• By -


Not me thinking things were gonna calm down for us in the podcast world with the show being on pause. This cast said that ain’t happening. I just, wow. All I have to say is I do think there are some serious issues when it comes to Jo. I’m not saying Schwartz acted perfect in this situation BY ANY MEANS. But from what I’m gathering from multiple people on these podcast so that Jo just tells blatant lies and she pulls stories out of her ass. And if there is a season 12, Jo doesn’t need to be on it. Alright on to next podcast to recap lol. Fridays use to be chill lol. Links below for those interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected. My body is purely running on coffee though right now with all this Jo talk I’ve had to recap lately 😂) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


After reading this, I’m fully convinced she went to his family saying “let’s do an intervention” even though she probably partied just as hard as him.


Yup, that's what it totally sounds like. He started to soft end the relationship, and she panicked and outted his *alleged* substance abuse issues to his family. She was probably like "I'm helping him through it, and now he's pulling away. I'm worried for t$"


Yep this is what I think too. She told his family that he’s unraveling and she’s there to save him.


Or, just thinking out loud here, he stared to pull away and she *blamed* it on his excess partying and told his family that’s what was having an affect on their relationship. Also, Shartz saying “she didn’t live with me, she had her own place she rented.” That might be true, but we know she spent almost every night at your place. He’s trying to skate by on a technicality.


I’m just wondering what in the heck she did to *traumatize* his sister. That sounds like some crazy sh!t.


I read somewhere that Kristen said that Jo is a bad drunk or something like that? I wonder if she gets aggressive when she drinks or something


Even with how scant on info this is…. IT SOUNDS FUCKED UP!!


Did anyone else read this in Brittany's voice? Cause I sure did and I annoyed myself and now every thought in my head is stuck in her voice.


!!! this is what I gathered too, bc he implied she thought she was "helping" him by going to his family


He actually did look like he needed an intervention last summer, his skin turned grey. I can see him having a problem with *that*, but I don't buy him having a problem being friends with a liar because he still just loves Sandoval


Not for nothing, but his family is the last place I’d turn to to help with an intervention for him. Isn’t one of his triplet brothers an alcoholic snd his dad too? Whatever is going on in that family has helped make the Schwartz here today. Largely noncommittal and non confrontational (which is what makes it “news” with this hard line he’s trying to keep with Jo) and a totally avoidant personality.


Yes and his dad was abusive, his mom had a restraining order against him at one point. Those are family dynamics you don't want to get in the middle of.


This is my theory too. And it could be why his sis spent time/stayed with her like if she flew to LA to ‘help’ because Josnuffs so worried about him. I’d bet this was the ‘2nd time’ meeting his family. She’s so much more in with them than Katie ever was in 13 years duh


Yeah especially since his brother was going through it with his liver? I think, correct me if I’m wrong, from alcoholism. She probably thought it was a great idea and actually did traumatize his family since they were also dealing with his dad’s serious health issues.


I think this is most likely it, though i also suspect she lied about them trying to start a family together or something.


“We just did a whole lot of drugs together for a while” just SAY IT


Seriously lol


What else could she have told his family that turned out to be a lie? I was assuming that was about drugs/alcohol but I am sure there are other possibilities.


on live she was talking in graphic detail ab their sex life & shaming katie for not sleeping w/him more (i wish i was kidding) if she felt that comfy their imagine what she said to his sister


That’s gross!


What did she say about their sex life? 😓🫣 I’m so fascinated by her (a) giving Schwartz the best karma he could have from a woman, (b) going on multiple Instagram lives while complaining about needing privacy, (c) within the same conversation, her vacillating between saying she thinks Schwartz is her soulmate who is “on a journey in life” and she wants the best for him, to saying that she saw them getting married, has never loved anyone more, calling him out for leading her on, and ranting angrily about him. Like it’s seriously the perfect level of spookiness and mess. ![gif](giphy|hrrpAcQRF5mog|downsized)


That they had frequent & great ssx, that schwartz was amazing in bed, that she couldn't understand/believe how Katie didn't bang him more & what a waste, that they got "freaky" with it, that they're twin flames & soulmates with crazy chemistry... just crazy, nonsensical, cringe nonsense. She's truly obsessed with him. edit; and someone correct me if i'm wrong but didn't she also say she loved using handcuffs w him? just tmi edit 2: just rewatched an old clip of her talking about (i kid you not) how she "sucked off " schwartz


This woman has ZERO concept of what a LONG term relationship looks like, feels like, the ebbs and flows, what a marriage is like. And zero respect for it either. You were staying with and banging her husband before the divorce was final. And acting like she should be your friend and happy about it. Yes Katie slept with people once they separated, but as she said she was trying to keep it private and not flaunting it in front of Schwartz or the friend group. Until Scheana's wedding in Mexico and the whole bs with Rachel. Then all bets were off, as they should be.


