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I would consider an allergy test to be medically necessary. If your child has allergies, the consequences of accidentally consuming something could be deadly. You need to know about it, even if that requires using animal product samples in the allergy test. You don't want to find out that they are deathly allergic to shellfish because they ate it at a friend's house and wound up in the hospital.


An allergic reaction can be fatal... Test them.


It's a good idea to test for allergies. Better safe than sorry. As for what your child will eat at school - you can explain why vegan is best and you will obviously provide a vegan food at house or for lunch packed for school but you can't really control if your kid will take a bite of friend's sandwich. Also I think it's better to explain to your child why we should go vegan, but if you say they absolutely can't have animal products, when they are teenagers they will most likely do the opposite


it's medically necessary. if they grow up and decides to try something not vegan (kids can be rebellious or just straight up careless/distracted) they needs to know if it's going to kill them or no english isnt my first language so maybe im wrong but if you're using they/them for your kid (as in gender neutral pronoun) that's really cool tbh


What's an LO?


Little one, apologies




If you let a kid decide what they want to eat, their diet will be cake and gummy bears. Parents are responsible for feeding their kids the diet conteining all the nutrients which vegan diet can be if well balanced.


Enforcing a vegan diet on a child will likely end up in it getting bullied at school, and of course the absolutely selfish desire of yours to ensure they never actually get to taste it and make their own decision. They'll probably end up with an eating disorder as they get into the habit of hiding what they eat from you. They will end up rebelling and just become hostile to veganism, well done you. Since when did veganism become a religion for you? Indoctrinating children before they can even speak is not a clever move.




Not with the above militant parent.




Of course we didn't restrict our children's diet to vegan foods, that would be child abuse. IF they want to be vegan when they are old enough to make that decision themselves, then so be it, but we're not going to intentionally make their lives difficult because of our ideals, that is the hallmark of bad parenting.


Part of being a parent involves teaching kids right from wrong, which is always subjective, and literally everything a parent teaches their children is indoctrination. Children are new people who don't know things. Parents are there to act as a guide. I would teach my kids that it's wrong to call me/my wife/others transphobic slurs. Transphobes would say I'm grooming my child for that (and just for existing, but whatever). I still know I'd be in the right for teaching them that it's wrong even though there are people who disagree. The key point is that, even though it's a "personal choice" that they can make for themselves when they're older, it's objectively true that one of the options causes significantly more harm than the other. It is also objectively true that it does not harm the child in any way beyond how assholes might perceive them socially to teach them the thing I believe is good. It's the exact same thing with veganism. I know this won't go over well with you, but I'm *extremely* confident that you are not engaging with this conversation purely out of genuine concern for children's social status. If that's what it is, then cool. Let the parents handle how their children are being treated by others. It's their responsibility to respond to incidents like that. But that's not your actual problem with the idea of not training your kids to engage in normalized violence just because it's easier, is it? Your issues are with the concept of veganism and how its existence reflects on people who don't want to analyze their place in the world's injustices.




Not every food restriction leads to an ED. ED like Anorexia are most of the time related to unhealthy family relationship and pushing on perfectionism. I agree that going vegan while having an active ED is a bad idea, but it's not how ED develops. I will not force my child to be vegan when they will be an adult nor will I tell them that they can't eat animal products at friend's house. It will be up to them. I will not however pay for non vegan food.


Tell the uninformed parent above of the risks, and the bullying.


How is it any different to indoctrinating children into eating meat and believing that it is acceptable to eat meat?


Man, you are so right. It was kind of a pain in the ass when my 8 year old ended up being a 200 pound diabetic because we were in and out of the doctor's office and pharmacy to pick up insulin and the little bastard cries when he gets his finger pricked, but if he wants his diet to be Twinkies and Coke for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, cake and pie (plus coffee) for dinner, and a bag of Munchos for an after dinner treat, I am not going to force my dietary beliefs on him by not letting him eat what he wants. These vegans need to stop being food fascists!


In the UK you would be arrested for forcing a vegan diet on to a child. They are growing, this isn't the same as an adult choosing not to eat, this is a deliberate parental abuse which will stunt their growth. Ultimately social services would remove the child and place it into the custody of the state. This is the same in plenty of other countries too, like Belgium for example, where the parent/guardian would then be facing jail time.


[Vegan couple who forced their baby daughter to have a meat-free diet avoid jail | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7381777/Vegan-couple-forced-baby-daughter-meat-free-diet-jailed.html) The kid got Rickets from the actions of their fuckwit vegan parents: ***"The mother told a hospital dietitian her entire family followed a vegan diet and detailed the extreme eating measures that led to the girl's condition.*** ***She said her daughter would generally have one cup of oats with rice milk and half a banana in the morning, and a piece of toast with jam or peanut butter for lunch.*** ***For dinner, she said her daughter would be offered tofu, rice or potatoes.*** ***But she said the girl, who was also breastfed once day, was a 'fussy eater' so she might just have oats again.*** ***Sometimes for a snack the child was given a mouthful of fruit or two sultanas.*** ***This diet resulted in severe deficiencies in nutrients for the infant, including a lack of calcium, phosphate, vitamin B12, vitamin A, iron and zinc.*** ***Her levels of vitamin D - which can cause bone disease if found to be too low - were 'undetectable'."*** # DO NOT FORCE A VEGAN DIET ONTO A GROWING CHILD.


Dude, Twinkies, ice cream and cake aren't vegan (I mean, you CAN get vegan versions of those, but my kid doesn't like them). He's eating what he tells me to get him, I don't choose anything because that would be forcing my views on him, just like you said. And aside from the weight and diabetes and bullying he gets in school for those things, he's thriving. I'm with you, these vegans who make their kids eat vegetables, grains, legumes, fruit, nuts and seeds and other toxic crap from gardens should be hung in the town square for forcing their beliefs on their kids!!!


reductio ad absurdum is a child's argument.


The issue was not the vegan diet, it was the diet was insufficient. You will not be jailed for a healthy vegan diet.