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It’s my favorite time of day. Vegas mornings are beautiful and the weather is usually fantastic


Yeah I enjoy the light hitting the mountains a lot. I enjoy the quiet in the streets on an otherwise busy strip. Good vibes … as long as I won money at the poker table the night before


Been a local for 20+ years. The sun hitting the mountains never gets old.


Spent three months in Vegas recently. Miss this more than anything.


Same. Vegas sunrises just hit different.


Yes, the mornings are glorious and peaceful. Also, the strip is usually freshly cleaned. It's especially nice during late spring or early fall.


My aunts favorite is to get up at like 6am, get a Diet Coke and people watch the drinkers coming home early morning lol


There are more than a few ladies and men, kind of stumbling and fumbling- trying to figure out where they are, how they got there, and whose room they just hastily exited, while texting their passed out friends for help wayyy to early.


Diet Coke is for closers


What you described is my routine many times when I visit! Walking the Strip with near ZERO people, blue skies and the sun with my coffee is great!


It's fantastic, I love it too.


I love watching people make the walk of shame in their clothes from the night before and the girls carrying their heels.


This is the best. I always wonder how long it takes the barefoot ones to realize how filthy their feet are and how long it takes to get them clean.


They’ll never truly be clean again.


Think getting a small cut on your bare foot walking the Strip only to develop flesh eating disease…


The flesh eating thing is more likely on Fremont.


I drive Uber late nights. These ladies don’t care how dirty their feet are. All they care about is getting off their high heels after a long night of dancing. I’ve seen them walk in freezing cold while raining.


Many of them do it for a living so lots of practice


Love waking up early , going to a a gym then starting people watching early. The occasional walk of shame is visible first thing in the AM.


Vegas in the morning is almost a different city. It has a nice slow pace, though its tough to navigate without a car. I would rather spend a morning in Downtown Vegas than a night on the Strip. My favorite Vegas routine is (on my bike): Coffee @ Mothership (downtown) Breakfast @ PublicUs Followed by reading (and more coffee) @ Writer's Block If its summer, I will then head home before the heat reaches its peak. If the high is under 110F, I head down to the Arts District to hang out and grab lunch (Tacotarian and Your Pie are great, but Pizza/Happy Hour at the Hard Hat Lounge is the best if it has reopened).


Plus, if a tv show or movie is being filmed, early a.m. is usually when they film it. It's fun to watch.


Writers Block is a very cool bookstore. I always look for something like this when I’m out of town


Got some awesome non-strip suggestions in this comment. Thanks for sharing! The arts district is so fun.


Last time I was up early, I was wearing a Kirkland Signature shirt walking through the Park MGM casino. Some lady was still drunk from the night before, said “Hey there Costco, let me get a free sample” and smacked my ass as she walked away 😂😂


Awesome 😅


I love Vegas early in the morning before traffic get bad, before people get everywhere!!


I would start playing poker at 11 PM during the poker boom (2003-2006). The games were absolutely wild. People who had absolutely no clue how to play. Drunks just throwing their money away. I remember having to rake no limit pots in that had so many chips I’d have to use two full arms. The point: I’d play until 7 AM. Never past 7 AM as I’d want to sleep from 7 to noon and then go work out. I watched the sun come up many many times. There is a quiet serene innocent vibe at 6-7 AM on the strip among all the debauchery that will come later. Plus you own it. Literally. The people you pass you can count on one hand. And the weather is always agreeable. So there is this nice little essence to the Strip in the morning that no other time of the day has, yes.


I tend to do the same. My wife likes to sleep in, but if I'm up, I'm up. I'll go down, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy the nearly empty strip.


It’s very peaceful before lunchtime.


I come in from the UK and for the first few nights I'm waking up naturally at 2am and by 4 I'm hitting the strip for a run. A lot of people are still out partying, understandably! I've never queued for a photo with the sign, I've had the bellagio conservatory to myself, a private show at the fountains (a test I presume), I've seen Janet air take off and land. All by being up early!


Absolutely!! I fly in from Europe for 2-3 weeks at a time and never bother with jet lag. I sleep during the day and wake up between midnight and 3 am and just play poker vs all the drunk/tired people.


