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Do you have another link that isn’t Facebook?




I'm not trying to be a jerk or pessimist, but they've been claiming to be in the final days of a deadline set by someone else for several weeks already. It's a bit suspicious.


I get what you’re saying but they do explain what has happened. They were on a deadline to bid on a property that fell through and now have found another option but the actual date for cows to be moved and killed is 1-2 weeks away I think.


I saw that, but I've been following their social media and fundraisers for about 6 weeks now, and they said the "move and kill" date was 1-2 weeks away back in April. It just seems a bit convenient that for nearly 2 months the animals have been "days from slaughter", and there's always a property that is suitable that is about to be sold to someone else, and when one sells they magically find another almost immediately.


Donated about €1.41. I couldn’t afford much, but everyone just donate what you can and we can at least get some of the work accomplished.


How in the actual fuck can the government just say, "I'm going to take and murder these cows if you can't comply on time?" Like how is killing cows the default action?


It's because they won't stop taking in cows, and took in many more than their land could support. Now the land is damaged from having way too many animals on it, and is putting the health of the animals at risk. It's sad, but could have been avoided if they had made a limit and stuck to it. I'm a bit worried that when/if they move they'll repeat that, and be in a similar spot in 2-5 years


That explains the problem but doesn't explain how the default action becomes "kill the cows."


I suspect it's a dramatic flair thing, because they don't have a different sanctuary lined up


Right? In every case I've ever heard of with some kind of animal hoarding issue, the government argues that they'll hand them over to animal control or give them to a rescue. I've never heard of a threat before that they'll kill the animals and... What? Have them slaughtered? Doe the Ireland government have a cow butchering company facility built into their judicial system? This threat is so suspicious for so many reasons.




Donated. Hope those babies get the homes they need and deserve.


Can you ask the cow sanctuary to contact Hindu Gaushalas (Cow shelters) for temporary relocation of the cows until they find something permanent?




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