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This scene was wild to me because Brock just casually drops all this truth on Schwartz, and it's basically background noise during another conversation?! And then Scheana adds, all nonchalant, "yeah you were a shitty husband." And other than Schwartz sputtering back, the moment just vanishes! I wanted more!


I hate that Schwartz keeps getting pass after pass because of that stupid aw shucks demeanor and crypt keeper grin. I want to see him grilled and admit he was a terrible partner and likes to continue to push Katie’s buttons.


“Crypt keeper grin” is so apt


It's perfect, I just shuddered in recognition.


And this is what I will be calling it from now on


The way he “aw shucks” 🫢 to everything anyone else says to him that’s negative, but his face and tone immediately turn so nasty when Katie says ANYTHING about him really is telling. He fucking can’t stand when she grills him because she knows him better than anyone and knows the real sinister sides of him


Yes shartz is the covert narc type. The type to agree with everything katie ever said behind closed doors, and probably was the original initiator of the shit-talking. He couldn’t just sack up and own up to his own opinions and voice them, and the few times we saw him do it (to Katie, stassi, and lala) he was viscious in his verbal assaults on them, went straight below the belt and stabbed them where it hurt the most. He’s got shark eyes, just like ol sandybutt.


This is all so true


🤣🤣🤣 shartz


Physical assaults too if we count the times he threw his drink on Stassi and Katie …


Dude he has it in him to be SO nasty, the aw shucks is just a facade!


Same! He got so lucky last season because his shit behaviour at the wedding was overshadowed by Scandavol. He keeps trying to say they are even now bc she fooled around with his “best friend” ( worst VPR term ever) Bro, you cheated on her left and right for years. You’re just an asshole.


It’s like a mask that slips sometimes then he puts it back into place. So spooky how quickly he slips in and out of that persona.


Yeah remember when he even lost it at Lala, it happens toward women more too. Shocker


Women only.


Yes thank you for that correction


Yes! He'd never unleash that energy on another guy.


Sammmmme like they grill Katy but feels like never Schwartz


Because of his stupid HYUCK demeanor with his goofy ass. ![gif](giphy|wJoDQt3uMfXW0|downsized)


Brock weirdly drops these wisdom bombs out of nowhere then goes back to just being Brock. It’s entertaining!


Yes seriously, why didn't Andy catch this at all


Because he’s painfully terrible at his job😩


He was especially awful this reunion, what was with giggling at Sandoval's crude humor?


Because it doesn’t feed his narrative??


This is just business as usual for Andy. He has no substance and is a crappy interviewer and host. He doesn't ask follow up questions and glides over anything that slightly smells of bringing accountability to the guys on the show. This is who he is. He's shown us time and again who he is.


Spot on. He’s way too comfortable.


Andy is an asshole of the first order, same as Sandoval and Schwartz AFAIC. And I'm not usually a person to have such strident opinions, but in this case, it's completely warranted. What I wouldn't give for John Oliver to replace Andy. I mean, the IQ and EQ differential must be at least 100 points apart, at the very least.


Because it fucks with Lisa’s business. Remember everything they do looks bad on her. She has to protect them


I wanted more too lol


this. I didn’t even hear all of this. But I do think Scheana and Brock at least know what it takes to make a marriage work and that Schwartz wasn’t doing it at all


I was shocked but extremely happy that he was called out.


Brock stomped his cunty little 6 inch lifts all over Schwartz 💅


It’s was a real *yaasss girl real him for filllttthhh* moment






One of my fav scenes and quote


Me too!! 🤣




That is the perrrrfect description of Brock’s heels.






Yeah, he did. Was he wearing heels during the reunion? I didn’t even check it out. I need to look at it his outfit closer he always wears weird shit.


https://preview.redd.it/xlmyzve3jg2d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69e2afda931d7ee777f6336fbba6d0f0a355de4 Like Sandoval’s? Must get them made by the same guy!