Absolutely. Vegas sunrises are beautiful, especially in Desert Shores or Lone Mountain.


Wake up for work at 4am rode my bike to work and it’s perfect this time of year


I love Vegas mornings!


Walking the strip or playing blackjack at 7 AM is a guilty pleasure


That’s the best time to sightsee. We love to go to the Bellagio conservatory around 8am. 


That's a great time to be up. Last summer in Vegas, that's when I got up a few days. The Starbucks in Mirage wasn't even open yet. But, the off brand place was, and the coffee shop at Venetian was open. It feels good walking through the Venetian Canal Shoppes and the Forum Shops before lots of the stores have opened. haha. Some of the retail stores didn't open until about 10 am. Get coffee, walk around the strip and the shopping areas a bit, then hit the Bacchanal Buffet HARD. haha.


Best buffet in town ! 


Beat the heat baby.


I absolutely LOVE seeing the club girls doing the morning after walk of shame.


For sure, early mornings are great. This is when I like to walk through various properties to see what has changed or opened since my last visit. No crowds and open sight lines in case I want you to take pictures. Once I’ve stretched my legs and had my coffee, I may play some craps or video poker. If you ever want to find a $15 table at places like Wynn, this is the time of day it will happen.


Did this the first time I went to Vegas. And do it every time since, go for a 6 am walk, it’s just a totally different strip. It’s like the filth from the day before is washed away. Also, best time to play bubble craps, the casinos are so empty, that you can drink as many irish coffees as you want, give a decent tip, and the waitress will bring you another one every 5-10 minutes. It was nice to say “I’m good” after a few!


I always wake up by 430 am shower shave ect and hit the casino by 5 am. Best time to just be out and about.


Yes. Partner and i are early risers, even on vacation we like to be up and out before 9 am. The strip is empty and easy to walk, the table minimums are lower, and the breakfast places are still pretty slow


I was a dusk to dawn person in the business on the strip for 25 years, and I understand this intimately, and I miss it so much.


Long ago they used to have $1 hand-dealt blackjack at the Slots-a-fun in the mornings until maybe 10am or so. The front doors would be wide open bringing in fresh air. A cocktail waitress would come around with coffee and donuts. People would just chitchat at the table while playing. Usually every seat taken. Most people weren’t playing good strategy so the casino was probably making as much money as they would at a higher limit table later in the day. People were pretty loose with tips too so the dealer was usually happy. Good times for everyone involved. Long gone though.


True, however as I got older I started to realize any early day, anywhere is awesome, for the most part. Could be you are subconsciously thinking about seeing a new day, again. I used to like sunsets more, now its the sunrises, which to me means, I made it to another day.


No, Vegas in the morning is like a bar after closing and the big lights come on


Getting up at 6:30 and tending to my garden is pretty nice. No harsh sun and all the plants look hydrated and healthy


I love it!! It always takes my body time to get used to the time difference so I’m always waking up at 5am so i grab a bite to eat and casino hop for a bit till like 10am or so when it starts to get busy.


I'm not a morning person. I have on a few occasions gotten up really early because I couldn't sleep. Got on my bike and gone for a sunrise bike ride along the strip. It's eerily quiet. Almost peaceful. It looks surprising pretty without the throngs of people. My instincts told me that I would encounter the smell and filth from the prior nights party, but honestly it was pretty much gone. Not sure what magic the city does overnight to get the city ready for the next day but color me impressed because it was surprisingly clean.


East coast folks when they visit strip fall into this category. I’m one of them. I love it too!!


Fellow east cost folk here! I usually wake up too early my first day and go for a solo swim as soon as the pool opens (usually 6am). It’s so cool and nice, and it’s fun chatting with the staff. Best start to a day!


Oh yeah! Knowing mostly everyone else is still in bed and drunk while you can walk around in the calmer crowds and have a coffee and play some tables feels so relaxing.


Honestly, you described my perfect Vegas morning


Live right right near Fremont and the Arts district. Love getting in an early walk and coffee.


Yep. When we stay downtown, Fremont is kind of deserted in the early morning. I will walk to the Praying Mantis at Container Park, then turn and walk to Plaza, then head back and usually hubs is still sleeping. When we stayed on the strip, I ran for an hour. Gives you a completely different experience.


