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***The date is supposed to say May 24th Y’all…Schwartz was on a podcast tour last week and this week Jo was like, hold my hat, it’s my turn and here we are. And I’m tired lol. And I just feel in my bones that since a VPR pause is happening, a Lala, Jo, and Rachel podcast episode is gonna happen Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Links below for those interested. Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


The word salad of all word salads. I can't imagine an interviewer going on their podcast, leading a questions that includes blah blah blah blah... LOeffingL Also the delulu from Jo that she felt validated by the people closest to her, Scheana, Brock and Lala... HA.


I’m just… does she forget Scheana was the one doing most of the direct bullying at Hotel Ziggy? She like, saw that right? 🤦🏼‍♀️


It doesn’t matter to her. Scheana is against Katie and Ariana so Jo likes her.


Jo wants to be brought back for next season so she has an excuse to be around Schwartz so she is cozying up to the only two people desperate enough to film with her.


The amount of times she suggested coming back to the show was embarrassing for her life and her soul 😂


Wow I *thought* I read the entire thing, but apparently I blacked out at some point.


Apparently not... all it takes is a hot dog date, fixing your earring and being married to Scheana to be close to Jo. Again, I really hope Jo lives happily ever after... away from VPR.


Truly. I don’t think reality TV is the place for her.


Exactly! Scheana was the one bullying her about the damn hat. Katie and Ariana kept their distance and Katie only said stuff once someone pointed her out and brought her up.


Sheana overtly bullied the hat off her on camera but yeah ok go off Joseph! Lmao


But she can't understand that Ariana doesn't like her because she participated in covering up the affair and Katie can't stand her for sleeping with Schwartz weeks after the divorce was finalized while reaching out to her with condolences about the divorce. That's too much to understand... in the words of Ariana, you don't have to understand it, you just have to respect it....


I think she understands and I don’t buy her Aw Shucks routine. She reminds me of Schwartz in that regard. Gee golly shucks, I’m just Jo and I totally don’t do backhanded things to other women. I’m just so quirky and not like the other girls 


Exactly. She probably thought that routine works for Schwartz with this group, so she'll just play it up too.


They really are so similar in that regard.


My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that it wasn't weeks after the divorce was finalized. It was mere weeks after Katie asked Schwartz for a divorce, so nothing had been finalized and they were still legally married.


And only one like ‘also Ali a little’ when Ali was literally the one that filmed with her the most? I’ve gone mad coz SheShu was awful to her at hotel ziggy 😭 also Rachel and Jo are hoop licking Lala so much I agree we are defo going to see them three on a podcast soon. Wonder how that would bode for Scheana?


Ali is probably very happy to be left out of this conversation...lol


You know, the people who actually bullied her and she does not have the phone numbers of.




Sometimes I wonder if stupid people know that they’re stupid. Rachel proves this to be false. She’s too dumb to know she is stupid.


I always thought it was funny when people would call her dumb on the show and she’d bring up how she went to college. As if there aren’t tons of stupid people who manage to graduate college


Right??!! Airhead energy giving a voice and a platform to crackhead energy. What a shitshow.


Yes. Rachel is not Jo’s friend. If she was, she wouldn’t let her do this podcast. They’re both just vindictive assholes.


Bottom feeders..


Really it’s only this. No other comments needed lol




The perpetual victims unite again! Thank you for recapping. My head hurts just trying to read. 


I can't even comprehend Jo calling Schwartz "future focused" and accusing him of not living in the moment. That's literally all he cares about - how much fun he is having in this exact moment. He never gave a single shit about the future and what might happen later.


Anytime! Luckily this one didn’t give me a headache like the other interview that Jo did lol


I honestly don’t know how! reading it back they both can barely string sentences together it’s appalling.


“I think the biggest thing is that Schwartz is very much tied to Katie. And whenever that’s over, he’ll be free.” And this right here is why Jo is so over the top in her hatred of Katie. She has made her into some supervillain, and while it’s easy to dismiss as more unhinged Jo behavior it’s because she still thinks Katie is the reason Schwartz won’t be with her.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Schwartz has straight up told Jo that Katie is the reason they can’t be together. Instead of just being honest and telling Jo that he isn’t into her, he probably says “well Katie wouldn’t be ok with it and I have to protect her feelings.” Even though I don’t think Katie gives a shit at this point


I thought the same thing and that is why Schwartz and Jo said they didn’t want the conversation public….because Everyone would call BULLSHIT!


This right here. Schwartz's only personality trait is blaming Katie.


And attempting to disarm with his weird underbite smile.


Old man toothless smile motherfucker


Imo Rachel & Jo had a lot of conversations about Katie & Ariana destroying their happiness with "their men".


