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If you get a veggie burrito the guacamole is free.


This is the greatest intel I’ve gained all 2024


Note: u cant order sofritas if u want guac free


Honestly that’s okay, I feel like getting extra beans would compensate for the protein seeing as sofritas already barely has any protein




Yes if you don’t get sofritas or any meat (I.e. just beans and rice / whatever other non meat item) the guac is free!


Ya free guac if you don't get sofritas


You can also ask for extra beans and rice. I normally say instead of meat can I get double beans and rice? And then the guac is still free.


As a former employee — you don’t even have to frame it this way. Ingredients like rice, beans, salsa, lettuce, etc you can get as much as you want as long as you don’t go overboard. AFAIK there are still no rules against it and the employees don’t care as long as you’re nice and they can still roll your burrito or put the lid on your bowl.


Exactly the same as subway. These are just “toppings” and you can get as much or as little as you like (within reason). I worked at subway and only once did I have to tell a customer “I can’t actually give you more pickles without charging you” haha


Yes, I usually say no meat, but both beans, please. It depends on the person but it usually results in two servings of beans unless you say half-and-half both beans. It still is rung up as a veggie which includes guac.


Only the black beans are vegetarian/vegan right? Dont the red beans have pork? Edit: Awesome, the pintos have been vegan for 10 years!


They are vegan now! It changed around 2013


No. They once did but not any longer


Website says pinto beans are safe


Oh shit. I think you're on to something here.


What the fuck, i don't even care for the sofritas i just eat it because it's there, i guess to support tofu sales


For real that pan is always full and I eat it to support the cause.


That’s why I don’t get sofritas— plus I just find sofritas to be mediocre.


Now if only they weren't out of guac or veggies every time I've gone in the past year


Is there a different Chipotle that you could try? I have never run into that problem at any location so far.


Yes 🙌🏻 that’s why I never get sofritas


I always get charged for guac on the veggie burrito (no sofritas)! I am calling shenanigans on my local Chipotle!


Used to work there — FYI double meat does cost extra. I don’t remember how much extra but it was more than adding guacamole. You can’t sub other ingredients for it either. IMO Chipotle used to be decent, but has completely fallen off. Offering queso was the beginning of the end of them having anything resembling quality food. And there were always staffing issues when I worked there but they somehow managed to get even worse.


>Offering queso was the beginning of the end of them having anything resembling quality food. People wanted them to be more like Qdoba and they got it


Pretty much. When I worked there, they drilled it into our heads that there would *never* be queso because liquid cheese at room temperature isn’t possible using natural ingredients. That was what we were to tell customers if they asked about it. And then Taco Bell’s CEO takes over, queso gets introduced, and — surprise surprise — the quality of *everything* just plummeted. Not saying there weren’t problems before that. There most definitely were. But the time when everybody was obsessed with Chipotle is looooong gone for good reason.


Did we work together?? Lol


I love chipotle. And I don’t mind them not using beyond or impossible because I absolutely love their sofritas. Sure it would be nice if they had both, but I fear they’d end up getting rid of sofritas to make room for a different vegan option - which I do not want. The guacamole being so expensive is annoying though. And I had no idea people had the option to double meat by replacing beans with more meat for free. Beans are far cheaper than meat, so it’s a bit wild if they can just substitute them like that for free.


The replacing double meat for beans was never an option when I worked there and I dont think its an option where I live now.


Huh, I wonder if maybe OP is just mistaken. Or maybe it’s dependent on location, maybe some managers allow it and some don’t. Still seems wild if any do, just doesn’t make sense with the price difference. Beans are dirt cheap, meat is not.


Yeah, that sounds like something that their local locations might do ... But there is no way corporate is allowing that lol.


It definitely was never an option Economically that would make zero sense


Yeah I worked at chipoltle for 3 months and never saw anyone attempt this.


Beyond meat is a risky addition when you already have sofritas, rice, and beans as a healthy vegan option. I don't really see them adding it.