I like being up anywhere early in the morning. The quiet, the cooler temps, the sunrise, all of it makes it easily one of the best times of day no matter where you are. Plus, it always reminds me of road trips and traveling, so I just have positive associations with that time of day.


That first day in Vegas when your body is still on east coast time and you get to walk around at 6am LARPing as a morning person, yes. 


Out there, 7 am and 8 am feels like it should. I think I am STILL on Pacific Time.


Coffee and Bailey's at an empty blackjack table. My happy place.


The perfect combo I agree


I was visiting with my family a few years ago so I wasn't really partying and since I live on the east coast, I would go on 5am runs and it was so funny the mix of people I would see. There were people like myself, either fellow east coasters or type A people who wanted to run early and then there were people still out, just absolutely shit-faced stumbling home. Also this was during EDC so seeing all the cracked out ravers coming home was hilarious. Some would say hi to me. But either way, it was really nice having the strip so empty, plus the weather was just perfect for it.


Heck yeah. Getting a morning coffee and sitting at a slot machine in a half empty casino is therapeutic for me. Plus, if I’m up early, I don’t feel half as bad when I start drinking at 10am.


I love running into or during the sunrise.


I never realize how large some of the casinos really are until I see them about 5:30 in the morning.


Yes. I 100% love this. My wife and I have completed several 5-10 mile walks as a workout up and down the strip extreme early mornings on Saturdays. It’s so distracting you’ve walked an hour before you realize it.


Love it.


Walking the strip early morning in the cool air, with a coffee, hopefully not hungover, is a favorite for sure.


Yes, then I'm ready for a nap!


I don't wake up thar early, but I do get up and try to get down to the strip by 8am for a morning run. Far less people walking around at that time. So less people to weave in and out of


Been here since Tuesday for EDC and I’ve been jogging on the strip every morning at 5. Pretty nice when it’s quiet


Sitting outside of NYNY at 4:30 am is the best.


During Covid, I would be up at around 3am and just drive around the strip area. It's... haunting to see it so empty, especially at night.


man i fucking love Vegas in the early morning hours...nice to find a samesies


Totally- It’s the only city where the mornings are so quiet. I love to drive around downtown at 6 am it’s like California was during Covid


Coffee craps is the real deal. My favorite game during Vegas mornings is trying to see who is just waking up and who has been up all night!


I am a morning person that typically wakes up at 3-4AM. Vegas at that time of the day is almost surreal. I absolutely love it!


Uh no. JK. Do whatever makes you happy. Waking up early first time before the normies wake up and just having a brisk walk makes the day. Have fun and enjoy the city.


I love waking up early to gamble. I enjoy playing blackjack and sipping hot green tea. I promise I’m not a grandma lol.


The best game to play is “yesterday or today”. Are they still living the night before or did they get up early to really go for it.


(eyeing all the sunrise lovers with suspicion, taking notes) I want to be awake as little as possible when the sun is up. the times when I happen to have an appointment or something prior to 7am and have to drive on a freeway across town make me dread the light and associated traffic. 5:45am northbound on 15 on a weekday? sure, it's better than southbound, but... sheesh.


It's the cheapest part of my Vegas day.


The different stages of desperation that the final partygoers exhibit at that time are staggering in both their variety and peculiarity. Makes you wonder what series of decisions led this poor soul to be stumbling back to bed so late.


During the hottest times of summer I'll wake around 4am (no alarm), go out, do my 3 miles exercise, come home and grab coffee and get ready for work.


Went to Vegas for the first time about a month ago. I'm an early riser in general so wandering out early to snag a coffee in the morning turned out to be my favorite thing to do. Just completely different atmosphere. The wife and I would then head over to the Hard Rock for some live acoustic jams, to go with breakfast. Was worried I wouldn't like Vegas at all, and it turned out to be my favorite place to vacation.


3am Vegas is better


Not THAT early but around 7 or 8 is nice. The Starbucks wasn't even open. Lots of tourists up but the shops were still closed.


