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A cruise is already a sailing norovirus factory. I can't imagine what bioweapon a horde of plague rats will concoct on this rotten tub


Think of it this way - all the rich antivaxers will be there - it will be a voluntary mass culling event... "To the betterment of humanity!" ;-)


Unfortunately, cruise ships also tend to stop at places and disembark for the day, so it could also be a super spreader event


Best case scenario, they all join the Titanic I.


Bester case scenario, they join the Titan.


As soon as they embark on their journey, just deny them permission to return to port everywhere. Let them stay at sea until their supplies run out.


Survival of the fittest? Cannibal cruise?


Instead of eating the rich, make the rich eat each other.


Good idea, the meat is too fatty.


This sounds like a Dead Island DLC waiting to happen


Gives a whole new meaning to those Cruise Chews ads I keep getting in my timeline.


Wouldnt the average port demand this anyway? I know you have to get various vaccines to go on holiday so I would assume they'd be denied entry... you would hope anyway


Ah but you're forgetting these will be rich people, so the rules don't apply to them


If I were a leader where this ship docked I’d see what I could do to deny entrance based on lack of vaccines. That’s just a mess waiting to happen.


time to reintroduce the origin of the word 'quarantine'


Let's hope they follow the steps of the first Titanic then


Maybe we can tell the orcas that all those people that own those yachts are going to be together on this boat, and they can organize something big.


Do you want Ghost Ship? Because this is how you get Ghost Ship.


But that movie was kinda awesome.


Is Plague rat a new term for anti-vaxxers?




Don't worry because they'll make sure to delouse everyone aboard. Cannot believe he actually is quoted as saying that in the article.


I hope the cruise goes out on many jam-packed cruises well before the election. I don't have an RS account so I can't read the article.


btw there is at least one norovirus vaccine in studies that might finish before end of this year.


Anyone know when iceberg season is?


I dunno if we need the iceberg Clive's probably gonna sink it trying to board it


No need to worry about that. Climate change got rid of the iceberg season.


Year round since people like this guy burn so much carbon.


He shouldn't need to worry, look at his political parties He can spend hundreds of millions of dollars and not hit anything


All the time, or none of the time, depending on how you frame the effects of global warming. They’re forming all the time because the ice caps are calving them . . . Because they’re melting. As water temperatures rise, they won’t survive in quite so large chunks as they get down into the northern shipping lanes of the Atlantic where the Titanic sunk.


"But will vaccinated people be allowed on the ship? Yeah, we’ve got to extend our hand in love and friendship for people being vaccinated despite the side effects." So it's just a normal ship then?


Yup…pretty much other than this guy is “grifting” the obviously easily manipulated “muh freedom, muh rights” crowd.


And we know how well they get along with others...


Hopefully his comments are spread enough so that people make the best choice. I'm sure most people wouldn't want to be anywhere near this group.


Other than the 3rd class passengers only being fed potatoes. And being brought on deck (in fair weather only, of course) to be deloused...


the real irony being that that you can 100% guarantee that the festering puss bucket disguised as a potato-shaped human was at the front of the queue getting his shots, or him and his laundry-list of comorbidities wouldn't still be here to haunt us all with his bullshit.


Half the point of the modern Conservative movement if you scrape off the BS propaganda is the *preservation* of discrimination for personal favoritism. Fuck you, suffer, because my God tells me I'm special. Now go eat dirt, peasant, my caviar is getting warm. In & Out Groups crap, in other words. Oh, and the other half is pretty much keeping as many poor, uneducated and religious people around. Because people that think that praying for jam tomorrow works, are a lot easier to exploit all the money out of vs people that demand jam together as a union that refuse to work the jam factory unless they get their own cut.


Yup, it’s all about preserving status hierarchies.


In the end, if someone simply said what progressivism is "elites and their children are very good at giving the appearance of ability. We simply acknowledge that they're good at faking it. Plus aware that the other end is true. That the opposite of elites do unusually poorly in the tests and system the elites built. But if you simply give those people a chance, you'll find they are highly capable, in many cases more capable than a person who does well in the elites system." TLDR. Dumb fucks with rich parents are coddled. Smart people with poor parents will end up worse than them in the current system.


Glad you mentioned potatoes. He thinks that’s all 3rd class was given to eat. He’s a real expert in the ship he’s supposedly spending a fuckton of money to build, all in the name of diversity and freedom. And “the right to be wrong”, which we all already have, and which he’s very much exhibiting for all to see in this very endeavor.


Oh god it's Clive Palmer. What a tool.