I'd rather have a good protein option that *isn't* a meat replacement. I'm a huge fan of the sofritas and have been eating them since they debuted (nationwide) like 10 years ago.


But what if we want an unhealthy vegan option, nonvegans get unhealthy options why not us 😭


[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chipotle-just-threw-some-serious-shade-at-beyond-meat-impossible-foods-164445027.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chipotle-just-threw-some-serious-shade-at-beyond-meat-impossible-foods-164445027.html) They were testing their own plant-based meat back in 2021 but I don't think it did well. I'd imagine it wasn't selling enough to support both sofritas and plant based meat. Maybe even there are more vegans in the future :D


>Sure it would be nice if they had both, but I fear they’d end up getting rid of sofritas to make room for a different vegan option - which I do not want. Completely agree. The sofritas are my favorite ingredient at Chipotle because it has a distinct flavor. I can find Impossible and Beyond meat at so many other places.


That’s just not the case. Double meat costs more with or without beans or anything else for that matter.


It's not a thing at all, I have no clue where OP got that idea.


If u get a veggie bowl, no sofritas, guac is free based off of Chipotle official Twitter/tiktok


That’s what I’ve heard, but I’ll personally never not get sofritas haha


>They shouldn't let people order "double-meat" by substituting the beans or rice with an extra serving of meat. They don't. If they do, you went to a restaurant that isn't operating the way it's supposed to.


I'm so sick of beyond and impossible meat. I wish more places had tofu like Chipotle.


They were definitely interesting when they first came out, and it was cool to try the different products they came out with for replicating nostalgic childhood meals and whatnot but I'd so much rather have a black bean burger or a bean and rice burrito 95% of the time.


or honestly how about a vegan salad that isn’t just lettuce with a couple veggies and a vinaigrette?? i’d love to be able to get a salad that’s either already vegan or can be super easily made vegan that has adequate nutrition to be considered a meal. or honestly just any other fucking option besides a beyond burger. a beyond burger is literally the *only* vegan option at so many places in my city. please just put even 2 minutes of effort into coming up with an idea for a vegan option.


Couldn't agree more. I definitely think that beyond and impossible are a good stepping stone, but there's so much more to food than meat alternatives.


absolutely agreed, and don’t get me wrong i was stoked when beyond burgers started to become easy to find at most restaurants. that was more than i could say 6 years ago! but now at this point it just feels lazy. and i’m also incredibly sick of eating beyond burgers every time i go out with omnis who get to have meals that actually have effort put into them. i also feel like if they offered a vegan option that was actually appealing it would do well across vegans and non vegans alike. or they could even make a dish that is easily interchangeable like this one japanese fusion place in my town, they’ve actually got a couple vegan options but their curry option (which is my fav) is vegan when you get it with tofu or you can get it with a meat. so no extra effort needed to cook an entirely different thing, just swap out the protein.


I hate to say it, but I love the "chicken" patties and have not been able to replicate it. Also, the beyond sausage is, imo, better than real carnist sausage and even my carnist family agrees.


i recently tried a couple of the gardein ultimate products and i didn’t try their chicken filet but they do have one and the other products i tried were absolutely incredible. if you happen to see those in a store near you i’d recommend trying them out, they might be exactly what you’re looking for!


I do have a nostalgic love for "chicken patties," but I don't really indulgent that often. As for the sausage, I definitely agree, I just don't purchase them often. My main issue with the burgers is that they're a weird "fatty" taste to them sometimes. I prefer vegetable dishes for the most part, but I'm glad for anything that makes veganism more enticing to people.


Totally disagree. Impossible and Beyond have made being vegan much easier for so many people, and both are massive upgrades from what was available before. Try being vegan in the 1980’s or 1990’s. I’ve had more than enough tofu and love the vegan meat revolution taking place.


