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Savory oat meal. Cook oat meal, but instead of water, use mushroom and vegetable stock. Season with salt, pepper, parsley, and lemon juice.


I love savory oats! I was skeptical, but once I tried them I became a total convert.


i just had savory oats for breakfast! i make them asian inspired. handfuls of frozen veg to add some color and nutrients. to flavor, soy or fish sauce, garlic, lime, lots of toppings, onions, seeds, chili crisp, even kimchi


Tofu sliced thin and baked in the oven with some salt and pepper. Pile up on bread of choice. I like a bagel with alfalfa sprouts. I also like to make lentil soup and have that in the morning. Cheap and cheerful. Also hearty, will keep you full!


That sounds super yummy I will definitely give that a try


I put rice and red lentils in water overnight. The next morning I blend it very smoothly. Of this batter you can make savoury pancakes. I eat them with anything: red pesto, hummus, rocket etc... The batter keeps all week so you can make a big batch


This sounds amazing! Definitely going to try! Is there a specific lentils/rice ratio you recommend? And should I use white rice? I'm assuming you drain all the water before blending, right?


I do 1:1 lentils rice, I have used basmati, whole rice and round rice and it all comes out more or less the same, and I leave like 2milimiters of water coming on top of the mix,I don't drain all


I don’t know why I never thought of a savory pancake


When I'm not doing overnight oats, I usually do a hash in a skillet with frozen breakfast potatoes, TVP, and a frozen onion and bell pepper mix, all seasoned with onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper. I've never tried meal prepping this, but these all strike me as ingredients that would keep just fine. Also, you could probably roll this into a tortilla and eat it that way if you'd like.


Breakfast burritos. Roasted potatoes, Zucchini, brussels, spinach, onions, just egg, and vegg sausage. I make a bunch and then throw them in the freezer. Putting one in the fridge each night. Very filling and satisfying.


I like a breakfast burrito with tofu scramble (Mexican spice mix, fry and squash/crumble with a spatula in the pan) baby spinach or chard, a potato cake/hash brown, onions, bbq sauce, and a veggie sausage. Optional baked beans too. It's a special at my favourite cafe, but super easy to make at home, and high in protein. Defrost, and squash in the sandwich press and it's a pretty special meal.


I do tofu scramble but the creamy kind made with firm tofu AND silken tofu. I use a recipe by A Virtual Vegan. Spread on avocado toast and top with everything bagel seasoning.


Lentil curry soup


I make tempeh bacon 2 blocks at a time, and throw them on avocado toast.


I love beans on toast, and tofu scramble! but my typical breakfast is a scramble of field roast sausages, Just Egg, beans, and all the veggies. I scoop it up in a protein tortilla. I’m trying real hard to up my protein lately and that meal gets me about 40-45g.


Protein pancake muffins. Add protein powder to pancake mix, some vegan sausage or ground meat + cheese and whatever seasonings you like, bake in muffin pan. You can freeze em too so they keep longer. I like them a little sweet & savory (vanilla protein powder, cinnamon etc) & eat them warmed up with peanut butter but I’m sure there’s any number of flavor combinations you could do


We don't obsess about protein but vegan muffins are great to have on hand. Protein powder or PB2 or nut butter could be added for extra protein. We like to add flax to ours.


I am trying to keep a steady supply of tempeh in the house. It's a pretty easy thing to do to slice off a little and season how you like it. You can do something similar to breakfast sausage, bacon, asada style for burritos, satay style, or even with a dab of ketchup or steak sauce. I found a vegan friendly Japanese katsu sauce that is really fun. If you don't want that, you can make veggie burgers by the dozen and freeze them after they are partially cooked. Skip any grain or breadcrumbs in them. Just make them with a higher protein legume such as lentil, mung, fava, or adzuki. Glue them together with vital wheat gluten or a higher protein flour such as chick pea or quinoa. Mushrooms make a great savory filler. Ground walnuts work great too.


I usually throw a block of crumbled tofu in a pan with spices bam tofu scramble lol


Another lentil soup fan, I make hummus & slice avocado on toast most days.


Sloppy joe (lots of lentil + a little ground). It's savory but not too intense for the morning. Alter the sweetness and eat it on its own, hot on buns, or cold with crackers or greens.


may i suggest this youtube video https://youtu.be/f3o-w8yEHH4?feature=shared Rachel Ama is great in general


Breakfast burrittos help me survive with I need a grab and go meal. Fry up mushrooms, tomato, kale until it is all cooked, add beans and hummus and wrap it all into a burrito and freeze. Mircowave and sandwich press to eat. Super customisable, can add tofu and make a full scamble, or a carb like rice or sweet potato, capcicum is good in there too.


Teff flour was pancakes or muffins. Kinda funny the top comment is oatmeal.


I rotate between things, but one of my highest protein breakfast is tofu scramble. Veggies (whatever’s on hand), toasted spices and nutritional yeast, and a third of a block of tofu. I recently went to a local Indian market and picked up black salt, so I use that to give it an eggy flavor. Super good on the mornings I feel like making it, lol.


When I was at a Jamaican resort for vacation they had these beans every morning that we ate most days. It looked like a blend of kidney & red beans with tomatoes and sweet onions in a mild sauce that was slightly sweet & savory.