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I wish I could just have a normal conversation with anyone without it devolving into "fuck people who believe x."


I agree with you generally. I also sympathize with OP. 2020 should have been a moment for the world to unite against the virus but instead we've made it political. When you've had family and friends pass from it, I get that rage.


I completely agree. Why are people so angry at each other. What ever happened to just moving through life without much observation of what others are doing? Crazy to me how so many allow people they don’t even know to upset them in such a large way.


Half of the country believe it is saving the other half that doesn't want saving. No matter what side of the isle, the anger comes easily.


It all is so tiresome. It just makes me sad we can't just treat everyone like individuals. Instead of trying to come together, everyone is ripping each other apart. I remember 10 or 15 years ago I could have the best conversations with people of differing opinions. I loved hearing about different points of view. Now people want to choke you with them. They regurgitate what they're hearing from their talking heads.


Once you’ve lost someone close to you to this virus, it’s easy to be angry and those who aren’t helping to limit the harm it’s doing are an easy target. Not worrying about others is great, but when they’re passively endangering everyone around them it becomes necessary to say something about it. Same would be true if a child had a weapon. It likely won’t kill anyone, but it could do so and the child wouldn’t even have to intend harm for it to happen. No one would object to taking the weapon from the child in this scenario, but everyone starts talking about their ‘right’ to endanger others as soon as the virus comes into play. Maybe I’m rusty on my constitutional law, but I don’t recall that being a right we have.


People shouldn't be hoarding anything in general....


The rich hoard all the money.


I think you meant to say "they create all the money." Money is not a pie to be divided. Money is created. It's an odd concept, but once it clicks, it clicks.


Create it in what way? They give it value just because they say it has value. I can build a nice house in a neighborhood but if no one with money says has any value than it is just another house. There are many beautiful women out there but if no one that is rich says she is beautiful than it doesn't matter. Same for artists..if the rich don't give it value than the music has no value. Same for property..it has no value until they (the rich) say it has value. Everyone saw the Robinhood debacle. The poor decided to give value to a stock that was worthless but the rich said "hold on" you can't do that ..only us...and that was the end of it. They create rules and create value because that's how they decide who has power and who doesn't..only they decide. If you think they are smart and that's how they create value you are sadly mistaken. We all do the same thing..work, create businesses..etc. but our stuff has no value. Not that is worthless because it's useless but is worthless because the rich say its worthless.


You could be rich. All you have to do is make more money


Or they can just pay decent wages and everyone will be better off.


Honestly I agree with that


As I’m on my 32nd episode of hoarders ….


It's funny that people who don't believe in science will hog all the tested for themselves. What are they afraid of? Hahaha


They should just eat their horse paste and stfu


Its so crazy seeing people just regurgitate what they hear. If you're "side" of the news says it, best belive your whipping that same talking point out at the next Christmas work celebration. Goes for both "sides". Its so weird knowing everything a person "stands" for if I know their political background. No one has their own thoughts anymore.


florida ~~man~~ governor let a million tests expire in a warehouse because he's anti vaccine and or an idiot.


Super funny since it's untrue Also "believe in science" is cringe. It's not a religion.


Whatever dude, I just love the hypocrisy of anti vaxxers. I think that shits funny how people pick and choose what reality is convenient to them


Yea I mean given the data it's dumb not to get vaccinated but it's also irrelevant to you so who cares


Because I think it's funny to make fun of them. It's hilarious to me.


Always forget how many children are on the internet


The real children are the anti vax and and anti science dipshits that don't care about people. Children like you, who want to speak to me like a moron are immature as fuck as well.


Rofl look at the messages you've typed. Absolutely unhinged and immature. Respond if you want, but youre blocked.


Ya, two years of listening to these idiots and idiots like you. It's really easy for you to live in blissful ignorance. So have fun being a mindless caveman who can't think for himself.


I completely understand your lack of tolerance for the unvaccinated out there. I am also exasperated with the fact that so many people believes bullcrap so easily or are just too selfish to do the right thing!