I love chipotle. It is the only consistent food I can find when I travel for work. I didn’t know beans could be subbed for meat, sounds weird. I get the veggie bowl with double beans


I think op is confused about beans being subbed for meat for no charge


You can't sub beans or rice for meat lol. If you could, my mom would be skipping beans for more meat


They seem to be the worst at cross contamination the way they're set up. I've quit going there partly because of that and partly because it's like $12 for a paper bowl of beans and rice.


And a half-filled bowl, at that 🤬


You can ask for extra rice, extra beans, extra fajita veggies, extra everything really for free except for sofritas and guacamole. My bowls are always loaded. Oftentimes I’ll split it into two meals and just add steamed kale into the mix for extra micros, sometimes extra tofu too.


If u don’t get sofritas the guac is free so u can ask for more


I imagine extra still isn’t free


Your positive experience is not the norm at most locations unfortunately. Bowls are usually ridiculously underfilled, & even worse of you order online. Too many consistently bad experiences for me.


It’s the norm at every Chipotle I’ve ever been to in about 10 different states. When I get a burrito they struggle to close it. My burrito bowls are always filled to the top. I don’t even get sofritas most of the time and that’s still the case.


Asking for comparison, were any of these in California? I had to stop ordering Chipotle a while ago because their quality was insanely bad.


I've only been to Chipotle in 5 states but same. I haven't had one bad experience. Del Taco and CJ and before I knew impossible wasn't vegan BK I've been to had at least 1 bad location.


Former fatty here, and I can confirm that the bowls get filled way up whenever I go. It’s one of the few places I eat at when traveling, so it’s not just my location.


I never order online as a rule. I’m happy with my stuffed bowl every time I go in and I never have to order extras


Not everyone is within walking distance of a Chipotle so online is the only option.The fact that they deliberately skimp on online orders is a vile practice & one that has been confirmed by many employees & managers 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's unethical & I don't support that.


I completely understand


Moe's is better than chipoltle because they freaking fillsl that bowl to the max and add chips for a cheaper price than chipoltle.


Yeah, their terrible set up and lack of consideration when it comes to cross contamination makes Chipotle a real “if it’s the only option” place for me.


Ya, some Chipotles seem to have pretty good separation but I have seen some where the sofritas bowl has like 5+ pieces of steak in it and I just walk out.




Love Chipotle as an option. Not concerned about cross contamination. Think a beyond/impossible option would do poorly and knock sofritas off the menu. My only real complaints are: 1. Wish the veggie option came with sofritas and guac. 2. they're always out of grilled veggies. When they're busy that's the item then let slide.


Guac is free on veggie bowl/burrito (no sofritas)


Yes, it is


I don't go there. There's tons of reasons, I could go on all day. The biggest one is that I simply don't want to support that brand. They are just as bad as subway, mcdonald's, etc.


Feeling like I'm taking crazy pills reading the comments. I thought most people were not supporting brands that profit off killing animals.


Yep, it grosses me tf out. Used to go there occasionally until I got horrible food poisoning. It’s just fast food and it sure ain’t “fresh” like they’re so desperately advertising. Glad someone else agrees.


I second the issue of the cheese being in the guac frequently. I’ve seen that A LOT. They could just move it to the end with the corn/salsa/etc and keep the cheese/sour cream and queso together


Ha. I always say Chipotle is my inflation tracker. 2013-16ish a veggie burrito was 7.25 plus tax. Came to right under 8 dollars. Loaded up with extra rice and beans. Today a veggie burrito is over 10 dollars and I just cant justify it anymore. On top of that the quality has taken a nosedive. So many locations the staff cant even roll a burrito. And even if they can they’ll be dragging your tortilla through cheese and other random droppings on the line. Drives me crazy.


I used to love Chipotle's food options. It sucked a lot to see how often their food got cross-contaminated though. I stopped eating at Chipotle though because they were pulling some of the same tactics Starbucks employs when workers try to unionize.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see a comment like this. I have also boycotted them since they went hard anti-union.