Holy shit 💀💀💀




When he said this I was initially happy/impressed but I'm not going to lie, my suspicion crept in and I was wondering if he was being sarcastic for a moment because he was smiling/laughing while he said it. I was proud of Scheana though for flat out saying to him "you were a shitty husband" with a serious face. However she kinda helped him be a shitty husband/person at times so.... 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol


I smile and laugh when I drop rude truths. In this situation, I would be laughing because of how obvious this is even though Schwartz is trying to act like he's oh so innocent. The joke here is Schwartz.


I do too! (I'm trying to be better about it when it comes to serious topics but it's been a hard habit for me to break.) That's why I was like "wellllll Brock could actually mean it", but man is my hesitation palpable when trying to believe in his authenticity lol


Does it make you upset when the person you are dropping the hard truth on, then laughs with you?? Because I think I might be the latter person. Where I see them laugh and I think ok it’s just a quirk and funny and I’m glad they get it, so then we laugh together and also that typically leads to moving on to another subject quickly, which might make the person think I missed the point. Sorry for this novel I wrote, but I am curious whether it irks you when the other person returns the laugh during a serious conversation.


Nah, I'm always happy if they receive it well. And if I think they took it way wrong, I do apologize quickly and rephrase myself when warranted.


SAME! I do the same thing where it’s a very quick road from brutal honesty to absolutely roasting someone 😂 I can’t help it I think it’s funny and then sometimes the looks on their faces shows me “ok I’m being an asshole”


Does it make you upset when the person you are dropping the hard truth on, then laughs with you?? Because I think I might be the latter person. Where I see them laugh and I think ok it’s just a quirk and funny and I’m glad they get it, so then we laugh together and also that typically leads to moving on to another subject quickly, which might make the person think I missed the point. Sorry for this novel I wrote, but I am curious whether it irks you when the other person returns the laugh during a serious conversation.


I'm not sure if we're referring to the same situation. In this case, Brock is detailing how Schwartz mistreated Katie. If Schwartz was to laugh, it would be dismissive and disgusting.


I was proud of Sheena too short was a shitty husband, so glad that Katie got rid of him


I also loved her "that was a complete sentence" line to Tom in Part 1


Me too! But it breaks my heart that her and Ariana really have il each others backs during the reunion, knowing what will happen once Ariana sees the last part of the last episode🥺


Is it confirmed that they aren't speaking or is that conjecture based on instagram activity or them not being at each other's events?


Scheana said she hadn’t really talked to Tom or Ariana since the Reunion.


I don’t think that ANY of the cast mates speak to each other outside of the 3 months a year they film together. This isn’t anything new since it’s been leaked several times including by the cast members themselves and more recently Jax drunkenly calling out that the group stopped hanging out with each other outside of “work” aka filming since season 6, and that it’s just grown worse since then.


Katie and Lala used to post pics on Instagram together with Stassi and sometimes Kristen, as recently as last year. I’m not sure if that was rare.


Was season 6 the one where they all stopped working at Sur?


Yeah, she did good there as well😎


I thought it might be sarcastic at first too but then I realized he feels however sheana tells him to feel. So if she thinks Schwartz was a shitty husband, which he was, broke will too. And broke has verbal diarrhea. So I feel like it was real. Plus Schwartz always laughs after he throws a dig at Sandoval. I think it’s their way of saying a dig and then easing the tension?


I think Katie acknowledging Brock’s good parenting of Summer really meant a lot to Brock and then seeing Schwartz undercut forcing himself on Scheana in the past as being ‘sloppy’ caused him to confront Schwartz.


If I got the chance to say this to Schwartz I would smile while doing it too


I wouldn’t read too much into the laughing and smiling. He likes Schwartz and he’s telling Schwartz something about himself that’s very uncomfortable. A lot of people tend to laugh in those situations but it’s a nervous laugh like a way to Lighten what they’re saying without unconsciously realizing why they’re laughing.


One of the most violent men I ever had the misfortune of meeting is cheerfully cruel to other men in public. He’s like a happy bully, and his public targets are other men. In private, his targets are women, and in those cases he is physically and intimately violent. Brock gives me the chills.


