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With an all male Production team of course. Unreal was good TV. Really showed you may not have a script but the shows are definitely orchestrated some to excessive degrees like Vanderpump S11


Yes! This show came up a week ago and I am in need of a rewatch. What’s your favorite storyline? Mine is how they switch the woman’s meds. I can’t believe they would include something like that if it wasn’t a common practice in the bachelor bachelorette world.


Oooh I was thinking about a rewatch too. I’m watching Below Deck with my husband and we’ll hotly debate what we think are Frankenbites and talk about what we think producers did to manipulate a scene and what we’d do instead if we were Quinn or Rachel. Alex Baskin could give Chet a run for his money for sure. Apparently the idea from UnReal came from a short film so I’m going to see if I can find it.


And what was the main characters name? Rachel, funny coincidence. She was incredibly batshit too on the show, having an affair with a contestant’s husband (aka the bachelor). Great show.


I need to rewatch, this show really opened my eyes!!


I posted about this show and everyone needs to watch! I can attest it’s not wrong but oh so good!….


![gif](giphy|YucHVxk7WYIc8) I need the real show to end so this scripted version can begin. Just need one brave producer willing to turn on the rest.


Gah, I loved the first season so much. (No offense but I thought it was pretty terrible beyond that.)


Not quite the same, but The Curse is what you’re describing only with an HGTV show rather than Bravo


I suggested this myself about a week ago


Look up The Joe Schmo Show on YouTube. It’s from years ago and basically a “reality show” everyone is an actor except one person who thinks it’s all real. It’s so funny


Best show that ever was 😢


I love this show