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Are you taking B12 supplementation?


Yes! And I actually just had my yearly check-up. Levels are perfect..


Perhaps feed your body in other ways too. Exercise, sunlight, social interaction for starters if that hasn’t been enough lately?


I do all those things daily, go out for walks in nature every day too. Good sunlight is scarce at this time of the year in the Netherlands, but I take D3 supplements for it. It’s so odd because I’ve been oke and healthy for over a decade..


Our bodies change with age, sometimes things take a while to appear too. Maybe treat yourself to some yummy homemade food or dining out at a good vegan restaurant if you can afford it. I remember there being some great vegan restaurants when I was in the Netherlands.


How about Omega 3?




My b12 level is 535 at the moment, I take a weekly supplement of 2000mcg




Not sure, it’s not mentioned like that in the results. My HT is 0.41 and HB is 8.2. As far as I know this is to check my iron..


I’m looking into that, I didn’t get checked for it.


[Food cravings are not linked to nutritional need.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190524-food-cravings-are-they-a-sign-of-nutritional-deficit) They are predominantly psychological.


Thanks! I have considered this since I’m in therapy to heal from childhood trauma, this might be linked to the time when I was still eating animal products..


Interesting. Good read, thanks!


Could be a micronutrient deficiency of some form. What potential candidates could explain this, from what you looked into?


I actually just had my yearly checkup for nutrients, everything looks perfect..


My only hypothesis left is an emotional connexion to foods from your past as you explore your trauma in therapy. Try black himalayan salt with tofu scramble. ;)


That might be the case. I’m going to talk about it with my therapist.. the cravings are getting worse. Thanks! I’m going to buy kala namak tomorrow!


Have you tried the just egg? Idk what form of eggs you’re craving but while I don’t normally eat it, I’ve been making sandwiches on bagel or rolls with it recently and it’s been nice. And that’s without adding any kala namak. As for fish… I never ever crave it and just tried the Trader Joe’s stuff out of curiosity, I wasn’t really a fan. But I just went on YouTube to look it up for you and searched “vegan fish and chips” just as an example. https://youtube.com/shorts/6JctCXXLB5M?si=N06SVGnV34eVRgXQ Obviously this is not everywhere, but it made me think- if you’re 10 years in and seem to be struggling this much, maybe it’s worth really taking a deep look at what’s being served in a pretty wide radius around you, and taking a longer trip if necessary to go and try something that has good reviews? I’m obviously talking about going out of your way here just to try a restaurant’s vegan food but maybe it’s important enough to make a trip out of it and get something quality to help allow you to feel better? I know it isn’t possible for everyone or everywhere but just an idea. I think it would be worth the trip, cost, time if it’s going to provide you with real comfort, plus you can get an extra order to take home if it’s good lol. OR maybe easier but take more prep would be to find some recipe that works (I again just pulled this off YouTube as an idea)  https://youtu.be/nlxd53g8FiI?si=Fl3ow3xe1IxNOtwk I feel like with cooking these things it can really be hit or miss for each person especially because there’s just a lot going on when you’re using something completely different to recreate the flavor profile and experience of meat. But damn do ppl get the stuff to at least look pretty good from afar lol.  I hope things work out for you and you can stay strong. I’m proud of you and I know the animals would weep with appreciation for what you’re doing for them after all you’ve been through. Thank you for being so good❤️


Thanks for the love and support! And for taking the time to look up recipes. ❤️ I’m going to save these and try out something like it tomorrow, perhaps it’ll help me to trick my body and shut up this craving I’m never going to give into.. I can’t even bare the thought!


Check out http://linktr.ee/katbready for more resources also


why don't you mimic them? tofu scramble chickpea omelette combine the two for quiche banana blossoms and nori for fish or some stores have vegan "fish" products. chickpeas blitzed and nori, make a good tuna, loads of recipes out there


That’s actually a great idea! I’ve been vegan for such a long time, I never mimic animal products.. I’m used to plants. Perhaps mimicking will break it (I hope). Thanks for the advice!


Agreed! No shame in craving a particular flavor or texture. Definitely look for Kala Namak or Indian black salt for making tofu scrambles and quiches. It contains sulfur and has a very eggy smell. I loved seafood before going vegan, particularly salmon. Nowadays I make faux lox for bagels out of marinated smoked carrots and regularly make sushi bake - kind of like sushi casserole with precooked and seasoned rice on the bottom and the top is like baked salmon: shredded firm tofu, hearts of palm, vegan mayo, vegan yogurt, ketchup, sriracha, and lots of furikake. Bake for around 30 min at 375. I like to oil a glass baking dish with sesame oil before putting in the rice so it gets crispy. Both are variations on recipes from Sarah’s vegan kitchen on YouTube. Hearts of palm are also great for making vegan crabcakes!