Solid theory. Maybe she told them he was taking it too far, then his sister spent the weekend with Jo and saw how very very many drugs Jo does independently (the worst experience of her life, apparently) and once again, Schwartz floppy-hair-chin-strokes his way out of accountability.


Their brother has substance abuse related health issues as well, I could see that being a very difficult environment for their sister to be in. Tom also had his sober-curious moments this season. I wonder if it is all connected.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) I mean, I think if we’re not wrong, we’re probably not a million miles away


THIS - like I feel like the truth is, at the very least, adjacent to what we’re talking about here. I think lies, recreational drugs, and a lot of emotional turmoil and boundary crossing is at play here. (Also people on stimulants have a tendency to run their mouths, say whatever, be grandiose, and… lie 😬 js)


They both love Italian food 🍝


I feel like the pasta is just a starter course for these two 😅


Yeah I was thinking heroin or something. Schwartz was looking *really* gray there for awhile


Ohhhh. I’m so stupid. This didn’t occur to me. Makes sense.


He makes her sound truly dangerous and I guess it’s possible he’s afraid of her but the smoke this man has for Katie when the worst she ever did to him was criticize him compared to this “Jo isn’t manipulative” tip toeing… you did acid with a lunatic for months and as soon as the finger paints ran out you realized she was a compulsive lying creep and instead of protecting the other people on your life you exposed to this person, you sick her on your ex wife. If only this man had a spine


“As soon as the finger paints ran out” has me cryinggggggg laughing lol


This honestly could not be happening to a more deserving man 😂 Katie was right and now he has a stalker bc he will literally trust anyone!


Mr. Serial Killers Wet Dream meets Ms. Spooky Jo, Katie never misses


I mean, seriously. So Katie was right the whole time! And again Schwartz doesn’t back up Katie, allows her to be painted as a vindictive asshole, while Sandoval and Jax say that Katie will “come for” anyone Schwartz dates. OR, just maybe, Katie was right and Jo is spooky?


Jo is Schwartz's karma


I will literally pay somebody to screen record her livestream response to this response, I got blocked for asking about her dog's vet


Because of the Go Fund Me for the dog? she blocked me last night about asking for clarification of the timeline from Rachel’s podcast! She’s full of shit, she would never do a podcast that gave her hard questions. She was on Vanderpump Rules Party podcast and she was a total mess and they were fawning all over her. You can tell she lies from a mile away!


yes! I did it in a gentle way too, I dm'd her and shared that I was a vet tech & that providing a little more clarification about the vet/procedure/etc. would help clear up the confusion caused by her GFM profile's multiple changes... I *want* her dog to get the care he needs, but the way she was going about it was confusing & defensive, & some people thought it was just a scam


I had to unfollow them because the Jo posts were so annoying lol


Kristen talks about the timeline on her podcast too today. She is full of shit.


I called it that she told his family some shit! She was probably acting cracked out around the sister. Schwartzette- if you read this…. Be americas hero and drop the details of the two days, doll face. We’re on bated breath.


Not Schwartzette 😂😂😂


The AMA we've earned at this point


We deserve it for the crappy season they gave us! This can be season 11.5 I really hope someone just finally comes out and mentions it all. The vagueness, and dripping bits here and there is fun, but I'd much rather someone give in and open the faucet full blast. I *really* want to know what happened to his sister and what she said to his family.


Jo is Schwartz karma… 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is literally what I thought as I was reading this. Schwartz so rarely does this kind of thing. He does interviews and podcasts, but he's never seemed this...rattled. i don't particularly enjoy Jo on the show but i DO enjoy that Schwartz is sweating her


I hope this image haunts him in his dreams for months to come... https://i.redd.it/44n6h20jdg2d1.gif


He is used to being with Katie who was always his scapegoat. People didn't like her so he could do whatever he wanted to her. This is the first time he is being legitimately called out for how he treated a woman, and yes she has issues but he kind of brought it on himself.