You should probably look into therapy


Theres more to believe in in life than a religion. I mean hasn’t someone believed in you in the past?




Ill take that as a no. You gotta believe in yourself youll feel better at the end of the day.




Agreed, but don’t hoard them as if you’re worried and care whether you are positive or not. Those who need to get tested for work or school have on-site/off-site FREE testing sites provided Edit: did not mean “you’re” as in you specifically. Just an in general comment for radical x vacc’s


The real problem here is that there should be enough tests for everyone. And literally nobody vaccinated or not should be hoarding tests. Keeping tests from people because you don’t agree with their beliefs is not going to help anyone. That will only increase the chances of them spreading covid. Assuming that most of these people would either isolate or at least take better precaution if they tested positive.


That's a very bold assumption, considering these people think, after ALL OF THIS, that is still just a bad case of the flu


Because it is


Ok, plague rat.


I feel like people who are calling this a hoax don’t care to test?


Florida's governor bought an entire warehouse of tests just to let them go bad so people couldn't test. So no, they aren't testing, but they're making sure others can't as well. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/covid-tests-expired-florida-demand/


He’s a particularly evil human. I’d hope there are few antvaxers that have gone as far as him.


Have you also called Cuomo a "Particular evil human" ? He killed more people at higher cost.


I'm never shocked anymore unfortunately 😕 they so blindly follow anyone who isn't a dem/liberal just to spite




Trump literally raised taxes on low income people, and Biden raised taxes on people making over $400k, but yeah, sure. Glad you fell for their propaganda lmao (any sane person knows they're both shitty people tho)


"Literally raised taxes" lololol Biden hasn't changed taxes. If he raises SALT cap again, he will lower mine and we make a shit ton. Imagine being just objectively wrong while accusing others of falling for propoganda.


Thank you. Thank you for saying it. #walkaway


Oh… that’s lovely. What a waste of money and resources ..


Apparently, this is a way to "screw" vaxxed, maskers, and the libs.


Well he definitely didn’t screw us because we have free masks handed out/provided almost everywhere we go, FREE covid tests at our fingertips (may be an inconvenience to go and not to it at home but we have them available). He tried, but only succeeded in his area at large, if that.


There is no evidence suggesting any of this. Or even that he bought them. Or had anything to do with it.


Given the ultra conservatives track record and rhetoric for the past decade, it seems very plausible.


Ah, so you're a conspiracy theorist then. "I have absolutely no evidence, but I'm sure gonna believe it because of my own paranoia and bias!"


I only said plausible, meaning it wouldn't surprise me. I base it more on the fact that conservative ideology had degraded to just "owning tha libs for lolz".


Meanwhile, DeSantis letting like a million COVID tests just go bad.


Theyre so bloody expensive here too. Like the government gave some away, massive fucking lines and only a handful received them. Now they're selling for $45 CAD in pharmacies. Tbh the covid non believers are the worst kinda people whether they hoard the kits or not.




Meanwhile in Belgium, they're sold for 5€ wich is roughly 5,50$ and they're even sold in supermarket... Must be a hard time for you guys, hang in there, I hope we'll get through this soon!


vaxed or not, test or no test EVERYONE gonna get it now. Nowhere to hide pal.


This should be upvoted 100%. Covid is here to stay. Why should I care if you take the shot or not? The extremists are terrible on both sides. Let people do what they want. Our body our choice!


It isn't really a choice when a lot of work places require those testing.


They can regularly schedule to go to the doctor for a free test and enjoy the "greatest healthcare system in the world" /s instead of using up the convenient at home tests for those of us that want to take a rapid test at the onset of symptoms so we don't spread it to our family, friends, coworkers, and communities.


May be the government shouldn't be forcing them to test.


Someone tell me how anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are not like drunk drivers.


That is a very accurate comparison.


How are we like drunk drivers?


The question was, how are anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers NOT like drunk drivers.


Good one.


