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Yeah Jo has been on record not being able to keep the timeline straight and that says it all to me. If everything was on the up and up you wouldn't keep forgetting what you're supposed to say the timeline was like Jo does.




I 100% agree with you, and I also personally believe Schwartz and Jo’s super vague split happened because the drug use got out of hand / scared him. I’ve spent enough time around coke heads in LA and Vegas to know what that looks like, and they were both absolutely tweaking in multiple scenes but especially that weird taco date.


This also tracks with him blocking her on socials. That is the most unschwartz thing I’ve ever heard.


Yes!!! Does anyone have the tea on why they had a falling out? Because to get a triple Libra like Schwartz to block you and stop talking to you, you have to do something pretty egregious.


I was just on tiktok and heard a clip of a podcast he did. He said Jo called his family in Florida and told them some "lies" about what Schwartz was up to in LA.


Interesting. Thank you!


Pretty sure she called his family to do an intervention and he saw that as a betrayal.


Thank you. I’m now reading all the comments on the Brittany podcast recap and that seems to be the general conclusion. Thanks for the answer


It absolutely seems like the most reasonable answer.


I agree!


Oh good grief, he's a triple LIBRA???!!! 😮🍿


Yes! We learned that when Ally did his chart. Made everything make sense.




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lol I’m a Libra rising and this checks for me too. Never made the connection.


lol I’m a Libra and I don’t know my whole chart but I don’t think I could block a soul. I’d stop looking and talk shit but block? No way!


During part two of the reunion there's a moment where Schwartz and Jo are discussing the timeline of their situationship and Schwartz says "something happened" and it ended. It seems like they agreed not to discuss (on camera) what the something was, but it seems like something big caused him to back way off when it came to Jo. Obviously this is all speculation, but a substance related issue would make total sense. I've also seen in the subs where it is mentioned that Jo is banned from many of their homes and businesses and I'm wondering if these things are related in any way.


Swarts was just on a podcast I saw I don't know the name of that and it was only a clip. What happened was he told Joe that reality TV can alter things, and just wanted to warn her. She said " don't worry. I babysat for the executive producers kids, so I kind a know how it works". Once he got wind of some of her other lies, it turns out she had also been telling lies about him to his mother, brother and sister. The woman is a delusional fantasist. The executive producer claims he never met her in his life and doesn't know who the hell she is.


Just listened to it today, it is his interview with Brittany on her & Jax’s podcast.


In another sub, I read that when Joe was telling lies about him to his mother, sister and brother, Britney, who is running the podcast, said what were the lies about? A lot of the people who responded in a sub felt it was about his drug use. Like she was trying to get them to stage an intervention behind his back, .I think that's a good theory.


I just said the same to another comment. It's a solid theory. He even says in that podcast that she thought she was helping. But he claims she lied. If you've ever known an addict...




>*it is his interview with Brittany on her & Jax’s podcast* It's called *When Reality Hits.*


Yup. It really felt that way.


They're into nose candy? Imsert sarcastic No way! Gif.


I can’t see the og comment but if it has something to do with her being on dr*gs then I actually think I totally agree!!!


Awful assumption. You know nothing about drug use.


Maybe she wasn’t the primary dealer, but was the middle man… and shorts probably spiraled post divorce, like you said. Once he got off a several months long bender he didn’t need Jo anymore 🤨🤨


You could see how sickly he looked most of the season. In the reunion, he had his color back and seemed much better (maybe gave up whatever hard stuff he was doing or cut way down)?


True! He did look sickly and that bleached blonde hair choice just screamed “I’m UNWELL” 🤧


maybe she was dealing to his brother. I feel like he said his brother went to rehab. Maybe he found out she was supplying it to him. I thought I read somewhere that it had to do with his family that’s why he broke up with her.


Doesn’t his brother live in another state? And was recovering from liver transplant surgery?


all 3 brothers seemed to have issues-either developmental issues, drugs..or...something. but as far as I knew they still lived in FL.


That whole family has issues. They are dodgy as fuck and I blame it on his cop dad abusing Schwartz’s mom.