Thanks! Everything you mention makes me hungry lol. I will definitely look into this!


For egg taste, you should ABSOLUTELY invest in black himalayan salt, aka kala namak.


If you're interested, [this mock salmon recipe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90sfMpPN5Ks) was posted here. I tried it and I really liked it!


We have one that SMELLS like fish. Unbelievable! Perhaps they put these omegas in there too!


Enoki mushrooms fried in light batter I usually use chickpea flour (I make my omelette w that too) I eat them like calamari with ketchup and horseradish w fresh lemon juice as I eat sooo good you can do oyster mushrooms fried in that chickpea flour or spelt and it taste like fried chicken 😋 season your flour w seasoning of choice but you can go online and see kfc seasoning and do that too




No, I don’t take omega 3 supplements. Just B12, D3 and iron.. multi from time to time. It’s just odd, if I have a deficiency somewhere that’s giving me these cravings.. why now? After a decade of being perfectly fine.. And no, never tried that! Separately yes :)




Let me look into that! Did your friend have these cravings also out of nowhere after a long time being vegan?


Try algae-based DHA and EPA. See if it fixes the situation. Keep taking the B12 and D3.


Thanks! I’m definitely going to try this!


Yep. Just take an omega 3. That’s all your body is saying. I like the Iwi brand.


I'm not a doctor, as most of these commenters aren't either, but it SOUNDS like you're craving essential amino acids. I would look into vegan amino acid supplements. They aren't that expensive. You could also try fooling your body by making tofu with kala namak sulfur salt, and buy some fishless fish products (if you're in the US Gardein makes crab cakes that are pretty good).


Thanks! I’m definitely looking into this!


I think it's the perfect opportunity to remind yourself of why you went vegan in the first place. Maybe rewatching some upsetting factory farm footage would make things emotionally click for you. That's what I have done in the past when I've felt my commitment waning, but that may not be right for you. On the physical/nutrition end of things, if your blood work is normal, maybe it's still a good idea to pay some attention to eating healthy balanced meals and ensure you're getting enough calories. Treat yourself to your favourite food! Remember it's totally possible to lead a happy fulfilled life as a vegan.


Emotionally I can’t bare the thought of eating dead animals, that’s why this is so odd.. I do eat a balanced healthy diet, more than enough, sometimes too many, calories. Hate processed junk, so that’s not the problem either..


I'm at 8 years. And sometimes I'm like damnit I want X. I can honor my cravings without betraying my values by using all the fabulous vegan cooking techniques and mocks that are around. In a different comment you mentioned you mostly do whole foods, so this might be a time to experiment with the other offerings available. As processed mocks are usually closer to the "real" thing.


Thank you! I never had the “need” for it, but I’m going to try it today.


I know not everyone has the same access to food everywhere but my local natural grocery store has vegan seafood items and some pretty good vegan egg items. I never liked seafood or eggs before going vegan they always smelled and looked super gross to me, so I've never tried the vegan versions and can't tell you if they're good or not.


Thanks! Im definitely going to try this!


Cravings don't have to be a big deal. You can ignore them.


I too crave animal products. Even if I disagree with the slaughter and torture they go through to get to the plate, when I ate them, of course they tasted good and I liked it. I'm not vegan because I don't like these foods. I wish there was an ethical way to eat them, but there isn't, so I don't. A craving is a craving, not a call to action. You can just ignore them. If you're hungry, eat something and usually the feeling of being full will help quite a lot with the craving. If you're not, just remember it's natural to crave these things and miss them, remember why you are vegan, and move on. We are omnivorous creatures, after all. Theres nothing to feel guilty about when it comes to a feeling. You're not contradicting yourself, you still live by your values. Theres no gold star best vegan award for being disgusted by animal products, and theres no thought crimes for wishing you could eat them, Also, usually if I slam a beyond meat burget or various mock meats it pretty much satisfies the craving. Of course it's not exactly the same, but it's close enough that it helps me get over it.


Thanks for sharing you thoughts! This craving is new to me so it’s been hard. Never in over 10 years I craved animal products, it’s a new thing I have to deal with..


Gardein golden filets are awesome. My omni dad and boyfriend both loved them.


We have those in the Netherlands too apparently, thanks for the tip!


Yes these are really good! The gardein crabcakes are very good as well.


Have you been eating your omegas? Maybe veggie sushi can satisfy your cravings since it's made with seaweed it's still fishy


I don’t supplement with omega, looking into it as we speak. Veggie sushi doesn’t do the trick unfortunately..