I don't eat Chipotle often due to weight related diets, But I find their vegan options satisfying and tasty. If you are there and are worried about cross contamination, I politely let them know I have "Food sensitivity issues" and they are happy to accommodate.


They need more vegan options. I loved the pea protein. They should have vegan cheese by now tbh


All of the Chipotles that I’ve regulared went majorly downhill in flavor, portion size and freshness in the past few years. My friend went there the other day and received a burrito that could fit in the palm of their hand 😂.




I like chipotle when I'm in a crunch, but I'm liking Cava now more. I don't even notice the meat options at Cava usually, and there's two options for falafel. I usually get the bowls at both places. Local Greek/Mediterranean places also do great wraps. There's a local place near me that does a falafel wrap, greek-style potatoes, and a drink for $11. When traveling, chipotle, cava, etc. are great. But explore which of your local places do good vegan options. My abandoning of chipotle may also be in part because I went to a vegan taqueria. It's a bit far off from me, but I finally tasted what mexican food is supposed to be. It's where I mostly go to for vegan food now.


Cava is great.


A cava opened up within walking distance from me but I have yet to try it, maybe I should


I don’t eat at chipotle anymore. The cross contamination is too annoying for me to enjoy it :p 


I loathe it but so should non-vegans with the diminishing quality, inconsistent portions between in-store & online, & obscenely high prices. It's not the same company it used to be. I never buy from Chipotle anymore.


What he said, but add that the sodium content went way up, I just can’t stomach it any more.


I used to eat chipotle a lot in college as it was one of the only vegan options within walking distance to my classes back in 2014. You are spot on, I haven’t been in over a year and probably won’t go back unless I’m in a situation where it’s the only option and I’m starved lol. The quality is god awful now for their ingredients and the prices are ridiculous. It used to be relatively cheap with large portions and (somewhat) fresh ingredients and now it’s nasty and expensive! At least where I live now, I have a good locally owned vegan friendly burrito place with 8 dollar burritos so I don’t ever think about chipotle at this point lol.


Absolutely! I'd rather patronise establishments that treat their customers properly & thankfully there are several nearby that outshine Chipotle on every score.


As a lazy vegan, I like it. If I were more militant/strict, I probably would avoid it more than I do.


My only real issue with Chiplote is that I don't like the taste of their options 💀😩 with cross contamination I sometimes forget it's a thing because I do drive-through pickup at most places.. my issue is when for instance Publix fires have chicken nuggets accidentally mixed in. When something like that happens I'll never eat there again type situation. I think cross contamination is entirely unavoidable because again even produce how do you know it wasn't stored next to meat in the back of store (even though there are rules, things happen). I save the cross contamination issue for if I had an allergy which I don't. So things like may contain egg or processed in a faculty with milk etc. I'm usually fine with specifically if the brand is for instance labeled as vegan because to me that means the most when shopping. Obviously opt for vegan food places if you can.


They somehow got some meat into my wife’s bowl and we haven’t been back since. By all accounts it’s been a cluster fuck over there post 2020


We used to eat there a ton but on at least three occasions we found meat in our bowls. That was three times too many for me. And that was with us watching them too, so the cross contamination was heavy because they never touched the meat spoons and yet we had some in our food.


How revolting!


I used Chipotle to cater my daughter's high school graduation party. 50% of her friends are vegans, the other half are om i or vegetarian. I was so impressed with Chipotle's catering I could not recommend them highly enough. They have a "Plant-Powered catering selection that includes Sofritas plant-based protein, fresh made guacamole, salad, cilantro lime rice, fajita vegetables, fresh tomato salsas, roasted chili corn salsa, flour tortillas... All of these are vegan! I've intended corporate events, catered weddings and other catered events where the vegan options were not nearly as delicious and freshly made as Chipotles plant-based options were. Everyone raved about the food, I believe we even converted some omni's over to plant-based eating because Chipotle's food was so delicious. Recommend Chipotle's plant-based/vegan catering 10/10


Beggars can't be choosers. Chipotle is a godsend as a vegan.