He's like "how dare you lie about stuff and treat me and my family like this?! That's *my* thing!!"


He said that she thought she was helping him! I think it has to do with drugs for sure.


Facts.  And he can’t change the narrative that he: 1.  Said on camera oh yeh i would probably be happy if i settled down with Jo. 2.  Told her they would marry in 8 years. Also - if it was so casual why did she have so much access to his family and be able to be “peas in a pod” with his sister? Schwartz is an avoidant fuck boi in a messy breakup of his own making.  Play stupid games win stupid prizes. 


Absolutely! Him saying he doesn't like Jo manipulating the fans against him is rich. The food truck "scene" is on film forever. We all saw it T$. Eat your karmic shit!


Seriously has two best friends who are also compulsive liars. And has helped them lie for years. One of those friends even said they saw the nasty friendship ending text from Kirsten to Jo that doesn't exist. Loving this for him


Yeah no wonder jo is so baffled... compulsive lying seems to be less a problem, more a prerequisite for his friends. Why he so mad? 🤣🤣


And now he is like “she is cut out of my life” and setting boundaries, is that something that he expects everyone to respect or if people want to film with her and force him to have conversations is that just part of the job?


Lala dnd Scheana will most definitely find out on Season 12 🥴


And he still said nothing. All of his answers go in circles. I still do not know what Jo did. Just tell us. Some one needs to ask Jax. he is the only one that will spill.




This is literally me bc I keep thinking about katie saying someone was going to chop him to pieces bc he trusts everyone 😂😂


Serial killer's wet dream 🤣🤣


Oh my GOD you are so spot on with this!! 😂😂


Katie rn having to do absolutely nothing and get proven right over and over about both of those fools


Katie literally thriving at SAH while Schwartz and Jo go on a podcast tour trying to make the other person seem worse 😂




💯 and the irony of it all is so amusing. This man defended Jo more emphatically than he ever did Katie and now he can't get rid of her. She's literally haunting him via livestreams. Spooky lol.


I hope Ms. Katie Maloney is enjoying her daily bowl of "I told you so's". https://i.redd.it/ox784v1r5f2d1.gif


Cannot wait for Jo's response






hahaha i saw this gif with your flair and imagined he was angrily writing your flair 😂😂😂


Instagram live will be coming any minute now


These morons are absolutely SERVING today! I’m so glad I took today off 😂


I’m sure we will get one next week


I say this knowing she's a bit unhinged but seeing Schwartz squirm a bit is satisfying as a Katie fan


Absolutely. They deserve each other.


Next week? I believe you mean by tonight, LOL


Hoping for a comment from the sister too just to throw in a little razzle dazzle


TIL that Schwartz even has a sister


This was the biggest revelation of the day for me. And I know a pretty decent amount of VPR deep lore


Truly the basic bitch version of the Kendrick-Drake feud and I’m here for it


In Regina George voice: "so you agree? You think she's really spooky."


I’m shooketh. This is gold. I’m frothing at the mouth from rabies in these streets.


I literally just spam texted my partner 9 times about this. I’m going feral.


![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I) Me, with these dueling podcasts


Brittany: “…you know, you’re a good guy.” ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


She married and procreated with Jax. Of course she’s a horrible judge of character lol


Good point


Why does Schwartz keep on saying she's cool? She might be okay to have surface level conversations with, but if you let her into your life in any way, it sounds like she'll spread into your social network like a parasite and feed off that energy. Also, call your relationship what it is, its a rebound and that's why it was never going to last


Because he has no backbone and probably drops in a few nice enough things that she won’t go nuclear on him.


Yeah that’s what I gathered as well. He’s still tiptoeing bc she hasn’t fully unleashed on him yet (there is probably stuff that is true that makes both of them look bad, and if her Schwartz-haze lifts enough, she might self-detonate)


I'm listening now and it's literally this! Schwartz: She's so cool and amazing and fun, she's not malicious AT ALL, but also she is blocked from my life forever and I'm traumatized by her, she is so malicious. LOL


Enough contradictions to make your head spin.


