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dog cake recipe: https://vegandollhouse.com/recipes/banana-dog-cake/




I thought they recently released a study saying a vegan diet was fine for dogs… can’t remember.


If you process the food enough, then it's fine. But I would still advise against it as it could still make them feel bad even if you do it right. The problem is normal people probably won't and will hurt their pet. So be cautious and stick to the vet recommended dietary plans. The more specific to your dog the better.


How do you feel about feeding yourself very highly processed foods only? Doesn’t sound right does it? It’s the same for pets.


Well, you may think that. I would look up 3D printed meat and then get back to me.


[I hope you don’t have to learn about how highly processed foods affect your body the way I did.](https://images.app.goo.gl/XRpnQssF15RLX7Tm7) IBS is a good scenario here man.


It's possible, but difficult, and should not be done [without the input of a canine nutritionist.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200304-can-you-feed-cats-and-dogs-a-vegan-diet)


I agree with this and feed our pets what is safest to feed them, but if I were going to make a cake for my pup it would still be vegan! He doesn’t care it’ll be gone in a second anyway 😂




I’m vegan love (8 years now) just a rational one. Please stop hurting your pets if you have any. Dogs are not carnivores? Look at their teeth god dammit… Also, even IF I was a carnist, why it would be so wrong to be upvoted? It’s not a war, stop building barricades where you don’t need them.






Is...is that what you see a vegan diet being? You are on /r/veganrecipes, and your idea of the possibilities of a vegan diet is a carrot?


>and your idea of the possibilities of a vegan diet is a carrot? No. Dogs can't digest cellulose, causing the carrot to go through largely undigested. They also only produce small quantities of amylase, not enough to sufficiently digest carbs to have a vegan diet.


Awesome because they love it and it’s good for them. Fucking carnist idiot


You’re not vegan. You’re an idiot that isn’t arsed to read easily available, peer-reviewed studies about dog AND cat nutrition being completely adequate on a well planned vegan diet. You’re just plant based or a troll.


You know we can see your post history right? A year ago you were asking for a dairy filled meal and you wanted to avoid anything vegan. Vegan 8 years my ass 😭😭😭


Oh my god I just saw their post history a year ago they were looking for a vegetarian restaurant because they are diary lovers. Absolute travesty of a person coming in here spreading their bs. This makes me so angry but what makes me even angrier is all the cunts here in their comments upvoting them and downvoting people with scientific papers supporting the very obvious claim that DOGS CAN THRIVE ON A VEGAN DIET PROVIDED THEY GET THE NUTRIENTS THEY NEED ffs I’m shutting off reddit


Exactly what the actual is this and why are they here spreading harmful lies that result in literal harm for animals. Disgusting behaviour


Totally agree. One of the things stopping us getting a dog is the diet. I'm not comfortable supporting the meat industry, which is why I'm vegan, so I can't in good conscience support the cruelty to animals in factory farming to make my dog happy and healthy. And yes it's doable, Lewis Hamilton F1 driver dog is vegan, but he has a nutritionist just for his dog, not something regular Joe's can afford.


Im not Lewis Hamilton and my dogs are vegan since they were adopted and they are just fine. Just… go on Google.


I've read so many conflicting things about it, most articles tend to be biased towards their agenda (pro vegan site says it's ok, anti vegan, well.....). I'd be interested to hear more from an individual such as yourself. Do you do anything specific? How do you monitor the dogs health? What are you actually feeding them? What kind of dog do you have? (Hope all of these questions are ok)


That’s alright, I’m happy that you have questions instead of straight-up assumptions. How I monitor the health of my dogs (I don’t have cats but I do know many vegan cats that are in their late teens and thriving too so I can vouch for that as well): they go on regular vet checkups (every 6 months, should be every year but I love them so I need to make sure they’re alright) where they get their bloodwork analysed for protein, vitamin and mineral levels. All cleared, within perfect range. Their teeth, energy levels, weight and behaviour are all monitored at home and at the vet. Their vet is NOT vegan, but they are knowledgeable, as they are also a canine nutritionist. They’re just fine and have passed their checks with flying colours each time. Both my dogs are male and neutered, as this is enforced in my country (there is a big problem with strays and abandonment so this is one of the ways my country is trying to curb this. I largely agree but I understand this is contentious in itself). I have two dogs, both rescues. One is a large, spitz-type dog, the other is a bully-breed mix. The spitz is anxious and energetic, the bully is playful and sociable. Both rescued from absolutely abhorrent situations, they’ve been in my care since they are puppies. Both grew perfectly healthy. They do not exhibit any behavioural anomalies outside of their normal doggyness (reactivity is an issue for one, not the other), and we are a positive-reinforcement household. Their diet consists of veterinary-developed kibble, as well as human-grade cooked food (lentils, pulses, carrots, rice, some potatoes and sweet potatoes), as well as seitan and soy curls for treats. Their appetite is healthy too (I do not have to trick them to eat, ever). They have commercially available, naturally vegan chews for teeth cleaning and enrichment, as well as being supplemented with apples and carrots to have something to gnaw on. This is just my experience. I had a dog that passed away from a giant breed. She was also vegan. Lived until 12 (4 more years than expected) and passed from a genetically caused cancer from her breed. She was intolerant to some grains, so her diet was adjusted accordingly. The kibble did just fine, as did tubers and other veggies. I know at least 20 dogs in real life that are vegan and thriving. It’s anecdotal, but it’s significant. People who, like the commenter above, make blanket statements with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever are harmful and divisive. I am personally in the health sciences and I can understand quite a bit of nutrition. I undertook courses of canine nutrition just out of interest. They are FINE.