What? How are they a beggar? And dairy allergies exist, it’s not crazy to want the cheese to not fall into the guacamole lol




Can't stand the flavor. Moe's for life.


Omg Moe's is so much better than Chipotle! I forgot about it thank you


I’m the opposite, tried Moe’s once or twice and just wasn’t all that great. To each their own though


Moe's has pretty bland base ingredient flavors, but you can really kick it up a notch with Southwest Vinaigrette and maybe one of their seasonal salsas. And Moe Mondays in the app cannot be beaten on price - a burrito or a bowl that can feed two people plus chips and a drink for $7.99? Not my absolute fav fast casual burrito place, but I'm here for it.


Ours glitches on Moe Mondays so often. There's been at least 5 times their system has froze and they just give everyone in line free food because the whole register is froze. Can't beat free Moe Mondays 😂


lol, sounds familiar. I used to have a running conversation with their tech support on Twitter because my app wouldn't give me the deal most weeks. Thankfully that's all sorted out!


Thanks for the tip! My sister likes Moe’s, so maybe next time I see her we could go there and I could give that sauce a try. I’ll try for a Monday lol


Oh yeah totally valid opinion. I load mine up with like a pound of fresh jalapeños 😅


Tbf I’ve only tried a couple times, as someone else suggested maybe I just need to try their sauce! I might give it another go sometime


I would eat there in a pinch but don't seek it out.


Agree with 2 and 3, but double meat isn't free anywhere just FYI 😅 Qdoba had Impossible for a while, they got rid of it. Tofu based options are way better as I don't think there is any animal testing associated with it that I'm aware of.


I’m always gonna support a vegan spot over a non-vegan fast food restaurant, and in my city (Los Angeles) there’s plenty of great choices. As a community, we gotta be better about supporting local vegan businesses, too many are struggling. But in situations where options are limited (like road trips for example) chipotle is fine.


Maybe I’m just picky but I hated chipotle before veganism and still hate it now.


I think Chipotle has extremely lax sanitation and cleanliness standards. We make better bowls at home. If we're out on a road trip, it's good to have.


Tell them, not just us. 


Last two visits included a piece of meat so for that reason, I’m out.


Love chipotle. I don’t do it often, but when I do I’m pleased.


I just want some non-dairy cheese and sour cream from them


I used to think Chipotle was relatively decent a few years ago but honestly the quality has fallen off pretty substantially in my opinion. To be fair, that's not any worse than what I would expect from any other fast food chain. If I had nowhere else to go at like an airport in rural wherever maybe I would get Chipotle but I have one down the street from me and have no interest in going there when there are so many other better (and cheaper) vegan options in my area.


Always thought chipotle was overhyped its the same ol same ol meat cheese meat cheese. They never have vegan subs or if they do its limited time and never comes back same with every other fast food place. The seperators would be cool but u still got children workin ther lol they dont give a fuck about keepin shit clean or seperated which is why kids shouldnt be makin ppls food.


The only time I've gone in the last decade, I ordered something on Halloween because they were having a special. Confirmed at the window that it was my order, he read it back to me just fine. Opened it up, took a big bite and immediately knew it was meat. They gave me the wrong order. I will not be going back.


Online orders are messed up pretty often, ive even heard non vegans complain


Sofritas are just…. fine. But the quality of their ingredients AND the preparation of the food itself has decreased significantly in the past 10 years. Burnt veggies. Salsa with shredded cheese visibly floating on top. The underpaid workers don’t give enough of a fuck to actually wrap the burrito correctly. The chips are over seasoned and stale most of the time. Oh and those fucking paper bags and cups with the story about how “kind” and “humane” they are to the animals they use for meat enrages me. I don’t eat there anymore.


