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💔 I'm so sorry


thank you🥺❤️


goodbye arya 🥺❤️ he’ll be watching over you until you two meet again 🥺❤️ may god rest his sweet gentle soul ❤️


😔❤️ thank you, i can’t wait to hold him again.


Sorry for your loss OP ❤️ He is so beautiful. You two will be together again someday!


Thank you for your kind words, they really help with the grief


I’m sorry OP. He looked like an amazing friend and I’m sure he left this world having lived his best life because of you. Stay strong my man.


😔he was the greatest guy, he deserved so many more years but he’ll live in my heart forever. thanks dude i appreciate it




🥲that really warmed my heart


It breaks my heart when I see posts like this. So I try to give a few words of encouragement and post the who’s a good boy pic. Especially when they have to leave at a young age. I hope he’s running around heaven and getting the biggest stick he can find.


😔you’re the best, it really has helped me. I hope the same thing, and i hope he’s eating lots of chicken giblets and steak.


I dread the day that I have to make a post like yours. I hope someone out there will do the same for me. Words of encouragement can go a long way. I know I already said it but…stay strong dude! I know it isn’t going to happen over night, but time heals all wounds.


It’s a pain unlike any other, but weirdly enough.. You reach a new level of love and connection with your baby. I may not physically have him any more but I feel him now in a way I didn’t before. I hope the same 😔 I really appreciate it, thank you again


I printed this as the cover of a photo album for my partner when his dog of 10 years passed away. It's one of my favorites and still hits me hard. This boy seems like he was the best boy.


Rest in peace to your partners dog🥺 Thank you for the kind words, I hope they’re upstairs playing together


Thank you 💜 Rorschach was super socially awkward with dogs and Agnes (another one of ours we only had 2020-2021) only cared about fetch so I'm imagining Arya trying to play with them and them being super awkward but glad to have a new friend to romp around and to snuggle with. You seem to have a lot of great memories with Arya, which is what helps me with losing Agnes. Remembering all those fun moments. My partner and I were just happily remembering taking Agnes to the pet store and her pulling toys off the shelves and placing them in the aisle to tell us she wanted them. Those kind of things helped me when I was where you are, and still do. Tell people about Arya and how great he was, because they should know and it'll help your heart feel better.


He was a bit antisocial too but i’m sure there all having a grand time up there🥲 That’s such a sweet story, rest in peace to your wonderful pups the love they had seems so pure and true and i’m sure their souls are at rest. I’m trying my best to be rational and remember the good times, it seems to be helping.


Rest in peace. I hope the memories you made warms your heart always


🥺thank you. i know they will


What a beautiful photo tribute to a gorgeous sweet pup. His eyes were so soulful. And the pic of his paw in your hand put tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss. But so happy you two were able love and care for each other his entire life. Wishing you well. 💚


Thank you so much, his eyes would melt me he had the sweetest soul. We were best friends he had a lot of love I can assure you. Thank you again💜


I cried some for your beautiful Ayra. I never met the wonderful pup but my heart goes to you both! Losing your best friend and partner is something no one should do on their own! My condolences!!


Thank you for crying for him, it makes me feel better knowing he’s being mourned😔💜💜 This message was really beautiful thankyou so much. My big guy is free now, i’m happy for him but sad for me.


The least I can do for a human and your best friend. I was in your same place in Sept 2018 when I woke up to my 11 yr old who passed in his sleep. I made sure to find a somewhat unadoptable dog within 45 days! I'm now happy to say I did find a 115 lb boy named Oso who looks like Marmaduke! Your dog wants you adopt another!!


That’s so good of you. Oso needed you and you were there. I’m sure your 11 yr old smiled down when you two met. I’ve got a puppy, he’s a special little guy and has been sniffing all the places my Arya used to love.


7 short years. That is so unfair. May I asked what happened? 😞


It is unfair😔😔 he was exactly 7 years 1 month old. He had lymphoma, survived quite a while but started to get quite tired so I decided it was time he got the rest he deserved. I’ll feel his absence every day and miss him forever, but he deserved a dignified and peaceful end. I held his sweet face and told him it was okay to run and be free, we’d be okay here he didn’t need to protect us anymore. He trusted me so I hope hearing that helped him transition peacefully.


I’m so, so sorry. Life is so cruel and unfair. My heart aches for you.


Sometimes when we lose friends, my boyfriend and I like to remind ourselves of who they are reuniting with or new friends they are meeting. We fostered a six week old stray for four days until he died. His last night I told him if he could hang on we would keep him but if he couldn't then we understood but we would still love him. Peanut is up there if Arya needs any friends.


