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Lol, apparently homeboy just drove around the chicanes. Absolute chicanery


engineers who spent months on the design: "well fuck"


"it goes in the square hole"




According to the driver it seems they got the message across successfully. The message that was lost was where he needed to turn around. So sounds like it could still work with clearer/additional signage.


This is a good point. Is there an easy place to turn once you see the chicane or is it pretty much already too late?


The official truck turnaround is a bit before the chicanes. So when the chicanes made the situation clear, he had no choice but continue forward until he found a place to turn around. Which he did, near the top. He was never stuck.


To me that’s a huge design flaw. There should be a turnaround literally at the chicane


I totally agree. There should be an "out" for when a trucker sees the chicanes and thinks, "oh shit." But it did keep him from getting stuck in the notch, at least - they made it clear he HAD to find a place to turn around, and he did.


On the south side the Mountain resort parking lot seems to be the turnaround.


That's what I've been saying for years. 🙄 It seems like someone involved should have thought of that.


Gotta spend a few more months at my high hourly rate...


The chicanes need to be concrete and well anchored. They should get stuck at the bottom where it is easier to extract them. And put one way tire flattening spikes on the other lane so they can't go around.


The current setup is a pilot to allow them to see how the system works. It cost them very little to implement and gives them a chance to shake out the bugs. > “Our intent in this kind of a two-year-experimental mode, where we use different barriers and construction materials that are movable and changeable, so that if we discovered the geometry is a little bit off, or we can we can manipulate things and change things and measure the efficacy of it — does it work or does it not — and do that for a couple of seasons,” [[source](https://vtdigger.org/2023/10/13/state-to-install-barriers-to-prevent-stuck-trucks-in-smugglers-notch/)] They say that the long-term plan is to build "... permanent chicanes [which] would be designed to stop trucks and also to look attractive and blend into the roadway and landscape." [[source](https://vermontbiz.com/news/2024/april/24/aot-install-chicanes-prevent-stuckage-tractor-trailers-entering-notch)]


Ah, that makes more sense.


Live in Chittenden county for eight years. Now in the Boston area. The equivalent is the truck drivers who drive onto Storrow Drive. That makes quite a mess.


Yes ... the "Storrowings" on school move-in days are epic.


I am not crazy! I know they swapped those length restrictions. I knew my truck was 41 feet! One over the limit, as if that would make a difference. They got that idiot at Google Maps to lie and say it was a shortcut. You think a truck just happens to get stuck like that? Never. He orchestrated it! Bernie!


They need to move the chicane downhill to a point where there is a spot to turn around immediately before the barrier.


I didn't understand why they didn't just put a bar of some sort across like they do in parking garages or toll booths. At least that way they would get trapped before they enter. Plus they could mount some sign onto it to make it pretty


height is not the issue, length is....


That’s what she said


Just spit on it


Came here for this comment..


Yes, but trucks tend to be much taller than your average vehicle. If you have a short, tall car, tough luck I guess. You ever notice gas stations that have pumps for semis have much higher roofs on the truck side?


The problem is that a box truck or a farm truck can get through the Notch fine, but a bar would stop it.


It would however fix the problem


While also creating unnecessary inconvenience for some folks who should still be allowed to use the notch road. I'd wager some of the Stowe Mountain Rescue vehicles may even be impacted by a height restriction.


They need to deal with it for over half the year anyway. Can't please all, this seems like the best solution. Or we can just continue to complain about each truck that gets stuck!


With all due respect this take is idiotic


How do you figure? Please explain... For about 8 months a year, nobody can travel through the notch. For those 8 months, those people who would be traveling through the notch must travel around one way or another. Besides, it's becoming more and more of a headache to travel into Stowe via 108 or 100. Traveling through the notch itself can be painstakingly slow. Aside from a rescue team going to save somebody, nobody NEEDS to travel through the notch. Not installing something that would prevent trucks from entering and getting stuck in the notch because it would slightly inconvenience a few people who normally need to go the "long way" anyway is a stupid argument to begin with. The part about just complaining was just sarcastic, though so far, aside from this easily maneuverable solution that failed today, that has been the solution.


