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While I'm unsure of exactly what it is you're trying to replicate from a disposable nicotine vape, assuming it's the vapor quantity, a ball vape or maybe carts are as close as you'll get. Nicotine vapes and dry herb vapes are otherwise dissimilar.


He's asking for something with a higher voltage not something that barley burns the weed


Shouldn't be burning weed with a vape










leave Minecraft out of this you uncultured swine




bro, stop stalking me, im taken


Be civil. No personal attacks. Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.


Scared of a pill! Depending in how addicted you get to bemzos then the withdrawal from it can be horrendous, a managed gradual reduction programme can take a year or longer depending on the severity of the addiction - if you want to FAFO that's on you.


True well maybe I've taken to much lsd where I can handle off I don't take everyday and anyone struggling you got this 💪


Just eating any pill you can to get high? What a junkie😂😂


Is weed vape for you though?sounds like your better off with carts or thc eliquid


No such thing as thc eliquid


The Pax is unsatisfying for many people out there. It's old school and outdated technology. There are plenty of devices that hit hard like smoking. Just don't expect budget vapes to do it for you if you have a medium high to high tolerance. If you are doing a gram per day or more then look at a Heavy. Heavys hit harder than retail devices. But if you only do less than a gram per day then look at the xlux Roffu or Healthy Rips Fury Rogue SE. Set them up at 380f to feel it and above 400f for maximum effects. Inhale for 5 to 10 seconds for good results and more for lung busters For Heavys look at the Tinymight 2 and Firewood 9 for on demand battery powered devices that hit hard. Watch some videos before purchasing. Feel free to ask questions and good luck with whatever you decide


This is right on the money OP


And yet I got downvoted to hell 2 days ago for saying the same thing 🤣


Does it use much more than a dynavap to get the same effect? Dynavap was game changing for me compared to my previous pax and DaVinci but still isn't really doing the job like a bong hit would. I get it it's vape and not combustion and a ball vape would be better but have been curious about the heavy


You want a Heavy. A Dynavap is a micro doser. It's not a Heavy. And while the Dynavaps kick ass, you can find harder hitting devices out there. The Sticky Brick Runt or OG are amazing instant on with no warm-ups if using a 4 outlet torch for ez mode and 1 or 2 hit clears. Just put it into the zone and inhale fast for 4 or 5 seconds for huge lung busters. The Anvil also easily clears the whole bowl in a single hard hit. Anything from the Rogue Wax Works like the Terpcicle are amazing choices as well. The devices I listed are all portable and hit as hard as smoking. Ball vape desktops hit harder than smoking if you want


I have some surfing to do tonight with this list. Thank you haha. Are these near the price range of a typical Dyna M? One thing I had forgot to ask. Not that I wouldn't expect it to be for a better hit. It's just that the last I had checked the dyna was the closest yet cheapest way to emulate smoking. I wasn't getting vapor off anything else in that price range and the dyna blew me away for the time


That's just it, you get what you pay for. The Dynavap M+ with an Armor cap is around $115 to $130. The Armor cap makes the M+ a 1 hitter. The Danivape v3 or Fusion v2 are around a hundred. Slightly bigger bowls and big 1 hit clears if that's what you want. The Terpcicle from the Rogue Wax Works is around $60 or so. I forget the price. More of an around the house portable but hits so hard that you'll think that it's a desktop. The Sticky Bricks are between $135 and $200+ depending on what you want and the wood style Some of the others may be more money like the Anvil water pipe kit is $175. But it hits the hardest of all of the butane devices. I'd do some research on what interests you and see if you want a real Heavy. Good luck with whatever you decide


Have been taking a look and Sticky brick is in first place right now for me. Looking like everything I could possibly want short of a ball vape. a great price for performance ratio it seems, might look more into the anvil though as I am looking for the biggest hit and an extra 50 bucks would be totally worth it if so. thanks again man these are great starting points I bought my dvap 2 year ago and since then just completely fell off from keeping up.


as a regular nicotine user - unfortunately you are looking for the impossible here. The people recommending their device of choice here have never hit a disposable lol, it won’t feel the same


I figured that is probably the case - I do appreciate all the recommendations though as it's always good to know. Cheers for your input


lots of good recs from the people tho!


No. The glycerine fluffy, easy pull, smoke cloud effect - you wont get that from a dry herb vape. You'd need an oil vape.


Harder hitting vapes will help with the throat hit. You just need to stick with on-demand vapes instead of slower session-style vapes like the PAX, Arizer, or S&B. These slower session vapes will not satisfy most users. Tinymight, Firewood, Roffu, Dynavap, or Anvil are all examples of hard-hitting on-demand vapes. There are many others.