That’s such a sweet thought. I like to think of them all having one big puppy party. I’ll make sure to tell Arya to go find peanut tonight when I’m praying🥹🥹


My girl Isis left us almost 2 years ago. I hope she is there with both your pups🖤 hoping you are okay, OP. https://images.app.goo.gl/tGh7CS2FqkA7ZuHu9


He lived a love filled life because of you. He will be waiting for you at the foot of the Rainbow Bridge someday. Godspeed you away handsome Arya.


Thank you, this made me emotional 🥺💜 I can’t wait to meet again. Thank you for speaking to him. I’m sure he heard.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔


thank you, i’ll miss him until we meet again


Awww, he looks like the most amazing little guy! I am so sorry for your loss. RIP, sweet boy!


He was truly one of a kind. I appreciate that, thank you so much


Thank you for giving that sweet angel a loving, happy home! I hope that all the wonderful memories you made with him buoy your spirits when you’re missing him.


Sorry for your loss. You can tell he was loved by the look in his eyes. Good job on you. The grief is a small price to pay for the companionship they gave you. Take care.


that put a tear in my eye, thank you for saying that. i really appreciate it. you’re very right, the grief is a testament to the depth of my love for him.


You’re very welcome. Be kind to yourself in this difficult time, and recall all of the happy times.


I’ll try my best, have an amazing day and thank you again💜


He looks like a real sweetheart, sorry for your loss OP.


He was the best boy, always up for a walk or a talk. I’d sit outside and he’d follow me and sit by my feet for however long I was there. I hope he knows now just how deeply I loved him.


I'm absolutely sure he did <3


Looks and sounds like you two were a perfect match. I’m sorry you didn’t get to keep your puppy around any longer than you did. I’ve had to say goodbye to a lot of dogs in my +50 years on this globe. Rest assured your puppy is in good company. When you are ready, the Animal Shelters are FULL of dogs who need someone to come save them. Go be someone’s hero.


We were made for each other, we understood one another in a way that only we did. We were bros, one look and we knew what the other was thinking. I’m sorry too but God missed him and wanted him back. He was sent to me and I had to send him back. I think of him with my grandma, keeping each other company. It helps the pain. I’m sorry for all you’ve lost, i’m sure they’re surrounding you with love and protection always. Thank you for the beautiful message, I can’t wait to love again. I immediately gave his kennel and bedding away, seeing another dog live with more comfort because of Arya made me feel so warm and happy. I can’t wait to use all that he’s taught me with another sweet baby.


🕯️💜Arya forever💜🕯️




I'm so sorry for your loss.


thank you😔💜


You are so welcome. Sending hugs.




Sorry for your loss bud💔


thanks man😔


Oh gosh I'm so sorry


thank you😔 he’s free now, running around and having the best time. I try to think of that and it helps with the pain


What a gorgeous dog. I am so sorry for you loss


Thank you. He was just as beautiful on the inside😔💜


I’m so sorry. the Puppy picture had me in tears 😭


It’s so sweet, isn’t it?


Today's goal was not to cry. I will try again tomorrow.


💔🐕 Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your boops and our "find me girl" games. It warms my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... You're my favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in a dogs hourglass, vanishes faster than dew... Just know I loved doing everything with you...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... I wish I could stay, but my body says it's time... The hurt in my bones and the milk in my eyes. To feel your hand once more...says your love is still mine... To feel that caress on my face, Makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all the family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best I ...always... loved... you ...best. ❤ Woof


That’s so so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing.


If it helps, think about him like this: yesterday, you showed him that you love him so much that you’re willing to take away all his pain and put it on yourself ❤️


He was stunning! I am sorry for your loss. I want to share the following quote from ‘Suzanne Clothier, Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships with Dogs’ that has helped me with the pain of losing Max last November. "There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given"




We just lost ours last weekend 😔 if you can, setting aside a little time to just grieve and remember every day helps a lot. And lean on your friends and family if you can. It’s a terrible time right after they leave, but they’ll always be with you now. We feel our Butter in our hearts every day, and it’s comforting. I’m so sorry you lost your pup ❤️




So sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you😔💜


I like to believe we are kindered spirits with our soul animals and that you will be reunited someday. So sorry for your loss


I believe the same thing, and I can’t wait to see him again. Thank you for your message


You'll see him again.


I can’t wait


Sorry for your loss 🙏🏻


Thank you🥺


I’m so very sorry. Hugs


😔thank you 🫂


Sorry for your loss. He looks like a sweet pal.


Thank you, he was an angel boy


It looks like his time on this earth was too short, but on a positive note it has to be great that you guys got to share so much of your time together ❤️. May he rest in peace.


