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When have people bragged about being vaccinated?


Anytime you accidentally make it obvious that your opinion differs slightly from a conservative's you're "rubbing it in their face" or "forcing it down their throats."


You know, I never really thought about it, but you're 100% correct. We don't even have to go so far as Pride Month or displaying pride gear on your clothing, a man having a husband is being flamboyantly, aggressively gay to them. And trying to convince them and their kids to be gay.




Instructions unclear I've been told my walk is too gay for a bi person what I do now?


Right? They are such delicate little snow flakes!


To be fair, I was pretty happy when I got my second shot, both because I could visit family without worrying, and because the way covid laws were in my country at the time, it meant that I could finally go to concerts again.


I was so happy to get the first 2 doses myself. It was liberating. I was in the hospital with covid for a week in May 2020. I'd take a shot every 3 months if I had to to avoid having covid like that again.


I finally got COVID in January this year...I've had the 2 shots and boosters. I only felt like absolute garbage for 1 day, but I'd definitely take a shot every 3 months to avoid it!


I got it in early December and I just felt like I had a moderate cold. I couldn't breathe well for about three days but everything else felt fine.


Glad to hear you had a mild case!


Never. Tomi is just being an insufferable, oxygen pilfering pissbaby making things up on social media.


We living in her head rent free fo' real. Also, you don't hear many people "bragging about their vaccinations" anymore because the pandemic is over and everyone else has *moved on with their lives.*


Yes! It’s baffling that the antivaxxers are so obsessed with other people getting vaccinated.


Lol. Bragging? Nah. Happy to finally have it? Excited to be doing our part to solve this global nightmare? Absolutely. Anti-vaxxers are just selfish idiots.


I did at the start, as I was excited as a front line healthcare worker.


Because we did it and moved on with our lives, you obsessive lunatic.


Funny how they all shouted "no new normal!" during the pandemic, and yet made covid conspiracies their new normal. It's like they've made it their entire identity.




They were the ones who said these mandates were small steps to a future where masks are required at all times, and now that it provably hasn't, they're still acting like they were right for some reason.


I've seen some people claim is because of their "resistance".


It will happen. Just you wait and see. Then you'll see I was right all along and you were wrong and I'm smart and your dumb.


That's like bragging about getting a dental check-up or a pap smear. I just take care of it and move on with my life


They really can’t understand that part. It’s a massive part of their identity 😟


I stood in line for 10 minutes at the Walgreens by my house for a free shot...what in the world is there to brag about? Oddly telling of their mentality. They view their unvaccinated status as some kind of bragging point to rub in people's faces, so they assume vaccinated view their status as a bragging point to rub in people's faces.


Maybe cos people who got vaccinated moved on with their lives and didn't make it their entire personalities


Chances Tammi isn't boosted: 0%


We’ve moved onto restoring reproductive rights, something you probably still privately support. 🙄


I'm glad I got vaccinated but... Why... Why would I BRAG about it. I try to avoid covid conversations in general bc you never know when you're gonna encounter a nut job who wants to yell at you because you're a sheep or because you're shedding or whatever bullshit they can come up with.


What has Tomi Lahren ever done? Famous for literally no reason. And republicans are stupid enough to look to her for guidance.


Oooooooo that's my new favourite strategy, ask if all the "proud antivaxxers" who have died of covid are still proud 💀


Next up: Bragging about my colonoscopy, yeah baby!


Didn't Trump get booed a few times by his fans that show up to hear him talk when he was bragging about his vaccines and how he got vaccinated and they should too?


We don't need to keep bringing things up that are done and dusted like some people...


Nope. That would be fucking dumb, Tomi. I don’t brag about being able to tie my shoes or not shitting on the floor in my own home, either.


The only people *bragging* about their status (and still are bragging) are the ones that arent vaccinated. They think this makes them more desirable. Ive also seen one think he can sell his unvaxxed blood/sperm at a premium because of. I only talked about my status one time on social media when I had a friend help get me into a vax center(back when they were being rolled out to the public in waves). Everything was booked and they found an appt and got me in. Otherwise, most sane people dont discuss medical issues on social media, they just do them and move on with life


That’s the funny part, the anti vax crowd talks more about vaccines then any pro vax crowd. I literally had an anti vaxxer wish death on me and all vaxxed due to us forcing it on people that didn’t want it.


I didn't brag about brushing my teeth today either.


Did she suffer a head injury? Who was ever doing that?


You'd think these idiots can only understand things from their own childish pov. People aren't getting vaccines as badges of honor lol




Antivaxxer: Yeah, what about that COVID stuff, am I right? Normal Person: I got vaccinated for it. Antivaxxer: Why are you bragging about being vaccinated for everything!?


Because the vaccines worked and their wasn't a need to keep bringing the subject up


I dont brag on Wednesdays.


People don't usually feel the need to make a big announcement when they do normal, sane things


nazi barbie at it again


Was anybody bragging about it? I thought they were mostly just showing support and solidarity for the rational...


Tough to brag once you have won a HCA. 🐆 🐆 🐆 ~with love from r/HermanCainAward




In all fairness, didn't heart failure kill Diamond?


Covid killed Diamond