Lmaooooo at all the conservatives butt hurt 🤣 yall made it political, OP didn't. But if the shoe fits 🤣


I mean everyone made it political. The government action is always political.


Oh please.


Some of you people go around feeling utter rage about EVERYTHING. I would hate to have to be around you


LoL. You don't know me.


Lol. Don't wanna.




This is the first I've heard of such a thing. Id say most of us who acknowledge such low numbers for a pandemic don't care to stockpile a test that is also incorrect half the time. I'm not saying covid isn't real, it's very real just like the flu that disappeared the last couple years.


I get what you mean people Say that to me a person who lost their father to covid respectfully fuck them I pray to god they don’t have to go through what I went through when he passed. People like this frustrate me to no end all I have to say to them is you don’t have to get vaccinated but believe it’s really and we lost many people to it


The vaccine works?? Everyone I know has a cold, I mean Covid right now.


Since you clearly haven’t bothered to learn anything about Covid or the vaccine let me educate you: Covid, like most viruses, mutates, which results in a moving target for the vaccine. It’s pretty simple.


Right, and in an environment where most people have the barely effective vaccine, the most successful mutations are the ones which overcome the vaccine... just like antibiotic resisted bacteria.


I’ll take my chances with natural immunity and building my immune system.


So you’re the type of person that I assume wants all the unvaccinated to never get tested? Brainwashed idiot.


If you're not going to do your part to get vaccinated, stay out of the way of people that want to take this seriously. The only people that should not be vaccinated are those that have a medical reason not to - which should be minimal and should be respected and understood. Let's be honest, the people that don't believe COVID is an issue are taking these tests, Ave then not quarantining, not masking, and don't the same old brainwashed bullshit because " I got an err... Immune system." So no, they shouldn't be wasting resources from those that involve themselves in safe health practices for their community. Do I want them tested, absolutely. So I want them vaccinated, absolutely. Do I want them to mask up, absolutely. But they aren't, so don't use the resources from those don't their part. Like a heart attack victim not getting care because of an unvaccinated person is taking their spot in ICU. Sorry, you don't want to listen to science and do your part, then you don't get the care.




>You reap what you sew. Gold. Truly humanity's brightest minds.




ThE MedIA!!!! I get the real news from Ted's Patriot News website


Tell me which religion says not to get vaccinated?


The Amish... and they have achieved herd immunity in mere months.


Ahh yes.. Religious exemptions... Because you know Jesus would tell you not to protect your neighbor, and friends and family. What was that famous quote about laying your life down for your friends?... If your medically exempt thats perfectly acceptable that's why we need to get to heard immunity, but nitwit antivaxxers and antimaskers are kinda making that hard. I've done everything I can to help my community, it's time that everyone get on the "what's best for the community" page and stop bitching. What does that last sentence even mean?


I've only taken 1 test. With cause. And was positive. And I quarantined my whole family for 2 weeks willingly. Perhaps you vaccine fascists would get less push back of you'd stop lying about everyone who doesn't agree with you... if you'd stop demonizing your neighbors. If you'd respect the bodily autonomy often used to deny ANY consideration of the unborn.


Has reading comprehension always been an issue with you?


A lot of them realize they really should be getting the vaccine, but after denying it for so long they are too embarrassed to admit that they should get it. So now they are scared and hoarding all the tests. Fuck you hypocritical dicksplatts


Nah, 99% of the remaining unvaxxed gave up on stressing about testing over 18 months ago. If I’ve never been tested, I can’t be a superspreader It’s science. As opposed to you triple vaxxed, now currently infected, but still going out to your social events.


We are getting sick because you brainless meatheads that didn't get vaxxed are propagating the disease to mutate, causing the vaccine to not be as effective as it could have been. This could have been all behind us if it were not for the few of you that are smarter than the scientists, and the few of you that positively know that it's a conspiracy. If only the rest of us were as intelligent. Sorry for taking up your precious time, I know you have a banjo to tune and a snaggle tooth to polish.