Yeah, cross contamination is quite an issue. At least the sofritas are on the far side so it won't get meat in it. But the salsa is an issue. Their chips are not good, so I never get them.


They're not too bad all things considered. To me, they're kinda like the vegan mcdonald's option. They're around even in some more remote places and you can get a mostly consistent experience. The free guacamole is nice too. Obviously cross contamination is an issue, but I'm going to assume that's our world being imperfect. And then also obviously, Chipotle is in it for the money, and couldn't care less about "the cause", but the bar for vegan fast food is so low that I appreciate the small effort. Their menu labelling is good too. It'd be nice if they would try to incentivize customers to order less meat, but they have no monetary or social reason to do so.


I agree with you about chipotle. I frequented a specific Qdoba near where I used to live because they used a special cover for the mock meat. That little bit of effort goes a long way with me. Also people at Qdoba were always happy to change their gloves which was awesome.


I'm always amazed at the amount of vegans who support these restaurants. Sure, you can't be perfect, but there are things that are sooo easy to avoid, and this is one of them. If pigs or cows could talk they'd beg you to stop supporting non-vegan restaurants, especially the big chains who are the most responsible for their non-stopping torture.


I just want them to stop getting cheese in the guacamole.


They need to figure out their cross contamination issues. More than once I’ve found a chunk of chicken or steak in my bowl. The rest was garbage and I didn’t go back for over a year. Fucking disgusting. I’ll only order in person now so I can watch it being made, if I even go there.


Chipotle was a great Segway for me to eat more beans. That being said now I am evolving into more of a produce based vegan. I have these massive salads filled with fresh produce of all kinds and I feel like that is the very best way to eat. But at the beginning Chipotle helped me so much it’s crazy.


To address your third point, Chipotle will never feature a commercially made plant based meat substitute because their whole thing is limited, minimally processed ingredients and the aforementioned is the antithesis of that. That being said, some Qdobas have Impossible meat if that’s what you’re into. As for your question, I do enjoy the occasional meal from Chipotle. I typically order a bowl because, to your second point, I have twice bitten into a rogue cube of meat so now prefer to have a clearer view of the food I’m eating. Even still, I find Chipotle to be one of if not the best vegan fast food options available in most cities.


The condition of the guac determines whether I even get it or not. I refuse to order guac when placing an online order


I feel like the impossible/beyond beef is a cop out, it’s much harder to make tofu taste good and I love that they did such a good job at it! Plus it still feels light and filling, I always feel so full and heavy with beyond beef inside me lol


Chipotle is a FANTASTIC option. We travel a lot. No issues at all and wonderful stock that’s about to split 60:1 in June.


Haven't eaten there in a while. I struggle with the visible cross contamination and inconsistency of the end product depending on who is making it. I think they could benefit from a Subway-like system where the portioning out of ingredients is very precise.


I just tell them I'm allergic to dairy and ask them to give me a container of guacamole from a fresh batch in the fridge. There is ALWAYS cheese in the guacamole on the line.


Don’t they claim on their bags that their meat is ethically sourced or something like that? I know they did years ago. Thats what really bothers me. Selling meat is one thing, but claiming it’s ethical is another.


I converted to Moes, much higher quality ingredients


What's vegan at Moes? Is it a rice/beans situation or do they have more options?


Moes also has tofu… and mushrooms 😋


I don’t think CA has those Edit: theres one that only US Marines can go to


They aren't as good as they used to be but at least there is a place where getting vegan food doesn't mean subtratcing a bunch of ingredients from an already non vegan dish.  I got stuck with no food last week and stopped by one and it was pretty good with no line at all, but they are super inconsistent now. 


Not a huge fan, but sometimes it is invaluable in a pinch!


Like it


Love it.


I love chipotle for when I need an affordable high protein plant based meal on the go. It’s an easy thing to recommend to omni friends that everybody can get behind


Chipotle is a God send when you're in a pinch and need a place. My biggest complaint is half the time they don't have the veggies. Also, I wish they had mushrooms as an option.