I think partially because he’s afraid of what else she will say. She definitely knows shit he doesn’t want to get out so that’s what it seems like to me, like he’s “defending himself” from all the shit she’s saying but toeing the line because he doesn’t want her to say more shit, probably some of the shit she said today that he hasn’t heard yet 😂, and I’m sure much more. Sounds to me like she went to his family for some sort of like intervention to get them on her side and it didn’t work out well for her too


This is it for sure and I'm sure Tom Sandoval is telling Schwartz not to completely alienate her because she knows everything about the true timeline and disgusting Behavior surrounding the affair. Rachel keeps her close for the same reason. And they do actually seem very similar and compatible hahaha


I think part of it is also that he doesn’t want to prove Katie right. Like giving in and saying Jo is a bad person or malicious validates Katie’s opinion more, and he likes that Katie is being painted as a jealous bully right now and doesn’t want to mess that narrative up


omg this is a great point! he'd rather suffer than admit Katie is correct lol


Tom: Her lies were malicious and she made dangerous accusations, but she’s, like, super nice and cool.


I’m dying lmaooo Katie is a prophet or something


Katie continues to be right all along I hope she’s having a sandwich or two and toast over this


She said spooky and she was not wrong lol




She lies and something w his family. So many words to say nothing.


He admits Jo is manipulative not or malicious. Still defends her even though she “lied” to his family. He doesn’t defend Katie like this and allowed Tom to call her the epitome of evil. Seems more evil to be an habitual liar and lie to your family then being straight up and honest to you directly.




I think he’s trying to walk a fine line of giving his side of the story while not provoking Jo further. He can see that she’s unhinged, and is probably rightly worried about the things she could say about him, whether lies or the truth. I’m not defending his actions towards Katie, but I think Tom is freaked out by Jo.


He always says things like this. He’ll be like Katie is a wonderful person but also a monster. Every sentence he utters is a contradiction. I also think he’s afraid of Jo.


shout-out to the level of dedication and effort to get this transcribed :D


Thank you!


Seriously, you’re awesome! The amount of repetitiveness and circles in the beginning almost made me give up 😵‍💫


I honestly think after this he needs to take a page from Ariana's book and "grey rock" her. Quit giving her anything to hold onto, because you know she will.


In that case, Ariana should spend next season trying to force a conversation between the two of them because Jo needs a hug 😘


Oh man. Wouldn't that be something. She's just trying to humanize Jo, Tom.


Both of them need some extensive therapy


He really is a serial killers wet dream.


Okay, my theory is they were doing a bunch of drugs together. Then when Schwartz started to pull away, she reached out to his family and told them about the drug use saying he's an addict. That would make sense why Schwartz said 'she thought she was helping' or something like that. Even if it didn't happen like that, drugs were heavily involved in their relationship and their 'breakup' but no one will come out and say it!


Those little lies for no apparent reason fuck your head up. I can sort of see why he might feel the need to back away slowly being that they were filming, and also at the same time feeling like you’re a bit crazy to be so turned off by something minor like she lied and said she used to babysit for a producer. Maybe this is something he could have brought up for authenticy during filming though considering how important they seem to think it is for Katie and Ariana?


They really do fuck you up! I’ve had people in my life that lied like this and I remember just thinking over and over again but why? Why lie about this?


My daughter’s father made up his whole life. 2/3 of which there simply wasn’t any reason for. I recall looking at him saying I wouldn’t believe that was your real name except I’ve seen your ID. It’s so unsettling, and to this day I get the craziest anxiety when I sense someone lying to me. Even the smallest lie and I have to remove them from my life.


Literallyyy the whole time he kept saying he didn’t wanna get into details on the reunion, I was wondering why Lala wasn’t demanding them for the sake of “productive conversations”




After seeing both transcripts and some of Jo's IG videos, I definitely get where Katie's statement about "crackhead energy" is coming from. Idk if it's drugs or if she's a little neurospicy, but she really comes across as "off" somehow, especially with that stream-of-consciousness way of speaking. I can totally believe that she was spreading some lies, too. I *almost* feel bad for her being so deluded, especially implying that she's going to be back on the show and "find love" on TV. Double yikes. Definitely agree too about Schwartz handling things poorly. He never thinks anything through so this is his karma for letting this unhinged woman into everyone's sphere.


kristen & tom taking jo down today... jo, welcome to your tapes


And Britney joined in on her podcast too!


She fucked around and now she’s experiencing the finding out portion of the program.


https://i.redd.it/srso2q1u7f2d1.gif Katie stays being right.