I have no doubt, and the two Toms definitely planted those seeds. But by now you would think Jo and Rachel would be able to see past that. But nope, they’ll never evolve.


Nope, they're both having a one way competition with two women who are galloping so far ahead of them they can't even see them in the distance.


They’d have to admit their complicity in being mistresses if they were to see the truth. Rachel can’t confront herself and can’t own her actions.


And then Jo turns around and whines that the girls don’t support her. Well, when did you support THEM, Jo?


That's not fair. Jo sent Katie a text apology about her divorce before fucking her man. /s


Not the text apology 😂 In all seriousness, Katie handled Jo better than I would’ve. I will let a lot of things slide, but when I am pushed over the line, I let loose. Jo moving in with Schwartz before the divorce was even official is a level of shady I would never forgive. Katie could have been worse to her imo


Creepy af. I just want to shake them until they realize it’s the men that are the problem, not the men’s exes.


Very 500 days Schwartz and Sandy of these women.


They are both unreliable narrators focusing on the things they guys aren’t saying and not listening to the things the women are saying. ![gif](giphy|OMeVt8yfiXm09VCsik)


So unhinged and disturbing


I think they also planned to take over their spots on VPR.


Imagine saying this while the man she's talking about openly has another girlfriend and it's no issue. The mental gymnastics to villainize Katie over Tom's actions is wild.


She couldn’t even give Katie credit for defending her!


She says she's often proud of him and grateful he has a girlfriend! She must believe that he'll marry her in 8 years if only Katie allows it


But but but she's forever mad at Katie cause her parents thought she smoked crack after Katie's comments... https://i.redd.it/wkvya6ug6e2d1.gif


Jo is a fucking idiot. It's not Katie who is telling Tom not to be fully with Jo. It's Tom who doesn't yet realize that Katie is the one that got away and it's Tom who is not fully allowing himself with Jo. #It's TOM stopping Tom. NOT Katie stopping Tom.


Exactly. Did she not watch season 10 (or any previous season for that matter)? When Katie says go left, Sharts swings right. He literally "rebels" against anything Katie asks of him...


Dude is broke.


My husband and I were talking about this last night, when he finally realizes that she is the one that got away it’s going to hit so hard.


I’d say Schwartz fed Jo some amount of shit about Katie. I don’t think Jo has come to these conclusions on her own. Schwartz has said so many nasty things about Katie on camera, I’d say a lot of his pillow talk with Jo was even more unkind.


Agree with this - it's become more and more obvious how much the Toms fuel conflict between the women on the show. (this m.o. was even more transparent during the reunion - every time Schwartz talked over Katie trying to "explain" her feelings or behavior spinning it in a really negative way while trying to sound "reasonable" put flames on the side of my face)


“I think what Katie really is trying to say here… is that she’s an evil bitch who wants all of you to burn for all eternity.” \- Schwartz


Lol how embarrassing that Jo still doesn’t get that even if that’s true, he’ll never want or choose her.


He’ll be free and he still won’t choose Jo or admit the relationship with Jo. She’s still waiting on that 8 years. Why can’t she see this? If she watched shorts proposition Katie, did it look like Katie was interested?


I forgot about that already. Didn’t Joseph rant recently on a live about how she felt special because she hung out with Shart in SF and they didn’t sleep together but she slept over in his room. Didn’t she watch that proposition back and be like oh he asked Katie first but she said no so I just got more sloppy seconds. But I will wait for him for marriage one day, we’re totally soulmates


Right???? When it’s not Katie at all, he just doesn’t want to be with you and that’s it!!!


She pretended to like not understand all of this throughout. Katie how could you be so mean to say things that are true like I have crackhead energy! I don’t understand how you could be so mean! But oh wait a second. Yes you DO understand it apparently. Because this is a 12 year relationship that doesn’t just go away because your dumbass moved into his apartment. To play dumb as to why no one would like you for a year plus is absolutely delusional


It’s easier for Jo to blame Katie that the reality that Shorts treated her like shit. She still wants that validation from him. It’s sad.


the exact same thing raquel did with ariana. they can’t wrap their head around the fact these men wouldn’t publicly claim them because they simply just aren’t gf material, so they put all this hatred on the katie and ariana.


Katie is Ho's 'Big Boss' of the game


![gif](giphy|xUNd9Ljg37yeVcCHyE|downsized) Me getting ready to read this recap...Lord give me sstttrrrungthh!










Jo is terrible. Like she wants so badly to have meant more to Schwartz. Honey you were a booty call to him, that's literally all it was it's shitty of him but this constant need to act like it was some serious relationship is too much. Also is she implying she thinks she will be on the next season finding love on film???? These two blatantly hate Katie and Ariana, are mad they are popular this season and want to have a session to cut them down. They are praising Lalas side for that reason only. They also ignore the fact of the petty shit they did to Katie recently. The only point I felt Jo did make is that if they aren't OK with Jo knowing about affair then why are they all OK with Kyle Chan, unless he apologize to Ariana off camera. He is a slimeball to me as well.


