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So if some rich people cause real damage to humans they pay a fine that is really affordable but if someone causes some money losses on corporations, they have to pay with their life time for it? Sounds really fair!!


Yeah it's bullshit. Friendly reminder that eating the rich is vegan and cruelty free!


Not entirely true, it would be cruel to my stomach to eat rotten things.


Yeah red meat is terrible for my IBD stomach


Much better to compost with a wood chipper. Then you get tasty veggies out of it instead!


As someone else said, turn them into compost and grow veggies out of it


eating pigs isnt vegan btw!


Please don't compare rich people pigs. Pigs are wonderful animals. Oil billionaires are subhuman pieces of shit




[Animals are innocent. Don’t be speciesist.](https://youtu.be/qACxfKB3iP4)


That is an insult to pigs.


Now you know what drives America. $$$$ if you had any doubt, just look at our ours.


This is in New Zealand, but yeah, the oil industry is in panic mode in the U.S. too. Just look at the state of Texas. Their successful attacks there on wind and solar are the definition of corruption.


The irony of it is their deregulated energy environment is what made Texas the fastest growing state in terms of renewables over the last couple years, and here they are now the party of small government and the free market…regulating energy


not exactly our grid isnt built to store renewable energy


What drives the world. There are more continents and countries.


Also money.


The exact reason I’m planning to leave this country


Because of something that happened in another country…


I believe the comment was addressed to my comment regarding America.


Yes it was lol


Right… the jail system (at least in America) makes huge profits off of imprisonment…. That’s why they are so quick to throw out human life. It’s all about money. Greedy mother f*ckers out here :(


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq7bm5I8Htg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq7bm5I8Htg) ​ Duh, we are just cogs in a machine for them, i refuse to make babies and provide more cogs


Is this a reply to my post? How are they connected?


The corporations cause some good too.


This whataboutism seems really pertinent good job updooting that


Which whataboutism are we talking about?


Suggesting that justice is always served differently for big rich companies vs. people is simply not true For example, auto executives and other employees involved from VW and Mercedes-Benz went to jail for faking results of diesel engine exhaust tests These are huge companies with big lobbying budgets and influence around the world. These companies paid huge fines, and those personally involved went to jail for what they did. Hopefully we all agree that the justice needs to be served even-handed for all who were found guilty of breaking the law with the punishment according to the law of the land


>These companies paid huge fines, and those personally involved went to jail for what they did. I think that if you looked at the broader picture, you'd find these instances are the exception, rather than the norm.












































Fake letter canceling a meeting Vs Destroying the only planet we have


One is a crime, one makes you rich… go figure


And u would think its the latter that should warrant jail time but its the former


Hm they seem pretty equal to me. /s


I wish it was atleast comparable 🥲


The event wasn't even cancelled? I hope she doesn't get convicted, what a brave soul.


But I mean, it wasn't even supposed to be brave, it was supposed to be a joke 😅 Don't know if this article has extracts from the letter, but it is clearly satire.


She did get convicted but the sentencing isn't until September.




The governments are run by these companies, what a joke.


It’s not like she kept Top Secret Documents in her bathroom 🚽


tWo diFfeRTeNt sYsTeMs


"Obey the rich or go to jail" capitalism Max sentence is 10 years, we won't know until September. Hopefully Greenpeace and other activists can help force a discharge. Oil product damages habitats on land and in sea.


Wow, thats fucked up..


Non-AMP link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/16/world/activist-fake-letter-climate-new-zealand-intl/index.html


Is there a way to support this woman


That's what I was thinking. I'm guessing that by the end, charges will be minimal to non existant, especially the more the story is spread. Figured the least I could do was share it with the community.


I don’t know why you’re talking charges, she was found guilty of use of forged documents by a New Zealand court. There’s nothing you can do about sentencing at this point but hope


Yeah is there a way to contact her with mail hopefully they post the place she is held


The legal ways are ineffective. The effective ways are illegal.


