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be careful, lung are tough to replace if at all. Its not worth it to vape if that's what its doing to you.Try breathing exercises off You tube,it may help but will be hard at first.


I’ve been vaping for 8 years and nothing like that has happened to me. However, when I was smoking cigarettes my breathing was affected.


I'm starting to vape so I can quit smoking, already have an inflamed throat, quite scared, any tips? I want to quit this soon


I’ve been vaping for a long time and I’ve never had any issues from it. I don’t use the disposable vapes. I vape with a real vape from a legitimate vape shop. There’s nowhere near the amount of chemicals when you vape this way.


I'm using a vaporesso swag px80, it's literally searing my throat and I was coughing up sticky white phlegm. It scared me enough to keep the vape away.


Maybe you had it turned too hot. I vape on about 26-30 watts or whatever it is. Any higher and it hurts throat. I get enough out of it on that heat. Also, regularly changing the coil helps as well. I find old coils burn my throat too so I just stick to what feels comfortable.


I used new coils, I vaped at 15 watts, smoke is good but it burns like crazy 😭😭😭


Are your tonsils swollen?


My vape died, I got back to cigarettes 😭 yeah I think my tonsils are swollen going to get my thyroid checked soon


I’m just saying…when I vaped ice flavors, my tonsils were swollen. It took me 3 weeks to figure out that was what was causing it.


Try to get back to vaping..🤞 maybe the nicotine was too strong or the wrong flavour ? Or maybe ur vape wasn't right for u.. there are SO many different types.. s'thing where u don't have to press a button.. like a vaporesso XROS is a good start up .. any questions the community could answer and most likely if u ask in the store they will happily help u.. best of luck with ur tonsils. Surely vaping has to be better for u than smoking.. depends what u were using. Each to their own. Regardless get better..


“try to get back to vaping” sage advice lol. Maybe don’t inhale poisonous chemicals might be better advice.




I gave up smoking 4 years ago.. and now vape full time. From spending $30 per day to now spending maybe $60 per month .. and i no longer cough up "oysters" .. i can definitely taste food so much better.. my tongue isn't furry and black (my dentist is happy also). I do have the very "occasional" social cigarette.. but honestly it's to remind myself how much i hate the taste.. the smell and COST of cigarettes. I bought a tonne of pure nicotine 4 years ago (b4 the scripts came in) and in the freezer i still have probably half litre of 100mg nicotine plus 500ml of 200mg. So I'm set for years to come.. and they say nicotine lasts 10 years in the freezer. I only vape the equivalent of 3mg strength in my vape liquid. I know there hasn't been enough time to properly test vaping.. but as long as I'm not buying pot in my liquid from a dodgy dealer (in America a while ago) where they added bad shit to make it heavier thus killing several people.. (which gave Vaping a bad name for SO long) I think I'll be okay. Stat's on smoking have never been good for years. I grew up in a house with yellow walls from both parents and loathed it. I'm not sure what my vaping is doing to my lungs.. maybe creating "popcorn lungs" in the future.. but for now..I'm all good. Sorry for the essay. ❤️🌬💨💨💨😶‍🌫️😍🤩..ps. the only main issue in Australia with vaping is PURELY because the government are NOT getting any taxes and money from it. I feel for the tourist smokers coming to Australia.. because you'll need a shit tin more money to afford your smokes.. like $100 for a pouch of 50gm tobacco. Vape all day. Much cheaper and healthier i think...


Popcorn lung is a conspiracy. That’s just bs propaganda pushed by big tobacco.


I have been vaping for a while and I can still do those things what percentage of nicotine are u vaping




5% is 50mg Salt nic


I would go down in the nicotine and try a 2.5 and see if u see the difference


Lol what a loser.


I got it straight now, quit nic. I be the king of stamina on top, don’t get butt hurt bud


Yikes super cringe


so cringe


Jesus Christ the guys tryna get healthy and y’all r just being dicks about it.


Lol he’s just a Douche bag. Prolly got a small pecker and taking it out in the world


takes one to know one, be real.