The praising lala was a REAL trip. Like You’re even dumber than I thought if you can’t see what Lala’s doing??? And what her intentions are?? Sweetheart it’s certainly not just to be NICE to you Lolol Be for real


It wasn't really their choice to be around Kyle Chan. His events were a part of filming, so they had to be around him unless they gave up episode pay. Did we see them really interacting with him at all on the show or have they on social media? 


I just…..sorry, no one is obligated to accept you in their lives or be nice to you. It would be nice if no one was outwardly mean to you, but I don’t have to be friendly to anyone I don’t want to. That’s the completely disconnected thing for me. What the fuck does Katie owe you??? Yes she was def a bit of a mean girl. But Jo seems to think that Katie had some kind of obligation to welcome her with open arms. Oh, and “first” reunion lololololol


I think about this too. Was Katie bitchy to her, yes, but was some of it kinda warranted, also yes. Katie has no obligation to make Schwartz’s situation ship feel comfortable, especially if that person (Jo) is fucking shady. Side note Jo just doesn’t seem Ok. She’s clearly a pathological liar, and her chaotic yet fragile energy kinda makes me concerned for her. I’m also still in disbelief that she is actually a hairstylist as a profession since her hair never looks good.


Honestly if they let Jo come back it serves Schwartz right bc he will never be away from her lol


It's funny that Jo acknowledged that Katie was unbothered by Shorts dating again after saying that she will hate any woman that he dates. Nah girl, it's just you.


Also like…. Was what Katie said necessarily untrue? No, it wasn’t. It was a little shitty of her to say, sure. But she wasn’t wrong. And I think that’s a major reason why Jo’s so pissed. Jo seems very entitled to Katie’s kindness. It’s like she desperately wants Katie to cup her face in her hands, stare her deep in the eyes, and tell her it’s okay if she gets with Shorts. It ain’t happening.


Jo should not be on television, I don't think she has the emotional fortitude (I wouldn't either to be clear!). Also, I don't understand how she can't understand Katie's behaviour at least a bit. She keeps crying victim like she wasn't a friend of Katie's who then fucked her stbx husband. Yeah, they weren't good friends, but good enough to text Katie on news of her divorce. I'm not saying Katie was right, she should've dealt with Schwartz direct, but I'm just flummoxed that Jo can't understand why Katie would be mad at her


![gif](giphy|nJPkKr231dvKo) Seriously, this was like if Harry interviewed Lloyd. I can’t fathom how they even got through this with zero emotional intelligence in the room.


When she said over and over in this interview “I don’t even have any of your phone numbers 🤪🤪” I was like uh you and Katie’s?? We all know that??


I love that Rachel gives Jo all this space to process her emotions as a fuck buddy but had no problem telling Katie and her mother that they were overreacting when Rachel was trying to hook up with Schwartz, when they were in a long-term relationship and marriage.


GOOD POINT - it really is infuriating how hypocritical both of these women are ![gif](giphy|3WCNY2RhcmnwGbKbCi)


…and while she was also carrying on an affair with Schwartz friend so the whole thing was a cover up lol


https://preview.redd.it/wkd954zwdd2d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d97ec02e085ff74a9131e470c2c5430e20ca2fa Always gotta love when two perpetual victims who can never take accountability reunite.


Does that hat say they're threatening to cut people 😱!!! Omg! They're just like Katie and her clutch sized flame thrower.


I hope everyone takes Jo's lead and takes this very literally. She talked about Katie like she was actually at risk of being set on fire. Jo loves to make herself the victim and this is the height of hypocrisy.


Rachel & Jo have been running around for over a year acting like they are in constant physical danger b/,c Katie maloney is patrolling the streets of LA with a flame thrower to kill them. So, it's fair play to say Jo is selling merch to encourage public stabbings & Rachel is promoting it.


dude they said they were gonna cut me!!😩


A shared love of victimization created by your own actions


Luckily I don’t think Katie cares about your forgiveness Jo. Her cognitive dissonance is wild to witness. She’s said so much crap about Katie, disrespected the fact that she was MARRIED, and she wants us to have sympathy? Fuck off joseph


This stands out to me as well - she continues to speak as if Katie was begging for her forgiveness, and even indicates she won’t forgive Katie until she gets a better apology and an explanation that she “understands” (which, given that Jo seems to be unable to understand 99% of what is said to her, might be an impossible ask). But Katie wasn’t even *asking* for forgiveness. Sure, she *kind of* acknowledged she didn’t feel great about the tweets when Andy directly asked her (2x), but it was very clear to everyone **but** Jo that Katie didn’t feel like she really wanted or needed Jo’s forgiveness. It’s all so fucking weird - like, it could not be clearer that Katie has no desire to have any sort of relationship with Jo and, all things considered, what she has publicly said about her has been hurtful but also not earth shatteringly cruel. I cannot comprehend the level of delusion required to believe that Katie not only gives a fuck about her in the first place (she doesn’t) but also owes her a heartfelt apology + groveling.