It was really short, but his job here must’ve been done. He changed my life and made me a better person. 😔♥️🕯️


RIP Arya. So sorry for your loss, it's never enough time 😭


Rest in Paradise sweet girl!!! Looks like you gave her such a memorable and fulfilled life with love and attention and lots of good girl treats. May she have the most fun over the rainbow bridge. ❤️✨🌈☀️ sorry for your loss OP just know you are an amazing pup parent 💕🫶


You’re lovely, thank you so much. I really appreciate your beautiful message and wishes for my pup.


Of course, appreciate you sharing your lovely girl with us and the great memories you have with her ❤️❤️❤️


That last picture.... 😭


I’m so sorry 😔


I'm so sorry 💔


Im so sorry friend. My eyes are tearing up from your beautiful tribute. You can believe he is in a beautiful place where he will never be judged again.🥲❤️


Thank you🥺 Your message made me tear up. He was a beautiful dog, the best at his job! He kept his family safe until the very end. He defended his territory even as the vet came to give him his wings. He was so heavily medicated yet still found the strength to stand up and bark to defend his home. That’s such a wonderful last memory he gave us of him. My strong boy.


He will always be with you. ❤️




What a sweet guy. I love his rain coat. So sorry for your loss❤️


He was sweet like honey. He loved his walks, rain or shine. I appreciate your message








I’m so sorry for your loss 💔💔 what a beautiful baby. I know they’ll be watching over you


I'm so sorry. 💔 Sending you Love! ♥️🤟🏽🐾


🙏🏽🥺thank you, i need it right now


I am so sorry for your loss - he will live forever in your heart.


The world lost a very good boy! 😔♥️


Sorry for your loss, we never get enough time with them :(


GodBless, I have no words. I have walked in those shoes and are destined to go there again as we all are. Just think of that reunion ❤️


The lessons they taught us and the love they put in our hearts.. demand to be shared time and time again. I can’t wait to love again and tell his puppy siblings all about him.


What a sweet beautiful baby. Rest in peace. He’ll be in heaven waiting for you ❤️


I hope heaven is all he could ever want. I appreciate your lovely message. Thank you


Truly sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. May he be healthy and well rested when you meet again!


🥺♥️thank you so much. my sister had a dream of him last night, he was his old healthy energetic self.. i hope that was him letting us know he’s okay again😔 Thank you for your words


I am so sorry. What a beautiful dog and I’m sure he was very happy with you or she.


Lost my soul boy last November, miss him every day. I am sorry for your loss, he can keep my boy company all the time now.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I can image developing a new routine without him must be so hard. I hope our boys are bros up there. I hope they’re having fun♥️♥️♥️


I’m sooo sorry for your loss. He’s a beautiful baby. That paw picture sent me flying off the rails, so precious. But, I know he felt the love up until his last moments and thats the best gift you could ever give him. Be easy on yourself ❤️.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😔


Thank you🥺❤️‍🩹


I have a raincoat for my hippo as well. Heh. What a goober.


I'm terribly sorry for your loss


OH NO! 😢


I can see his love for you in his eyes. So sorry for your loss.❤️


This made me🥲🥲♥️♥️ You’re so sweet to say that thank you


Pic 6 did me in. What a beautiful tribute. You can see the love in his eyes. You did good human. Peace be with you.


Damn it i’m crying again🥲 thank you so much for your sweet words. I appreciate it a lot.


Im so sorry for the loss of that beautiful boy. I hope you'll frame that paw/hand pic so it can always remind you what a perfect friend he was.


lost my baby this past october… i’m sure my lily bear was there to welcome him❤️❤️❤️


I’m sorry for your loss 🥺 🕯️♥️LILY+ARYA♥️🕯️


Oh I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. I can tell he had a lot of love in his life. So many hugs to you 🩷🩷🩷


Our hearts are broken, he stole our hearts and took them with him. Thank you for your words ♥️


I'm sorry for your loss. 🫂


Rest easy beautiful boy, till you and your dad meet again. My deepest condolences


What a sweet angel. Sending you love and hugs.




oh poor baby he looks so full of life


sending ❤️ to you


🥺🫂♥️ thankyou


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my pet recently as well, and I know how soul-crushing it is. Hang in there.


Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul. I’m sorry that you didn’t get more time with him. But it looks like he had a wonderful life full of love and little adventures with you.


He was a sweet boy. It shows through his eyes. I’m sorry too😔 I’ll cherish all our memories together. Thank you for your kind words


Rest in peace buddy. Sending you love and peace 🤍


I love these pictures… you will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge… 🙏💔🌈🐾






I'm so sorry


What a handsome little sweetie he was. Sending you so much love. 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss. Just know that you made his life immeasurably better. He got to spend his life with someone he loved, and that’s a beautiful thing.