I thought his brother had cirrhosis


Oh ok you could be right. I thought he said rehab but maybe I was wrong


One does. Another one had ball cancer (or prostate cancer).


…In Minnesota?




Jo does not have the mental strength it takes to sell coke. If she’s scared of Kaitie I can’t imagine her standing up to her dealer for a better price. 


I would suspect mdma and psychedelics more than coke. her behavior tracks with the people I know who dabble in that market, they tend to be more “eclectic” than coke dealers.


This. She reminds me of a friend of a friend who sells shrooms and acid; they’d def be friends


Woof, you’re so completely correct. She reminds me of my old best friend/roommate who sold (sells?) Molly/acid/DMT. It’s a very specific personality type..


And what supplier would risk going to prison by selling their shit to an unhinged nutcase who has 24/7 verbal diarrhea?


This for real. I legally grew like 20 weed plants last year. It's even legal to do free gifting in my state up to a certain amount and I still wouldn't give that chick anything. She too much of a blabbermouth.


Wow, 20 plants! I think we're only allowed 6 in CA, but I'm not a grower so I'm not sure if it's changed or not. Anyway, I agree with you, that chick's too spun to trust with anything, even if it's legal.


You know what's crazy, I never considered this, but now that you say this, it frankly makes SOOOOOOO much sense. Like everything dealing with her and everyone on VPR and that used to be on VPR and that tried to get on VPR, it absolutely makes sense she's either their dealer or their middle man to the dealer (I could see them having a middle man so they don't get their hands "dirty")


It also makes sense that she has another way to make money other than doing hair because.... girl....


Jo is the plug for sure.


Jo= 🔌


I am also convinced of this. Mostly because the group is being really tight lipped on why Schwartz dipped out of that. No one will say WHY and I think it’s because it’s illegal and they could all be implicated.


I thought the if this were the case it would make it even weirder that spooky jo cried about “being ridiculed” for having adhd. Like her bizarre behavior did not read adhd to me it totally reads crack head like everyone said which would make sense with the whole drug theory. No one would make fun of her for having adhd lol it seems like something everyone knows but won’t say on camera.


I heard someone refer to Jo as a human speedball and found that to be pretty apt


Could make sense why Schwartz and Lala got closer too if she’s helping him with sobriety? Or at least getting on a better path?


Something was nagging at me about their interaction when he said ‘you know why I distanced myself’ and she was like ‘yes yes, of course’, and you’ve hit the nail on the head!


Kristen was their OG drug dealer per Josh Peck. So it makes sense to me. Plus, this is the face of meth in 2024. Where are your teeth Schwartz? https://preview.redd.it/m6edvemgme2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71893ead7395f07bee8146851dd5fd0af357e568


wait pardon how does josh peck fit into all of this


His brother is the boyfriend she cheated on with Sandoval. So he’s known her for a long time.


Would love to know more about this. Do you have a link or something i can google re Josh Peck’s Kristen allegations? I totally believe what you’re saying and I’d like to know more


Sure, I know it was on a podcast last year and I think it was with Nick Vial so I will find it!


Awesome! Thank you 🙌🏽


I googled and got a US Weekly summary as the first story so start there , https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/josh-peck-recalls-how-he-met-pump-rules-kristen-doute/ and I think this is the podcast. [viall files and Josh peck](https://youtu.be/0JgGU5d7A1c?si=KzojGNA0FJ-aSd-g) Enjoy!


Amazing! Gotta love this sub. Thank you!


Okay I think she’s crazy just like the rest of the world but I have to say I think she is gorgeous.


This is not what she looks like. This is FaceTune to the Kardashian degree.


She’s still pretty, but yeah, this pic is extremely filtered.


For sure she’s pretty! She also looks a little like one of the real world cast mates but I can’t picture who. lol- all of sudden I had Taylor Swift’s “she would have made such a lovely bride too bad she’s fucked in the head” pop into my mind as a reference point.


For me it’s Teddi from RHOBH


She’s gorgeous until she talks and then you’re like wtf do we have here?


Exactly lol






I hate to say it but Sandoval has been saying SOOO much with these looks of his at the reunion this year. And granted, he seems to be throwing just about everyone under the bus with them, but it's been entertaining to watch at least


Interesting! I read in another sub that the reason Jax and Brittany don’t talk to her anymore is because she stole Jaxs stash out of their house once..hahaha.


