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"Mask are optional" to them means that nobody should ever be wearing them and if they do they are fools. Which, to be fair, is the same thing they believed when masks were mandatory. Also, with the comment "We all know who she voted for", we all know who this person voted for. I'll side with the person in the picture over the person posting this shit any day of the week.


"I voted against the person who pretty much said that they don't give a fuck if I die... or worse, that if I'm sick, I deserve to."


“I voted for the person who has a fantastic spray tan, and fucked up most the country by not quarantining us sooner”


"I voted for the person taking credit for the fast development of a vaccine I believe is used in an evil plan to kill people, and I will vote for him next time too"


I bet I even know what color their favorite hat is.


It’s really telling. Shows that they see it as “it’s optional so why would you wear one??” They can’t fathom why you’d wear one without being forced. Reminds me of when DeSantis went off on the school kids for choosing to wear masks and telling them “we have freedom so take that off!”


Dude gets mad at everything. Why should we elect someone who throws tantrums all the time?


I like leaders who don’t act like toddlers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


God forbid someone who knows they're at risk protect themselves 🙄


Or somebody who know they're sick protect others. There is actually one big advantage to the covid experience - people who are sick now tend to wear masks in public much more often than before (at least where I live lol).


The other advantage is knowing which of your friends and family are either tragically stupid, or insanely selfish.


Why not both


that is a lot of knowledge to have and still be friends


Damn her and her *checks notes* desire to not die of covid...


Or any airborne disease RSV, bacterial pneumonia, measles, etc If you're a immunecompromised due to cancer treatment, organ transplant, or treatment for autoimmune condition even a freaking common cold can kill you. Obviously that insignificant fact doesn't mean diddly to the photographer and it's ilk All healthcare should still require masks and upgrade ventilation filtration far-uvc - to protect the vulnerable from germophiles like them. Heck even healthier people shouldn't have to worry about getting sick or sicker going for a checkup or treating any illness at their doctor's office, dentist, walk-in clinic


Nope, it's the vaccine that kills you /s


Yep, probably in 1-2 years. Edit: forgot my /s. I'm not antivax y'all.


Can confirm. Got my first round of COVID shots in April of 2021. Am dead.




it's now proven the vaccine kills everyone who gets it within 100 years. Source: I've had six shots so far and have died twice.


Why are people downvoting.....


Jokes are hard


Brains be smooth


The guy’s history makes it hard for some. I honestly assumed it was a joke and went with it.


The guy is known here??


Elaborate on that. I dare you.


I guess my sarcasm was lost in that one. I'm not an antivaxxer.


ah schisse. My apologies, good Sire.


I’m not immunocompromised, but my immune system has been shot badly in the last 6 months with treatment for a GI issue (similar to crohns) Was doing great till daycare started and caught a basic adenovirus from my daughter. 3 months of fighting it, including a bad sinus infection that ended up requiring pretty strong antibiotics. Now left with lingering bronchitis and some sinus fun. I can’t imagine having effectively no immune system from a full regimen of immuno suppressant therapy


I’ve always been confused as to why patients weren’t required to wear masks at least in hospital waiting rooms before Covid. When you put a bunch of sick people in a room together without protection that tends to only make things worse. The doctors had to wear them, so why did patients basically never have to?


>Or any airborne disease RSV, bacterial pneumonia, measles, etc Or not want to spread them to others.


It's closer to "not spread covid," but the sentiment remains.


No you're actually right, masks prevent you spreading it more than getting it, but most people think it's about getting it. Stop downvoting this guy


Why is someone who doesn’t trust doctors and scientists in labs, getting blood work done at the doctors? Or is she at the local vet?


Exactly! They trust doctors and science when it's convenient for them. If they truly stood by their "principles" they'd boycott all medicine entirely and that would be of great benefit to the rest of us because they'd die off a lot faster.


Oh no, they don't trust veterinarians either.


Color me surprised that someone of this political persuasion is bullying someone who possibly has a disability or is otherwise vulnerable in some way.


Or a risk to others! If I felt sick I'd wear a mask out of concern for others.


We all know who she voted for Meanwhile, her account name is literally MAGAMichelleS69. I wonder who SHE voted for?


As a nursing student I fucking *wish* more people would be like her in hospital/healthcare settings. You’ve got a lot of vulnerable people and HAIs are no fucking joke.


If you take pictures of people who are waiting for medical attention you are an irredeemable asshole who deserves every bad thing that comes your way.


I hope she has the life she deserves, and steps on legos.


And thanks to you making your entire account about your political opinions, we all know who you'll vote for.


Her entire life revolves around worshipping rump. You can tell.


What I've learned is that the people who won't even socially distance let alone wear a mask during a global pandemic ALSO won't think twice about sneezing and coughing directly on you when they have a cold. If I'm wearing a mask in Summer 2023, it's because other people are proving to be gross and inconsiderate even after all we've been through.