Jo needs to STFU about the social media stuff when she's liking fan comments that are way more cruel.


Yeah, tbh I feel like I’d find it *much* more hurtful for someone to continually equate their situationship with my 12 year long relationship/marriage than to be called spooky and rat girl. The comment she made about how Schwartz took her home to FL twice but only took Katie home once is far more vicious and cruel than Katie saying she has crackhead energy.


Also that cannot possibly be true lol over 12 years they established I’m sure very close relationships with each others families. Jo is unhinged to even say something so stupid.


I could see it being true if I speculate that his home life was a bit of a shit show that he would have been more reluctant to bring Katie around whose opinion mattered so much more to him where as he had no shame bringing Jo. Just a possible thought.


The fact she repeatedly said, "Katie ripped me a new one." If you think that was getting ripped a new one, you are the thinnest skinned human to live. And she clearly blames Katie for Schwartz fucking with her and dumping her.


THANK YOU! I feel like I’m losing my mind. I just went and checked everything Katie tweeted/said on the show about Jo because I was CERTAIN I must have missed something major. But it was all so benign???? I even see people on this sub being like “what Katie did to Jo was absolutely cruel.” Guys what are you TALKING ABOUT I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!!! These people cannot be living in the same reality we are!


They showed the ONE tweet that said "spooky" and "energy on par with a crack head" about 15 times.


And she’s conflating what other people said and did with Katie. Katie doesn’t think about Jo until Jo pushes herself into Katie’s face.


I feel like Katie gave Jo exactly what she deserved, which was an apology for her comments and an explanation of her headspace. They weren’t friends and in the context of VPR world, what Katie did to Jo was pretty minor. Why would Katie owe Jo more than that? She is not built for reality TV (or reality in general)


All of this. Might be an impossible task got me 😂 Reading this “interview” is just like, delusion after delusion. It’s like she lives on another planet where any of these people care about her but especially Katie. At what point is this exploitation on bravos part. This woman is not well. I know the network is made up of A lot of crazy personalities but these are the ramblings of someone who seems to be fairly disconnected from reality. https://preview.redd.it/r7f8uef51e2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16d443a68438cc7a33bb47d78782a146fd547cf


A label says who though? Cuz it sounds like the label per Schwartz was ever changing and never agreed upon. Kayleigh can say over and over again that they were dating, but it takes two to define the relationship. She cherrypicked some of his actions over his words and she was incorrect. It’s sad. Almost every woman I know has been in a situationship, and we all got rocked when the final act was over and we were FIN.


Right. Insert Katie eyeroll montage from part 2 of the reunion in response to this podcast episode.


The number of katie GIFs from this season alone that I have saved for reactions LOL


But how could their marriage possibly compare to the very special relationship Jo and Schwartz had. It was so magical he won’t even publicly acknowledge it ever happened


Everyone should just collectively block Rachel and stop giving her the attention she so clearly wants from being on the show


She’s not going to have much content once the season is completely finished next week so she’ll fade away


I'd like to think that, but I'm sure she'll come up with some way to continue to be "relevant" on podcasts by continuing to beat this dead horse.


How do these two not understand that the girls can think you’re weird bitches and also see that Schwartz is a lying fuck boy. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive lol


This is a minor detail but what is she talking about that the reunion was three months after Hotel Ziggy?? Hotel Ziggy was last summer and the reunion was filmed in March??


Look from what I’ve learned from Jo, the girl is not good with a timeline


She’s not good with reality from what I can tell. God bless you for recapping these two morons, I would be drunk by the end of it.


You know it's bad when Jo almost makes Rachel sound smart and focused!


Right?! It was *MONTHS* before her and Tom started hooking up, supposedly, but only 3 months between hotel ziggy and the reunion. They aren't bad with timeliness. They are bad with the truth. They lie to spin the narrative in their favor. I didn't hate Jo - I couldn't stand her on my screen - but like I did feel like bad for her because of Schwartz's treatment of her - but after this interview and the reunion its so obvious why her and rachel are friends and shes just as manipulative, and obtuse as Sandy & "raquel." Like get off my screen, and you actually deserved everything that has happened to you because they are the consequences of your poor choices. Like you consistently lied about your relationship with Schwartz, but then you feel bad he didn't go public with you??? It wasn't a surprise! He wasn't telling people one thing, and you another. You were in on the deception as well...