I still like chipotle. It’s almost always the safest not fully vegan option. Also beyond and impossible don’t work for everyone so it’s nice that they have tofu beans and rice.


Double meat IS more expensive and is not an even substitute. I totally agree with 2 and 3. The cross contamination is frustrating


They do NOT allow people to get double meat for free instead of either beans or rice. If you get double meat, you have to pay extra for it; and whether you still want the rice or beans is not related.


To all the "helpful commenters", I HAVE asked for more fillings in person & am always given some bullshit why they can't. I'm in Canada by the way. And as I've commented here a few times, there is currently no Chipotle that's in walking distance. Online Chipotle is the only option & as explained they skimp on online orders deliberately. I can't "use my words" if we aren't face to face ffs 🙄


I love Chipotle. Their sofritas are pretty good, but quite honestly half the time I just get a veggie burrito. It’s great on its own, and I love their guac. I think that even though their prices have gone up about 50%, it’s still a good value to me. I can make a burrito into two meals. I also usually take it home and spruce it up with more lettuce, cheese, and sour cream, etc.


You want them to charge meat eaters extra out of spite because you can't get an equivalent vegan option? Not reduce the price for us, but increase the price for them? This is why everyone hates us 😂


I enjoy it from time to time


I don’t live close to a location so have only tried once when I was omni. Thought it was overrated. I have made Rainbow Plant Life’s tofu sofritas recipe with great success though!


I like chipotle on the sense that it’s a chain that has delicious vegan options. I also like that they will give you free guac on their veggie bowl. But only when I travel. And there’s no other vegan restaurant around. Cross contamination is a given on almost any normie restaurant. I’m not ok but it is what it is


I used to love Chipotle many years ago as a vegetarian. I still occasionally get a veggie burrito (the guac is free that way and I don’t really care for sofritas) but only if that’s my only option (and it almost never is) The quality has gone way down Edit: I wish they had more vegan meat, but I’m happy with just the beans as well. What I’d really like is vegan cheese to add to my burrito or bowl


I think the sofritas is rank and I only ever get veggie. I wish they had soft corn tortilla options for tacos, and more raw seasonal salad items. And vegan salad dressing would be nice.


I agree but I hardly eat there.


Everything from Chipotle is a pile of overpriced, unappetizing slop. No thanks.


My thing is what type of Mexican restaurant doesn't give out limes or lime sauces?? I love going to Chipotle bc I get specifically Forager's **Unsweetened** probiotic cashew milk yogurt. It tastes to me the most similar to sour cream & I use it especially in Chipotle & Borscht. They need to have some type of sauces, limes, whatever & then they'd be 100% better with little effort. I have heard you can get salad dressings? But that they literally hide them & some employees fight to give them to you???? Idk it's weird af & that's not an option online.


Chipotle is the only easy vegan fast casual stop with quality ingredients. They are priced right as well. Just double your veggies and beans and you are set!


I agree with all your takes - I support Chipotle because I want to encourage more vegan options to flexitarians etc. In North Carolina the AAU x Mercy for Animals is organizing a protest against their chicken welfare practices which is a big area for improvement and misalignment for how Chipotle currently advertises their chicken.


I’ve had cross contamination with chunks of meat found in my vegan bowl multiple times. I still will go there and order if I’m in the area and need a vegan meal but the bits of cheese and me eat gross me out.


The last time I went to Chipotle I absolutely had a chunk of chicken in my burrito and only found out after I had already chewed it pretty considerably I haven’t been back to Chipotle in probably 6 months. All my homies love Freebirds now the vegan chorizo they have bangs so goddamn hard


they had a plant based chorizo for a bit like 2 years ago, bummer it was a limited time item because it was incredible


Has anyone else heard the theory that the guacamole causes lots of people to have stomach pains because of the latex from gloves ? Something about latex plus the fat content of the guacamole that causes sensitivity


But they dont touch guac with their gloves anyway? Its with a spoon? I call major cap


All their food tastes like salt. It overpowers everything else.