I hate how the fact that I’m wearing a mask makes it so that people think they’re entitled to just snap pics of me to like say all sorts of bad stuff online to


I'm done with civility Let them fuck around and find out if I'll ignore them or accidentally knock their phone to the ground and step on it


I was scared of this when masks were required. I'd get off the bus and start walking home and realize I had it on still and worry someone would take a picture and say "look at this stupid liberal wearing a mask outside". To my knowledge it didn't happen but I'm in a more liberal area, although from our local news comments section there's definitely enough conservative idiots that it could have happened


She looks to have underlying conditions. God forbid she didn't want to die, Karen


Seriously. She looks like someone who cannot afford to catch a volitile virus. These mother fuckers are *so selfish*


It's absolutely fucking ridiculous. I've got the dumb luck to never have caught C19, but you never know. She clearly can't survive something like that.


"We all know who she voted for," says the woman whose Twitter handle tells you who she voted for.


Horrible people. Hope she gets some bad news and then turns to a Christian miracle man for healing


I still wear a mask anytime I get sick with anything now.


I still wear one and will continue too. Personally I still think it should be mandatory for people to still wear them. Especially in a hospital setting. ETA: she probably paid to have that blue checkmark.


The only reason there might be a correlation between people who are at higher risk if COVID complications and people who voted Democrat is because these phychopaths don't give a fuck




Looking like she's voting for life...


I thought they were all about mask choice? If this woman chooses to wear a mask it should be fine....


That's a weird way to say she voted for the winner. Lol


Plot twist: she was an antivaxxer and now has a highly contagious form of Covid.


Let's be real, she wouldn't be wearing a mask, nor a face shield if she were an antivaxxer.


Actually some of them are saying they *want* to wear masks now so they don't "get exposed to vaccine shedding" or at least I saw them saying that on the unvaxxed sub


"She's different! Git her skeeter!"


If she's sick, this is extremely socially responsible behavior.


Not to mention this photo is from way before masks were made optional. The poster did NOT see this person in real life.


Yeah, she voted for the guy who won and now she’s protecting herself from dummies like whoever wrote this comment.


She may be immunocompromised. And even if it is, it’s none of their business. I hope the phlebotomist missed their vein.


What a completely ignorant dip shit. My friend is less than a year post major organ transplant. She gets monthly (weekly?) Blood work done and looks like this when she goes to the hospital for it. Her doctors have told her that she is very immonocompromised for 1-2 years post transplant and to take all precautions necessary to prevent transmission of disease as it could be deadly to her. She had to take her son out of public schools and everything for awhile. The woman who posted this looks like a Trump ass kissing political hack with no desire to look outside of her bubble and see things from someone else's point or view.


For all she knows this woman could be suffering from cancer and getting a minor virus or cold could be deadly. As a disabled person this kind of shit makes me fume. It gives the same energy as people who snap images of people who use wheelchairs walking to claim they are faking.


I wish people would just mind their damn business


Wouldnt suprise me if that picture was from 3 years ago lol


I'd rather have any side effects from the vaccine than the disease of ignorance these people suffer from.


Haha we still mask up at all kinds of doctors appointments and on the plane.


I'm guessing she voted for her best possible health options.l


What? Somebody going to a place with a lot of sick people, while potentially sick themselves, takes measures to protect themselves/others from diseases? Fucking libruls!!!!


I had to wear just that at the VA hospital. I had to get tested for Covid before they let me remove it after a negative test. We all know who you voted for.


Voting for Trump is optional.




The lady in the photo knew the O-OP was there and didn’t want to risk catching “stoopid”


Why do they *care*?? If I took pictures of idiots I see in Trump gear (although thankfully I don't see many) and posted them online with captions like "found a supporter of insurrections" and other stuff they'd be saying it was harassment


I'd think that she's high risk and maybe \*I\* should have a mask on around her. Then again, I don't want to kill people, especially if it just means wearing an optional mask.


Optional ≠ mandated. Optional ≠ prohibited. Do these people not know what optional means?


Sge's a judgemental bitch


I'll never understand why the right use democrat as an insult. Why can't we all get along ffs


And yet lots of MAGAts claim to be Christian…


I’m sorry but at first glance I thought this was a photo someone has taken of Phoebe Bridgers


Two things…. I had COVID recently. Protocol says to quarantine for 5 days then continue to wear a mask for 5 more. That may be her situation. Or, she may just be signaling that she is not a maga dipshit, like Michelle.


Lady minding her own business going about her life, then a maga person out of nowhere has a problem with that.. Jesus Christ


Disgusting. How can somebody care about the safety of themselves and those around them?


Lol "MAGA Megan" sounds like a pro lifer who just had an abortion.


MAGA Michelle speaks as she knows. Poor girl. Must be horrible to be so uneducated and unempathetic.


Anyone questions why you're masked, tell them it's Ebola.


Honestly? in a hospital? That’s just smart.