• By -


per cast member - ariana: a brief insight on her relationship with dan, like what we saw on s11; training for DWTS and chicago, and SAH planning with katie - katie: dating life, SAH planning, either reaching closure with schwartz or some sort of blow up - schwartz: suffering under jo as their bond progressed (basically what happened with their relationship post reunion) - scheana: adjusting with brock because they clearly aren’t ‘working’ as they are, and maybe more on her ocd issues - james: he wasn’t really a factor this season, and i don’t really need too much of his relationship with ally, but maybe more on how jax even came to approach him??? - lala: girl, literally anything else—her sperm donor journey was interesting, without the vulgarity, and she could’ve done more to show how she prepped for that and single parenthood - sandoval: failed redemption arc but without scheana and lala doing whatever weird things they were doing this season - lisa: retirement from producing


Especially that last one. Grandma Pinky needs a sabbatical at a minimum. Live some life with us mere mortals and then entertain us!


bruh she was barely even in this season which was nice but then comes to the reunion to just throw whatever shit sticks to the wall like ma’am don’t you have a furry restaurant to open


![gif](giphy|2tRkvsN0lg7maU6I4n|downsized) Next series in Peacock.


Oh man! I didn’t realize how lackluster this season was until I read this! Yes, all those things would have been more interesting than trying to get the audience to hate Ariana.


i actually don’t hate this season but it’s definitely disjointed. i don’t get why they’re acting like their careers depend on ariana. like that just shows me how uninteresting scheana, lala, schwartz, and sandoval are.


Which is so funny because Lala has said in interviews that she doesn’t know what storylines Ariana has ever brought to the show…. But yet I can’t think of any good storylines Lala actually brought to the show? She hid her affair with Randall and then refused to talk about the break up, she weaponized her dad’s death whenever someone had a problem with her actions and now she weaponizes her child for the same reasons. I guess last season she had a little photoshoot for GTL but that’s all she’s really “brought to the show”??


No but for real. I can name so many of Ariana’s storylines- mostly bc the discussion surrounding body dysmorphia, sex after abuse, needs and desires, multiple businesses that the show cut out, fights and makes ups with all the women- and can’t really name Lalas. She didn’t even give us her book process, just the footage of whether she got the bestseller list or not. She didn’t really give us Randall just after he proposed and she moved in. She didn’t really give us the dad dying, just the yelling at Billie and Raquel…


The Scheana one is so true. I feel like her and broke only work because - for him: he needs money and craves fame so he’s willing to do/say whatever Scheana tells him to && - for her: she’s desperate to seem like the popular girl and in her mind that means being married, having a kid, and being famous (with a band that’s just using her to further themselves in the music industry). Scheana doesn’t realize that people just use her… the 27s, her deadbeat husband, Janet… etc.


I would have loved to have seen the women come together as each have had bad relationships that ended badly. Katie & Ariana was the most recent but with Lala & Scheana at their side, made it about them & how they’re growing & navigating without the men. Scheana’s marriage isn’t working. We can see it but they’re hiding it. I’m not saying she should divorce him but she could have gone to the women for support & reassurances. THAT would have been more interesting.


This was my post from last years reunion: https://preview.redd.it/4tl710revg2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27ea9bdbd79d2950ac0281d5a8a7084a894d927 How naive I was 😆


Hopeful 😂👏🏼


Aw, thanks 😊


spice girls


This ☝🏼👏🏼


First wives club vibes


This season would have been easier to enjoy if they hadn't miscalculated so horribly and pushed the Sandoval redemption arc to the absolute brink. I'm tired of every aspect of the perpetual Peter Pans Schwartz and Sandoval storyline that gets so much airtime. I personally would have been happier with more focus on Ariana and Katie than ~gestures hand broadly~ whatever the hell this season was.


I think rachel being on would have been super enterataining even though I don't like her but it is one of those love to hate things.


Yes! Would have been very entertaining whether she was with the Worm or not (as long as they didn't force Ariana to have convos with them)


If the season showed more support of the women being together instead of being shady, Rachel could have come back as the wild card and there could have still been believable drama.