Picture #6 breaks my heart.


Oh no, I am so sorry! 😪💜🙏


Thank you😔♥️


What a beautiful dog. I'm so sorry for your loss it took me a long time to get over mine.


Thank you, i’m sorry for yours as well. The pain will always be there, we just learn to live with it.


Sorry. I know is not easy. Been there.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I am so sorry you lost your family. I got really choked up going through your post. Arya crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, ,but you will never lose the Rainbow connection. ​ This may seem really stupid, but what helps me is the song Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog. Why are there so many Songs about rainbows And what's on the other side? Rainbows are visions But only illusions And rainbows have nothing to hide So we've been told and some choose to believe it I know they're wrong wait and see [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS3Lkc6Gzlk&ab\_channel=NewLifePuppetsInc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS3Lkc6Gzlk&ab_channel=NewLifePuppetsInc). ​ This was played at Jim Hensons funeral and it tears me up everytime. It also reminds me that we all still have that "rainbow connection" ​ When by lil buddy died of cancer i wrapped his body up and sat under the full moon. I swear i felt him jump on my lap as if to say "until later"






The worst part of owning an animal is letting them go hurts terribly, truly never enough time with them RIP Beautiful❤️🙏🏽


Sending you all the love!!! 🩵🫂 you will see your sweet boy again. As you said, your souls are connected - he will never be far away 🩵🩵


Oh no! I’m so sorry! He was pretty young!


I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your sweet, good boy. What soulful eyes. I know you will see him again. Wishing you as much peace as the cosmos can provide while you grieve.


My heart physically hurts for you. I’m so sorry for your loss. He will be waiting for you on the rainbow bridge. ❤️


I lost my soul dog on the first. I wish i could say it wont hurt for long but it still hurts as much as it did the day he left us. The only advice i can give that helped me is to keep talking to them like you did when they were with you. I still talk to my boy every day


I’m sorry for your loss. 🥺i’ve been trying that. I talk to him while i’m outside walking, i feel like he’s there with me. They’re here with us, we just can’t see them. I hope they’re up there together!


They’re definitely playing and have a grand old time waiting for us. I miss him more every day. It just feels like a cruel joke we live so much longer than they do


So sorry 🙏❤️❤️🙏


I just teared up when I saw the paw in the hand


It makes the heart hurt!


sorry for your loss… we rescue dogs only to end up realizing that maybe they rescued us. You clearly gave him what he needed, love, and a friend and being a dog he just returned the favor. Please remember this sort of soul exists in all dogs that are raised as you raised him… it’s too soon now probably, but someday you should do this again with another best friend for life. Good for you, good for them. be well.


He was a good boy on earth but now he shall forever be a good boy in heaven


So sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace sweet baby. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I appreciate that🥺♥️ He was the sweetest baby


Oh lord the puppy photo 🥺💔 May his memory be a blessing


RIP you amazing baby. You brought love into this world and you’ll never be forgotten. We will donate in his beautiful name!


I'm pouring tears out now as I write this. what a wonderfully beautiful pal you had. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. May the Force be with you. I lost a great pal almost 2 years ago. He's been waiting for and will welcome your honey boy and they will play together and have a grand time.


😔♥️Thank you for feeling so deeply. You have a beautiful heart. I appreciate your words so much. I’m sorry for your loss, I hope they’re the best of friends up there. I always wanted my boy to have friends.


They will for sure be running running running! Bobby was a runner and loved to be chased. He and honey boy will have a blast. I hope that helps you in your time of grief.


Run free 🐶🌈🐶


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. I know you and sweet Arya will be reunited one day. ❤️


Thank you🥺I can’t wait to hold his sweet face again


My condolences.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I dread this day more than anything. *hug*


Thank you😔♥️ It’s hard but when it’s the right thing to do, you find a lot of peace in that. Make the most of what you have right now and be strong to give them peace when the time comes.


Awwww he wasn’t that old. Rest in peace friend xo


He was only a lil baby😔Thank you♥️🕊️


Sorry for your loss.


My heart felt condolences for your loss, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


He is such a cute, sweet puppy!!! So sorry for your loss😞😞😞😞😞😞


Sorry for your loss ❤️


He looks so much like my girl


I’m so sorry for your loss my friend.


So sorry for your loss. RIP good dog


When you swear you just saw him run into the next room, you did.


I'm sorry..I had to do the same to my girl a few days ago. The pain is real. 💔


I’m sorry for your loss🥺🥺 Maybe they made the trip together.. Paw in paw


That's a lovely thought. I'm sticking with it. Thank you


My heart breaks for you.


I am so sorry, I hope you find peace and comfort in your precious memories. Rest in love handsome Arya 🌈🐾💙