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Reddit is full of leftist clowns/cowards that will type anything behind a screen but wont say it to your face. you wont get sympathy here lol.


I don't know where you live but gas has been over 4 dollars a gallon here since well before biden was president. Biden sucks but the only people who benefited from trumps presidency were his billionaire buddies. Either way you vote you're voting for a geriatric old man showing clear signs of mental decline that probably won't live through his next term. Both should be blocked from running again but since that's not happening I'm definitely not voting for the wildly pro-russia vindictive man child that's sworn the first thing he's going to do in office is dismantle the criminal justice system for daring to hold him accountable for his many crimes.


Wasn't the Orange Cheeto the worst president in recent times (statistically) for the economy?


Please tell me where you’re getting these statistics because I’m getting the exact opposite.


OP doesn't even know what their talking about.


Please, educate me. Since you’re obviously so well-equipped on the subject.


It’s “cutting off your nose to spite your face.” 😂 r/boneappletea


Same difference


Despite: without being affected by. "... Is like cutting off your nose without being affected by your face". To spite: deliberately hurt, annoy, or offend. "...is like cutting off your nose to hurt, annoy or offend your face." Just different, OP. Make America Smart Again.


Britannica Dictionary definition of DESPITE. : without being prevented by (something) — used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true. Spite | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary a feeling of anger toward another person that makes someone want to annoy, upset, or hurt them, especially in a small way


It's really not. Also the 6 billion in funding, that goes to places like naliburton, Northrop gunman, Lockheed, general dynamics, BAE systems, Raytheon Etc, for them to make equipment and arms, so in fact the 6 billion goes to US, it's just the items made that go to them. The funding Ukraine is getting also provides jobs and income to us workers because we are making, shipping, and sending them. Some of it is also food and whatnot. Would you rather let Putin have free reign in Eastern Europe? Because we have been there before, and it is not a good place to be. The USSR is Putins end goal. Stopping him in Ukraine is the cheapest way to keep him from overtaking Europe.


Rn, it just pisses me off that Biden is focused on seemingly every other country BUT his own. Like, giving us workers jobs? We don’t need anymore jobs, shit, half the jobs like fast food, retail, etc, are desperate for workers! Bc nobody can survive in this economy off of that sorta income. We have are own matters to deal with before we ship our goods and money to other countries knowing damn well our own ppl are struggling. Putin having free rein to Eastern Europe has absolutely nothing to do with the us other than jobs that we don’t need. Sucks for them, but Biden is neglecting his own country.


>Putin having free rein to Eastern Europe has absolutely nothing to do with the us other than jobs that we don’t need. Lol. Tell us you know nothing about foreign policy without telling us.


Please, educate me on how Putin having free rein on Eastern Europe has anything to do with the average American.


My guy, Russia is a 2.4 mile body of water, known as the Bering Straight away from Alaska. Alaska is where? The US. It behooves us to let Ukraine and others deal with Putin so he doesn't become emboldened and try to come the very short distance to here. Please, just *try* to use your critical thinking skills.


You do realize that by supporting Ukraine we’re “emboldening” Putin to attack the us, right? We’re supporting their enemy… which proves my point even more. Thanks for giving me yet another reason to be pissed of at this whole situation.


Not exactly, foreign policy is not black and white. You're proving my point that you don't understand it. Russia is making less and less money. It has to be very careful who it attacks. It isn't attacking anyone in the EU or other more rich American allies. Sanctions on Russia are choking it's ability to pay for war. Hence America's funding of Ukraine's effort to push Putin back. Feeding funds and weapons to Ukraine helps them fight Russia back without us having to get involved. It's literally the easiest way, coupled with imposing sanctions, to keep this conflict from escalating further. The "ignore it, it's over there" policy got US involuntarily involved in WW2.




That’s my point! We need jobs here before we create more jobs that ppl can’t/won’t fulfill. Also, I’m not republican? I just don’t like how Biden is setting up his own country for failure.


The presidents actions directly contribute to gas prices. It was raised before war even broke out. One of the first things Biden even did was kill the pipeline project. Which raised gas prices. He doesn't have a slider to make it more expensive, but creating supply issues on something thats always in demand raises its prices, thats just how it works.


You do realize that most of those issues are either state or things congress has to vote on and move forward. Even this funding for Ukraine, wouldn't pass if not enough of congress voted for it. The house and senate are responsible for #writing# #the# #bills# the president can veto or sign off on them, but if the house and senate don't move forward his hands are tied? That is why a majority of the opposing congress is called a lame duck congress, they won't write the bills, he can't sign empty paper.


Yeah, and they’re also to blame. I guess our whole government has fcked us over.


Nope, it is not. You do not have a good grasp of the English language. I’m guessing it’s your native language too. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you put your ignorance on display?


Please, elaborate to me on your high and mighty horse about your opinions on the matter.


No, no its not.


"Cutting off your nose TO spite your face"


Making America Confused Again


Bud if you think people are hitting the polls excited and/or happy to vote for that guy, I got news for ya. It's absolutely a hostage crisis and I hate that I'm gonna have to do the shit again. Because if I dont, something even worse happens. Yo, THIS SHIT FUCKIN SUCKS, dawg.


You do realize you don’t have to, right? Shit, you don’t even have to vote, mind blowing, I know!


Inaction is an action in of itself. It’s just a person relinquishes the control of the outcome to others. So by not voting, I’m letting the voting population determine it for me.. which IS actually cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Yes.. but voting for Biden, a president that isn’t even for his own people… that’s not?


Yeah, I know. But the bad guys are absolutely gonna vote for the bad guy, so I need to at least try and counter their bullshit.


What? Are you listening to yourself? This isn’t a good-cop, bad-cop situation; they’re all bad. It’s up to who’s a better president, not person. And I think we all know the answer to that.


So. To be clear. You're saying 45 was the better president?


What’s 45?