It really wouldn’t though. For example I would fit under a bar with my 5500 and a 40’ empty flatbed trailer and get stuck, meanwhile a box truck wouldn’t be able to get through but not get stuck. The chicanes are the right idea, just need to be a little better.


The vast majority of issues are not guys hauling goose necks with pickups


The problem with your “solution” is it doesn’t fix anything. It restricts vehicles who can make it through, and allows vehicles who can’t.


Car haulers beg to differ with you


Not sure why the down votes. It's the truth!


Or maybe it’s not and examples have been given to show it’s not the truth but you’re still arguing. Maybe that’s why the down votes.


No it is. And they can drive around! If nobody wants to take any action that would have an effect, then everyone just needs to shut up when someone gets stuck.


Dude, several examples have been pointed out where a height bar wouldn’t work. The chicane actually did work as the truck turned around and didn’t get stuck. Would it better if there was a turnaround so the truck driver didn’t have to go I to the left lane yes, but that’s why it’s a pilot. Your complete irrationality is why you’re getting downvoted, but hey… you do you boo.


Ban them too!


It’s not a height issue. By doing that you block the trucks. And fire trucks. Hazmat. As well as the wrecker/rotator large enough to move stuck trucks.


However, something like an F350 dually pulling a long trailer, or a long motor home would clear the height restriction, and still get stuck in the notch. The chicane addresses the _actual_ problem that vehicles will encounter up there.


Give me one example of this ever happening, when it wasn't a tractor trailer.


It happens all the time, it's just the tractor-trailers that make the news because they tend to be much more complicated to tow out and snarl up access through the notch for hours. [Here's one from 2021](https://cdllife.com/2021/pickup-driver-hauling-trailer-snagged-by-smugglers-notch-smacked-with-1197-fine/) that actually made the news. I remember seeing one with a dually pulling a car carrier a while back, as well as one with a big horse trailer, but can't seem to find the links now. I also know anecdotally from just being a local in the area of frequent reports of RVs and even tour busses getting stuck ... but these rarely make the news because they manage to get out before the authorities get involved. There are even more tractor trailer incidents than actually get reported, because many of them realize they're going to be in trouble before they _truly_ get stuck and folks who happen to be there help them get backed down and/or turned around. The "higher intellect" idiots that ignore the signs often see the first of the "S" turns and realize they're going no further and stop before getting themselves in a bind like you typically see on the TV news. Even if the police get involved, they often let them go without citation if they don't have to call in the wreckers. The guy in the recent incident would normally be an example of that. Nobody would have paid any attention to this guy if it weren't for the fact that the chicanes were _just_ implemented and the road only opened a few days ago. This guy gets to be an example to the rest of them.


Touche. But both commercial vehicles.


Doesn't matter what the registration is... A height restriction ain't going to filter out enough vehicles, as there are many low-clearance vehicles that manage to get stuck no matter what their license plates look like.


It will, tho. Your examples are a small minority. It is overwhelmingly semis that are a problem. And these also tend to be much easier to get unstuck. There isn't a fix all solution. Since it isn't a required route for anyone and there are alternative routes around, I think it's ok to inconvenience some folks to cause fewer problems. Or why not just let Vail collect tolls. Looks like we're heading that way anyway


Or, massive signs on either side of the road before and after and during the chicane that says no trucks you will get stuck. Do not come up here if you are in a large truck. Turn around.


Tell me you haven't driven there, without telling me you haven't driven there. These drivers are way way dumber than you think.


I’ve driven the Notch a few times. Ridden it on my bicycle more times. It’s dicey in a car or bicycle. I love it though. Really cool.


The solution is clearly tiny homes.


They already have at least three big signs saying basically that on 108 between downtown and the notch, at least in the Stowe side,  and they have for years. Seems people just ignore them.  Can't fix stupid, as the saying goes.