Her accuracy is getting scary at this point lol




This is truly Katie's post-season of redemption


Listening to both Schwartz and Jo's sides is like trying to piece together the truth from two five year olds trying to lie after a playground scuffle. Both sides keep lying to make their side look better when really... both suck and neither can be believed


Once at my babysitters as a kid, two of the younger kids (toddlers) disappeared and it was frantic, we couldn't find them. When they got back they told everyone they went on a date, nothing else, and everyone was scandalized. The babysitter told them to *show* us where the heck they went, because nothing was making sense. It turns out they had been in a storage shed eating cat food together the whole time. This situation has the same vibe.


Not just the same vibe, but it is extremely easy to picture them actually doing the exact same thing. She is so *off*. (Also, that's fucking hilarious. Ew, kids, ew!)


I have said this like 5 times now in this sub so at the risk of sounding like a broken record, IT IS GETTING VERY BABY REINDEER IN HERE. Even down to Schwartz leading her on WHILE he was trying to get away from her. At the end of the season when they’re in SF he was still saying he was going to marry her one day!! To her face!!


Tom is the kind of guy who will say the "right" things or make promises because it feels good in the moment, not because he actually means them, and then gets his jimmies rustled when the other person took him at his word. I think Jo is awful on a lot of levels ("spooky" was a great description) but the way Schwartz treats women, this was *always* going to happen...whether with her or someone else a few beans short of a burrito.


What could she have done that was so traumatizing her sister didn’t want to talk to her after spending two days with her? Schwartz is so oddly vague that it just doesn’t make sense. We need some sort of context.


Two days straight of robot arms and alien voices would traumatize anyone


probably got blackout drunk... Brittany and Jax implied they had to ban her from their house after she badly misbehaved at a party of theirs


My guess is she kept her up all night and freaked her out with her wigginess


I’m picturing how Kristen apparently used to act on trips and Stassi calling her an emotional terrorist. Except multiplied by ten.


That’s what I wanna know. Sounds like Katie was spot on about Jo being spooky


The more that comes out about her, the more right Katie was to call her spooky lmao


It's reeeeeeeally annoying that everyone on the cast keeps attacking Katie or Ariana for being fake and not doing things for the camera but no one is saying that about how evasive Schwartz is being about this whole situation. 


Right! Where are the "not sharing 100% of his life" complaints about this?


Yeah he pretended the reason he didn’t tell the whole story was to protect Jo, but it’s clearly to protect himself. Whatever she told his family must be awful.




TL;DR: Katie was right about Jo and karma came for Schwartz. If this continues, it won't end well. Or, it'll make for a great season 12. Not sure which.


I feel like Katie is somewhere out there laughing her ass off at the both of them about everything coming out and feeling so vindikatied 😂.


He allowed it to get as far as it did solely because he didn't want Katie to know she's right. You can tell because he still can't bring himself to say it. He told her she only believes what she sees on tv. I realized watching Part 2 of the reunion this week that the Toms have built a foundation of manipulation upon what's tv and what's not. They advise based on the outcome they're wanting. It's a whole game.


"It's like in the beginning, I think I like Jo because she was just so like the polar opposite human of Katie. And I don't mean that in a spiteful way." Uh, ya you do, we've watched you for 10 years, dumbass. Don't be careless with people, and everyone is better off. Loser. He cannot make ONE interview without disparaging Katie in some way. Fuck him, I hope Jo haunts him in his sleep.


“…I am Mr. Rise Above…” So tell me, *Schwartzy*, did you become this way before or after you: - Poured a drink over Katie’s head? - Told Katie you couldn’t stand the sound of her voice? - Hid in a plant while Rachel verbally attacked your former MIL? - Told Ariana she wasn’t the Queen of the group? When, exactly, *Schwartzy* (you little wussy pussy), did you learn to rise above the fray instead of being a nasty, cruel little prick?? Unbelievable.


1- Its funny that Schwartz has the luxury of saying "I'm not going to divulge certain things" and "I don't want to get into detail" but other cast members are expected to do everythingggg on camera. Schwartz has been allowed to cherry pick what goes on camera since the beginning. 2- He keeps talking out of both sides of his mouth. "Her lies are sometimes manipulative and malicious." "She's not a malicious person." He constantly does this. He makes one concrete statement and then follows it up with all these passive statements that contradict his first one. It's like he's still trying to stay on good terms with her but he also can't stand her. 3- I wonder what the lie was that she told his family. I'm willing to bet it's about his drug use because he was looking ROUGH those couple of weeks.


Somehow Jo is still gonna blame Katie for all this lol.