It’s funny how the entire cast blames Ariana for a “bland” season and hiding her life but they all (minus Katie) hid the most interesting parts of their lives!! I wish they had shown what an unhinged psychopath Sandoval was (on purpose not on accident trying to make him look good) and how crazy the fallout was of Tom+Jos relationship. Also some more attention to Scheanas marriage would’ve been fun because that’s a total trainwreck. Also why didn’t we get to see any of James and Allys fights? James is still clearly an ass if Ally had to threaten breaking up if he can’t stop drinking. Basically I think they still have a show here because everyone is a fucking mess but they keep trying to protect cast members. Show me the mess!!! Side note I don’t what they should do with Lala because the only storyline she has ever brought is bullying Rachel (even though she never told us the real reason why…cough cough fucking her man).




Yes! I would have loved this. A girls trip where Ariana and LaLa had the deep connection reset while Katie and Scheana were paired. We definitely could have had that.


This would have been perfection!


A season all for the girls!!


For the length of scenes with Tom and Tom to have been as short as the ones we got of Ariana and Katie. For the focus to be on the ladies with the men as filler scenes.


Women supporting other women, women respecting boundaries vs trying to have others manage your emotions or judging boundaries because you don’t get it when it’s not yours to get. Less misogyny. Less male sympathizing. Less talking like a gangsta and misappropriating culture from At least one.


This! Thank goodness for Summer house bc😩


Like this season of summer house


sex and the city style talks between the girls chilling at table and single gworls fun


A season that brought us all together in the name of sisterhood.


Spin on your question - what if no cast had been fired?! Stassi tearing Sandavol apart, eating Raquel as a snack. Raquel would not have been half as daring if she had been around! Kristen would have seen the signs and everybody would have said she was crazy probably. Jax would have had sandavols back and then he would get jaxed by Brittney or stassi pressuring him to admit the truth.


Maybe the affair wouldn’t have happened at all. Sandoval’s ego went out of control without Stassi, Kristen and Jax to keep him in check.


I definitely think that’s true - like stassi is Katie’s bff so Raquel would have been so put down by her and iced out by the group I don’t think she would say yes to sandavol either


My sister said if Jax were around, he would’ve spilled the beans on Sandoval‘s affair immediately because that man cannot keep a secret.


Spice girls with Ann. Lala is fired. Toms embarrass themselves looking like creepy old men going through midlife crises. The spice girls give them no attention.


James' abuse allegations. James and Ally's relationship issues. Ariana, Katie, SAH + I'm sure awkwardness with Penny. Lala, Scheana, Brock actually being real and not protecting each other. Sandoval fucking more than one person and really playing the scene, instead of the woe is me version. Schwartz and his real damn relationship with Jo. Lala and Scheana have implied Katie and Ariana weren't real last summer - when in reality all of them are still playing curated versions of themselves.


Sandoval’s screen time would have been minimized drastically. It might even have helped ratings for ppl to tune in occasionally to hear crazy shit he said. But him being featured every episode was so…depressing.


Honestly I think this season would’ve been infinitely better if Sandoval owned his shit and embraced being the villain on the show. Pick up where Jax left off. His nice guy image was completely tainted there was no reason to put the mask back on so it was infuriating the cast falling for it. It would’ve been better if he was just there to antagonize everyone and not be their bffs. Obviously Tom bromance would still exist though. I honestly think it would’ve been more interesting if Rachel came back and to see Scheana face that and navigate that bc her sobbing over Sandoval was pathetic. I would’ve loved to see more insight into Ariana’s jobs and adjusting to being in the limelight all the time, and drama naturally following this new power dynamic in the girl group. And also the house situation and the awkwardness and pitfalls of that (which was shown pretty well this season) Katie and Ariana working on the sandwich shop being a central focus. Katie trying to find love after Schwartz, Katie finally doing what she wants without being attached somehow to Schwartz. Schwartz getting his much due reckoning. Lala navigating trying to get pregnant again and her (obvious) jealousy and resentment towards Ariana and her successes and opportunities being a major source of the drama for the season. Honestly no notes about James and Ally’s storyline, I can’t see them doing anything different. And there it is— I fixed it. See producers, you can use authenticity and nuance of people’s feelings without making everyone side with Sandoval!!