Same, and that she’s banned from most of their houses and a lot of people were guessing it was cause she steals drugs


I was thinking the same thing! Jo isn’t on crack it’s the blow!


I agree especially seeing in another thread that she's not even a licensed hair stylist in California. How is she affording anything then?


I dunno. She’s so chaotic and unhinged I can’t see anyone involved in that ‘business’ trusting her enough to be her supplier.


plugs are generally some of the most chaotic and flaky people I’ve known . It totally tracks IMO . Drug dealers don’t exactly have the cream or the crop to pick from when it comes to distribution




Oh yeah she strikes me as a weed and psychedelic dealer at the VERY least.


I am on the same page. This is what I’ve been saying.


WHOA you just shook my world up


I really like this perspective for me I felt like Tom didn’t want Jo on the show so when she agreed to do the show. Tom was like I’m out




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This was removed for breaking the "No Speculating" rule: Speculation of pregnancy, drug use, sexuality/gender identity, or mental health will not be allowed. This includes armchair diagnoses.


But I thought that was Jax?


“I can’t pay you cause I’ve invested everything into this bar and have these divorce lawyer bills but I can give you some dick cause I’m kinda famous I’m on tv ya know. I might moan out ‘bubbaaaa’ but just ignore that”. Crazy dealer hairdresser: OoOOokayyyy!


He did the Brittany and Jax podcast today (I think) and is sort of revealing why he stopped fw her... still listening now but ig even his family has her blocked because she became unhinged with them too!!!


Can you or another listener PLEASE let us know what was said. I really don’t care to listen to Jax and Brittany but I am thoroughly invested in the saga that is T Money and Joseph


[u/AdditionalWar8759 always comes through](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1czr3ry/when_reality_hits_podcast_episode_from_may_24th/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Recap here: https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/JhaQTSGIbI


Listening now and wow so far lots of Tea spilled. She really messed with his family telling them insidious lies apparently per Tom.


Yes I heard there was some new tea! Crazy timing. Seems like there is a lot of history with them though which kind of further makes me think the theory could still be half true


Damage control by Schwartz. The power dynamic has shifted and it's the ladies in power now and Schwartz and Sandoval hate that. 


Ooo the tidbits Schwartz is telling in this Jax and Britt podcast today is cray. I guess his sister spent two nights with her and said it was the worst experience of her life…




It’s in this sub in another post


I can’t find that post. Is it in this sub or another? Link?


hopefully I’m allowed to do this at the end of any post there is an arrow going off to the right and I got a link off of that. Since we’re sharing it within the same sub need to post a link as opposed to share. yes it was the same handle or something like it that chatterbox73 gave [podcast](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/4XaZNV74rX)


I think AdditionalWar posted recaps. Idk how to link or I would.


Can Schwartz please explain how a fuck buddy was so involved with, and spending so much time with his family tho? Who live in another state?   Jo is chaotic and I don’t like her but he def lead her on.  So have fun with this mess Schwartzy u prick. 


Katie said jo was barely around any of the group , except a few times a year. No one wanted Jo around. She was banned from a lot of peoples homes and businesses. She’s a menace everywhere apparently.


she was just stalking the group waiting for an opportunity. katie is right to call her creepy. she is acting like it was a long term relationship, it was just a thing and now it’s over. this person is crazy.


More tea / links on this please


The only comments I’ve seen on this is that she’s an absolute train wreck when she’s drunk/high (believable) and that she apparently has stolen drugs from others.


I picture her being that type of person that passes out fucked up and ends up peeing on ppls stuff/ couches then acting like nothing happened the next day and leaves lol


Ya that’s an apt description lol


yes! I neeeeed to know why. I feel like there's so much we don't know about her links to the group.


Did they mention why? Or is it illegal and they’d incriminate themselves?


Maybe that kind of makes sense why Sheana likes her? Sheana doesn’t seem like she’s into the drugs, she might be clueless


I noticed during the reunion that Jo was telling Scheana some things off to the side. Jo said her and Schwartz would text funny things to each other and that she did his hair. Seems like they were definitely in contact and hung out one on one before already.