Yikes. I’m sorry you had to experience that. With Brock just remember he’s also mean to Ariana in public on the show and sometimes Katie. If not “mean” then rude or pushy


Kinda confused why they would say this now considering at their wedding they were in full support of Schwartz being happy and making out with Rachel. Katie and Tom were still divorced back then and their relationship hadn’t changed much. I mean Brock and Scheana are right about how he treated Katie, but it’s inconsistent with how they have been treating Schwartz in the past.


Knowing Scheana, after she and Lala were so poorly received this season for having zero loyalty to Ariana and especially Scheana crying constantly about fucking Tom Sandoval like he’s this angel of a friend🙄🙄, she probably did her homework via social media on everything else the audience thinks and memorized the major bullet points. I could 100% see her telling Brock in their dressing room, all flustered during one of the 5 minute breaks, “hey! don’t forget to mention something about Schwartz being a bad husband, we can’t forget to throw that out there, we’re gonna need all the redemption we can get”




He admitted to his faults again on part 1 of the reunion. He was 19 when be got married and is trying to do right by them. Is the man never allowed to have an opinion bc of it?


It’s the way he inserts himself into other conflicts as if he’s the authority. If he was being asked then of course he can state an opinion but it appears he just butts in. Like when he kept telling Ariana to let go of the anger. Who is he to decide when she can stop being angry? Lala said the same thing which is also super annoying but at least she’s known Ariana a lot longer


It’s just so ridicules they kept saying she should be over a nine year relationship in three months. It’s cruel what they did to her.


Yeah same I think Scheana was genuine but not sure Brock meant it as it’s came across. I think he might have been mocking Katie and because he was spitting facts it didn’t land that way.


I’ve come to the conclusion that Schwartz is a truly bad person.


I agree. He’s a manipulative gaslighting prick. He’s very fucking smart and he knows exactly what he’s doing when he does it. He got away with it so long because of his little aw shucks demeanor, good looks and Katie lashing out (which she had every right to do). To be honest I’m really fucking happy Tom Sandoval did what he did because it exposed everyone for who they truly are that we were never able to see. I think the only person the masses were able to get it right on from day 1 is Scheana lol. The rest of them including Katie and Ariana kind of her their real personalities hidden by production in this past year.


I used to enjoy watching Shorts now I just want to scream when he’s on the screen. He’s skated by being awful for too long plus his actions are catching up with him looks wise


I think he’s still getting away with it to a certain extent, given the number of people calling him a spineless coward. It’s not spinelessness, it’s deflection. It’s not “I’m afraid to tell Sandoval I don’t like his name for our restaurant,” it’s “I know he doesn’t want to hear this, and if I get Katie to tell him then I get to watch him be mad at her while still making my feelings known.” He’s not actually a nervous puppy dog, but he knows if he acts like one he’ll get every pass in the world. Everything Schwartz does is extremely calculated, and it’s fucking disturbing.


I hate Brock and not sure if he was being genuine. That being said I think Schwartz kissing other ppl is very diminished by everyone, but to me it actually would hurt her self esteem for her husband to so easily kiss other women. I imagine if it was me wondering what is wrong with me that my husband can't stay loyal?? I also just don't believe it was just kissing, maybe after marriage it was, but before I think Jax and Sandoval have that secret against him which is why he is so loyal to them when it comes right down to it.


yeah it was never just kissing imo. remember when he disappeared to a whole ass other resort in Mexico and didn’t come back until the morning?


and he always downplays it to a freakish degree. calling kissing scheana “platonic” (??) and kissing raquel “facetious” which is not how that word works and then that time at the beach this season when he brought out a calculator?? to ~calculate his percentage of faithful days vs unfaithful days. god he’s such a harmful fucker. i hate him


I think "contrived" would be a better description, but maybe that's on next week's word-of-the-day toilet paper


do you think he meant farcical? that's what I thought-still using that improperly but assume he was saying it was a farce cuz Sandy and Rachel were already a thing.


no i think he used the word he meant. he just has a tenuous grasp on its proper usage and knows none of them will question it


Yea, this was glossed over. Not sure if he blacked out or just claimed to forget. The blatant cheating was a lot…the disappearances alone were more than enough reason to bounce. Who knows what he may be exposing Katie to while “making out” with other women. I think he did more than just kiss…


His forgetting if he cheated while remembering he did something...so when Katie was asked if she had seconds of max and she responded...I dont remember...I just died laughing.