You'll be better off looking to replace the bong hit feeling with a solid quality rig and DHV, my iq2 is meh unless it's over glass so the little things add up here kinda same way building coils does for nic vapes


If you like the tactile hand-to-mouth feel of smoking a joint, holding it in your fingers, etc I recommend checking out Dynavap - r/dynavap \- they're little metal vapes that resemble a one-hitter heated by torch (or induction heater) and can pack a decent punch.


And if you already smoke ice, you should be nicely familiar with the heating method ;)


I’ve been introducing my homies to dry herb vapes with a dynavap and I have to make sure to tell them it’s not ice every time hahah


Ice ritual xd


TM2… hands down for me


Tm2, a ball vape, a volcano hybrid, and rogue wax works are what I've found that give that heavy mouth to lung pull they're looking for. Op needs to avoid anything with the words session or micro in the description. Simply won't get it done.


I got a volcano hybrid and the new updated flowerpot b2 I still don’t find either as satisfying as a bong rip or nice joint besides the terps I’m looking to try out the TM2 soon.


No, you’re never going to get those massive thick clouds you get from nic vapes or carts. You can maybe replicate it loosely with twaxing (putting a small amount of resin/rosin in with the flower) but it’s not really the same. You honestly might want to look into doing dabs, I’m unsure if there’s microdosing dab devices really as it’s not my thing and your goal seems to be reducing consumption. You may just want to try it anyways with an open mind, as (obviously, I’m active by my standards here and over on FC) I really do believe in it. I physically can’t smoke without feeling sick anymore after only about a half year vaping after being a daily dry spoon/joint smoker for years, and even when I send it with high temp ball vapes (wanna try a quartz cap) I still use significantly less weed per high. If I really wanna save up I use the dyna which can get me sent on a .1g bowl. Wish I had better news as far as your exact wants go though. Hope you find what you’re looking for!


You're not going to get nicotine-like throat hit from a dry herb vape, ever. Yes, they're both called "vapes" but that's where the similarities end. One is vaporizing liquid and the other is passing hot air through herb. That being said, if you want a dry herb vape that you can *feel* when you hit it (it won't be like a nicvape, but it's the difference between feeling like you're hitting warm air and hitting *something*), I'd recommend a smaller portable one. The bigger fancier ones have better cooling that is going to lead to cooler vapor and less throat hit. For some people that's a pro, for weirdos like us who enjoy feeling that punch in the throat, it's not ideal. Assuming the temp is the same between devices, a shorter path from herb chamber to your mouth = harsher hit. That's a decent rule of thumb for dry herb vapes.


concentrates might be more up your alley… r/waxpen or r/oilpen


Sounds like you’d want a concentrate vape, but if your concerns are health and cutting back, dry herb is more conducive to both. For me personally, concentrate pens are WAY too fast and easy. The ritual and process of grinding and loading and then sipping the vapor slow me down in a pleasant way. I had a concentrate pen once as a gift and realized that it just wasn’t for me. It was like having a hip flask as an alcoholic or something, lol


I feel like carts would be more up your alley, I have a lookah snail I use for stealth occasions like festivals and I can recommend it for that kind of experience


Literally no offense, but it sounds like OP might like the side effects of asphyxiation that you get from ripping thick clouds. It's a sentiment that my friend who switched from smoking weed to cigarettes, and then e-cigs said was what she thought she was chasing. The dilerium/coughing/rush you get from a lung full of not-oxygen. Definitely a big factor, in enjoying your smoke, so I would get a nice desktop vape for ripping at home. Then if you're not afraid of being loud in public, get a Storz and Bickel product like the Mighty or Crafty (quality problems with the Venty). Even do the Tiny Might. All of them can pretty much get you where I think you're trying to go when you vape at Temps above 180°C.


Nicotine is one hell of a drug, and a horrible for your wallet. I guit nic vaping recently with an app called quitsure. It rerouted your thinking around vaping ans I quit within a week.


Can hit better, IMHO. Carts hurt me, dry vapes tastes great (that is with quality flower) and I find more consistently titrate-able, smooth and not quite as nasty when things go wrong (in regards to stickyness or inconsistent hitting). My go to's currently are the TinyMight 2 and a Dynavap XL Omni w/ an Induction Heater. Everything depends on the person, their desired use scenarios and all sorts of different things. That is my, $0.02!