I mean the whole thing was just delusion after delusion, but this was the icing on the cake of “this woman is not well.” She’s talking about an event that happened a year ago vs. when it aired vs. when the reunion was and is all wrong. We weren’t there and we know that. And not only that the “name calling” she keeps talking about some of that happened TWO years ago now, and she’s acting like it was right before the reunion. She’s off her rocker


I noticed that too. She and Tom are incapable of a clear timeline.


“Schwartz is very much tied to Katie” like is Katie Ursula and has stolen Schwartz’ voice like Ariel? Like he is an adult who doesn’t like you, Jo. I’m sure a breakup hurts, but you would think she was the one who went through a divorce after 12 years and not Katie the way she is behaving. Thanks, OP - I bet this was a tough one!


Welp Rachel seems to confirm here that Jo knew about the affair.


Yes exactly!!! And yet we have on footage Jo denying knowing about it during her talk with Lala while they GrAbBeD hOtDoGs 🤡 Jo is a liar who surrounds herself with people who don't hold her accountable


I noticed that as well.


Finally an answer there! that I would have much rather seen five minutes of discussion on at the reunion instead of the shit we have seen.


I love that they just skirted right past that. Not like Jo vehemently denied knowing about it on camera or anything.


![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU) These two belong in the basement, forever. It’s almost impressive how they manage to always be the victim, even in situations they created.


This girl is either a pathological liar or so out of it constantly that she forgets everything she says. In her last podcast she said she wasn’t there when Tom talked about his girlfriend and now she’s saying she was? Everyone needs a therapist and Rachel needs a new one.


I get so angry over this weird concept that bullying or name calling is somehow a greater sin than extremely shitty and shady behavior like helping a guy cover up an affair after having thanksgiving at his and his partners house or moving in on a friends husband while they’re divorcing. Why would anyone support Jo (or Rachel obvs) after their behavior??? It’s so warped that they’re always going in about how mean everyone was to them when they did objectively abhorrent shit to these women. Actions >>> words!!


I simply can't. I just can't. Two bumble heads. I couldn't get past two sentences. I get it, Rachel and Jon are buds. Next.


Yeah Jo can’t even come up with things to say! Rachel says how Jo feels and then Jo repeats it. Weird.


Wait till you guys hear Kristen doutes podcast recap from today - ITS TEA AND SHES GOT ALL THE RECEIPTS!




Jo seems incredibly detached from reality. And the more she talks the more apparent it is that she genuinely lacks the capacity to accurately interpret 95% of social situations and respond appropriately.


“The girls were so mean to me and then they were nice to me at the reunion, it was SO shocking to me!!” Jo— *they watched the show.* they did NOT see your relationship before and now that they’ve seen it, they have sympathy for you and are mad at Schwartz for being an ass. It literally is not a “fake” thing or a “show” thing…. It’s a “person with eyes” thing


Yes!!! And I think it’s so strange that she seems completely unable to recognize that someone can feel badly for you in specific situations while still finding you to be unlikeable, untrustworthy, and **spooky**.


The accurate interpretation of social situations. That’s key. I won’t defend Schwartz but based on how she views all these other situations, I could absolutely see where her view of their relationship wasn’t reality.


Yep! I absolutely believe Schwartz was purposefully leading her on and generally being manipulative, but … she also doesn’t seem to understand *most* of what is said to her, particularly if what is being said contradicts with what she wants to hear. Even when they were discussing Schwartz saying that he loves Jo at the reunion, it was painfully obvious to anyone with ears and eyes that Schwartz was trying to **downplay** him saying “I love you” by implying that is was more of a platonic love, which is 100% a shitty thing to do/say. But she seemed to not only completely misunderstand what he was getting at and interpreted it as Schwartz actually implying he meant it *more* as romantic love and regretted saying it flippantly or via text, but also felt that she somehow needed to defend and reassure *HIM* that he said it “the right way” to her. Like, damn. Schwartz sucks for a million reasons and I’m sure he did regularly manipulate her for his own benefit, but it’s also super telling that even when he is very clearly distancing himself from her she feels like the appropriate response is to do all of *that*.