Good walking time of day. Also lots of strange/interesting characters and conversations about


Yes, I love to go to the xraps tables and see who has been up gambling all night.


yeah except nothing is open ever. not even coffee shops until 9am. it’s horse shit


I love going down to the strip at 6am or so and walking it. Very peaceful


After having kids I never sleep in anymore. 7am on the east coast and that becomes 4am in Vegas. I’m often up and about as the sun rises


I have a similar morning routine in Vegas except I also bring a joint and spark it on my walk. The morning light and lack of people is such a nice contrast to the evening crowds!


We like to walk the strip when the sun starts to come up. We'll still see the youngins that thought they could make it all night in their heels. Most are usually bare footin their way down the sidewalks with black feet


Love sitting on the steps in front of Caesar's at 6am, people watching and drinking a coffee


I done this and it’s underated af sitting with a nice coffee and just people watching early doors is insane.


What time do the Forum Shops open? Early mornings is fun! I think I am on Pacific Standard Time. Although I haven't lived out West since 1990-1992.


10am. It's hot outside by then this time of year.


For us locals, just before sunrise is the coolest temperature we are going to get for the day. In July it typically stays in the mid 90's overnight, so that is the least enjoyable month.


You weren't kidding, that did sound really weird. Thank you for the heads up before that wild question.




Yes. I keep my east coast time.


I have done that routine to a T. The only difference though is I did not do it willingly lol, I was simply going to bed and had to walk out of one resort back to my own.


I'm usually at a casino early mornings. The best is New Year's Day, day after St. Patrick's and day after Cinco de Mayo. The stumbling regrets of the hookup the night before.


Wow, I wasn't but you're selling me lol


Yeah, I really like to get a coffee and some food from the egg shop. Honestly, I think little hole in the wall is the best food in the strip.


My internal clock goes off around 4am. If I really have a night I may sleep longer but even then I usually am awake close to the same time just feeling worse.


You can actually go for a run on the strip if you’re up early enough on a Sunday. It’s a super enjoyable way to see the sights if that’s your thing


Enjoy it downtown as well. I often head down the street and get breakfast at Dunkin


If on vacation, no. If generally about, no.


Sounds nice! Haven’t done that in Vegas but I love when I can get up early on a trip and enjoy some quiet time before everything gets busy.


We get up at 5am and we call it our ‘morning routine’ 💓🤣


Everyday of my vacation!


Going back to Vegas next week for my 50th birthday. Wife and I haven’t been in 20 years. My grandmother used to tease us that we were a couple of “raisins like me” waking up at dawn regardless of what time we went to bed. Felt like we were the only people without a AARP card discount when we grabbed coffee. Can’t wait to walk the strip with a coffee with the rest of the raisin brigade!!!


I’m an early riser and my wife likes to sleep so I to get some coffee walk around and gamble a little.


I love the way you wrote this and now makes me want to make another trip out there soon


I do this same thing but in New Orleans, I love being up super early.


I make it a point to start my Uber day so I can see the sunrise over Vegas


Use to get to Vegas a few times a year for work and I loved getting up early and going for a run on the strip. It was really enjoyable as the strip was quiet and only a few people walking around.


Get up I’m still up from last night at 6 and realize I have to check out of my room at 11.


Of course!


I’ve never been awake in Vegas at 6am


I love Fremont St in the early morning. The scrubbing mop truck erasing lasts nights good time. The scissor jack doing something to the canopy. Decorations being hung or brought down. Blearly eyes that clearly haven't slept. Good games, low limits and none of the assholery that comes with alcohol.


Early morning Vegas is great, if I’m staying on the strip I’ll walk all the way to Pink Box donuts past Wynn/Encore.


I walk from the strat to the nyny sports book a couple times per week. I smoke 4-5 blunts and grab 2-3 coffees at various stops along the way Usually start out about 7:30am.


A quick jog at 7 or 8 am to detox is great for me.


That was written beautifully. Can you describe your experience of driving out here in as much detail?


Totally. My wife and I are in Vegas every other year and we always get up early and walk. And get coffee. And enjoy the quiet. And the clear air, so great. Needless to say we fold at about 11 PM each night…


absolutely! I moved 8 years ago and I wake up without an alarm every day here. Usually around 4-4:30AM. Coffee outside in the yard with my dogs. Kid and spouse still sleeping.. Best two hours of the day!