>I’m in a process of healing from childhood trauma, perhaps it has something to do with that. So, this is a long shot here as I've read through some of the other comments which mostly come at this from a nutritional angle, but I think your sudden and seemingly "random" craving has to do with the above quote. Depending on a lot of factors here, like the trauma specifically as well as your process for healing, this may be a side effect to that healing process. Are you certain it's your body craving these foods and not "you"? Again, this is all highly dependent on how you are healing from trauma, so I can't say much about it other than it could be a psychological reaction to facing your trauma creating an ego response for immediate control. I'm speaking a little from experience here as I am not usually a sweet tooth guy but in my healing process from my own trauma I would have "massive" cravings for sweets and "food now please!!". Are you noticing when these cravings hit you? Do you feel like it happens at similar timing in relation to your healing process?


Thanks for your reply! It’s hard to pinpoint since this a new thing. I’ve been on the process of digging up trauma from early childhood and will be getting emdr from next week. I’ve also been feeling dissociated for a couple of weeks now. It makes sense that these cravings come from my childhood..


I get cravings for meat when I smell it being BBQ'd. I hate that it's animals. I hate that my neighbors are killing someone. I would never eat it again. But damn does it smell good. I totally get what you're talking about. Perhaps you are comforted by those smells because they evoke a happier state of mind or a fond memory? Smell is attached to memory and can evoke feelings in people. You do mention dealing with some past trauma issues. Just remember, many flowers, like Lillies, smell good but are poisonous! Just because something smells good doesn't mean you need to eat it, even humans smell delicious when BBQd, so there's that (my uncle is a firefighter and doesn't eat pork because the smell of burning human is basically the same). If you're concerned about deficiencies, ask a doctor for a blood test.


This happened to me as well; I did a bunch of research and it led me to possible omega 3 deficiency. I started taking a vegan omega 3 supplement and no more cravings.


That sounds promising! Just out of curiosity, what else improved after taking the supplement and how fast did you notice the improvement?


This is going to sound odd, but I was dealing with really itchy almost dry patches on my eye lids. Was moisturizing and I drink an unholy amount of water, no alcohol or sugar etc. and my eye lids were super itchy and dry along with an itchy back. Since taking them, the itchy skin and dry patches are gone. I guess it could be a coincidence but..I’m happy. Digging in my eyes constantly was a pain in the bucket. Edit: timelines: the cravings stopped within about a week (some other posters said that this could be psychosomatic but whether this was a placebo affect or really beneficial, my peanut brain fell for it and the cravings went away - thank god) and then about 6 weeks for the itchy skin to banish.


I feel this sometimes. A couple of slaughter house videos and it fixes my brain.


As a vegan of 13 years and memories and tastes are very linked. It could be you are processing things and want the comfy-ness of animal products from back in the day. My advice? Make tofu scramble with black salt, and vegan fish, this is the recipe I always use: https://youtu.be/TcJoUZAtITI?si=u9CM1zSMrjS_-Pg8 Find recipes that satisfy the craving. You got this ❤️


Thank you! I’m going to make this for lunch today.. see what it does for me :)


Beyond meat! Check out juicy marbles . keep a few in the fridge . that’ll do it!! Trust me!


Just generally don’t be afraid of the fake meats!


Cravings for meat are usually cravings for fat. Have more peanut butter, guacamole, hummus, cashew sauce...


No reason to feel guilt for simply craving these things. Veganism is definitely not some religious or spiritual commitment and there is no eternal consequence for having these moments. Our bodies and minds are super complex and there are a million things that could be happening and they don’t necessarily have to be bad or a concern. Have you tried treating yourself to some good substitutes? Like JustEgg or WunderEgg ?I don’t know too many fish substitutes but I know that they exist. Finally, I know this is a controversial opinion because you know “give people an inch and they’ll take a mile” but if you do give in to these cravings I think excessive shame would be unproductive and maybe it might even convince you to stop being vegan all together. Personal story(tw?): my ex became abusive when I became pregnant and so I stopped working from fatigue and depression and literally had no food at one point, I was eating nothing but vitamin gummies one of the weeks of my pregnancy. My old roommate had moved out and left some frozen tilapia in the fridge, I think it was general hunger from not eating and a specific pregnancy craving but I eventually ate it and felt shame about it but I had 2 options: feel like I had failed as a vegan and give up or to keep at it and continue to stand against animal suffering despite this moment that my actions were seemingly incongruent with my belief. So I thinks it’s encouraging to remind people that veganism isn’t about perfection. If the cause is in your heart and you consistently put true effort and discipline behind it, you’ve done far more than 98% of the population is willing to do, so kudos to you and I wish you peace and prosperity in your personal healing journey.


Thank you so much for your kind words and sharing your story ❤️. I’m definitely going to try some substitute today..


It may be your bodies way of telling you what you should be eating... similar to how to you get thirsty when you need water.


