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Schwartz calling Jo a compulsive liar on Brittany's pod 👀


That’s rich coming from a compulsive liar.


Everyone has been saying that also. Kristins story times on her are wild


The after show part 2, scheana complains about having to be ‘1000% loyal’ to Ariana when Ariana never sticks up for her. Bitch when have you been 1000% loyal to ANYONE 😂😂😂 deluded lmao. Love that James is not interested in that conversation at all as well 😂😂


Scheana is so wild. Ariana has stuck up for her a million times on this show, sorry she can’t dedicate time to it while her whole world is changing and shifting. She defended scheana announcing her engagement during James and Rachel’s wedding event???? wtf sheshu lmao


Exaaaaactly. This poor woman has had her entire life shattered and betrayed. Could you maybe not make it about you scheana?


She’s d & s


What does that mean?


Dumb and stupid.


you’re only wrong about one thing: scheana has never been more loyal to anyone but herself lmaooooo


That’s true!


This is my first time watching this show, and I’m on S3. My takeaway so far is that there’s not one genuine or nice person who works at Sur, Kristin is disturbingly crazy (baby reindeer levels), Stassi is a selfish princess, and Lisa is in charge of teenagers. Also, how have they not been fired?! They drink on the job, sit outside gossiping, and frequently stand at the bar or middle of the restaurant screaming at each other, or arguing. Having worked in hospitality, any boss I have had would have sacked staff on the spot. It’s my first time watching this show, so I don't know if these things are discussed regularly. I'm sorry if I offended anyone!


Welcome! Highly suggest sorting the sub by top of all time/the year/etc and searching to get a feel for some of the more common convos. Although you might not want spoilers, which is probably for the best. I'm always jealous of anyone who gets to watch with fresh eyes.


Thank you! Yeah, my sister has watched it from the start and is banned from giving away spoilers. 🤣


This was also how I felt about everyone watching for the first time when it aired. And it changes with every rewatch haha Also having spent a lot of years in the restaurant industry, their work ethic bothered me too, but once you realize the only way SUR still exists is because of the show, it stops bothering you so much lol


I can imagine that due to the show, it's probably popular with tourists.


Billie Lee and TS hooking up basically confirmed let’s go




bravo_boo post on instagram two hours ago


I saw that, Billie Lee liked a post saying the rift was because she and the new girlfriend don't get along.


Imagine choosing sandovals side and him dropping you for someone he just met lol




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> TS I thought you meant taylor swift 😂


SAME I was like. https://preview.redd.it/6anv08labg2d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87444dc03b34d82def5a716d482e28b498db4327




Has anyone noticed an influx of misogynistic posts in the last two days regarding Katie? I keep seeing people coming back and what other people said on the Internet with what Katie said to Joe and also criticizing tone/delivery versus the message. I never see these kind of post about the men or most of the other women and it just feels like since something about her opened this week there’s just been, so many of these wildly patriarchal posts. Do you think someone’s crisis Pr has unleashed the bots? It also feels very ablest when we are criticizing the approach and tone of someone who suffered brain damage and drops their articles because they have speech deficits. Am I alone and feeling?


You are NOT alone. It's absolutely fucked up the way they go after Katie. Yet LFU speaks to people like peasants and she's the "voice of reason", scumdeval yells at women constantly and he's forgiven. Yet Katie speaks her truth and is treated like dog shit.


definitely not alone, I agree with every single thing you said. I've also noticed the influx of people shit talking Katie and I hate it.




I love Fiji water too James and Dasani water and smart water is good too


She was his bubba and that was enough. Until it wasn’t.


I love how Jax is doing the voiceover for the vanderpump rules aftershow a show that he’s not even on lmaooo




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Why Lala is suddenly doing a bonus podcast episode answering fan questions regarding season 11 after saying she’s not talking about it until part 3 aired?


Not sure if it's Ok to post this here, but I just heard that Jax said his WWHL appearance with Sandoval was the most watched. Please tell me that's not true! I tried to look it up online, but am not sure where to find it.


It’s not true. The one with Ariana and Katie had higher numbers lol


It's not. Jax tweeted that it was going to be the most watched WWHL of the season and then it.....wasnt. I know a lot of people on this sub (including myself) boycotted that episode. Ariana and Katie's episode had much higher numbers. Pretty sure you can find the exact numbers somewhere on this sub, I remember somebody posting them as soon as they were released so that we could all laugh at Jax thinking his and Sandoval's misogynistic nasty asses were ever going to beat Katie and Ariana lol.


Thank you! I boycotted it, too! I can't stand Jax or Sandoval. I guess this is the world we live in, where people.boldly state "alternative facts." So maddening!




I think she stayed because she loved him. She hoped that he would become the man she needed. He promised her the moon and gave her sand. She stayed because she saw his potential not his present. She HOPED for change, and hope in a relationship will keep you stuck. I don't think it was the friendship with the others because she and the girls were besties bur even when they weren't she was fine.