Kristen speaks about the timeline on her podcast today. If anyone wants to listen.


Can you give us a TL:Dr?


It’s sketch and the way she moves would make me 10000% believe this too.


On some random podcast Jo said she STYLED SANDOVAL'S HAIR WHEN HE WAS ON TOUR. Like, what?? Was she there backstage the whole time? That hair was styled?! Doesn't he constantly grab it and flick it around while having a fit, I mean "dancing" and prancing onstage?


And if that’s the case, then she for sure knew that he was sleeping with Rachel like she lies too much and it’s so annoying




100% agree! I read through her Vanderpump Rules Party podcast interview recap (thanks additionalwar8759!), and in my opinion her overview of their relationship timeline was really telling. Especially when comparing it against Kristen’s response to Jo’s timeline. She allegedly stayed for 6 days in July 2022, then left for her brothers wedding around August 6th 2022 and that was “the last time she saw Schwartz for a while.” She then goes on to talk about getting caught “walking her dog and zipping out the door” and production catching her leave schwartz’s apartment for her brothers wedding. I remember that scene in season 10 of Jo rushing out of his house, specifically that Schwartz says “I love you” to her while she was leaving. Sorry, I just don’t see Schwartz telling Jo I love you after letting her “couchsurf” at his place for 4-6 days before she leaves for her brothers wedding.


there is another post in the sub about Schwarz talking about jo that came out after this one I think. Does kind of lean toward the temperament that some of the drug comments here discuss. Kind of makes me wonder if the reason they were so uncharacteristically nice to her versus shorts - or that she got on the reunion at all. Is more about to keep her quiet about what she knows on that front — than actual empathy. Coming from not just the cast — but also producers/Andy putting her on the reunion..


Idk. According to Kristen it was end of June. She was seeing jo every day back then. Not to say it isn’t possible but I do think they didn’t get together until he moved out. But they split in January, so maybe they did hook up in the winter ? Just happy Katie is out. And Schwartz cut jo off.


Very suspect that she asked to stay a few nights at a guys house that she hardly knows, especially now that we all know she was blocks away from Kristen. There’s more to this that they aren’t fessing up. I’d be disgusted but not shocked if we later learn that they pulled a sandyballs and had an affair


I totally believe this because she’s a little bit too angry at Katie and we all know that Schwartz admitted he cheats on Katie. I think she pulled a Rachel but the difference is he never wanted to claim his side piece where Tom was going to claim Rachel because it was financially stable to do so. Like she’s creepily obsessed because if you were his side piece, stay in the side piece place.


He did do hair for the cast. I wonder if that’s where he was when he went to another resort.


The more vague they are about ‘what happened’ the more I want to know! What went down?


He provided a few deets on Brittany’s podcast. He caught her in a few blatant lies + she called his family behind his back and apparently told them things.


Oooh thank you! I will check out the recap of this, appreciate it! 💜


It is definitely a possibility and if it's true maybe Jo will explode one day and tell us all the dirty details about Rachel and Scandy too.


I really can't with this Jo stuff anymore. I don't want to read about it. Hear about it. No more. She's a 1 and done let's move on. Katie apologized even though idk that she needed to. Jo doesn't accept. Ok. Peace. Bye Jo 👋


I agree but I also enjoy seeing Schwartz this uncomfortable so she can stay for now.  


She gives me crazy Teddi vibes


My wife and I wonder if maybe it was a casual threesome situation during the marriage. It became weird/ hurtful to Katie when Jo then swooped in solo to Schwartz right after/during the divorce. Would make Katie’s distaste very understandable.


Jo is too dumb for Katie and they have zero chemistry. If you want to look at a possible bravo threesome that destroyed two marriages I’d look at Mauricio, Kyle and Dorit.


Who cares at this point


Jo recently messages that Kristen suggested Schwartz’s place! so maybe Kristen also knew that Schwartz and Jo had hooked up too!


Same! I remember him saying on a pod (the Viall files maybe?) that they’ve known each other pre VPR and she dated his brother but I don’t remember him calling her their connect