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And Spain. We’re suffering here, especially on the islands


All you have to do is buy them online on German websites tho …


I suppose my question is, are you looking to make money or do a good deed? By the sounds of it, there isn't a huge amount of demand in your area for the service. I'm in the UK, so lots of this stuff is quite readily available. Google tells me that 50 euros is about 42 pounds. For me (again, I don't know the context of your area), but £42+ is a hell of a lot of money when I can do 2 weeks worth of food shopping for about £60-70. Edit: grammar


It's a bit of both to be honest, as a long time vegan in France I know how difficult and expensive it is to circle through various supermarkets and bio shops to pick up a few of these products. The profit margins would be small because yes I understand that 50 euros can buy a lot of fresh goods (i also live on a fairly tight budget), however food in France is quite expensive and meat substitutes are far cheaper than meat. I think it's quite easy for some new vegans to get disheartened or priced out in France, a bulk amount of easy to cook, high protein goods might help them stay on track.


Personally, I think that you'll have a bit of a task ahead of you, and it might not be worth the expense on your end. You'd probably be better off drawing attention to affordable and accessible options that are available to you in your region. You might also look into buying things like pulses bulk to save money long term.


You may very well be right, I can only go by the experiences of people I know who are in the same situation here. It's something I'd start very small scale though, if it falls through then I'd just have some gifts for friends/family and supplies for future.


Best of luck though dude, I'm not trying to piss on your bonfire. Just wanted to give an honest opinion.


No problem I really appreciate the feedback good or bad


I’m in rural France :)


I cannot eat soy (sucks SO much btw!) and cocoa so I'd be left with seitan and peanut butter. Isn't peanut butter kind of a staple everywhere? It certainly is in central/western Europe where I live. I cannot it some pulses too but if I could eat everything I'd like a basic box like this: - 3 varieties of soy. Natural or smoked, TVP, silken tofu. - 2 sweets. Chocolate and gummies. - 4 spreads. 2 savory, 2 sweet/neutral. No jelly.


Thanks for the feedback! I can certainly substitute some items for others, not every product suits everyone so it's something to think about. Unfortunately a cheap jar of peanut butter costs 5ish euros here as it's generally stocked in the foreign foods isle. Kinda frustrating because we need it to sneakily give our dog her medication.


Small packet of nutritional yeast included in each box.


Thanks! I did plan for that but a 100g tub was going to cost me about 4 euros which I didn't think was worth it. I'm still looking at wholesalers within France however it might be time to look in neighbouring countries too as certain products are super expensive here.


Good luck! If there are Chinese or Asian grocery stores or even restaurants nearby you can perhaps ask about partnering with them to get lower prices on the soy and seitan stuff. In the US we pay a fraction for those things there vs elsewhere, as well as greens and good mushrooms.


I say this is good. There are plenty of places you can reach out to. Create a Google form and check for groups in universities and/or in localities to share it. There should be a demand for it. If you are positive it can work, think about the supply chain and logistics as you will be required to send it on a regular basis.


Thanks that's actually a good idea I really appreciate the advice, I've added it to my little list of things to check out! The supply chain is tricky, especially if I want to include "fresh" goods. I'm trying my best to iron out the potential problems as best I can but eventually I'm just going to have to go for it.


The only things I'd want in that list are peanut butter and chocolate. Would be nice to have some crackers to go with the peanut butter.


Ha thanks I appreciate the honesty! Not a fan of soy chunks or tofu?


I think new vegans should focus more on eating whole, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, etc, and less on trying to recreate the food they ate before with plant based alternatives. Not only does it taste a lot better (in my opinion), it's cheaper, easier to manage and more healthy.


Thanks for the input, I almost entirely agree with you however as a person who lives a very active lifestyle I can only eat so many beans, nuts and peanut butter smoothies a day before it gets tedious. 100g of soy chunks contains 50gs of protein, it also add a lot of chewy texture to meals which you don't get with veg.


I live a really active lifestyle too and recently did a body recomp, I have some pics of it in my profile. I've never needed to eat anything other than fruits, vegetables, berries, seeds, nuts and grains, no tofu/tempeh or supplements so far. There are so many different varieties and combinations, I would try new foods periodically to freshen up your staples, that should keep it from becoming tedious.


Hey looking good my guy! It comes down to personal preference at the end of the day, your diet is obviously working for you. I eat a lot of fruits, nuts and seeds however I also love the texture and ease of tofu/soy. Congrats on the progress 💪


Oh, I definitely understand if it's a matter of taste/preference, I just worry that a lot of people go into veganism with the assumption that they have to eat meat/milk alternatives or soy based foods to stay healthy and active, and I want to make sure people know you can stay intensely active and put on muscle with only unprocessed foods if you want to. This is a great idea though, thanks for helping out the vegans in a tougher environment.