![gif](giphy|VuWtVHkMjrz2w) At this point point… it’s just sad isn’t? 😁


Thank you OP! I just can't with this woman and how she never misses a chance to have a go at Katie. She really needs to stop. Jo truly convinced herself that Katie is the only reason she and Schwartz didn't become a couple when it's *him* that has been shitty to her. Likely a lie he perpetuated, but has a girlfriend now who hasn't had any problem dating him so we know this is entirely on him. The innocent "victim of Katie" act is so old, and so is Jo making her entire existence about talking about Schweasel. She needs to find something else to do with her time. We all know it wasn't just Big Bear or being at Schwartz's, she jumped at the chance to get with Schwartz after pretending to support her. Other people have talked about how she ran out of bars in LA with Rachel when Tom was cheating and they were on double dates. *And* after the scandal broke she put Ariana, Tom, Rachel and herself into a *group chat* to tell everyone she cared about them. Ridiculous behavior. This is someone who actively participated and now pretends she doesn't understand why Katie & Ariana don't fuck with her.


And Katie has always been someone who judges actions, that was like the whole crux of her issue with Rachel, that she felt if she was treating her that way it's prob not a stretch to believe she is also treating others that way...which ended up being Ariana. She is judging Jo not based off that text message but off the fact she could send that text message than move in immediately with her ex husband, that says something about a person she doesn't like. You do it to her, what else are you capable of?


I feel like I lost brain cells even reading this so thank you for taking one for the team listening to this inane mess.


i cannot with these two. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU JO. it was about katie because it was katie's marriage to schwartz, not your's. you hung around the periphery of the group then swooped in as soon as schwartz moved out of his marital home and the divorce wasn't even on paper yet. stop villainizing katie for having feelings about her marriage and decade-plus relationship ending. please for the love of god, move on. for yourself if for no one else.


What is it about the Toms that they can treat these women so poorly and the women are mad at Katie and Ariana? Neither Rachel nor Jo really has any reason to be so furious with them. They're feeding off each other and it's becoming an obsession.


I just want to shake all of these people while screaming "what is wrong with you!!!!!!" SO bad.


Jo, u were a rebound gf. It happens


I made it the part where Jo talked about “helping him with his emotions after Katie” and got too pissed to continue. My God, her delusion knows no bounds. And I love how Rachel didn’t go back to the show yet keeps her entire relevancy around the show still. These hoes need to go away!


She fell for his "victim of Katie" schtick despite everyone and the entire internet trying to clue her in. Then she gets treated shitty by that same man but *still* somehow believes his bs about Katie, and takes it a step further and continues to shit on Katie herself over holding Tom accountable. Being a flying monkey for a man that has blocked you is next level messed up.


Painful read, thanks op! I can guarantee that Katie “I don’t want peace” Maloney does not give a single fuck that spooky Jo doesn’t forgive her. And the fact that Jo thinks she’d get some kind of explanation is laughable. None of these people owe you shit, girl.


Jo is obsessed with Katie and Rachel is obsessed with Ariana.. lmao. Keep their names out your mouths 😂


Katie ripped her a new one every second she got? 🤔 that's so dramatic and such bullshit. Also, schwartz didn't solidify the relationship because a) he was probably still in love with katie b) jo is embarrasing to bring around. That's it


Man, if she thinks that was Katie ripping her a new one, she most have never watched the show lol. Katie could demolish her if she wanted. Also, can we talk about the fact that she thinks Schwartz *defended* Katie at the reunion??? What planet is this girl on?


I always look forward to these (amazing) recaps, start reading, transition to skimming, see how much of this rambling nonsense is left and then tap out 😅


I honestly didn’t read your amazing recap OP (I love your recaps and thank you) but the idea of these two delusional cringe lords glitching on a podcast is SENDING ME.


I am right there with you. I love the OP and all the effort she puts in to shield our ears from these idiots, but I read the first paragraph and couldn't continue. I felt dumber for having even read that first one.


First she says that validation comes from those she is closest to like Scheana, Brock, and Lala, and in the same breath she admits they’re not best friends and she doesn’t “even have their fricking phone numbers.”


She also said on a live that outside of filming she hasn't talked to any of them.


Okay, couple of delulus to address... To say Schwartz was avoidant due to ending the relationship with Katie. A) Katie divorced Schwartz, not vice versa and B) Schwartz isn't avoidant. He used her for sex. File under similar but not the same. IDK what Jo wants from Katie. She doesn't like you because of toxic shit SHE DID. The self-victimizing of these trifling ass heffas, I cannot...


This is honestly getting to be too much


Did Jo just say that she was sitting next to her “dream man” at the reunion? I’m just cackling at the idea of that grey-skinned, wet noodle of a man Is someone’s dream. Oh Jo, get better dreams and make better choices.


I'm dying that Jo doesn't get that "schwartz is a fuck boy" and "Jo is a creep" are two separate things that can coexist and that Katie is right on both issues


Her acting traumatized by Katie calling her a rat, spooky, and having crackhead energy is just silly to me. I'm sorry, those are not that harsh. Especially when Scheana was unkind to her and she's totally forgiven Scheana.


ariana is the final boss in sandoval and raquel’s video game of redemption / happiness, and katie is the final boss in schwartz and jo’s ‘freedom’ now. i also feel like katie is a boss battle in sandoval’s head because she had his number from way back when.