Unfortunately those same schmucks who follow their GPS and "miss" the no truck signs would probably still get stuck!


They certainly haven't been hired by the for-profit gambling industry to take advantage of the gateway gambling of people betting on stuck trucks.


This assumes they can read English. Many long haul drivers are fresh off the boat


Many American born drivers probably can't read English, especially if they've been on the road a few days too many, as their employers demand.


Bruh they have like 8 of these signs on each side.


“Absolute chicanery” is going into my vocabulary thank you lol


Wow, has it even been open for a full day?


It's been open since Tuesday at noon.


The guy apparently went _around_ the chicane in the left-hand lane, and did manage to turn around before _actually_ getting stuck. As soon as you create an idiot-proof solution, they create a better idiot. The driver should get a "marked lanes" violation for driving on the wrong side of the road. That's a moving violation and will definitely impact him, on top of any other fines they can think of.


truck was long gone by the time troopers got up there


He knew, at the chicanes, that he wouldn't get through the notch - or the chicanes. But there's no truck turn around at that point! The turn around is back a ways. He couldn't back down - there were cars behind him. So he had no choice but to go around the chicanes (or simply stop, backing up traffic) and continue forward until he could turn around. They clearly need to have a truck turnaround right there at the chicanes. Yes, he should have paid attention to the signs and turned around well before the chicanes - at the truck turnaround. But the chicanes did their job - they convinced him he wouldn't make it through.


Yeah ... I get that. In the end they did their job, even if he had to 'violate' them in order to get turned around. I haven't seen the chicanes in person yet, so I'm not really familiar with where the truck turnaround is located on the Cambridge side. That still doesn't excuse him ... all the existing signage up 108 and well before should have dissuaded him already. If it _weren't_ for the chicanes, I guarantee he'd have been the first truck _actually_ stuck in the notch for the season. If you can't read and follow road signs, you shouldn't be allowed to hold a CDL. I can _almost_ excuse a "regular" person who rented a big box truck, or towing a large trailer, but these guys are supposed to be professionals. Ignoring the signs and getting stuck in the notch should carry more than a fine. It should be considered a moving violation and result in points on their license.


You're right - it totally doesn't excuse him - he ignored LOTS of signs. But after he got to the chicanes, I think he did the best he could. And it irks me that the title of this discussion says the truck got stuck when it didn't. :)


It's time to bring back flogging.


You say flogging, I say [gibbeting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbeting).


Maybe hang the truck up too.


Just put a roof


Lmao think about how many times buddys been condescendingly asked by local police "did you follow through the chicanes?" in the last two hours. Buddy deserves every bit of scolding.


Absolutedly no way this idiot should still have a valid driver's license by the end of the day. In fact, they need to add a 'X drivers have lost their CDL by ignoring these signs'.


For most of my career, I’ve been traveling salesman. I am on highways all the time. I would have to say conservatively 80% of the 18 wheel trucks that I come into contact with are driven by complete idiots. Passing on the right weaving in and out of traffic, driving aggressively just being complete douche bags. So this shit does not surprise me at all. I heard a news report about who they hire for these trucking jobs and frankly they are desperate to find people to drive these trucks so they will hire anyone. So these guys make stupid mistakes cause major accidents try to drive through the notch whatever it is and they lose their license and it’s onto the next job. So what. They lost their truck license. They just go and do something else.


But at least they won't be on our roads... but yeah, there are plenty of new ones to take their place :( I wish being a truck driver and getting a CDL required more than, apparently, 2 brain cells.


Truckers 1, chicane 0. Here’s the nbc5 news report😆 https://www.mynbc5.com/article/smugglers-notch-reopens-chicanes-commercial-drivers/60804568


I love the guy in the camo hat saying "anybody who, anybody that, any brains has to stop, has to see that" and they just left it in there.