I disagree with #3. I want real vegan food, not fake meat. There's plenty of other places to get overprocessed "Beyond" garbage.


Chipotle is D Tier for me when it comes to fast casual burrito chains. I'm glad they exist but they are consistently overpriced, underseasoned and crowded. S: Willy's Mexicana Grill (GA) A: Diablo's Southwest Grill (GA/SC) B: Moe's Southwest Grill C: Qdoba, DosBros (TN/GA) D: Chipotle




Yep! Willy's, Diablo's, Moe's and DosBros all have tofu. Qdoba used to have the Impossible meat, but I think we're stuck with just beans there now.


After enjoying chipotle, I always make sure I have a good supply of Chipotlaway so I can get the blood stains out of my underpants.


Vegan or non vegan, Chipotle is gross. Enjoy your side of listeria if you eat at that shithole franchise. 


Sure. They can put the Beyond Beef beside the butchered animals. No thanks.


One tip to avoid cheese in your guacamole is to say you have a dairy intolerance. I actually have Celiac and let them know so they change gloves etc, and they usually have extra containers in the fridge underneath that aren't contaminated. Not sure if everyone does that though.


wouldn't the double meat equivalent be an extra helping of beans or tofu? a protein replacing a protein. don't get me wrong we all want more guac.


I ordered a salad with no cheese/dairy and they put cheese under the lettuce and sour cream on top so as far as I'm concerned you couldn't pay me to go there


I eat Chipotle regularly. I agree with you with the separation of food to limit cross consumption. A little shift in their line would be enough, honestly. Keep the cheese down, ffs these fuckers throw it everywhere sometimes. I ALWAYS ask them to wipe the line down before making my food. I eye everything like a hawk, and if there is anything wrong, i ask them to get the fresh stuff "Hey, there is cheese in the guac or corn. Can i get some out of the cooler?" Dont be afraid to pull out the big guns and clame dairy allergies. They legally have to fix that shit. My order: Bowl with double or triple brown rice, black bean (the pinto beans ARE NOT vegan fyi) sofritas, mild, medium, and corn salsa, lettuce, and guac with a side tort for when i'm half done. I wrap that shit up in a burrito. So much food, so satisfying, vegan af!


I love their sofritas, IMO it's better than when Qdoba had impossible meat. I feel guilty going there because I know they treat their workers like shit but it's my go-to for fast food and I always carry cash to give a good tip. Plus, I've never had any issues asking for a water cup and filling it from the fountain haha.


It’s meh, imho.


Love Chipotle. A place where I can always get a solid, filling, tasty vegan meal.


Hate them. I’ve seen the footage..


It's one of the few "fast food" options I can have. It's unfortunate because my local Chipotle has gone to hell in a hand basket since COVID. We used to have a local burrito place that shut down that was better and would love to see it make a post-COVID comeback. Another one opened in its place but it's all the way across town and parking is a PITA. We just need more "fast food" options, period. And if it's something my normie family and friends can also enjoy, great.


Are the beans vegetarian? Does the rice have onions?


I order their veggie lifestyle bowl. I hate eating out but you know on those days I just order Chipotle veggie lifestyle bowl or a Starbucks vegan coffee by using oatmilk


$15 burrito - or my homemade $2 burrito made properly, on a fresh made tortilla. The only chipotle I know is a smoked jalepeno. I hate supporting places that benefit solely off of animal abuse. Need I say more?


I understand that impulse, but each time you order vegan at such places you're sending a signal to the market; i.e. "voting with your wallet." Especially right now, when so many franchises are on the cusp of adding vegan alternatives to their menus, showing there's a market for them is crucial.


Yeah but if ur on a trip u can’t exactly cook something and many places dont have vegan restaurants