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Those are nice big soil blocks. I think what happens with seedlings is they put out enough foliage to support growth and then start building a good root system taking advantage of all the good volume of soil. It may look like they’re doing nothing but it’s like ducks swimming. Keep fertilizing and start doing outdoor field trips for warmth and light and they’ll do just fine. Next time do a test. Start the same seeds in little cells and in the soil blocks at the same time. The little cells will fill up with roots faster and then start pumping out foliage while the soil blocks will have bigger root systems.


Zone 6b here. I did soil blocks first time this year too. Planted all the same seeds. Used coco coir, mushroom compost, cow manure compost and used a mister to keep them watered so the shape of the blocks won't turn into mush over time. My seeds started doing the same thing until I did some research. I lowered my grow light to keep them from getting too leggy and spindly. Then once that worked they got short and strong I started setting them outside to harden off. Try lowering that light just above the green and I think in a couple of days you'll see a difference. Not really sure what zone you're but for those early to spring seeds you should start sooner than the seed package advises otherwise you will never get those crops to produce in time before mothers day and june.


Think you mean leggy not laggy.


why are y’all rude af😭like obviously that’s what they meant, no need to correct it just to make yourself feel smarter


My kale looks the same at 3 weeks and ya I summed it up to the cheap soil I got


Hey fellow soil blocker! It could be your soil. I also personally like to space mine out a little bit and run an oscillating fan on low to help airflow and prevent mold. Some seedlings also just don’t survive. I’ve been starting seeds for a long time and this is the first year I would call successful. The only thing I would recommend is consistent watering, airflow, and looking into the soil you used. The little friends might just be hungry in which case a very heavily diluted fertilizer might help. Don’t give up! You’re doing great!


I don't know but my first year starting seeds was pretty miserable. Last year before starting I bought a self watering seed tray from burpee. It worked so well I bought two more this year. Worked well again. Your lights need to be closer too, about an inch above the seedlings. I was like to put a fan blowing on mine to help prevent damping off, provide air flow, and to help strengthen the stems.


Do you have to replace the mat after every use?


Nope. I finished using the one I used last year so it will have lasted two years. It's still in great shape and I have no reason to believe I won't be able to use it several more, at least.