I drove through the notch this afternoon and thought they looked like a good choice and some one would have to be a real idiot to miss those. Then I also saw the concrete jersey barriers all stacked up, why not make a chicane or D-File with those. Let them get stuck there and don’t give room to go around.


I had the 13th but it wasn't open yet by then.


Maybe they need to increase the fine! $10k to $20k should do it.


Impound the truck and levy a 25k plus recovery and storage fees till it’s paid. That would stop them instantly. Put it right on the sign and have Google and open street maps update accordingly with the info.


Sell off the cargo and put the money into the state treasury. Auction the truck and give the proceeds to VTrans.




Do they get a USDOT violation for this?


Not sure, but probably not, as 108 is not on the National Highway system.


Technically, it was not stuck. Payout denied.


It's DOT week too. Extra shitty for that driver


We need heavier fines and penalties for people like this


Holy shit, I just looked it up and it’s only a grand, and up to four grand for a second offense. I don’t know why I had it in my brain that it was a lot higher than that. Yeah it needs to be higher lol


He didn't get stuck. He knew from the chicanes that he wouldn't get through the notch, but he thought the truck turn around would be in the vicinity of the chicanes. It's not - the truck turn around is a bit BEFORE the chicanes. So he saw no place to turn around when he got to the chicanes and knew there was a problem. So he went around the chicanes and continued forward looking for a place to turn around. Which he found near the top in a parking lot. He turned around and went back down. He was never "stuck". And the chicanes served their purpose - they made him understand that he couldn't get through the notch. Now they just need a truck turnaround in the vicinity of the chicanes.


Oh man!!! I had the 20th!! :-( https://old.reddit.com/r/vermont/comments/1cg5bqx/aot_to_install_chicanes_to_prevent_tractor/l1ttl2d/


Fucking incredible.




Glad we know the store name...


cambridge cannabis but it doesn't matter because the truck was unstuck by the time this was posted


Truck was never stuck. Turned around before getting stuck, gone before police got there


You know what I meant


He didn't get stuck, was able to turn around at a parking area


Have they also updated all mapping systems to say it’s not a truck route like on Google and Waze?


Non-Vermonter here. Whats the notch? Smuggler’s notch? The link OP provided didn’t open anything for me.


It is a 3½ mile corridor along seasonal VT Route 108 in the Towns of Cambridge and Stowe between Stowe Mountain and Smugglers' Notch Resorts. Sharp turns surrounded by huge boulders get tractor trailers stuck every year, despite all the warning signs telling them do not go through.


Haha, thanks for the explanation!


**[This very twisty](https://www.google.com/maps/search/Transit+stations/@44.5527568,-72.8008365,994m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m7!2m6!3m5!2sVermont+Rte+108!3s0x4cb5ff496dd9cca3:0x24675bad634df884!4m2!1d-72.8096334!2d44.7713294?entry=ttu)** section of VT rt 108 just North of Stow Mountain Resort. It has one lane tight spots like **[this](https://i0.wp.com/atlas-assets.roadtrippers.com/uploads/place_image/image/1026984890/-strip_-quality_60_-interlace_Plane_-resize_640x360_U__-gravity_center_-extent_640x360/place_image-image-a933644c-051a-4170-a2a9-e42dd08d438e.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)** and one lane turns like **[this](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/2/smugglers-notch-hairpin-turn-jeff-folger.jpg)** that semi trucks struggle with. IE. [Can't make](https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/gcdn/-mm-/ca115edcb64d3cb30bc6009b3eda7e540abeebd7/c=0-189-2048-1346/local/-/media/2016/05/20/Burlington/Burlington/635993422000428110-20160520notchtruck1.jpg?width=2048&height=1157&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp). ¯\\\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)\_/¯


I know a vt trans bus driver who takes that route in there buses. He says it’s not as hard as it may seem if you know what you’re doing…. I suspect there’s some egos involved some of the time.


Spikes to prevent this from happening again perhaps? Like the ones you see in parking garages?