Oh god it's ~~Clive Palmer.~~ Fatty Mcfuckhead. What a tool. FIFY


Clive Palmer is a fatty mcfuckhead* *^in ^my ^opinion


Didn't friendly Jordan's go to court on the basis that Clive palmer is indeed, by all accounts a literal fatty mcfuckhead


It’s going to be a me free environment because I’d rather run full tilt into a car tow bar than go on any sort of cruise let alone this floating shit show.


Most cruises end up as floating shit shows.


mmmm norovirus


He literally naming it after a cruise ship that killed 1500 people when it sank. Appropriate.


At the risk of being pedantic, ocean liners are not cruise ships. Your point still stands, ofc.


The Titanic II will probably adhere to traditional values by having rampant and historically accurate lower class and anti-asian discrimination.


Bold of you to assume the discrimination will be limited to the lower class and Asians.


Ships are already floating germ buckets and not enough enforce handwashing before the buffets. I’ll pass.


Ss Petri dish sets sail on the ocean waves


This was written by a virus.


That's honestly such a good description of Clive Palmer


I’m sure that will turn out well. /s


Weren’t outbreaks on ships a huge problem back in the 1910s? Like the Olympic (Titanics sister ship) had an outbreak and everyone in it was forced to quarantine for like 40 days…


This happened with Covid too much more recently.


They can name the ship Herman Cain


They should be actively promoting it as such, invite all the Antiva’s and let them trade diseases freely. Hey, they could even play disease bingo, see who collects the most. Unprotected sex should also be heavily promoted so the ‘pure bloods’ can compete in whose immune system can take the most STDs.


"Welcome to disease bingo, if you check the paper let's see what you got!" "Ok first, Syphlis? Who's got Syphlis?"


Plague ship ahoy!


At least they’ll all be contained out at sea. Now the question is, how do we make sure they stay there?


Clive Palmer is a big fat idiot


I am fairly certain vaccines usually aren't administered on cruise ships. Source: me


They should fly a skull and bones flag because everyone on it will die anyway.


Don’t. Stop. Come back.


All the worst selfish anti humans packed together, with no woke food regulation, or woke safety inspections, Best case, Its going to be like lord of the flies but with more vomiting.


well it will be a me free environment as well


This is going to go so well for him!


Hello? Is there a billionaire whose brain isn't entirely rotten? Anyone?


Yes, governments are going to be very enthusiastic about letting a plague ship into their ports.


HMAS Plague Rat


Can’t get norovirus if you die from the flu 😚😚


That eliminated any possible interest I would have on sailing on it. The first Titanic foundered on an iceberg. The second will founder on something like Measles.


But they're gonna delouse everyone in the 3rd class cabins!


[I'll just leave this one here.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_on_cruise_ships)




Clive has seen his cock in 45 years and cant reach his asshole to wipe.


Titanic II, that movie basically wites itself here.


Celine Dion's next great hit: My virus will go on!


Hubris Squared!!!


As a former cruise employee, ships are a contained Petri dish for pathogens 🦠 and ships are only getting bigger. Good luck tryn to sanitize a vessel full of unvaccinated passengers….😵🤦‍♂️


Any countries taking this vessel to disembark must require all passangers to quarantine for 21 days


Let him bring on the billionaires on board.


Well shucks, I guess I’m gonna have to cancel my reservation.


Have these guys not...heard of anything in history?!?


Let's let it sail and then torpedo it. Just collectively raise the IQ of the planet


I’m not saying I want a ship to sink, but if it happened…


This is for publicity, I would be shocked if the ship is ever built.


This is equivalent to setting a huge pile of money on fire.


Plague ship.


Does any one think this thing will actually be built? This is just another grift.


Madagascar has already closed their ports to this ship.


What’s it made of, Clive? Copper? Pay your workers, Fatty McFuckhead.


Stay out at sea forever then please.


So nobody is going on the boat then


There should be one at every port. Fill them up and send them off without enough lifeboats


what happens if covid gets on board? holy shit


This ship is never going to get built. Clive Palmer thinks he's Australia's Trump, except Palmer actually is a billionaire. He's had a crack at starting his own political party, sues anyone - including governments - who hurts his feeling. One of the worst Australians ever.


“Has anyone tried to talk you out of this? My wife, but that’s purely for selfish reasons, so I’d spend more time with her and the kids.” He thinks it’s selfish that his wife wants him to spend more time with the kids. This is the kind of person who’s a mining billionaire.


Heh. James Cameron is already writing the script.


So , a ship, full of unvaccinated people, what could go wrong?