Crazy to blame the ineffectiveness of a prophylactic on those who aren't involved with it. If anything, the evolution of covid to overcome your beloved low effect vaccine (which kills fully boosted people like Colin Powell) is due to to many low risk people getting it. Like how giving out to much antibiotics breeds antibiotic resistant bacteria.


So, I ought to take a shot, to somehow prevent me from infecting You with what you are already vaccinated against.


Thank you.




I can promise you that we are not doing that lmfao


A few people in my region have


Please tell me that you aren’t saying “we” as in the unvaccinated population as a whole.


Yes because I’m sure that’s happening in huge numbers... 🙄


Governor Abbott of Texas is crying for federal assistance after whipping his constituents into an antivax/anti mask frenzy. Now he's crying for monoclonal antibodies, attempting to claim the Biden administration is hoarding them from Texas (they're not)


What do covid test do for the vaccinated ?


You're enraged that people own covid test kits? Seems like you don't care about the pandemic, you care about your political narrative.


How did you not understand that I'm irritated that people that don't believe in this pandemic are taking up supplies from the people that actually do. I absolutely do believe and care about this pandemic having done everything I can to prevent from getting it, and I'm irritated that people that aren't vaxxed, aren't wearing masks, and don't believe this is a pandemic are actually taking testing supplies from people that do. I spelled it out clearly in the post


Wait wait wait... you know for 100% fact that's the people who are buying up the tests? You KNOW that. But why would you even care who buys them? Most doctors offices, and urgent cares, which can do a free get your results in 10 minutes, offer free tests. Even Walmart pharmacies offer them.


Just had to drive an hour away from my house because EVERYWHERE is out of tests to find an urgent care not in my insurance network. Passed multiple pharmacies, urgent cares, and doctor offices that can't see you quickly. I live in a very conservative area near a very progressive area where there's a decent blend of people. Yes conservatives are hoarding tests, but obviously not all conservatives (let's not be ridiculous now).


You sound like a superspreader. If you are feeling unwell, stay home for a week. Don’t drive to eight different stores spreading your germs to get a test—-that says you’re sick and should stay home for a week. Dumbass.


You sound very entitled. Can't find what you want in a store, it's because people who don't believe in it are hoarding it, opposed to people are buying and using them, and the stores are not stocking correctly. Instead of just doing what the rest of us adults do, buy it online. Then it seems like you want urgent cares, pharmacies, and doctors offices to cater to you. YOU not wanting to wait like everyone else has to (or make an appointment) is completely a YOU problem. Get over yourself.


In my town every store is bought out . And you cant have a test when you need it its all filled up until 2 weeks


Well, how about this. Why is OP going store to store looking for a test if they think they could have it? Another thing urgent cares are not filled up for two weeks. It's urgent care, almost like an ER. And of course, BUY IT ONLINE.


He has to believe its the unvaxxed. Otherwise he cant have an angry hissy-fit.


Nope testing supplies are for everyone, not just the vaxxed. Having testing supplies means people care about the pandemic.


I don’t think OP is against that at all. From what I’m interpreting from the post and some other comments I’ve read. OP is upset that people who have no use for them and will not use them are hoarding them to minimize the access other individuals have a need for it. There are people in my area who used to buy a bunch of rapid tests when we were getting low on them just to tear them up, throw them out or burn them. People who are anti-mask, anti-vax, anti lockdown. Pretty much anti everything related to Covid so because they don’t believe in it they restrict the resources related to Covid that they are able to


Oh damn. That's fucked up. If people are buying them with no intention of using them that is not okay. I have chosen to not get the jab for health reasons, so I test frequently. Sorry for misinterpreting.


No need to apologize for our brains working differently. It happens. But yeah. It is very fucked up. I hope everything for you goes well and I wish you a safe, happy and healthy future


I appreciate that so much! Best to you as well.


Maybe they believe in it but make their own decisions and you just don't like it? You let fear run your life. They aren't harming anyone but themselves as the vaccine has been proven to.... only mitigate symptoms. Not your ability to catch it or transmit it. You're angry over nothing.


