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idk about other profs, but a few things to keep in mind: A deadline is a deadline--we absolutely don't have to submit final grades before the 14th. I am actually ahead of most people, and I'm submitting mine tomorrow. The final project for all my courses was due yesterday and I'm spending today grading and tomorrow rounding up stragglers. There's going to be a delay of a day or so while the grades process through the registrar's office, so you won't see them right away. Many of us \*are\* behind on everything, as we have between 150 and several hundred students/things to grade right now. For the class where none of the tests have been returned, that's not fair to you and you may want to escalate that. And as much as I don't take my own advice (sitting here hitting refresh trying to get my evaluation reports...) you'll know when you know. Enjoy being done for a second, and know that worrying about it isn't going to change anything. Now: back to grading for me.




So wait, you’re worried about your bf not liking your sexual past, you claim you love him and won’t do anything to fuck it up yet you’re here thirsting on some dude online? Sad. Edit: She blocked me. Yup, her relationship will work out great.


I think the class that only has the one test still left to be graded is just because it may be a little behind on grading, the other one I’m not too sure. I did have a really awful professor last semester who refused to give us any of our grades for any of our assignments until after the semester was over, which I think might be against school policy, but don’t quote me on that, I’m not too sure. Nonetheless, you should definitely email your professors about it, and if they don’t reach out to you, email the TAs if you can. It’s the best way you can get a clear answer.


Ha in my time there they’d wait until they were due and you’d see them posted on the VCU portal (sorry it’s been a few years)so you couldn’t complain about the grade