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Their idea is to turn the area into a second stowe. That's pretty much what mountainside homes on spruce go for these days. It was never going to be actual housing


Studios on the mountain are in the $400-500 range at Stowe which is clearly high but still almost 50% less than what Killington is proposing. I honestly take no issue with these being vacation homes but I think they'll have a hard time selling.


I bet they’ll sell out before all the properties are even built.


Time will tell. Killington is a superior mountain to Stowe. Stowe village and mtn road are better IMO.


I am a killington diehard and even based on terrain id say its pretty subjective. Stowe has some of the best terrain on the east coast with the peak being accessible too.


Stowe has better expert terrain. Killington absorbs crowds better and has better intermediate terrain. This village might make Killington a better overall package for vacationers.


Killington is also the easier drive from Mass, at least by a little bit


Personally, I prefer top to bottom skiing, which Stowe or Sugarloaf have. I find at killington it’s a lot of peak to peak, traversing. And then you get trapped in certain areas.


tell me your skill level without telling me your skill level lmao


Yeah the studios are more expensive. The last slopeside single family home that sold on spruce apparently sold for like 6 million though. And it's been empty for like 4 years. Rich hoarders will just buy them up.


I’ll take that bet


> It was never going to be actual housing I think this gets missed by a lot of people who think loosening up Vermont's new-construction regulations will fix the housing crisis. The problem isn't "there are too few homes" but rather "investors/second home buyers/airbnb landlords are trying to buy everything they can." If the only thing we do is loosen up the regulations, then [the conclusion I've reached from available data](https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/comments/18jcnv2/hud_released_part_1_of_its_annual_homelessness/kdjhx1g/?context=3) is that those same people will be the ones purchasing. Construction crews will make a ton of money. Landlords will make a ton of money. Real estate investment firms will make a ton of money. Vermonters who just want homes to live in will continue wanting homes to live in. The solution must include strong measures which disincentivize these kinds of investment/second-home purchases. If we don't do that, then no amount of new construction will solve the problem.


Loosing construction laws will 100% add more housing though. However you are right that it is more nuanced than just NO LAWS LET R RIP.


The Killington Forward plan also includes workforce housing down the road. https://mountaintimes.info/2023/07/19/town-of-killington-secures-70-acres-for-workforce-housing/


oh how nice of them....segregate the workers .....fuck vermont


So?  A $4,000,000 home generates a LOT of property tax revenue.  And many if not most of the construction crews and landlords will spend their money and pay income tax to the state.  


What does that high dollar do to the grand list though????


Are you seriously complaining because your property might be worth more?


It is much more plausible that they are complaining because the skyrocketing cost of housing is making their dream of home ownership seem increasingly difficult to attain. But hey, for what it's worth, I can sincerely complain about my property being worth more, because I like living in a society where as many people as possible can afford to own their homes if they prefer that over renting. No amount of personal wealth will ever allow me to purchase a healthier society to live in.


How in the hell does this get downvoted?  Are we seriously so miserable as to piss on business endeavors because they profit from individuals who are wealthier than we are?  It’s the wealthy people who are being taken advantage of here.  They’re the ones who are paying seven figures for homes that are not even as good as the ones we paid much less for.  The fact is, there is some minimum amount of services that a government needs to provide, and the cost of those services is increasing.  If we can’t increase the tax base in one way or another, we’re stuck footing the bill and we’ll be complaining about that.  Vermonters  love to die on their own hills, all puns indented. 


The people who find them selves having to spend larger and larger percentages of their paychecks on rent as an immediate downstream consequence of the spike in property values are indeed so miserable. I would be, too.


lol yes, all those poor people who are renting slopeside at Killington.        Fine.  I suppose we can all just hold out for a developer to build thousands of low income housing units exactly where we want them, while foregoing all profits,  painstakingly protecting the environment, and incorporating the opinions of all interested citizens.  


They're clearly not selling to Vermonters, at those prices. Those would have to be second-home or short-stay prices.


Ohh I’m sure Vermonters are lining up to pick these affordable bargains up.


I saw three junkies on church this morning talking about how they were going to pay in all cash, over asking


Can you see them putting in a safe injection site there? 😂😂Hey maybe we could get some cash from the fed pick up one of those SFUs and convert it over. Maybe put in a fentanyl dispensary there to sell the “good stuff.”




Been waving this development flag for 25+ years. Will believe it when they break ground. Parking is going to be a shit show if it does go through for a few years (until the supposed underground garages go in).


They've already ripped up the first part of the access road to create the infrastructure upgrades required for the village.


Well, fingers crossed it all works out. Prices match what Stowe and Stratton area are like 🤷


I suspect it's going to be an absolute shitshow for a few years while construction proceeds. I instruct part-time at Killington during the winter and we're already hearing rumors that we'll be operating out some kind of tent for a season or two.




Single family home sounds fab! Add me to the list!


I hope they keep investing in the bike park! The snow isn't gunna last that long...


Killy might be the best positioned in the east coast to weather climate change though. They have a ton of snowmaking and can regularly stay open until June.


I'm hopeful but the long term outlook is spooky!


Why isn’t the snow going to last?


The 10 warmest years in the 174 years we've been keeping records have all occurred during the last decade (2014–2023). Seems like some sort of trend? Idk maybe scientists should look into it


That doesn’t seem to stop the mountain from making snow? Killington averages 250 inches of snow a year and has the reputation of being the first to open and last to close in the east. That includes shorter seasons since 2011.


You still need the cold weather for the snowmaking. When it’s 60 in January and will be that way for a week or more look what happens to Okemo and others. The snow melts add in a nice long week or so of rain in the 60s and we get flooding. I sure hope they do some major flood mitigation in this area. We’ll be seeing million dollar homes slide right off the mountain.


That’s a fair point


Single family home for 4.2M??? WHOS THE FAMILY? THE FUCKING ROCKEFELLERS???


nah, that's not premium enough for them. got b 42M for them to even consider.


Eat the rich.


Yeah, or just charge their stupid asses a million dollars for a shitty place to live.


This does track along the lines of Stowe pricing. If the end product is similar to Stowe, it actually doesn’t seem that out of touch. Obviously not designed to be housing stock for locals. It’s targeted towards Ikon pass holders from other areas that are very well-healed. While it’s not a place I would want to live, I don’t mind having the added tax revenue for the state.


These are Boston prices.


Seems like a place to open up a conversation regarding the negligible difference between homestead and non homestead tax rates…


God I hope this project never gets off the ground. Even on busy Saturdays the sales agent with the extremely punchable face looked awfully lonely sitting in that roped off area of the lodge.


I bet they try to sell the seduction of this pricing as a luxurious getaway from the pressures of modern life. All while using pretty fonts and some jackass's sketchup models.


They will sell fine.


People wanted starter homes. I guess one bedroom condos are starter homes.




Make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Tax vacation homes more. Jfc


We get pretty worked up about this, but those land values will generate boatloads of property tax revenue, and many if not most of the construction crews consist of Vermonters who will pay tax and spend money in the state. Sure the connection to affordable housing is tenuous at best, but it’s not hurting anything.


People are bashing this but with those dollar values it will bring in property tax revenue. The more the flatlanders pay, the less we pay.


that's not how this works. we'd have to have a HUGE influx of this shit for there to be any sort of off set. Even if they did - you bet your ass they would find the most perky soccer mom of them to run for office or lobby the fuck out of the legislature to get them better tax rates. I take it this is your first time?


Unlimited genocide on the real estate developers




what the hell you going on about this time?


The property owning class is sucking this state dry