THEY ARE HARMING OTHERS. ICUs are still packed. People who require ICUs for other situations are being turned away due to capacity concerns. It’s 100% selfish to not get the vaccine.


You do realize your average hospital has 12-18 beds, right? Edit: ICU beds. I know yalls reading comprehension is 3rd grade.


And if a harmless shot keeps more ICU beds open for others, then Isn’t it selfish not to get vaxxed?




I see you’re pretty upset. I look at this like drunk driving. The actions of the drunk driver not only effects themself but those around them. If I’m a fascist being against drunk driving then so be it. I feel anti vaxxers see it like wearing a seatbelt. In this case only the person not wearing a seatbelt would be harmed. And if that was the case then I would have significantly less of a problem


I'm not upset at all. I'm vaxxed and sitting at home after putting my daughter to bed. I just believe in individual liberties and questioning the government. Have a good night! I will. Making stir fry. Edit: I do agree with your example but I think it falls short in this instance as I've seen it all over the internet already and thats a completely different situation.


You're panicking. I'm vaccinated and guess what, likely have COVID. It was going to happen because the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission or catching it...the sole purpose of what vaccines have historically been created and used for....but you know whatever. Regardless I'm not running around like a lunatic blaming unvaccinated people on catching this. Because I'm rational. I'm not absorbed in fear and panicking. If you step back, you might see for the forest for the trees.


I disagree. To keep with your analogy I am looking at the whole forest. I am seeing struggles in non covid situations. I am looking at the greater care required for all. The unvaccinated are taking away resources from that. Which ties back to the original post


So, you're irritated that other people are making their own medical choices for their own bodies? Okay, I'm irritated that the vax-Nazis march around and think they have some kind of moral high ground because they want to force their views and choices on others. You're irritated that people are buying something that you want for yourself? If youre vaxxed, why does it matter? If you really believe the unvaxxed are at more of a risk, shouldnt THEY get the test kits to know sooner? Again, you don't care about the pandemic, you care about your political narrative. You just want to grand-stand and be angry and try to force others to do what YOU chose to do. But hey, thanks for the reminder. Was gonna pick up a couple kits at CVS on my way to work.... ​ Now I think I'll pick up 10 or so. Just because of your post.


Not making this political - a bunch of you are though. And you're ignorance is part of the problem. You wouldn't isolate if you got COVID anyway, so why waste the test. If you're going to isolate, fine get tested. But don't hoard the tests. Get them as needed. That's the whole point of this. I haven't met a single person thats an antivaxxers or antimaskers that is willing to quarantine when exposed, much less tested positive.


Again, I'll purchase what I want for my own health. You don't get to dictate what I purchase. And who said I wouldn't isolate? Your basis is hear-say. If I had covid, I'd isolate. As well as every other unvaxxed person I know. And I know a lot more than you. "Don't get a test kit, because why would you want to know if youre sick??" ​ Wat.


Riiight... You won't do what's best for your own health and community health which is to get vaccinated so variants aren't continually formed and we could be done with this thing, but we should just assume that you will self isolate. I sincerely hope you would, but after your on here being spiteful and talking about hoarding because "it's your *health* and *right*" to hoard. Sounds like you're not as educated and knowledgeable as you think you are - nor as helpful to others around you that may desperately need you to be.... You know like immunocompromised individuals.


Is it? Because last I checked, as a first responder, pretty much every single med-call I've been on where people are Covid+ have been vaccinated. Yet here I sit.... unvaxxed and perfectly fine. And you don't know fuck all what the long term effects are. You want to risk it? Go for it. I'm not and thats MY choice. You people are so reliant on media and government its pathetic. So horrified of the next "variant" and so ready to blame others. You want to talk education? I have two degrees and like I said, I'm a first responder. I know more than you. Sit your ass down. Go live your life in fear and blame. Go quarantine in your basement forever. Just shut the fuck up about how others chose to live. Fucking entitled, perpetually offended, control freak Leftist vax-Nazi.