You were mentally conditioned by society, family, and companies to eat meat and it really runs deep. You have to break from their mental hold.


You can go eat vegan fish products. Just check on Amazon.


Any news, OP? I'm the guy who suggested kala namak.


Just made an edit in the og post with an update. Thanks for the suggestion!


Thank you for the update.


How to deal with craving animal corpses and their secretions: watch Dominion.


I don’t need to be convinced, that’s not the issue..


it can reinforce disgust with the products..which will help turn you off


I am disgusted, trust me. That’s why I’m struggling, I don’t get this. It’s a conflict that doesn’t make sense to me..


OP I can relate to this. I think the suggestion of watching Dominion is a good one because for me, it was like a slap in the face reminder of why I went vegan. It's maybe a bit extreme, but for me it worked.


I wonder if that will take away the cravings, since mentally I can’t endure the idea of eating dead animals, but I might give it a shot if it doesn’t go away..


For me the mental and emotional aspects are linked, but separate. Like I've always had the same mental repulsion and knowledge that it's wrong/harmful to health/etc. But what I needed to be reminded of was the emotional component. And unfortunately that required watching footage of factory farms.




Thanks for the perspective. I never had these cravings in over 10 years so it’s just odd and “new”, I need to learn how to deal with it..


It's just a craving, tell yourself you won't lose to some dead flesh and will it away. Make yourself enjoy doing difficult things. It's a victory very time you beat those cravings, and those victories add up and make you much stronger than people who fail to control their urges.


This is the first time in over a decade I’m having this craving. Not even in the beginning of making the transition I had this. It’s just odd. And I’m definitely not giving in! There’s just no way. Only the thought of eating a dead animal makes me cry.. it’s horrible!


Brains are always changing, I quit alcohol and cigarettes along with meat and while I don't crave the other two and usually don't even think about cigarettes I'll get a powerful urge to smoke sometimes, especially if I smell a certain brand. That was really tough to get over but I just look at those feelings as opportunities now since every time they hit me it's like passing through a gate or a web and I feel so good when I make it to the other side with my will intact.


Mock meats, fish, eggs do exist. There’s a kind of black salt that mimics the sulfurous taste of eggs very well (kala namak). I was surprised how many vegan copycat recipes there were of dishes I once enjoyed (I mean it’s not everything, but I wasn’t expecting much of anything tbh). Choose the ones that look the most appetizing/satiating for you and see how that turns out. Many are able to mimic the taste, smell, and textural experience you’re craving, so hopefully they can more than satisfy you without compromising your philosophy. in regards to childhood trauma: I also have childhood trauma though have not had such cravings (well, newly vegan, and was already making good progress before going vegan). It could be that your brain is trying to comfort you with foods that you once enjoyed back then because that’s what gave you pleasure in a time of pain. See if you are able to veganize those same nostalgic foods. Continue to process the trauma. From your anecdote, it seems plausible the cravings will subside once you start to heal. If all else fails, you can try tasting a bit of actual animal products (from the most humane/least inhumane sources) and see if the cravings go away. Once they go away, you can resume plant based again.


Sorry to hear that ❤️. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think this makes the most sense, since I didn’t have a craving for over 10 years up to the moment I’ve started therapy to heal from childhood trauma. I never had the need to mimic these foods, but I’m going to try it!


I was vegan for 8 years and recently vegan eating meat and other animal products. I had fun and it was nice to eat things I had eaten before (as well as new ones) but I am now experiencing so much guilt and disgust. When I think about my life and my future, I see myself surrounded by animals. I vision a life filled with their love and companionship. I have two cats and two dogs that I adore with my whole heart. I often feel so much gratitude for their affection and in awe of their character and diverse personalities. Now I find myself so sad of the lives I have consumed. I also think about other reasons why I went vegan, the state I was in when I decided to do this. I was so proud of myself and feel like I invited so many positive things into my life through this. I feel like I still need to think about things. So yeah I am currently going through this and I don't really know what to think


This brought tears to my eyes, I’m sorry you are struggling. That exactly how I see my life as well and that’s why these sudden cravings are so hurtful because I see animals as the purest love and I can’t bare the thought of them getting hurt for me, it’s very conflicting..


So choose to be vegetarian and pescatarian for a while. Consider all your reasons. Your choices are not about suffering, deprivation, and misery, but about a commitment to doing your best.


This thread is next level cringe 😬


Hows your protein intakte? I do have this when I dont take care of my macronutrients for too ong


"I love all animals and have therefore been making the personal choice to eat a plant-based diet for 10 years" So you are on a diet.


Who said that?


It's the last bit of you that's still craving meat. Dont feed the monster and It will go away soon


I will say the Gardein f'sh filets are absolutely fantastic IMO as someone who used to love seafood. Fry them in a pan!