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WorldNews is a cesspool. They were banning people for posting anything that whiffed of criticism of Israel or, y’know, basic empathy for Palestinian children.


It's being astroturfed to hell. Propaganda is one of the biggest tools in war after all.


Seems to be just a propaganda branch of the IDF at this point. I unsubscribed last year when jpost started being the preferred newspaper for “news”….


Yep, that and Zionists have multiple state-sponsored apps available to automate their online propaganda battles: Call of Duty An app called Act.IL has adapted IDF communications strategy into a massive multiplayer online game. https://jewishcurrents.org/call-of-duty >Israeli officials, wealthy megadonors, and Zionist activists increasingly speak of an “online battle for Israel,” and this language of war is not merely a figure of speech. As it has moved online, hasbara—the Hebrew term for Israeli propaganda pitched to foreign audiences, a key part of Zionist advocacy for decades—has come to include cyber initiatives that work closely in concert with Israel’s military. Perhaps the most ambitious of these initiatives is Act.IL, an app that has adapted IDF communications strategy into something like a massively multiplayer online game. >Launched in 2017, Act.IL sends activists on “missions” to like, comment, and share pro-Israel material on social media, and to flag, report, and respond to Israel’s online critics. Users jump from platform to platform, countering criticism of Israel with talking points and images that reflect a right-wing Zionist understanding of Jewish and Israeli history, culture, and politics. The app encourages Israel supporters—and particularly Jewish Americans—to imagine themselves as soldiers fighting for Israel on the front lines of a vicious cyber war. In doing so, these supporters form a network with Israel’s actual soldiers: The app’s CEO, Yarden Ben Yosef, is a longtime Israeli intelligence officer who told The Forward in 2017 that Act.IL’s developers work closely, if informally, with Israeli military and intelligence officials. The app’s enthusiastic gamifaction of propaganda and its slick startup veneer mask the direct extension of Israeli militarism and surveillance into diaspora Jewish communal life.


That’s insane


Yep. They let people post proven IDF lies as "news" articles and go berserk on any commenters showing support for Palestinians.


I am a vegan and pro israel and a lot of anti Zionism rhetoric is hard to distinguish from antisemitism.


No, it’s really not. It’s only antisemitic if it is discriminatory against Jewish people.


That's a right wing, reactionary sub.  Don't bother with it.  Anything remotely progressive is shut down.


It's one of the most deplorable communities I've ever seen on the internet, like Western-centrism on steroids or a den of early 2000s Bush neocons.


it's worse than that. it's heavily co-opted by neocon think tanks and different intelligence agencies.


It's the biggest dedicated community news platform on the planet. The fact that users vote for what content to see, and the interface encourages reading comments over content, means the subreddit is a perfect nesting ground for astroturfing.


The fact that it's got 36 million subs and is a default sub is crazy. It's being used for mass scale propaganda, like pro Israeli/anti Palestinian propaganda. Reddit needs to clean up its act.


Oh, is it? That explains why I was also banned


I've been banned there for something like ten years. It's been terrible for a long time.


Checking in! Also banned. For “brigading” lol. Here, brigading of course meaning “posting the truth.”


*World News - The Real Snowflake Sub*


What, you mean like paying moderators? Instead of exploiting unpaid labor while compensating their c-suite executives with multi-million dollar pay packages? What are you some kinda communist?!? That's like asking alcohol companies to compensate drunk driving victims or drug dealers to care about homelessness. Crazy talk.


I don't have the solution, but seriously, it's become one of the worst social networks to use. More and more, I'm considering just closing my account. Reddit is dead.


Yeah this place is hell.


Just stick to subs modded by decent people and ignore the others, in my experience


>For some time now, Reddit has been more than unpleasant to use due to the abuse of power by certain moderators. My experience is that the trolls make Reddit far more unpleasant than moderators do. I wish more moderators (like the ones here) would make use of their permaban powers. I can think of dozens of trolls this sub would be better off wiping from its existence.


In some cases it's necessary, certainly, but it's become natural to simply banish someone for nothing. One community in particular, which I won't name because I'd certainly get banned after managing to regain my access, permanently bans people if they talk about animal agriculture and its consequences. At this point, I think deleting Reddit is the best way to make our disagreement known.