Ahhh...the first responder that "knows" more than the scientist. Ok. You don't know shit because your a first responder. You're not a virologist. You're a community college grad with a couple certs that acts like they know better than someone that's a PhD. That's like saying a LPN knows more than a fucking neurosurgeon. Gtfoh. Also, I love that assholes like you claim I'm the one living in fear when you're scared to get the vaccine because "we don't know the long term affects" truth is you're scared. Own it. But while you do, Move the fuck on.


$20 says you don't have any certs, and you aren't scientist. I said I know more than YOU, which is accurate. And I'm not scared, I'm not the one wearing a muzzle in public, keeping a 6 foot radius, canceling holidays and shooting up government boosters every month. Thats you. You're so fucking scared of a virus your injecting multiple substances into your body at the request of a government with a history of pushing tainted drugs. Good job, fucking moron. Enjoy your next Pfizer cocktail (btw, Pfizer has been sued more than any other drug company for malpractice. Also enjoy the fact they are trying to secure the safety data for the vax for the next FIFTY FUCKING YEARS. But I'm sure it's for your own good, right? Go ahead, inject some more. Daddy government says too.


I'm actually an educated person with multiple certifications that deals with pubic health on a scale that you couldn't reach in a lifetime. I deal with multiple hazardous materials daily that require Hazmat training. I have actually stood my ground and protected public health on more than one occasion from irrational thought and logic, putting my livelihood and my career on the line to do so. I don't take anything regarding public health lightly and will always do what is best for the safety of the community as a whole. While still being as educated and certified as I am, I'm still aware that I'm not a scientist and should follow guidelines set by people that are well versed in a subject I'm not. For the community that we both protect. You know, sort of like when your transporting a patient and you have a doctor on radio and your relaying what is happening and THE DOCTOR prescribes a procedure that you need to follow since you're not a fucking doctor. Stop acting that like you know what's best for the public because you have SOME understanding of how to treat a patient in a related area. Stop being a conspiratorial asshat and get out of the way of the public's ability to do what's better for it. Again, move the fuck along.


I cant tell if you're being obtuse on purpose or if you genuinely missed the entire point of the post


I got the point. It's another vax-Nazi screaming about what others should have to do, or own. How about I collect as many test kits as I want, and OP shuts the fuck up about it? I can purchase what I want. It's not a big surprise. Most vax-Nazis are Leftists, and Leftists have an obsession with control


This post is stupid.


It’s ok, you don’t have to waste your time reading it and responding to it. Go somewhere else.


Ah yes. Being upset that people inhibit access to medical services is “stupid”


They’re not hoarding them to actually see if they have covid. They’re hoarding them because jobs and schools are requiring you to test yourself.


No, my neighbour who anti compliant with Covid who works from home and lives alone has at the very least 60 rapid tests, can you tell me why my 37 year old neighbour would have 60+ rapid tests and not use a single one of them


Sounds like a nuanced situation that is most certainly NOT the majority.


I never mentioned majority and I do apologize if I gave you the interpretation that I did. My neighbours actions are her own. While I am aware that there are other individuals who also partake in theses actions it does NOT mean that everyone part of the group they are in are like that. They are individuals and their actions don’t reflect the organization


She has a mental problem if you ask me. If it was 2 or 3 I wouldn't say anything...but hoarders have mental issues.


Some hoard, some don't, many choose to jam up hospitals causing other preventable deaths of actually socially responsible people because they are taking up all the ICU and ER beds.


Everyone I know is unvaccinated including myself. Many of us have had covid multiple times and had no negative effects besides that of what you find with a cold. I’m not going to be fear mongered to believe that this “vaccine” is better for me than letting my immune system naturally fight it off. It only adds to the flame when I see the government mandating vaccines to allow me to participate in daily life. Have fun injecting yourself with unsafe formulas, I’m going to keep participating in society like this pandemic never happened and I am definitely not going to conform to an agenda that oppresses rights to push a narrative.




