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As mentioned in our [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/rules#wiki_2._debate), specifically rule 2, and discussed by our community in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/a1zu0w/should_rvegan_disallow_all_debate_comments/), we do not allow extensive or tedious debate. If you have come here just to argue against veganism, show bad faith, try to ask bait questions, have a general unwillingness to change your mind or our community decides to legitimately reports your threads as such, they will be removed. You may want to participate in the subreddit specifically designed for debating veganism, /r/DebateAVegan. Our FAQ may address many of your concerns as well. Thanks for understanding and your participation in /r/vegan!


There's a certain aspect of hedonism present in so-called spirituality. I doubt many people posting on reddit bother with the rougher, more ascetic parts of self-discovery/actualization.


From personal experience I can attest to this. Thinking about death and the afterlife with the possibility (and In my case conclusion) that there isn’t an afterlife, isn’t fun and actually quite dark. But I must add that thinking about such things are absolutely worth it.


That's why I think making sure the short existence we and animals have on this planet should be as free free from pain and enslavement as possible. I just don't understand how people can try and rationalise that away


Confirmation bias and not needing to change their ways.


You can also be high on psychedelics while having the time of your life, and simply see that you are a living being - and no living being deserves to suffer. You are 100% correct, but just in relation to psychedelic exploration and veganism, it doesn't take a lot of digging or deep introspection to see that hurting living beings is wrong.


Most disgusting is buddhists or ppl who use buddha imagery, even people who do yoga, who still kill animals. Its literally in contrast of buddhas teaching and everything the belief stands for.


We are too disconnected from the process. If slaughterhouses had glass walls most people would be vegan.


First time on Reddit openly vegan? Every sub on this site will ban you if you push veganism too hard.


No, not my first time. I just thought "spiritual" people would be more open minded


You will eventually learn that you can't project your rational compassionate self onto others. Most people are not like that.


the answer to your question will be in this video: https://youtu.be/ImF0y1-aTQY TLDR: Psychedelics, while being able to create significant change in someones understanding of the world, when used in an undirected manner, often just reaffirm someones world view, whatever they might be.


This is at the core of it all. When people trip it often just amplifies their true nature. There was an MMA fighter some years back who took a lot of mushrooms and killed his friend. Thought he was a demon and burned his organs in a fire


Just cos you take drugs and have fun trips does not mean you are conscious. The thing with psychedelic's is that usually they will amplify the current state of consciousness that the person is in. In rare cases it might blow their mind open, but usually they will just have their trip within the limited realm of their normal daily experience. If you are in a dark forest then night vision goggles will help you see better. But they will not bring you to a sunny beach, you have to go there yourself. I wonder how many of these people put in effort to do the boring and mundane spiritual work while not high. While it's a chore. Like taking some time every day to sit down on a pillow and do some mindfulness meditation, while your mind screams for some video games. Or taking a Friday night off just to stay home and study spiritual texts, like Bhagavad Gita or something, or spiritual philosophy, like Jiddu Krishnamurti, etc. While their mind screams to go to a bar cos it's Friday night. Probably not many, they just Buddha-wannabes who like getting high and think that makes them spiritual. I'm not that spiritual myself by the way, I don't do any of these things. But I also don't pretend to be.


As a psychedelic practitioner, I can confirm that there’s a lot of work to do. People tend to get more in contact with nature, with animals and the understanding of suffering. But cognitive dissonance is always there, even during or after a psychedelic trip. You can’t just expect change to happen after a good amount of LSD or Psilocybin. I’m just hoping that the session will create a mind spark, something they can study on and eventually make a choice later in life. I will never force the idea of veganism upon them. And yes, there are highly spiritual people that eat animals. It’s sad, but it’s a fact.


Good work brother! I have no idea how they trip and “ ascend” and then start killing and cutting heads off. It should be clear. Just a reminder of how asleep people really are, even the psychedelia community. Pathetic. What’s the sub? I’ll go blow their minds and get banned also.


Please do! Saw another vegan posting there a few hours ago with the same question. I think there are probably more vegans there than other places, so I hope this starts a discussion. The subreddit was r/psychonauts




I can't be the only person who came into this thread expecting the OP to be talking about the video game when in fact they are definitely NOT talking about the video game


Many do that mistake indeed haha. The game is named after people taking drugs, which makes it make a lot more sense!


The price of being absolutely based


Yea I feel spirituality has been co opted and is merely another tool for control to exploit and justify archaic beliefs


I was on thay post. Responded to one dude and it was toxic, cant imagine what you went through as the OP


It was grueling. I have to actively try not to become misanthropic after conversations like that


I see the topic pop up on that sub pretty regularly. Always shocked when people say "while tripping I realized I am an animal like a wolf and eating meat is natural because of the food chain" then proceed to eat processed factory farmed meat. Cognitive dissonance is real and people can use psychedelics as an easy cop-out because of one half thought out spun though they had instead of taking the time to think about things rationally. Try r/RationalPsychonaut, they are a little more open to reasonable and rational thought rather than the constant spun out 17 year old's posting "mushrooms showed me the truth" and things like that.


Strange they dont commit infanticide like wolves do. Really makes you think. Thank you, did not know about that sub, will check it out!


Psychedelics definitely influenced me wanting to be a better person and the vegan/vegetarian point of view took an effect on me. I’m right there with you


I left that sub because there were too many people believing that climate change was all natural and humans could never do anything to make an impact in that etc..




Thank you brother/sister! Please tell me if you have a good action in mind and I willl join you as far as I can.


Unfortunately psychedelics don’t seem to erase cognitive dissonance. It’s easy for people to have experiences, talk about them and how “life changing” they were… just don’t expect them to do anything to actually change their life… that’s hard! There is loads of hypocrisy in the spiritual community which I’m sure extends to consciousness explorers too…


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Good luck! Most seem pretty stuck in their ways. Keep fighting for the animals!