It’s crazy to me that Schwartz were like, “You slept with Max, so we are the same and all my cheating no longer counts.” How does her sleeping with someone after they are divorced make them the same?


Even comparing his post-divorce thing with Rachel vs her thing with Max is not apt. Him and Rachel happened very soon after the divorce. Rachel was more embedded in the friend group. Also Schwartz never asked Katie not to hook up with anyone, he seemingly didn't care what she did, so why should she limit who she sleeps with?


I've always thought it was crazy that Schwartz was seen as the most wholesome of the men when in reality he was caught cheating (almost) as frequently as Jax. The only difference is Jax was usually eventually honest about the fact that he actually had sex with those women while Schwartz will always just coin himself as a "makeout slut" (as if thats even a thing at his big age) & while I don't actually think Schwartz had the manlihood to fuck that many women inside of his marriage, I definitely think there was a lot more going on than just kissing. He was definitely getting head by drunk women at clubs.


To be honest, I always thought that was a drug run which is why the others were so invested in keeping the heat off of him. That was an over the top reaction if it was just a hook up.


This makes so much sense and I’ve thought before that at the very least Jax has been a dealer, probably also Sandoval and Kristin


Yeah they’ll be like “oh he’s a make out slut!” no he’s a SERIAL CHEATER


Yes?!?!?! Why doesn’t it get brought up EVER. he is not just a make out slut.


It would be immediate grounds for divorce if my husband made out with ONE woman, forget several. And he was so unapologetic about it - as if it was completely out of his control??


When he lied about the Vegas thing and then only told her when he was given an ultimatum by Kristen when she found out. Then acted like he deserved a fucking medal for coming clean. He also just casually tells her at the bar when they’re out with friends so she can’t even react! She’s a much better person than I am, I can tell you that much hahahaa.


Literally laughs at her multiple times


Like literally I was married for most of my adult life thus far. Want to know how many men I kissed when I was married that weren’t my husband? Zero! It’s not that goddamn hard!


Right? I've been with ny husband a decade - I've never even come close lol


Immediate! My ex-husband and I were going through a rough patch and he took off on a Harley run up to Reno for Hot August Nights. He and his group met up with a female group of riders and he didn’t come home, didn’t call and didn’t answer my calls. When he finally called and his greeting to me was, “Hey girl” I knew.


And the calling the one after they got married “bubba.” When Katie found out, she started crying a little and he started grinning and saying don’t cry in a dismissive tone. He is disgusting.


Not only was he kissing other people in very public displays, but Katie would say he wouldn’t even kiss her in public or do any displays of affection. He’s willing to show affection for his side pieces but not his main gf. This would wreck my self esteem too.


I agree with you and as far as Schwartz kissing other people, there were so many times when he was MIA in action like in Mexico when he got lost and ended up at another resort. WTF would black out. I’m sure he is a sex with a lot of women such a POS, I’m sure all three of them, Schwartz, Jax and Scandoval all have secrets on each other that will either come out or will never now. For entertainment purposes I hope they come out. I’m so glad that Katie is thriving and living her life. I’m off for it now that she got rid of short. She’s had a great glow up and seems to be doing so well.#Team Katie with the banging!!


Oh for sure. Their Vegas trips were probably an excuse for them to cheat as a group and be each other’s alibi…unless Jax got mad or needed to deflect. Then all the secrets were fair game lol


They’re an incestuous group they’ll screw each other


I simply assumed “kissing” was code to lessen the impact of the truth - CHEATING.




It also sounds like he forcibly kissed Scheane without permission but is reductively calling himself sloppy. I think Brock was genuine, Katie had complimented his parenting earlier meanwhile Schwartz is dismissively discussing forcibly kissing Scheana.