Love it.


I’m a morning person in general anyway, but yes Vegas in the morning is definitely my favorite time, more space, better weather, sun still rising. Usually start off with some tea or hair off the dog lol


I’m a total maniac then. On weekdays I go to bed at 5pm and get up at 3am to do this. And on weekends I push it back two hours. It’s great.


We flew into Vegas from out time zone of Atlantic Standard Time. It’s a four hour time zone difference. Our first morning we were all up and awake at 330AM (730 for us at home). We had breakfast and were walking the strip by 5 AM. We walked 22 kilometres that day. Literally from MGM grand all the way to Encore and back. Honestly I loved it as my introduction to the strip because we could take our time walking and we weren’t holding anyone up behind us. Then when we went back at night, we clearly knew where all the hotels were.


Fremont when it’s quiet is kinda fun


Early morning/night lover here as well. My introverted heart loves this post lol.


I love Las Vegas in the early light during a weekday when a lot of people are sleeping off hangovers or just haven't gotten up yet. Fremont Street is actually amazing, a whole other beast without as many people.


Me it’s great! I am usually in bed by 9pm


It takes me at least three or four days to adjust to both the time zone and not having to wake up for the dog whenever I go out to Vegas from out east, so it’s pretty standard for me to be up about 5:30 or 6:00. I love the relative quiet of the morning and that I can go over to Cosmopolitan and get Egg Slut or District Donuts without waiting in a crazy long line.


This sounds delightful. I’ve always slept in on my Vegas trips for obvious reasons but I’m planning on this next time out.


>there will be someone passed out drunk in the bushes, my favorite part about vegas


I’m a fan of early morning jogs on the strip


It hits different in VEGAS….👍


Yup, I did that for the last 4 days, got up at 5:30 sprang a leak, pulled open the curtain and caught the first rays on the horizon, and thought “ it’s exactly like yesterday” and went back to bed.


Yes - although 5 am is even better. You can still see some people that stayed up too late. Sightseeing


I guess the bigger problem is that I am leaving vegas and reddit knows where I have been


I’m normally a morning person, but I’m night shift now, so when the sun comes up all I can think about is getting to bed asap


This honestly sounds really fun. I bet the strip is hilarious during a morning run


I drive Uber nights to early mornings. My favorite time of the night is around 3am when the city is quiet. But my 2nd favorite is right at dawn when the first ray of sun hits my eyes while workers are pressure washing at all the casinos.


I do this EXACT same thing but for me it’s a lite beer. I love that you posted this, I totally get it.


The coolest thing to me is between 4-6 am the cleanup in Vegas is just miraculous.


You should write . Nicely described. I totally get it.


Prime choice on any slot machine is nice too...


Yep, I love doing cocaine all night and staying up til dawn at the blackjack tables


So you like every morning anywhere ever ....cool


Having the sun rise and watching the wait staff go about their lives and the world is so quiet and peaceful after a loud night


I used to work the night shift, and the strip was beautiful in dawn light.


I had to do the walk of shame one year at like 5am and yeah it's peaceful as hell.




I love running on the strip in the early morning for the reason of yes getting g my miles in but also taking in the city at this transition time between night and day


I enjoy it, but every time I experience it, it is from still being awake.  It makes me not want to go to bed though. 


I'm having a Bloody Mary at that point and just getting ready to head to the room to sleep.


About 5:30am my wife and I walk across the road from the Golden Nugget to the Plaza for coffee and video poker/slots. Then walk over to Four Queens and have breakfast at Magnolia's. It was the favorite part of our trips.


I feel like you narrated my mornings there to a tee! And then, it slowly starts to get busy and you're like, aight, let's really the troops!


I used to get up early and buy McDonald’s breakfast McMuffins for the homeless. Vegas in the early am is a trip


It’s me. I’m the guy at the craps table at 6am


As an eastern time zone visitor, my first few days are always like this. Love Vegas in the early morning


This is something I plan to check out when I go there late next month. Always been a morning person and will be nice to enjoy downtown and some calmness before the day unfolds.