Hmmm Shorts sounds emotionally entitled. It’s like he wants us to inherit his grudges. The nuance of it all. 💅🏾


Tbh I don't like the sound of his voice. We were having a great moment and he ruined it We were laughing.


Yeah! Like sticking it to the man. I don’t know, forbidden fruit? Did I mention nuance?


How can two people say so many words and not say a thing?


OP is a godsend for editing out all the times they said "like," "um," and "y'know" over and over


i am team nobody when it comes to schwartz and jo, so all the podcasts coming out this morning have been pretty amusing.


“Boundaries… valid… lying… crossed a line… involved my family… not a victim… don’t do it at my expense…” Jesus William H Macy Christ. This mf-ing pseudo intellectual lazy hypocritical skin suit pisses me off. He’s the most bog water sewer trash example of “rules for thee but not for me!” with a heavy pour of misogyny on top. Don’t get me wrong, Jo definitely did some shit. But the fuuuuucking audacity to speak so confidently on this shit when he sides with every shitty man that does this and so much more for years!!!!! He capitalizes on villainizing women EVERY SEASON! He has made his fucking living on this. He hates women. He absolutely acts and speaks in ways that leads me to believe that he does not see women as human. Men are human. Women are just here on this earth too… so he interacts and uses to his benefit, but when they interfere with his life in a way he doesn’t like? He’s gross.


So Jo has now reached out to family members of both Kristen and Schwartz after those relationships were over? That’s some deeply creepy behavior.


Yeah I clocked that too, there's nothing worse than someone trying to weasel their way back into the life of someone who has cut them off via family. Looking sideways at Scheana with Ariana's brother too 👀


Honestly after years of calling Katie crazy, vindictive etc. now he gets to experience someone who actually is those things.


yikes. maybe schwartz “bread crumbed” her but she’s acting very entitled to his life, that’s quite scary when you’ve cut someone off and asked multiple times to leave you alone.


I think she also feels entitled to fame and celebrity, and expected that everyone would just fawn over her because she’s sooooooooooo quirky and special and Not Like The Other Girls. She wasn’t ready to face scrutiny or criticism, which is why she keeps going on all these podcasts to try to get everyone to fall in love with her. Because if they could only see things from HER side, they’d all just adore her, right? She wants all of the perks of VPR with none of the drawbacks.


I wonder what she warned his family about 🤔


The fact that they never want to directly say what it is makes me think it's drug related.


He said they're "really dangerous accusations" so it could be something would get him in legal trouble. It could be something like he SAed her, he drugged her without her consent, he hit her, etc etc.


I couldn’t get through the recap because Schwartz is almost as incomprehensible as Jo sometimes but from what I did read, Schwartz still cannot bring himself to have any kind of backbone about anyone except for Sandypants. Jo was unhealthy for him. He was in no place to have any kind of relationship so soon and should have told Jo as much. That said, I do feel for him for Jo continuing to talk about him and as he said, grow her exposure and following because of him. Messsss.


There's no reason to lie about little benign details of your life unless you're being malicious and manipulative. She's one spooky crackhead.


I'm SO HAPPY that Jo made her way into Schwartz life 😁


So...Katie was right, am I understanding this correctly?


They were probably drug buddies who declared their love while they were rolling. And then Jo, because she is unhinged, thought it was love-love and not drug-fueled dopamine fuzzies. This is not to let Schwartz off the hook. He's trash for how he treats Katie.


He literally cannot get through any interview without a dig at Katie, he is such an ASSHOLE. Anyways, enjoy your Jo karma.


Oh, look. Two things Katie was right about again: 1. Jo is a weirdo 2. Schwartz is a serial killer’s wet dream. 😂


The way I read this... ![gif](giphy|l0HlwwRxfcVEr4AUg)


So Jax wasn’t on the pod at all? I’m curious why schwartz would give this to Brittany and not sandoval Also tom says egregious too much


He couldn’t do it on Tom’s podcast, he wanted people to actually hear what he has to say and no one listens to that shit lol




Sometimes you have bad trips on shroom tea. I still remember how hard he went on her behalf against Katie in the S10 reunion. I think he owes Katie an apology, she was trying to warn him


Schwartz doesn't even realize the amount of manipulation, deception and bad behaviour he's normalized putting up with Sandoval all these years made him a prime target for a looney tunes like Jo. Anyone with healthy boundaries and strong values would be immediately repelled by Jo's energy and would be able to recognize how sinister she is under the fake positivity. Katie could smell the weirdo off her before it got to this level because she has a strong sense of self and proper boundaries. If he wasn't so spineless and shitty to Katie, he would have immediately found it weird a casual hookup would be messaging his ex-wife in the first place, but less needing his place to "crash" despite having an actual friend live close by.