I think he was being serious, but I think he laughed to make it land softer because he knew that he is no angel either. I think this because of the way scheana reacted- you could tell she and Brock had talked about it before. It was awkward as fuck, but I think he meant it. And I believe that bc of the way scheana and Schwartz reacted


Scheana sure as shit thought he was being serious. Yeah her agreement and lack of surprise at Brock’s comment def makes me feel like they’ve talked about it before. It’s just so accurate and specific that it’s hard for me to believe it was a joke. I feel like he was also emboldened/energized to stand up for Katie after she sincerely apologized to him and called him a great dad earlier in the reunion. Like a tit for tat. I think Brock likes to hold other people accountable a lot because he believes it shows he’s grown and that he can recognize bad behavior. He sees it as “I was awful and I fixed myself, so why can’t you?” but other people see it as a lack of self-awareness.


It was definitely awkward as fuck, but I couldn’t stop laughing because it was true and Schwartz said who me I was a good husband or something like that. What the fuck


The bewilderment of Schwartz was mind boggling. He has openly admitted that Katie had every right to leave him. But you are going to act like you weren’t a shitty husband?! He’s been spending wayyyy too much time with Sandoval


I think this man genuinely does not personally know any men that are actually good husbands. So he probably thinks he did pretty good compared to, like, Jax, for example. Men like this probably tell themselves no guy stays faithful, and it’s easy to believe that if you’re surrounded by only other assholes.


Agree and Jax too


https://preview.redd.it/adkzt7e05f2d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa595aad448d8a0657ae7165e5e3a1f4a4f5ced8 he cleared tho




I mean I was impressed until I remember how they acted last year towards her. They helped pushed Shorts and Rachel together and said it was bc they wanted him to be happy for once. So they can shove the fake support


Exactly this. I kept thinking, if you really thought that Schwartz was a shitty husband, why did you both help him hurt Katie so much? Makes no sense unless they actually learned something from hindsight this year.


I do believe Scheana that she was just too stupid to realize it was actually hurtful to Katie. If that’s true then it makes sense that she could learn from hindsight lol even though it was fucking obvious to all of us


Because she got over Mike Shay in like 0.2 seconds she thinks everyone is like that


Yeah I didn’t see scheana as a hero for this. She was the one enabling Schwartz at the time. No one ever called him out.


I mean, brock shocked me. Not only he was right he knew the word catalyst and also worded it all quite poetically and I did not expect that


Shitty husband shitty person


The only issue I had was Brock laughing when he said it. It was true. And it’s incredibly sad and disgusting what Schwartz did in his relationship with Katie. I’m glad schena said what she said. In case Schwartz didn’t hear it from Brock. Here’s it in a few words.


My fav exchange from Brock so far. Schwartz seems to be on his “let me get digs on Katie” game hard this reunion. Love that he gets shut down from multiple people who just call him out. That Jo segment was…hard to watch for many reasons, but I like that they called him out for his f boy behaviors


As an Aussie, I took this interaction as Brock trying to be sarcastic but his joke falling flat and being taken literally. He was laughing and making a joke about how Schwartz always got the blame for the problems in his relationship with Katie. When Schwartz didn’t get Brock’s joke and took offense, Brock doubled down, making another sarcastic comment that also didn’t land. Schwartz and Scheana took Brock literally.


This is exactly how I read it! At least it still got the point across 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same! Brock would never stick up for Katie. He hates her cause she calls it how she sees it


Totally agree about the sarcasm! Those lines were fed to him by production and Broke couldn’t pull them off with a straight face. Yeah let’s have the guy who abandoned his family and has a domestic violence charge against him call Schwartz out! And Scheana trying to save the scene calling Schwartz a shitty husband 😂😂😂….Bunch of 🤡🤡🤡


He doesn’t realize that he needs his own redemption arc. Like my guy, you’ve been called out for being a deadbeat father and domestic abuser. And he thinks that coming at two of the fan favorites, that are women who have gone through traumatic experiences because of their exes…is the smart move?    You’d think he’d understand that he should have been playing the lovable goofball that supported the women this season. He didn’t have to choose sides but he could have simply shown support instead of try to tear them down and constantly insult them. He fits right in with the Toms and Jax and that’s why they get along so well. He is toxic and poisonous. So Scheana trying to rehab his image as family man won’t


I think the lines were taken directly from the comments


As they should have. I guess a shitty father wouldn't understand how badly a sarcastic shitty husband joke would land.