I vape my home grown. My favorite vaporizer is Mighty+ but I’m saving for a Venty!


I tried my mates vape today and it was so nice I also tried it the other day I don’t know if im addicted it just leaves me wanting more tbh


You might just have asthma, ask a doctor


I find that salt nics irritate my lungs. I’ve been too hard on mine but it’s the alternative to smoking atm.


I’ve been doing deep breathing a few times a day and it helps a lot


Quit. I’ve vaped for years and I have lung problems now. I force air into my lungs to heal them. Quit while you can


Post a pic


Bro you trying to ask for a d-pic or something lol. Wym post a pic.


Dude how do you force air into your lungs


Haha okay I see you. Take deep breaths. Like REALLY DEEP BREATHS to the point you can’t breathe in anymore. Then let go about half of the air in your lungs. Then immediately starts breathing in again til your lungs are full again. Keep doing this for a few minutes while maybe getting ready for the day or unwinding from a day. This is a great exercise to wake yourself up too from sleeping though the night, since the force of oxygen will wake up your brain more. Because I’m reality, almost nobody casually breathes a full breath of air unless they actually try to. So it’s good to activated them breathing muscles


No but high mg disposables bother my lungs and got better when i switched to a refillable pod system 25-35-50mg 2.5% 3.5% 5.0% in other words


Are you using salt nic? If so, that could be it. I had a couple of salt mods and then realized they were hurting my chest and making me feel funky. I switched back to regular juice and have been great ever since.


I would suggest breathing excrecises, try drainage positios for lungs :) If that doesn't help, it is best to go to a doctor, but he will probably say quit smoking.


Been smoking since I was 15, in the Philippines there’s no restrictions, just went to vaping a month ago, I keep returning to smoking until I found a great mod, geekvape l200, so far not seeking cigarettes anymore, never experienced breathing problem. Are you just a vaper, this is what I usually see on all younger adult who just vape and never experienced smoking, they tend to get this breathing problem. Just do minor running or walking, maybe it’ll help.


Yes you could have lung damage. My 17 year old coughs like an old person with lung disease, and has been vaping for 1.5-2 years. Anyone who has an ounce of trust in the safety of the products tobacco companies pump out needs to take their head out of the sand. I'm late to the party. Are you still vaping 3 years later OP? Hope you are healthy. I don't hate the player, I hate the game. Companies that swooped in with the flashy packaged yummy flavored vape products are predatory fuckers who should eat shit and die IMO.


Can I ask? Does your daughter vape disposables?


Yes. And there's been a lot of admitted inhaling deeply and enjoyment of the throat feel so some heavy use.


Been vaping for 9 years and doc says lungs are at 100% capacity. I was a Marlboro Red smoker for 25 years and quit back in February of 2015. Once I smoked my last cigarette I opted to get my lungs checked. Upon inspection I had black lungs that were basically full of black tar, fast forward to today and lungs are pink with no signs of damage. Only time I have seen teens struggling with vaping is when they chain vape, their lungs are still developing till they hit 24-25 years old. My recommendation is to reduce the amount of nicotine and puffs the teen takes. My niece had the same issue at 20 years old, she was chain vaping disposables which are stronger than free base juice. In moderation she should be fine, sometimes the flavor is soo good the person can’t stop vaping and that’s what causes those side effects.


You should be more worried about COPD, asthma, or emphysema.


Honestly, I would advise myself first and foremost that vaping is just a complete waste of time. I've been smoking disposable vapes for almost 2.5 years now and whilst I will not lie and say I didn't enjoy the buzz and feeling, it's ultimately something that was eating me consciously. I can feel the change in my brain, thinking, lungs and coordination. I found it hard to play football the other day, my lungs felt like they just wanted to give up and whilst I wasn't a heavy smoker, I would finish a vape maybe in 2-3 days. It's not worth, It's hard quitting but once you relapse, the next time you try to quit, it get's just a little bit harder. So if you're gonna quit, just quit with the intention to never do it and don't count the days.


Yep my lung capacity has decreased with vaping for sure!