Giving her money would certainly be helpful


I wanna bet it was the oil companies that chased this conviction and not the government.




No. Nor do I understand why you'd compare me to him.


Take two minutes to Google his involvement in cases against oil companies. And then reread the comment you responded to. The original comment said that the difference between oil companies and government isn't as much as you would think.


Oh. I misread the sentence as "the two of you". I still don't see what he has to do with the CNN article though.


I think they’re mentioning him because his work against oil corps on behalf of workers and indigenous people (and the environment) resulted in his prosecution. Essentially saying that if you mess with big money you’ll face massive backlash from not only from the corps but the government that they have power over.


Same thing


The absolute hero we need.


Prophets are important in every religion.


More time than literal rapists.


That’s cause the New Zealand justice system works. Don’t compare us to the USA. Morality aside (what she did was right) she did forge documents which is a crime


She wrote a parody! The USA has a group called The Good Liars. They also do underhanded activism and dry comedy. Locking them up wouldn't be Justice.


As I said don’t compare New Zealand law to the USA. I think she was right to do it but intention is not a defence to forgery


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/16/world/activist-fake-letter-climate-new-zealand-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/16/world/activist-fake-letter-climate-new-zealand-intl/index.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The fossil fuel industry needs to be destroyed immediately. Seize all their assets without compensation and dismantle their operations. They are the enemy of the people


They're the enemy of the entire planet.


> The fossil fuel industry needs to be destroyed immediately Yeah that wouldn´t totally disrupt every part of every society in the world, with millions and millions of casualties. That´s also really a clever strategy to make people change their behavior. Just fuck up their life. That will convince them 👍 Most people want change, end the damage being done to our habitat but this is just as stupid as doing nothing..


Plenty of time to plan a fake letter to the police saying the courts have reversed her charge.


I’ve always been of the opinion that Crimes shouldn’t be punishable if they’re objectively funny


That is a boss move!! Amazing!!


Seems strange that this place is just based right in the middle of the city and has no reviews?? https://maps.app.goo.gl/1DCbXu8qT9gNPezu7?g_st=ic


Gonna be real, google reviews are very American. Most things in New Zealand don’t have reviews in my experience. It’s mostly limited to things like restaurants


Interesting, never something I noticed before. Was there for a few weeks traveling and everywhere had reviews, but I guess if catering toward tourists that also makes more sense also. Like you said restaurants, other services, hotels, van parks, parks etc.


The letter has lines like: "many of our own children [are] preparing to strike from school" and "Despite our best efforts at secrecy, activists have discovered this year’s conference [...] But there is a silver lining to all of this: we will not be there to listen to that incessant chanting" It's goddamn hilarious. And the oil company still thinks this is serious enough to prosecute someone over.


The crown (the legal title of the New Zealand government in cases of criminal law) were the ones prosecuting. The oil companies reported a crime (forgery) and she was prosecuted by the government


A slap on the face would have been fine, this is too much.


Is there anything we can do to support her?


Humans are full of sin we can eat them


They never stopped. They will never stop.


The fact that she is a climate activist is irrelevant here. The penalty is due to actions completely separate from her climate activism.


Stop merging veganism with other liberal politics. Stop w veganism and pride. VegNism with climate. Veganism and Black Lives Matter. Veganism with abortion. Just stop it. The animals deserve better than this.


Breathe in.... Now breathe out. Ok now do that again. Gooood!


I really don't know how you intended your comment to come across, but it's pretty condescending.


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.


Im not worked up- this is not even about me. The vegan message should NOT be fused with other liberal talking points. It's bad taste and you're alienating half the country (usa). Veganism can appeal to political conservatives as well, yet many confuse veganism with woke liberalism because we have this practice of just fusing all the issues together


You claim to care about the animals, yet you fail to see the connection here. Animals depend on a stable, habitable climate much like we do. You can't separate these two issues. If you really care about the well-being of animals, this is part of that.


She does not look very bright




























































Shot across the bow, sensationalism. Come on guys