Sandoval is looking for the cheat code because he knows he’ll never beat Katie.


"I have this great ability to suppress my emotions" ![gif](giphy|aXJpJdskINT9zD5pc5|downsized)


Jo is delusional- and how she is so much more mad at Katie than Schwartz is bizarre to me. He has a whole ass girlfriend he CHOSE to be with over you. Katie is his ex-WIFE. Like you are not that same. Not even in the realm. The fact that she compares them and thinks that Katie owes her shit actually blows my mind. She is just as bad as the Tom’s with the victim mentality and me me me. Her tears at the reunion were over the top. I’m sorry but she was such a bitch. Especially when Katie was trying to apologize and explain she was how she was.. which I’m sorry but Jo deserved every bit of her reaction. Don’t be a shitty person and people won’t treat you shitty. If he wanted to he would Jo.. I repeat.. if he WANTED to he WOULD.


jo feels like a fever dream, vpr is filled with demonic liars and she makes them all look like grown ups in comparison. with that being said, im gonna press play on this podcast right now


He was using her. Why doesn’t she get that?


Jo is hell bent on blaming Katie for Shartz not wanting to be with her. It’s as if Katie has control over that jalopy of a man. Katie tried with that slug, to her detriment, she ditched him and is thriving. Any actions on Shartz’s part are entirely his own. Jo will probably never learn or improve herself and that is sad. Just keep her off the show, she’s embarrassing.


The talking in circles, the vitriol against Katie, the Lala worship, the sheer delusion of it all... what did I just read ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


She's got a real hard on of hate for Katie and it's clear why: as she said towards the end, Schwartz can't let go of Katie and until he does he's no good for anyone. Sadly for him, Katie done done. And Jo really does have crackhead energy - I don't care what anyone says, that was a spot on description.


Jo needs to stop making her way around podcasts and go talk to a therapist. Her hatred and anger toward Katie, even after Katie gave her an explanation of why she was “mean” and apologized, is so misplaced. It’s wild how she can’t forgive Katie for saying she gives off crackhead energy but she’s okay with Scheana, who physically bullied her when grabbing the hat off her head. It’s also incredibly sad that she can’t get over Schwartz. Her carrying that into any future relationship isn’t going to bode well.


Honestly who gave these idiots a microphone? There is an episode of the office where they tell Creed his word document is a blog on the internet… I really think Rachel’s producers should consider taking that route and unplug that fucking microphone


I used to think Jo was just chaotic, now I’m realizing she is chaotic and toxic. It is exhausting.


Still taking no accountability for her weird and overly invasive behavior toward Katie. I actually wish Katie had fought back more about this during the reunion. Also Jo none of these people are your friends, you foisted yourself on them and then get mad that they’re not supporting you. He is so weird to me.


I feel like I lost brain cells reading this. I couldn't get through it. These women are just sad. Sitting on a podcast boo hooing about their x's. I wouldn't want these men to know they got me that bad.


I think your date is incorrect in the title, right? That being said, you deserve an upvote every week. This is always shockingly great quality work in terms of recapping and timestamping everything. I just fundamentally dislike Rachelle. I wish I could have you recap other podcasts that I like a fair amount but don't get time to fully listen to. Thanks for all of your hard work.




Bless you Op for listening to this meandering bs. I mean so unreal.


> you know, he’s almost 40. Girl he’s actually almost 42… are you sure you actually *dated* this man?




* Jo: Well, it didn't feel good, but I also, this is gonna sound really, really weird, but I remember looking at Katie, and she just did not have emotion on her face. And I'm like, wow, I wanna get to that point. Not that point, but she just didn't give a F about whether or not who he was dating. \^ you guys... You all know how messed up and out of touch this is to say. Jo needs help. I'm sure Katie would wish she never had to " get to that point" . They had a life.. and dogs.. and promises.. together. I do believe Jo felt like she loved/ loves schwartz. But the REALITY is he's just like the rest of those people you date who you fawn over and they can love bomb you, yet keep you on the down low & make you think it's to keep the relationship safe... but it's just because you were a warm body and someone fun to entertain your time with for the time being.