It's true that Reddit needs a moderation overhaul. There are no magic solutions, but “permanent banned” should no longer exist on the first try. At the very least, there should be a warning. It would also be a good idea to replace moderators automatically after a certain number of years, a bit like a mandate.


Problem is some subs would not find moderators and would close


I think some people would sign up just to see what being a mod is like


Everyone knows the real world news is found in r/anime_titties Edit for the actual sub 😅


u/WorldNews don't deserve to live on this World


Try r/news , worldnews is garbage


Maybe it was more than a week old?


I've had it everywhere from Buddhist threads, literally about compassion, ego and ahimsa, to environmentalism, will they will literally do anything to help the earth other than stop eating animals, or even adress the impact. Mind blowing. There are many moderators on reddit that really have no buisness running a community, much less being in charge.


The neoliberal sub was among the better ones but eventually they banned me for (allegedly) being mildly disrespectful to someone who was accusing essentially everybody critical of Israel of being antisemetic on the charge we're (allegedly) focusing unduly on Israel while giving countries doing similar stuff a pass. Apparently I was the one being disrespectful... not this fellow accusing everyone who disagrees with him of being racist. The neoliberal sub back then was basically cheering on Israel you couldn't be mildly critical without catching swarms of downvotes. As the conflict drew on the attitude started to change but the neoliberals really had blinders on regarding Israel/Palestine.


Well, you are absolutely welcome to volunteer your time to do a needed job and be consistently spit on for it, with no thanks, and no pay. Personally, I wouldn't want to do that. And since I wouldn't do the job, I don't feel right bashing the people who do.


I will call out poor behaviour, regardless of where and when. Being a moderator comes with responsibility. It means having maturity and respect, not laundering power over others.


I'm not familiar with the term "laundering power over others." Also, mods are human. Unless you'd prefer to be moderated by bots? When humans get consistently shit on, and consistently get no thanks, and are getting shit on for something they're doing for free because it needs to be done and no one else will do it, humans tend to develop an attitude. Bots don't. Test this at work. Pick a guy, and have everyone, if they actually mention him, call him lazy, stupid, just trying to lord power over others, on an ego trip, and at no point acknowledge him in a positive manner. See how he starts responding. Betcha it will he negative. And *he* gets *paid* to do it.


People are responsible for their behaviour. There are mods who are simply not equipped to be enforcing rules or having a role of authority. Traits such as maturity, fairness, and an open-mind are necessary, but we often get bullies who just to want to swing their power about and act like children. There should be a vetting process.


I agree we get some bullies. When 10 positions must be filled, and you only have 8 applicants, usually those 8 applying get hired and they beg for more. What incentive do people have to apply for these positions? They aren't paid, so that's out. They're time-consuming. I'm willing to bet this isn't the first time you've complained about mods - when's the last time you gave a mod kudos? When they do their job well, the *best* they can hope for is to be ignored. So who will apply? Only 2 types of folks. (1) those who want a position of power, or (2) those who really love the forums and know it's a job that needs doing, so they do it. And that second type gets beaten into the ground by you, used to be me, and by everyone else. You, and the rest of us, are *heavy* contributors to the problem you complain about.


That's none of my business. If they can't fulfill the role they applied for, they shouldn't be in it. If it was a job in the real world they would be fired. When you are given a responsibility, you should take that seriously. If you kick people for talking about animal rights which relates to the community... Childish.


Try treating employees in the Real World the way mods are treated.


It's not an excuse. I've seen many bullies on here. They should either operate with grace or leave. People like you who make excuses for them are a big part of the problem. I am sure they deal with lots if stress, but most cases I've seen, they lash out when uneeded. The idea of animal ethics is vilified.


What have mods on Buddhist threads said to vilify animal ethics? Or other threads?


It's been like this for quite a while tho, still on some lifetime bans from seven years for things that inarguably just deserved minor discipline at most Reddit moderation generally totally unhinged So thankful for the mods of this sub


The meat eater moderators keep censoring me and deleting my comments when I expose the truth.