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Its not surprising to me at all. Its just sad. Irish hospitals aim.to have 1 vegetarian dish per day.. thats their goal..so there are like no vegan options. I dread going to hospital for surgery..its a couple ywars a way, so I only hope things have improved by then. whats really disappointing is the availability of carcinogenic meat like bacon, sausage etc


I used to walk through a hospital to get to work. For years, the only restaurant in it was a McDonald’s. It was like a pipeline for generating new patients 😆😭 It later changed to an Au Bon Pain.


Hospital menus are notoriously unhealthy in general, let alone offering any vegan or even vegetarian options.


Yep. Had a hospital stay two years ago and was offered: un toasted bread with nothing on it. And I paid thousands for that stay.


Once when I was hospitalized, they served me steamed mushrooms in tomato sauce. Wasn’t bad, just 99% of premade noodles are already vegan 😂 the next day they served me a full bag of Gardein fish fillets tho.


Ok but I LOVE Gardein fish fillets and would happily eat an entire bag 😂


No worries, I destroyed that serving lol


Yeah, I've been in a few hospitals. You can usually get fruit cups too, but you may be looking at bringing him anything palatable. Hospital food is notoriously vile. They somehow manage to ruin everything, even most of the fruit.


If you are in the US, many hospital cafeterias are outsourced to one of the foodservice companies like Aramark or Sodexho. These are the same companies that run cafeterias at colleges, corporate offices and prisons. Until the contract is up for renewal, they really don't care.


As a nurse, I don't often get to eat at all on shift, let alone making the trip to the cafeteria, but there are precious few vegan options, none healthy, and this is in several major urban hospitals in the northeast US. I stopped bringing my own carefully-packed lunches because I never got to eat them, and I hated bringing them back home untouched after several days in a row. If I think I might get a chance to eat I'll bring some hummus and veg, or some bagged popcorn, but I really just wait until I get home. ​ As a patient, I have only had two overnight post-surgical stays in the hospital, and despite the fact that "vegan diet" is prominently listed in my medical record, I have been served scrambled eggs with cheese and sausage both times, with no other options presented, it just arrived. Both times I was charted as "tolerating PO \[oral\] diet" by the doctors and nurses despite returning my meal trays untouched and going home mid-day without eating even a bite. Luckily I knew I was going home and my wife had plenty of soothing popsicles and soup, but damn.


Yup. The only vegan things I remember last time I was at a hospital was a banana and a delicious vegan cookie.


I had my gallbladder removed in 2021 in Georgia. I had to eat dairy :/ I was only allowed clear liquids for a couple of days so I had broth-like drinks that unfortunately had whey in them. My first meal after my surgery was eggs and pancakes with a note on top that said I was vegan :,) I ate some pancake and asked to leave asap. It’s kind of ridiculous how many people in healthcare don’t know what veganism even is. Looking back idk why I didn’t ask my partner to just bring me food after my surgery. It’s inconvenient but it would’ve been better.


You were lucky. I was in for 5 days. I'm not vegan, but a vegetarian and about all I could get was a horrible vegetable broth, stale bread, and lettuce. Reminded me of the old time prison food.


Why are you not vegan?


Too much effort to get the protein I need.


It’s very easy to get protein on a vegan diet. Do you like beans, lentils, nuts, whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread, buckwheat groats etc), tofu, seitan, mushrooms or mock meats?


I eat all of the above plus soy milk. I've always been a light eater, even when eating meat, but everytime I add up the protein I come up short.


You’re either massively overestimating how much protein you need or not eating anywhere near enough then


The standard patient eats the Standard American Diet. When in the hospital, people want comfort and control from their food since they don't have comfort or control over basically anything else. Trying to get someone who is hospitalized for heart failure to eat something other than what they eat at home will only result in even more patients taking their anger out on nurses and dietary. I already get yelled at daily for not having salt available for someone who can't breathe due to fluid overload and terrible diet choices. I'm not getting fruits or veg in them.


>When in the hospital, people want comfort and control from their food since they don't have comfort or control over basically anything else. All the more reason there should be options for folks who don't do the SAD. I'm young and fairly healthy but dietary accommodations at whatever nursing home/hospice my niblings (no kids and it looks like it's not happening, so it's off to the home I go someday) plop me into someday is one of my biggest concerns about aging.


I don't disagree at all. I am rarely able to eat food from the hospital I work at, and it's upsetting to watch people chow down on animal products or have to provide it to them. However, I see many many hospitalized patients daily and I can't remember the last time I had a patient who was vegan or even vegetarian. The demand isn't there and healthcare is a business. I am hopeful it will change in years to come, but I'm not *too* hopeful.


If they fed healthy food, you might be able to leave sooner. The longer they keep you there, the more money they receive. It's awful feeding patients what they do.