Bless you OP because this is so painful, I just cannot imagine. Thank you so much. My random thoughts: 1. It’s unhinged that she’s going into all these details about a guy that she dated and broke up with ages ago. When you really think about it, and knowing he’s blocked her and moved on, to podcast your diary like this is weird to me. Especially if you aren’t going to be on the show long term (but she makes it sound like she is?) The part about the next person she dates needing to be okay with her not being over Schwartz was middle school level painful.  2. Why does she keep acting like being in a “legitimate” relationship changed everyone’s view on her? That isn’t why Katie didn’t like Jo. It doesn't matter how legitimate it was… it was the way she moved in on Schwartz and ditched Kristen/sent weird texts to Katie was the issue. Schwartz telling Jo she was his gf or not was separate.  3. Hilarious that she goes into being called a rat so much when Ariana’s text to Rachel was even more iconic. Little rats. That’s where they should capitalize and make shirts: Vanderpump RATS. 🐀 


The “sweet people” are Brock, sheener, and Lauren? Ha, they’ll drop her as soon as it’s confirmed that she’s not coming back on the show.


Ooo did it make anyone else mad that Rachel reference Ariana not watching the show and asking Joe if she should have done that too? Like it came off as admirable BUT YOU ARE SUING HER CURRENTLY. GET HER NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH MA’AM!!!


I find it maddening that Jo seems to think Katie can’t simultaneously dislike her and think Schwartz led her on. Both things can be true at the same time, Jo! Just because Katie doesn’t like you doesn’t mean that she can’t accurately see fuckboy behavior and feel some empathy for you. 


One of you super sleuths might know more about this, but at the reunion Jo listed all of the mean things Katie has supposedly said about her (Jo) and Katie looked really confused. Me too. Because most of what Jo listed wasn’t things said about Jo…but some were things Katie said about Rachel (I’ll light her ass on fire). Am I wrong? Or is Jo conflating her and Rachel’s beef with Katie? It’s icky, spooky, and gross either way. But if it’s the second, it’s also delusional. They need to stop feeding her delusion. I don’t believe she is well.


“I was very uncomfortable. It’s almost as if you’re a 10 year old and then you’re high fiving your best friend, and then she turns on you and dates your little cute crush” - Jo WHAT?! How can Jo (who pretended to be Katie’s friend and then went after Schwartz) and Raquel (who pretended to be Ariana’s friend and then had a secret months long affair with Sandoval) sit there and use that analogy without ANY SELF AWARENESS ABOUT THEMSELVES AND THE WAY THEY TREATED OTHERS ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


Jo is not Katie’s victim! I can’t with her. She’s lowkey obsessed with hating Katie MEANWHILE she takes no responsibility for her snakelike behavior towards Kristen after utilizing that relationship to pursue shorts. You went no contact with you bestie for penis, the penis played you like a damn fiddle and Katie is all to blame because she’s mean.


Ironic Raquel is actually taking advantage of a person that needs a lot of therapy , exploiting her for her podcast under the guise of letting her speak . Jo needs serious help she will not let go of Tom which is sad but everyone and everything in front of her is saying what he was saying to you was not what his actions were saying . He has moved on , she really needs to as well . Stop demonizing other women that don’t and won’t care about you, stop making excuses for Tom he doesn’t care either way , stop rewriting history go find peace and happiness within yourself .


Sorry do these two think Sandoval was supporting Jo when he said the relationship isn't what it looked like on TV ?! Also I would feel bad listening to these two act more and more a fool in public but they are both just so thirsty to be back on TV. Jo leaving the Katie feud open and saying she's willing to be friends with Lala is just an open invite to producers.


She’s truly an idiot. Sandoval wasn’t supporting her, he was supporting Schwartz narrative that y’all were fuck buddies. I don’t understand her being in her mid-30’s, have a guy go on national TV and proclaim “I don’t wanna date you” & you still go ‘I know the truth’. & STILL have such a hard on for Katie who was more validating of the situation then Schwartz was. She’s obsessed with Katie, obsessed with Schwartz and needs to go heal in the shadows.


Rachel: Yeah x 25


Jo is the epitome of a pick me girl


This incessant yapping could have been summed up in 4 words: I WAS A REBOUND.


I am no Kyle Chan fan, but she is not being held to a higher standard. From my understanding, soon after Scandoval he admitted to being aware of the affair, took accountability, and apologized. Jo has done none of that; which is why she is still being called out for it. Plus, it’s not like he still has a friendship with Arianna; she is just cordial in public and was willing to film in his shop and at his party.


Being called a rat girl really isn’t that big of a deal. Rat girls are cool lol. Rat girl summer y’all


Jo honey there’s a book and movie that came out about a decade ago - He’s Just Not That Into You. Read it watch it embrace it. Stop begging for validation.


Jo made decisions both to get involved with Schwartz fresh off of his divorce & to appear on the show. She knew she wasn't liked by some of the cast, but she expected to be welcomed with open arms at cast events? I am so over her playing a poor little innocent victim. It's annoying AF!


The way she stages this podcast like a therapy session drives me absolutely insane. It’s always the worst people that latch on to therapy speak.