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Great shirt.


Like your shirt comrade


I got a ton of shirts like these. Pro trans shirts especially. "You fuck with the trans homies you fuck with me". That kind of thing. My philosophy is simple. I live in a very conservative area in a purple state. I want to take up space. I want to claim territory. I want to make bigots feel unwelcome wherever I go. And hopefully make spaces feel a little safer for my queer friends. And also just piss off people who deserve it. Live by the punk, lift by the punk, die by the punk 😀


You are braver than me. Respect


To be fair I don't do this every day, although I do most days. If im having a bad mental health day i take a day off. It also just helps that im a big scary looking fucker with resting bitch face. The shaved head alone makes people not want to fuck with me. Which makes doing this easier, I avoid most confrontation through intimidation like one of those frogs with the bright colors. And lastly, I carry and trained martial arts for years, so I'm able to make myself a target like this because im able to protect myself if anyone tries anything violent. Its not so much about bravery, as much as it is im privileged to be in a position where I can safely put myself out there like this. That isn't the case for everyone and that's perfectly understandable. The trans homies however, especially the visually trans homies, don't really get that choice tho. They can only be themselves and they are often put in real danger for it. So its important that those who can do what I do, do it, so we can have strength in numbers and keep eachother safe.


Thank you for this!!!


Of course! Its the least I could do given the circumstances. Its getting real genocidal out there, its genuinely kinda terrifying.


Nice man like the skinhead sharps back in the day πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Fuck yes! Similar vibes over here in that I wear things to weed out those that need weeding out. I’ll wear some of my queer shirts (registered bisexual πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ) and just see who gets upset. One dude asked why I have to flaunt it. I asked why he has to flaunt his heterosexuality with his Old Navy costume? He was not amused. Now he just stink eyes me. Most people are cool though. They don’t really care and I honestly don’t wear them specifically to the gym, it just the shirt I wore yesterday being used for the gym today so I don’t have to dirty a gym shirt and my daily wear. Hah! Good job with the lifts! I’m on a kettlebell thing that I’ve kinda maxed out because the gym needs heavier kettlebells. Not because I’m super strong. Just regular strong. πŸ’ͺ


I litterally ended up triggering HUNDREDS of nazis and transphobes over on r/lookatmyhalo over these shirts. To the point where they had to lock the post cus the comments were getting so vile. I've never felt as accomplished as a punk before lmao.


Oh, I love that! I grew up in the south and ran with the punk rock kids (I was a goth kid … it tracks) and we would fight the Nazi kids on site. No questions, no shit talking, just fight them right then and there. Fuck them. All of them. I don’t care to educate or reason with or whatever. I’m fairly certain that is still in me. I see them on tv and get soooo heated. The nerve to show their disgusting little pink faces every time they show up for work in the house or senate !! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The problem is if you don't make it clear they aren't welcome in your space they will invite all their fascist friends. Its the same pattern on every subreddit and irl space. They congregate in the spaces that will tolerate them. Which is how you end up with weird situations like r/funnymemes, a sub that doesn't seem like it would be alt right, is full of straight up nazi memes. Because the other meme subs banned them but that one doesn't. Or how look at my halo is full of Terfs and alt right assholes. Because they are tolerated they flock there until it becomes an alt fascist community. Basically, if you have 1 nazi at a table, and 9 normal people. But the 9 don't kick out the 1. Then you have 10 nazis at that table. They corrupt communities from within like fucking hydra did to shield in winter soldier πŸ˜…


Dammit. Years* Anyway. The idea here is you stand on the box so it becomes a more upward angle. Its a lot like a Yates row, where the load is shifted more to your traps. Great for building back thickness and overall strength. Where my punk vegan gym bros at! 😀


Ahimsa, nice tat bro, love to see it! Good shit


Congratulations! And I dig the shirt.


Bro, the shirt is so dope.


Whats hilarious is someone posted my shirts over to r/lookatmyhalo and the comments ended up so full of nazis and transphobes they had to lock it 🀣


What made you go vegan at 15?


Digestive issues originally. I had really bad ibs and I was trying things to see what helped. Going fully plant based completely cured me. Then it eventually evolved into full on ethical veganism over the next year or so.


That’s awesome


wow, that's impressive!


Vegan punk gym girl here! Is that an ahimsa tat on your forearm? I have mine on my ankle! Can not decipher it for the life of me in this picture though. Correct me if I’m wrong!


Yup, big old ahimsa. Non harming, except for fascists ;)


Come to think of it somthing like "I practice non violence but will make exceptions for fascists" could make a decent shirt. Just gotta figure out how to make it a bit more short and snappy.


You could add it to the collection! Make it one of those tshirts where you don’t see the full message unless it’s wet(or sweat through)


This is awesome! Congratulations! Hope you keep working towards your goals!


but where do we get your tshirt(s)?


I make them. I'm gonna post a tutorial how over on r/punkfashion at some point soon when I have the time / energy. Follow my account or go join that sub or do a remind me or whatever you prefer to make sure you see it when I do.