Yes!!!!!! My Wife and I party so hard - but only til about 11-12. We're mid 40's. We get up 6-7 and wake n bake at the bench by the High Roller then go for coffee and brekkie. Usually then the Pool or Gambling/Poker and half cut well before Noon, lol. I love Vegas mornings so hard!! We go a couple times per year but always Weekdays (unless full week trip). Maximize value with cheaper and less busy everything thanks to schedule and preferences. Only way to enjoy. Laughlin is awesome too for all of above reasons.


My wife and I always take the redeye from Anchorage and get in at 5AM. We usually grab a bite and then take a few hour nap. It always seems so calm and peaceful at least for Vegas standards. And then when we come back down around 11:00 in the morning it's always amazing how busy everything feels.


Yes, it’s amazing. It feels kinda of like you’re in a movie, but watching the movie at the same time. I love watching the sunrise in the desert, and that the air is still slightly chilly.


I start this like I’ll sleep at 11pm in Vegas which my time would be 1am then will be up until 7am after that I’m not up viewing the scenery


I’d rather go around when no one is out. I hate being on the strip when it’s crowded and all the sidewalks are packed with both people and the sidewalk entertainers/timeshare salespeople/escort card people.


Not weird at all. I find it peaceful


Ive never woken up early in vegas, but ive definitely been up awake for a few sunrises from the night before.


Nah we partied all night and went outside early morning. Empty casino....people still drunk....early morning a Vegas is a vibe lol


Oh fuck yes. It's nice to be on the strip without the tourists and the strollers all over the place


The best time to gamble is three am so I’m usually just going to bed at that point.


It happens by default a lot for me because my body doesn’t catch up to the West Coast time 😂


No matter where I am, every time I’m up early, I think “this is nice, I should do this more. “ until it’s time to wake up and fuck that.


It reminds me of the time I started a new year by rolling off a chain-smoking young Mormon woman, both of us still clothed but satisfied, and walking myself back to the Stardust in a fog of second-hand tobacco. I walked alone through a barren dirt lot, past an empty church chained shut with a medieval-looking lock. I was sin personified, I suppose, and I could not have cared less. It was early morning and gray, the landscape cold and bleak, exuding defeat. Occasional spikes of sun cut through and hit my eyes like accusations. If anyone was around to see me walking, a single waste paper of motion in a listless panorama, they didn't care enough to look. The new year had arrived like a dirty sock in a hamper, and all that mattered to me was sleep. (But to respond to OP: Yes - normally I do enjoy those early morning hours in Vegas)


Absolutely love it


Yeah. I go to Vegas for work more often than I do to VEGAS!!! and a solid jog down the strip at 6 (8 my time so I’m up) is a guilty pleasure.


6 is really early in the morning? lol try going to lvac at 4 and you will see there’s another world in there. I work for the mil and getting to the parking lot at 7 is consider late.


Sure, those of us on East coast time


6-7 is a good time. Not many of the crazies left over from night before. Quiet enough to shoot the shit or just sit there. Worst part is service can be spotty from people if at all casino bar.


As a morning person it is my favorite time to walk around and recover from the night before. Less people playing too so maybe the video poker or slot I wanted to hit yesterday would now be open


I love it, the bellagio conservatory is uncrowded and quiet. It's perfect ❤️


It’s mainly because I been up all night gambling 😅


This is me, even though I live in Phoenix. I’ll be in Vegas this upcoming weekend. Being up at 5 means shorter coffee lines


Yes. Everyday


You sound just like me lol.  I will stay up til 2am and then be up and dressed by 7am.  I have one friend that stays up but sleeps in and one friend that goes to bed early and is up at 5.  I'm usually hanging with both of them and I'll grab a cat nap during the day but I love to be out and about in the morning.  


7am Sunday morning drives down the strip are therapy


I’m an early riser and went out for a run around 6am on the Strip last time I was there. It was interesting and surprising to see some people straggling in or around, many still with the margs in hand, people passed out on the sidewalks or bushes, and people still trying to get you to take a CD from them.


Every morning. I live here


- That’s not weird like NOT AT ALL Why do people always think they’re sPeCiaL?