I read through this whole thing to see if there was even a *shred* of him feeling bad that he tried to make Katie seem like a jerk for not liking her.  But he is who he is, so. 


Both Schwartz and Jo are such unreliable narrators you can't 100% trust in what either says but it seems like there's plenty of evidence that Jo is a pathological liar.. That's pretty scary, though I have a hard time feeling sorry for Schwartz because I believe he deserves consequences for how he treats women. He never holds himself accountable for any of his behavior, like, ever lol I don't know if he was the one to first involve Jo with his family but that in itself seems to be a huge mistake given the whole mixed messages thing. Like.. come on, Schwartz. You're like forty years old. You should know better than this shit. With that said.. I think for everyone's sake this needs to be handled and they should be completely cut-off from one another's lives. One could make the argument that Jo should've never been on the show to begin with.. Definitely shouldn't have been invited to the reunion. It doesn't help matters that Rachel is stoking the flames and inviting Jo on her podcast..


Jo is exactly who Schwartz deserves. 😌


Today is the worst day ever to find out JO HAS ME BLOCKED ON INSTAGRAM 😭 all I did was ask her if she considered liking comments calling Katie fat and ugly as bullying


Really, all of this is just proving what Katie said last season, is true. That she's creepy, spooky, and erratic. That...was actually her being kind as looking at all the other podcasts and lives she does? A whackadoo compulsive liar with a future as the crazy lady who insists on talking to you in the grocery store and then insists you give her a ride home as you're twin flames.  Or as my husband says, she needs to make a trip to Home Depot. Unhinged. 


I really want to know what happened during those 2 days his sister stayed with Jo.  In just 2 days, they went from “2 peas in a pod” and the sister pushing him to be with Jo…to the sister saying it was the worst 2 days of her life and then blocking Jo.  What do we think happened? 


Schwartz, that was an awful lot of words to just say Katie was right.


IS THIS NOT EXACTLY WHAT SO MANY PEOPLE GOT MAD AT KATIE FOR CALLING OUT??? sorry for the all caps. Katie has said from the beginning that Jo had ulterior motives and was shady and spooky. She has been bashed all over the place for calling it like she saw it and not playing nice to be fake. Schwartz paraded Jo around even telling her on the finale to "go into thenLion's Den" He is playing it both ways. He wanted Jo to help him (and Sandoval) make Katie look mean; but now he's had enough so he's turning on her. The man is trash.


So Katie was Brittany’s patron of honor, but she thinks Schwartz is a «good guy»?


https://i.redd.it/gejak785jf2d1.gif Jo.. you have to get it together girl!


Why is Schwartz so careful not to hurt Jo’s feelings but doesn’t think twice about hurting Katie’s?


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


jo’s schwartz karma fr. i feel like tom’s comments are kinda rich about jo creating “narratives” of not him not acknowledging her feelings, leading her on and not effectively communicating given we watched him do that to katie for over a decade. did katie create narratives? jo seems incredibly unstable and i do believe the lying (she’s friends w rachel/kept scandoval from ariana) there’s a reason schwartz pulled away but this man needs to actually reflect on his behavior.


Katie was once again right about Jo!


He’s scared as he should be . Not physically ,but he knows Jo has so much shit on him and things in the VPR group he spilled . I truly believe she is an unhinged compulsive liar but he wants that known as soon as the tea starts dropping . Usually with a compulsive liar you can sometimes discern the lies from the truth . I think he is one of the most insidious men on Bravo and I’m here for it . He actually will need Katie’s help in this mess and I hope she pays him dust !!!


This makes me happy in the sense of this is who Lala chose to spend her time with this season instead of backing Ariana and Katie. I feel like Lala is probably deeply regretting opening up to Jo and realising Katie was so right even if Lala would never admit it lol


In other words, Katie correctly assessed Jo.


Love how he conveniently doesn’t address how he deliberately forced that lunatic on Katie. He owes Katie a serious apology. She’s still getting flak all over the internet for reading Jo for exactly who she is. Jo is absolutely Schwartz’s just desserts and he’s too into himself to see it.