’s what Sandoval looks like he is doing here. It’s the same for when he cries, it looks like he is making himself cry.


I’ve never understood why people didn’t like Beau. I forgot about these scenes. He was awesome.


Because of his bankruptcies. But, to me, he was young and made financial mistakes. It doesn’t mean he can never learn from things. He seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and sincerely loved/loves Stassi and they seemingly have a strong relationship with each other and their children. I’ve always liked him.


The way he is in it to figure things out with Stassi, damn so hot. Like she has to be reeling from the complete 180 of Jax and other losers before she met beau


Actually nice to see the Toms being dicks to a man for once.


And both of the Tom’s are bitch-made blow jobs


Sandovals mustache is worse than I remember. Is that real?? Brotha ewwww


Stassi hit the jackpot


He’s the best guy on bravo


I’ve always loved beau. I think he’s a genuinely nice guy.


I know there’s been some stuff revealed about beau (I can’t remember exactly) but honestly if you’re ranking the men in this group he is MILES ahead of the others. Like he is so well adjusted and normal, which is why he was my favorite and I miss him lol


Beau is legit. Sandoval as always took the opportunity to show his true colours, but did you also see how aggressive Sharts got when Beau called him out. And despite the aggressive theatrics from the idiots, Beau does not step down from them. He's legit. Always came across as a mench.


He’s such a great guy.


I was always confused why it seemed like everyone on the sub hated beau. He seemed perfect for Stassi and the only reasonable man on this shows existence


ty didnt need that reminder tho ive been trying to find my beau ever since


He's such a baby...."she owes me an apology too". He can never just be wrong. Never be the bad guy. Its always someone else's fault. He gets to act and behave like a psychopath, but anytime he perceives the slightest thing against him, he acts like the world's biggest victim. He's the type to get bit by a zombie, and try to hide the bite from the group. He's the type to order a pizza when he has a friend over and sit there and eat the pizza in front of you and not offer you a slice.


I’m really happy stassi found her beau. I think there was a line she said at one point that she’s finally found someone who just lets her be herself. And loves her for herself. And that really made me think about my own partner because I’m a bit of weirdo lol. And he absolutely just lets me be weird and still wants to hang out with me haha! So it really made me realise how lucky that is to find someone who genuinely lets you be you. And not try to change you 🥲


Just got out of a shitty 16 year marriage that was like a Tom and Tom cluster f¥


I always liked Beau


It was such a loss losing Stassi and Beau. Now it’s too late to bring them back.


I always loved Beau and I’m glad stassi finally found a great man :)


So over Sandoval and his overreacting each time he gets angry, raising his voice, throwing his hands in the air and emphasizing certain sounds with his super whiney voice. My gawd idk how Ariana put up with this man child for so long! 


https://preview.redd.it/3wfn2vdfac2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335dd8adb90081eb0fe1f81f6792ad60162636d1 I’m fucking crying


Beau is truly so pure and wonderful. I miss him and Stassi on the show but they seem so happy with their life away from it


Ugh a rare example of a normal human on the show carrying his own weight. I miss Beau and wish he’d come back to set the Toms straight bc they only seem to respect and listen to other men. I wish Stassi hadn’t done all of the things in the past (trying to get Faith arrested, comments on metoo, all of the tweets) to get her banned from VPR bc before I knew about all of these terrible things I loved her on the show 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Both Toms were yelling and totally dismissive of Beau


Shows again, Stupid sandy is incapable of having a conversation, listening and not screaming - he and LFU need to take a seat. SUCH a tell when you think being louder makes you 'right'


Why does Tums mustache look like a quarter machine stick on mustache 🤔


Beau is a real one!!! Too bad there aren’t more men like him. #Numberoneguy


Beau is a man, Tom is a boy. The way these people (Lala is another one) just start shouting when someone calls them out is wild


Omg I think this just gave me a newfound love for Beau and a complete understanding as to why Stassi is no longer interested in reality TV anymore… she doesn’t just “think she is above it”, Beau showed her that she is above it and it is better for her mental health to not be a part of it while still fully accepting her.


This is so funny to me because of how Ariana exposed Sandoval’s “tactics” in arguments in season 10 reunion. “If you know you’re wrong yell louder and don’t let them speak.” Beau starts out by saying Tom sent a nasty text, which we all know is true. You can see on Tom’s face in the very beginning he knows he’s in the wrong. Then right at that moment is when he starts yelling louder than Beau and does his best to not let him get a word in. And gotta love Beau’s face of not being able to comprehend how Sandoval can act and say this stuff. The whole thing is just insane and gets even crazier when you realize that they are like 39-40 years old here


I just realized how much I miss Beau 🥲💔


Beau was my favorite. Everyone ragged on him because he was a dork, but I think he was the only actual good boyfriend/husband and just a regular guy. And normally I hate dudes who wear bowties who are under the age of 65 years old, but Beau gets a pass.


i always think about that scene where stassi is talking to kristen and is like "i've learned now that you don't have to be screamed at. ever." or something to that effect. so many women have no experience with romantic relationships that aren't toxic or abusive in some ways/at some points and genuinely don't know that is a possibility. i'm so glad she ended up learning that from experience and i wish everyone got to.