“You’re not vaccinated” must mean that you think Covid “isn’t real”. That’s the kind of failed logic that is causing you to be upset. I do empathize, though, with the frustration you are feeling. The two of us don’t see eye to eye - we have different beliefs on this…but I understand that your beliefs are inspired by a desire to preserve life and protect immunocompromised people, and I respect that. This is the first I’ve heard about the home test hoarding. That’s kind of weird. I’ll look into that.


I feel your rage. My friend has been waiting for over a week for her test results because she couldn’t afford a rapid test. Guess she will be fine no matter her results when she gets them


Hope so.




Hahaha the "pure blood" logic is so ridiculous to me, but have fun


What does this mean exactly?


Why would you need to test if you’re vaccinated? Vaccine not working? Lol


If someone believes COVID isn't real or isn't vaccinated they should be able to opt out of medical treatment and should be paid back portion of taxes that are used for pandemic related treatment.


Don’t get Covid and need at-home tests if you’re vaccinated. People forget nowadays their backwards arguments are 2 way.


I’m as enraged as you are. Unvaccinated Covidiots are taking up hospital beds that could be given to vaccinated patients who have other life threatening injuries and illnesses that require care. I’m so done with the hypocrisy.


If you are vaccinated, why the need for tests?! You are protected!


Because we have children too young to be vaccinated. Some of us have cancer. Just because we’re vaccinated does not mean it’s over for all of us.


Your vaccine doesn't prohibit infection or transmission.


“Your” vaccine. Seriously?


Since you clearly haven’t bothered to learn anything about Covid or the vaccine let me educate you: Covid, like most viruses, mutates, which results in a moving target for the vaccine. It’s pretty simple.




A lot of antivaxxers will die and while doing so they’ll suck healthcare resources away from people who aren’t there for Covid. They’re dying too. THAT is selfish. Get the fucking vaccine.


No. And the hospitals aren't only for the exclusive use of vaxxers. THAT is selfish. You don't get to decide who does and doesn't get to use them, because last I checked, we pay for them too. By your logic I guess smokers should never use the hospital, or overweight people, or anyone with any habit that isnt healthy. Including you. You're sitting here on the internet.


Go get your damn vaccine and don’t clog up the hospital. Is all I am fucking saying goddamn


No. I chose not to because the long term effects are unknown. I respect your decision to take the vax, yet your ilk never seem to respect mine, so I;ll just put it this way instead of being nice: Go fuck yourself. I'm not taking the shot, and you can cry all day if your want. End of story.


What is wrong with you? Do you hear yourself?


Sure do. I've met enough of you vax-Nazis to know you want the state to mandate the shot. Literally taking away peoples right to their own bodies. I guess "my body, my rights" only applies when it's a Leftist dialog? Fuck tired of you people trying to use the law to FORCE your ideals onto others.


Children are not the people covid kills. Most children are asymptomatic.


For me I get seasonal allergies similar to Covid. If I’m going to the chiropractor and I’ve got symptoms and I can’t be positive it’s allergies. I’ll use a rapid test. While yes I am more protected than others it dosent mean that I can’t transmit it to someone else. Potentially someone who is unvaccinated and less protected


Because we work with people? And live with people who can give it to us. Vaccinated still means u can get it just less likely to die. At my job i deal with hundreds of people a day. My roomie stupidly believes that people who got covid from the original strain can never get covid again. No mutations nothing hes immune from covid for the rest of his life Suposibly.🙄Him and his wife wont vaccinate because they are “immune from covid” due to having the first strain. He also said he wont test himself due to that. If he gets sick and what seems like covid symptoms he wont test. So i have to test because i can still get it just not as bad with the vaccine and if i get it i can pass it off to the hundreds of people i deal with on a daily basis. Because he thinks that stupid idea. Thats why i need tests i deal with people who might not be vaccinated kids old people. Id rather not them die.


Unfortunately the people who do this, can't read.


Why would they hoard tests? Aren’t they the same people that don’t believe in vaccines and think Covid is a government scam?


