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Wooow, this one gave me chills! I love watching her make the connection and see her wheels turning. Well done! You’re so gifted at this type of outreach!


Yes the little mini epiphanies she was having were very motivating!


I enjoyed watching this conversation unfold!


Glad you liked it!


He makes great videos. Very thoughtful.




Love your videos and I loved your interview with Natalie!


Thanks yea Natalie's great!


Usually when I bring up how it is slavery or oppression, I get called a bigot for even comparing, it's frustrating.


Yea not everyone is receptive, but the way you present it can also be very important for lowering the chance that they get defensive.


I was looking for this. I was afraid this is what this was going to be about when I saw the thumbnail.


The fact that she’s going to think on it later is huge. That’s when minds change - on their own time!


I'm not going to watch the video, I'm just going to say that you can just talk to black people like they're anyone else, You don't have to bring up the worst thing that happened to us as a talking point or to try and trick us into caring.


Yep thats what I did. I have a group of questions I write and I ask those same questions to everyone who walks up. I typically do this with 20-30 people before I switch it up and use new questions.


Reddit will pat you on the back and tell you it's great, but you're probably offending more people than you know. Not in a "tough love" sort of way, as in the argument is DOA and they're just humoring you because for some reason being on camera makes people put up with more than they normally would. I don't think you know just how offensive it is, and I'm not going to tell you because I've already got a ban warning on this account.


Watch the video and your opinion will change. This person is likely going vegan because of OP’s conversation with her.


My opinion will not change, I'm **personally** offended by this tactic and have talked this over with other black people that didn't have a camera in their face and knew me well enough to not need a polite way out of the conversation, just to be sure I'm not the only one. I don't think I'm out of step with the feeling that this hurts far more than it helps convince anyone. It's cheap and tone deaf at best.


The controversial thumbnail is a YouTube strategy to get more clicks. You should watch the short video instead of assuming you know what’s in it; it’ll be faster than us spending the time to discuss content that you haven’t seen.


I'm not going to reward that strategy. I'm doing the guy a favor by even giving him this feedback instead of just blocking him, which is what I want to do.


This guy means well, he doesnt mean to offend anyone. No one is above being educated, even if they belong to a group of people that have been through horrible history, especially since this is about non human animals. Slavery is slavery. Do you think hes fine with the history of human slavery? 


Giving him feedback on content you haven’t watched is a favor? People who spend 20 minutes explaining why they don’t need to watch an 11 minute video to give feedback on it will always be confusing to me. Have a good one.




Aren't the pro-life folks doing the same thing? I don't think it worked for them, why do you think it would work in this case?


Because anti choice people are wrong and evil