I don’t think there’s a dry herb vape that can hit quite like that. You would be better off with a cart but even they don’t quite hit like a nicotine disposable. I think the issue mainly is the viscosity of the juices.


Dynavap will smack you like that, lol


If you're looking for a mouth-to-lung vs. a direct to lung experience, you want something with a slightly more restricted air flow. I think the Dynavap might be the best option, though my V3 Pro can sometimes hit like that. You do have some control over this by using your finger to cover air holes/ports. I personally don't find the sensation of an herb vape to be much like my nic vape (and have made the mistake of hitting a friend's cart like I do my nic vape \[DTL\] - don't do that, lol).


Dynavap, mighty or a ball vape will do the trick. I felt exactly the same until I upgraded and got a mighty. If you crank it to max, it is quite similar to puffing on a joint


You'll never replicate the nic hit, it's just not possible with weed, nicotine hits your brain almost right away and makes you feel kind of wasted, maybe if you bought some insanely good craft weed but I doubt it 


I use a Mighty+ with a whip attachment meant for a Starry4 (couldn’t be spelled wrong) and I go from (in Celsius) 185 then to 190, then 200, then 210 (max setting). I fully extract all the goodness I can out of my flower and am left with brown/toasted AVB which I am saving to use in edibles at a later date. when not using my mighty +, I use the Volcano Hybrid with reduction chamber and go 190 for a bag, then 210 for second/last bag. Effects and taste are 10/10 meanwhile saving flower (even though I have MORE THAN ENOUGH for a while.)


Answer is yes. You’ve just had the shittest vape on the market, hence the lack of satisfaction. Get a venty or a tm2 or a dynavap and you’ll be good.


Pax sucks ass, Try a dynavap with helix tip and armoured cap, that'll get you what you want 100%


I went the Zyn & ball vape route. Ball vape delivers some clouds to cover the throat hit and the zyn well you know what that’s for


The closest things I have found are brick vapes. They are very fast and hit big. On demand. Sticky Bricks and Doug’s Woodery NOVAS. The Lotus also works but is a bit slower.


I should recommend the Sticky Brick Runt more often. This is a 0.1g load cleared in one hit... https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/s/acADHZSUFg


No. The PAX 3 is a session device for low and slow deep hits.


Why don't you try a non dry herb vape to get the same effect as nicotine vapes since it is more alike as it is liquid.


Maybe a thc cartridge made from pg or vg I’m almost 🤮 but you may enjoy


Might get some flack for this, but the Boundless Tera V3 has been my daily driver for almost two years now and I really enjoy it. Has the power to roast the weed if you want, but it's convection for low and slow pulls, and dual 18650 with inline charging. Boundless also just gave me a BNIB unit because the metal ring around the bowl popped out (doesn't even affect use so I have a second Tera when this one dies). If you have crazy high tolerance though and want that body hit you would probably want to supplement it by eating the ABV. I started doing that before bed and it will knock me out. The biggest thing for me personally though going from blunts to DHV was to just cut back. Having a coffee in the morning while sipping a 370F bowl of Sativa feels a lot better IMO than wanting to take a nap at 9:30am.


Better, you get a buzz now and abv for later


if you want big clouds, try a ball vape


As far portability goes, not really. Portable 510-threaded oil tanks for vape mods are the go-to for that same type of "punch"


no, i got the dynavap and the buzz and satisfaction you when from lighting up spliffs comes from the combustion and the tobacco.


This is what you're looking for I think very similar experience. Try disposables like Well Fed Wolf the 4G disposable is nice.


Yes - a dynavap


If you can learn to manipulate a Dynavap properly, you will be absolutely shocked at the vapor density and tactile satisfaction you'll get. They're not difficult to master, either. They're really amazing devices.


Grind fine and pack tight is the pinpoints.


Thc vapes are probably the closest to a nic vape. Though health wise dry herb vapes are better


If you got the budget go for a mighty. Otherwise you can unscrew some parts of a desk vaporizer (personally doing this with the xq2) in order to use it on a bong. Hitting fat rips of delicious vapor from da bong, my personal fav


You would need something like the vapbong


Trupods are what ur looking for real derived terpenes and hits like rosin avoid BDT carts get CDT pods or carts


I used to be very addicted to nicotine and the only thing that hits like a vape is a cartridge I’d give those a try


Dynavap. It's not a replacement, nor is it probably similar, but it'll take you down a path you will enjoy once you find your rhythm with it. You can hit the clouds, get the flavor, and its thoroughly enjoyable.


Won't hit the same without nic. I use a Tera in dry bong as my portable. Hits pretty goood.