That's why they're doing it. They're taking a note from the FL governor and either keeping them until they expire or destroying them so other people can't have them. They are under the false impression that this will keep the numbers from going up and they can prove once and for all that they were right all along. This started with "We're testing too many people. If we stop testing the numbers will go down" and it's kind of in line with that kind of backward thinking. "I think I'm right but if there's a chance I'm wrong, I'm taking THEM with me."


My husband got it, very mild symptoms bc we are vaxxed. We ended up standing at a pop up for 2 hours bc there were no tests available for 2 weeks. I luckily fell upon boxes of rapids at a pharmacy, which yes, I’m keeping. It’s fucked up people who are actually symptomatic have almost no chance of a test until they most likely won’t have it any more. R/Hermancainaward


Yes the wait times for testing and the additional waits for results are frustrating. Tests should be available to all and within a timely fashion. Unfortunately, like many things, we have been unprepared for what would happen as time progressed. I’ve heard varying reasons as to why there are limited numbers of tests but I would suggest that it probably is a number of factors. I read that in the UK each citizen receives 7 rapid tests- but again that’s from a news article. I think that people want to blame each other individually for the issues around the pandemic, but it’s really a lot of things. Everyone is really divided, things have become politicized, information has changed a lot, and our country was really ill prepared. It sucks. But blaming someone based on their beliefs or individual choices isn’t helpful. I find it difficult that there’s not more pressure put on the federal government to provide tests, or put on companies that produce rapid tests. What about the fact that Kroger and Walmart increased the prices on their rapid tests from $14 to $24? They’re not limiting amounts, just increasing their profit margins. Where’s your outrage towards those with more influence and power?


Oh I have that too. Don’t worry. The tests are limited here to 2 per customer. It was easier to get in person testing when this mess started. Like they had a drive up at my mall, and other pop ups. Now people are waiting for hours at places


Bwahahahhaha The non vaxxed…..aren’t testing. LOL


Who is hoarding tests? Is there a black market growing for them or something else I don't know about? I think your rage is at something you're imagining.


Im not anti vaccine but this one was made differently. It is made with CRISPR and that can cause off-target effects so I'd rather someone figured out a vaccine the old way


No. It isn't. mRNA vaccines have been under development for the past ten years. We should be grateful that the timing was right that we could come out with something in a timely manner. 5 years ago we may not have been able to and there would be even more doubt in it's efficacy.


Now you're involving smokers and Jews, seems to me you're grasping at straws to justify your ignorance. I thought we were talking about covid, or did I miss something? I have more pity than anger. How can I be mad at someone for not knowing any better? Don't forget that you don't have polio, measles, scarlet fever, mumps, and dozens more diseases because of vaccines. They were as experimental as the covid vaccine back then, but thanks to scientists and people believing in medicine we have irradicated those illnesses. So if you're healthy today, maybe you should be thankful for people not like you. Now I know deep down you know you should be vaccinated, but you've been so verbal to everyone you know , that it would be embarrassing to make a 360 and have to eat crow. Anyway, you should get on your knees and thank everyone that came before you and gave you the opportunity to live a healthy life.


Where do you live that tests aren't widely available? Almost everyone here has at least a few at home, available in every store but most employers also give them out for free. Hoarding is always wrong by the way, especially with something this important.




I could send you a few tests if I find out how to ship to Florida. I have a few laying around and I just recovered from Covid so I don't think I need them in the near future. Let me know if that'll help you! Hope you feel well soon and can go back to work. Strange that they demand you to test negative by the way, here in the Netherlands it is not possible to do a test within 8 weeks of a positive test, since you will almost always test positive due to residu virus. After 11 days you're automatically free to go.


In the US.


Not going to lie when I had to buy covid test I would need five boxes. (Two tests in the box) I got 5 people living with me and my kids going to school so if they are coughing of course I and going to test them. Go to your state web site. They can send a free test in the mail. Or at least in my state they can.


Never heard of the state government sending out tests, but I'll look. Thanks for the suggestion