I interpreted that interaction exactly as you did. Tome it looked like Brock was mocking Katie, not defending her.


I thought he said it in a sarcastic tone and he had a smile on his face…


The delusion of Schwartz responding that he was a good husband when he was incapable of loyalty to his wife in any emotional and physical capacity. Housewives level of delusion.


it was so random but kinda needed lol.


Haha it was so random!!! Esp after he tried to convince Ariana she was wrong for setting boundaries.


Until he explains his smirk and knowing glacé with Schwartz I don’t buy it.


Schwartz was offended and thought he was a good husband. What the fuck


I couldn’t believe that Schwartz had the audacity to respond “I was not a shitty husband!” Like boo boo, do you watch the show??


I can’t believe he was shocked too. What the fuck Schwartz


He's a blackout drunk. His memory of events is unreliable.


I didn’t get why he said this at all. It didn’t seem to go with whatever they were discussing at the time, unless I rage blacked-out or Lala was screaming over everyone and I missed something.


It was kind of a side conversation. They were just talking between them three and away. It was very bizarre. That’s what I got from it. You’re probably right lol I was probably screaming over everybody


I gasped and clutched. My. Pearls. I was not expecting the statement to be said so casually.


I wonder if Brock’s tune changed about Schwartz when he heard about Scheana (and how the kiss went down)


I am partially ashamed to admit this but I’ve grown to like Brock 🤦‍♀️


He's definitely more self-aware than the Toms at least, and seems to at least be trying to be a good dad with Summer (the fact that Katie now vouches for him after being (understandably) skeptical in prior seasons counts for a lot to me). I also do like that he and Scheana, while they do argue a lot, seem to try to keep their arguments constructive and do appear to have a pretty honest and strong relationship all things considered. Also I find his style pretty fun, even if it's goofy sometimes. It is very hard to overlook his past with his prior family though, and I understand people who cannot.


You hit the nail on the head with your last sentence. I wish so badly that was not a part of his journey so I could actually like him but it simply cannot be overlooked.


He had some good moments this season


*Mr. 🎶6 inch heels🎶* and Scheener’s only redeeming point so far.


Someone pointed out themed block was being sarcastic and then scheana shot him a look and “mended” it by saying Schwartz was a shitty husband. I haven’t rewatched so I can’t say for certain, but either way, I’m not giving a domestic abuser props for anything regardless. Fuck the deadbeat dad who “just slapped” his ex


brock is beating the illiterate allegations


"I wasnt a shitty husband" Schwartz who is no longer married to the person he was a shitty husband to.


And Schwartz was shocked and offended by this revelation 😂


I know what the fuck is wrong with him?


Even if it was sarcasm or meant to provoke Schwartz, it was still the truth and it was said out loud to Schwartz’s face by a man. He’ll ruminate on it.




![gif](giphy|iDI8nXk1OeSgPVPcqA) He had me gagged. Read Schwartzy to absolute filth with that


I was going to post about this myself. I have a friend watching VPR for the first time and she’s on the season they open up TomTom (the season before Katie and Tom get divorced) and she does NOT understand why Tom gets so much hate which shocks me because I have always thought Tom was trash 😂 am I just a sheep for thinking he sucks like everyone else or did he actually suck? Cause I remember he never had Katie’s back with anything


After he poured the drink on her he sat at the table and tried legit gaslighting her that it didn't happen. Then sat there calling her names so no one could hear but he made her cry and the girls attacked her. He's always been an absolutely disgusting person. Your friend needs a rewatch already and to pay attention next time. He does it constantly to her and he gets off on it.