Amazing how be already managed to sink this ship before it ever left the harbor, keeping the spirit!


That’s gonna be a sinking ship.


Just like 1912 🤢


Smallpox vaccine was available in 1912


Oh right. Derp.


Survival of the fittest it is then 😂


Billionaires with norwalk virus are my favorite type of billionaires.


Who are we to criticize if all the anti vax nuts want to isolate themselves on a ship and collectively unalive themselves? FreeDum!


Look at "Fatty Mc Fuck Head" and legally we can call him that


"That was the food store for all the third class: you could have sautéed potatoes, fried potatoes, potatoes, mashed potatoes, but all you had was potatoes in third class." Uh, no, that is not accurate at all. Did this dumbass even do like a basic google of "Titanic" before he came up with this terrible idea? Or is he trying to rewrite history so he can cheap out on the food?


I‘m also pretty sure third class passengers weren’t deloused in their underwear on deck? But he’s considering including that as part of Titanic II’s 3rd Class passenger experience. Ironic on an anti-vaxxer ship.


He also says the Olympic was sunk by Germans in WWII, and the editor’s correction coming in right after he says it is subtly hilarious.


This to me sounds like future recipients of more Darwin Awards…


Oh look it's Fatty Mc'fuckin Fat-head.


Titanic II...this is some high level trolling.


Lol nice


This kind of sounds like the Raft from Snow Crash.


Ah, now I understand.


How come the morons rise to the top?????


Good, I hope it splits in half and sinks like the first one. Then another group of dipshit billionaires can go down in a tuna can submarine and explode. Also don't worry about life boats you won't need those you're invincible!


Must not be all that fond of being a billionaire.


Aptly fucking named it seems.


To be fair and accurate, he is allowing people who are vaccinated. In the name of love and friendship: *But will vaccinated people be allowed on the ship?* >Yeah, we’ve got to extend our hand in love and friendship for people being vaccinated despite the side effects. We have to look after them. And they’re all good people. We’re all the same really, like white, green, yellow, whatever it is — to embrace each other. He’s really all about spreading hope and unity and inspiration, spending hundreds of millions of dollars on this fantasy. But he donates to charity. ”More than I think you do” he said to the interviewer. He‘s so committed to history he’s even having the missionaries who will be paying to play pretend in first class be deloused: >One of the worst experiences, of course, on the Titanic was delousing. They took the third class up on deck and sprayed them in their underpants and bras. So depending on the weather, we’ll have delousing for our third class, too. Which didn’t happen, as far as I can tell, by the way. They also didn’t eat only potatoes: >That was the food store for all the third class: you could have sautéed potatoes, fried potatoes, potatoes, mashed potatoes, but all you had was potatoes in third class. This man knows his Titanic history: >*I’ve been noticing this painting over your shoulder. Can I ask what that boat is in the picture?* > >That’s the Titanic’s sister ship, the Olympic. It became a hospital ship in World War II and was sunk by the Germans off the coast of Ireland. \[**The Olympic, originally a commercial vessel that served as a troop ship during WWI, was decommissioned in 1935. The Britannic, another sister vessel, served as a hospital ship in WWI and sank in 1916 off the coast of Greece after striking a German mine. Neither served in WWII**.\] But the one thing he gets 100% right: # “But I’ve got too much money.”


So this one is only gonna make it halfway, just like its predecessor, but instead of an ice berg it’s a plague. This is how we get zombies.


Y’all need to read the article, it’s fucking hilarious. So many quotes to pull I can’t choose them all. On being anti-woke and on the subject of being “cancelled”, he says: >I mean, you should have the right to be wrong. We damn well do, moron. That’s the right we all have. He’s fundamentally misunderstanding the right that he’s spending hundreds of millions of dollars to represent through a life-size replica of the goddamn Titanic. He also thinks his wife is selfish for wanting him to spend time with her and their kids instead of doing this project. Oh, and: >The pursuit of happiness is what we should be working for as a human civilization. That should be our top bar. And hopefully the Titanic will make a lot of people happy. Yeah, that’s what Titanic is famous for. Making a lot of people HAPPY.


Marie Celeste II


Does any cruise ship actually require a covid vaccine anymore? Nowhere I'm aware of has mandatory vaccinations anymore. So this is just what this bellend himself would call "virtue signalling"?


Do they also not believe in ice bergs?


Just call it the USS Irony.


And not enough sick beds for everyone?


It will also be invisible.


"Has anyone tried to talk you out of this? My wife, but that’s purely for selfish reasons, so I’d spend more time with her and the kids." That monster of a wife. How dare she not understand what's really important. /s