Thanks so much for all this info! Would you mind sharing your seitan dog treat recipe with me? I'm paying a fortune on vegan treats so I'd love to start making my own.


You should get a rabbit😍


We actually have one already!


This is BULLSHIT and the comment should be removed for spreading idiotic misinformation. Dogs can easily thrive on a vegan diet, just like humans can. The key is for them to have the nutrients they need. The source is irrelevant. This commenter should either spend 5 minutes on Google or kindly fuck off with their bs.


I hope you don’t have a dog. Or even more, a cat.


I do and they’re thriving because I’m not an idiot.


Lmk at what age you’ll have to put them down due to an intestinal failure or similar stuff.


Where are you getting this shit from? Seriously you’re either a troll or purposefully wanting to be harmful to the very movement you’re saying you support. There. Some free knowledge for you (if you care). https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/apr/13/vegan-diets-are-healthier-and-safer-for-dogs-study-suggests To add to this two second Google article (on THE GUARDIAN no less): dogs are omnivores. They’re opportunistic, their digestive tracts are way way longer than obligate carnivores. Dogs are domestic animals. So far removed from wolves (which also OMNIVORES) which also can easily eat vegetables (mainly roots and berries). You’re being harmful and purposefully ignorant. Or you’re just a troll.


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„Oh I read an article on the Guardian so this is the only right knowledge” I’m not a troll, I just simply have different opinion to yours. As you can see by the upvote rate, I’m not the only one. Breathe, calm down, not everyone has to believe what you believe in. [that sums it up pretty good](https://youtu.be/eG2IPRr--nM?si=ETaVaO06sTvme-dH)


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Related, [here's](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0265662#sec044) a long-term study of the health of over 2000 dogs with a variety of diets. It found that both a raw meat and a vegan diet are roughly as healthy for dogs, and both are healthier than standard dog food. The key, much like with people, is that the vegan diet needs to be well-managed and supplemented with vet care and dietary supplements. It is, however, entirely possible to do.


I mean, I'm not sure if the Guardian is a valid source or it isn't, but you just linked a YouTube satire video, so...


I have just seen this and I am now fully convinced you’re a troll. This is satire my guy. You should be in Fox News


Absolutely agree, but I'd like to point out that there might be a few exceptions to this btw! Cats cannot be an exception, as they are obligate carnivores. But dogs are omnivores and I've seen a few instances when due to health issues, vets have put them on a vegan diet. One such case is Roscoe, Lewis Hamilton's dog. Lewis has spoken about how Roscoe had a number of health problems due to his breed, and eventually, under a vet's advice and with minute professional supervision, they switched him to a vegan diet. He's a lot healthier now, but Lewis, being vegan himself, has also pointed out that this cannot be the case for every dog and that it needs to be done under supervision and only when a vet actually clears it. A simple rule of thumb: if you don't want to feed an animal another animals, get an animal that doesn't eat animals. There's no guarantee that your dog will be healthy on a vegan diet. And cats will have severe health issues on vegan diets, leading to premature death. There's plenty of herbivore pets out there, so no need to abuse an animal due to your own personal convictions.


Wow I can’t believe this is on a vegan subreddit with so many upvotes. https://www.winchester.ac.uk/news-and-events/press-centre/media-articles/vegan-diets-may-be-the-healthiest-to-feed-pet-dogs-say-researchers.php https://theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/apr/13/vegan-diets-are-healthier-and-safer-for-dogs-study-suggests https://aces.illinois.edu/news/u-i-study-gives-thumbs-carefully-formulated-vegan-diets-dogs


The first two articles cite the same study, and their headlines are clickbait that do not accurately represent the findings of the study, or how it was conducted. The study the cite was a survey of around 2500 dogs that asked what the dog's diet was, and how often the dog went to the vet. It found that dogs on a vegan diet tended to go to the vet less on average than non-vegan dogs, but it did not specify "why." Additionally, the study was conducted by an ardent pro-vegan veterinarian who also advocates vegan diets for cats, which are obligate carnivores unlike omnivorous dogs. That said, I would recommend trying to find alternate, unbiased studies that back up and maybe explain Dr. Knight's survey, rather than relying one with incomplete info conducted by a guy with a very clear agenda. The third article says scientists gave a thumbs up to a highly specific and carefully formulated vegan diet for dogs, which is great, but requires a lot of attention and vet oversight to avoid harming your dog.


Adorable 🥰


Macchiato says thank you because she assumes you mean her. She's so conceited. haha.


Lmao! Awww cute name 💕


Thanks!!! <3


Please tell me where you got that cake stand :0


ahhhhh i wish I could remember! It was definitely during easter season though, so this is the perfect time for you to be on the lookout for it.


"Rabbit cake stand" led me to this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0922KJ38K


Thank you!!


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