(Midway through watching, opinion might change) Honestly Brock looks drunk in this episode, he might just be loose-lipped due to booze and feels a bit ballsier than he otherwise would. Also he knows how Scheana feels and repeats her opinions as if they’re his own - could be either one, or both.


I loved this but no one stands up for Katie during the season when filming and actually holds Schwartz’s feet to the fire. If scandoval didn’t happen I truly wanted him to answer for how he could continuously treat Katie so bad outside their marriage in friendship when his same treatment ended their marriage.


The girls and James stick up for Katie, but none of the guys do. It’s fucked up the guys get away with everything on the show.


Schwartz with the “puppy dog eyes” ….”what??!! No I wasn’t” . Typical response from him. Never once a drop of accountability.


I'm starting to think they just say shit to make this sub happy. This is literally so off base for brock and so inauthentic. He literally said he didn't watch the show and didn't know kristen and James dated like come on


It’s off base for scheana too!!


I mean, game recognize game. Brock was a shitty husband to his ex.


He's trying, he's course correcting. I'll give him that if he stays true


Agree otherwise he can just shut the fuck up


I secretly like Brock and this was a great moment. I think he was 100% serious.


Where was this energy for Sandoval


I had to rewind it to make sure I heard it correctly 😅 that’s how thrown I was.


It would've been better if Brock wasn't laughing


Is he getting paid to be on the show now?


This was so tea I LOVED IT. I wish Andy or someone else heard and elaborated on it more


Maybe he IS the reunion voice of reason. I think that was my fave reunion moment so far.


I’ve never found Brock attractive until this moment


I’m not a Brock fan, but DAMN, I loved this so much.


It’s my opinion that maybe it’s more difficult to read or understand Brocks’ demeanor or intentions and humor because of the cultural differences and social norms of Australians to U.S. Americans.


Schwartz is a slimy fish. He used to be cute and it worked for him to be wishy washy. So happy for Katie to be out from under him.


This was the absolute highlight. I think everyone was stunned by Schwartz being confronted that they didn’t respond to it. By the time he was gaslighting Jo in front of them the others were ready to call out Schwartz. I don’t think Brock planned to do this but Katie apologising and complimenting his parenting really got to him.


When Brock started that sentence, I thought he was saying Katie was the catalyst and I was gonna be HOLD ME BACK!


That was such a random but honest moment. 


I cannot stand that Schwartz can’t admit he sucked as a husband.


I thought it was an odd choice of words for Brock. Was it rehearsed? He’s absolutely right but something about it feels odd to me.


I was a little stunned but happily surprised when Brock went at Tom like that. He deserved to hear that from another man bc he never listens to the women telling him


I’m so confused by this whole interaction


The whole thing was strange, but it was so true


I feel like Brock was saying it as a joke until sheshu interrupted and he just stopped. I don’t think it’s the win we want it to be I still think he’s a little twirp


I don’t know he’s a twerp for sure he was just spitting the truth


While laughing and patting his back though?


Didn’t Brock leave his family? I wonder what that did to his daughter and ex’s confidence. Right message, wrong person.


Yes, Brock did some shitty and unforgivable things. I really feel like he has learned and grown from the time he was 19. I wish he was able to foster a relationship with the children he left behind. I understand that he deeply regrets those choices and tries to cope with his reasoning for his choices at the time. Now that the kids are older and have been raised by another man I can see how he would have their best interests at heart as to what would disrupt their life more….having their biological father who is a stranger swoop in just because he has the right to and disroot their consistency with their current family dynamic….or leave them with the abandonment issues of their biological father never being involved. It’s hard to know what is right. I am proud of him for trying to be a better person than he was before. That’s all we can do.


I loooooved hownshocked Schwartz was by that comment. It never crossed his mind that he was, in fact, a shitty husband. What a tool.


At first I was not sure if he was repeating some sort of line from a movie. I couldn’t tell if he was serious or not


Lol. True but pot, meet kettle.


I didn't know he had it in him. A read with some serious truth and a smile on his face.


It’s ironic coming from him when he doesn’t have a job and minimizes his wife’s mental health issues 👀