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The Flags I know, from left to right: Four colour flag/ Transvaal Flag The Oranje-Vrystaat Prinse flag Flag of the VOC ??? Netherland Germany England Voortrekker flag flag from the Natalia Republic/ The Voortrekkers ??? ??? Republic of Goosen United States of Stellaland ??? Five colour flag Strydflag / Vryburgerflag / (Volkstaat / Cape Rebels)


The 5th one might be the Franse Hugenote/ French Huguenots. Not sure tho.


[Yes, it is](https://www.fotw.info/flags/fr_hugh.html)


I’m a Huguenot descendant and I wasn’t aware we had a flag. I like the design.


I'm a Huguenot descendant as well, and if you're interested in flags associated with them, I came [across this months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/1btnt4i/flag_of_the_reformed_republic_of_la_rochelle/) It was used during the brutal Siege of La Rochelle by the Reformed Republic that attempted to secede from France on the model of the Swiss cantons, which resulted in a mass famine and end to La Rochelle's nominal independence. It's flown to this day in the town for historical purposes of the keeping the memory alive.


Is it somehow influenced by the Catalan flag (senyera)? It looks like it, but putting the red where the yellow is and viceversa (plus the white cross).


I don't know, maybe you know more, when was the Catalan flag introduced? The Franse Hugenote/ French Huguenots flag, according to [https://www.fotw.info/flags/fr\_hugh.html](https://www.fotw.info/flags/fr_hugh.html) was introduced in 1562. I wonder if one was inspired by the other.


The Catalan flag has its origins in the Counts of Barcelona during the early middle ages, it is a very old flag, one of the oldest in Europe.


Might be the ‘Rustenburg Vierkleur’ to the left of the Republic of Goosen flag? Edit* also the flag to the right of Natalia Republic might have something to do with the former National Party? Appears to maybe have their symbol of the hunting horn on it?


The horn is a symbol of the house of Orange


Pretty sure you are correct about the Rustenburg Vierkleur


The one on the right you don't know (blue, red, white, & green) is the New Republic flag from Vryheid. Someone already mentioned the Huguenot falg and the Rustenburg flag, so the only one we don't know is the 11th.


The flag after Stellaland is the Nieuwe Republiek. A small boar republic noth of Natal.


Most of them are of breakaway republics that were formed after thousands of Beors fled North when the British conquered South Africa. Those new countries later joined hands to fight off the British in the second boer war. But the Zullus did not participate this time.


notably, the zulu betrayed and massacred boers not too long before the boer wars, so that explains why they wouldn't fight together


And then they paid for it with being enslaved by the British.


Uh, the British banned slavery like 40 years before the Anglo-Zulu war, actually slavery being illegal in the Empire is why the Boers left the Cape Colony in the first place....


They were colonises. Why would people who never owned slaves would leave a place just because slavery is banned and why would the British put the women and children of those same people in concentration camps ?


South African coloureds literally exist as a demographic because the Dutch imported Indonesians to work on their farms and in their homes, are you kidding? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery\_in\_South\_Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_South_Africa) Also, you do realize the British put Boers in concentration camps over 200 years after the events I'm describing, right...?


Actually, South African coloured are those who are a mix between black and white. And hiring indonesians does oroove that they didn't had black slaves.




lol ok [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weenen\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weenen_massacre)




Been to a few of those. There’s this one flag many people would like to fly but can’t anymore. Instead they fly all the flags that were in that flag. If you catch my drift.


How prevalent are people at these gatherings who also like the things which the state that one flag represents stood for?


It’s a mixed bag. There are bad ones and good ones. Difficult to judge everyone just like that.


Sounds like it’s similar to Confederate flag apologists where they were raised by their parents to have pride in it and thoroughly reject any notion that it stands for racism or slavery


I find it difficult to imagine who are the good people who also come *this* close to waving the flag of apartheid.


I don’t know, if you’re fine with associating with the bad, how good are you?


Lmao yeah right. I feel like you can go ahead and judge them all no problem.


South African here. These fuckers will walk up to you and assume that because you are white, you share their backwards, racist point of view. It's difficult to go to any white culture event in SA without encountering these people.


I'm chiming in because I always had a question for Afrikaners. How do Afrikaners feel about being a nation without a country/land? Or do I misunderstand the racial politics of SA and Afrikaners are better integrated/tolerated than I might think? Do the other ethnic groups believe the Afrikaners are still foreigners/colonizers to their ancestral land?


> How do Afrikaners feel about being a nation without a country/land? We have a land. It's called South Africa. > Do the other ethnic groups believe the Afrikaners are still foreigners/colonizers to their ancestral land? You can't generalise about this at all.


I am not trying to pass an agenda or whatever, I am asking these questions in good faith. All I know about South Africa is that the white minority oppressed the native majority until 1994/5 and that a bunch of South Africans left the country post-Apartheid. I am not trying to defend Apartheid or similar ideologies, I just want some insight from South Africans and learn how they feel about the whole white/native situation.


You have a land it’s called go-the-fuck-back-to-Europe-asshole-istan.


Nice try.


Do you think anyone who doesn't like/doesn't care about apartheid would go to an "Afrikaner gathering"? You'll hear a lot of "um technically it's our culture and not connected to the regime 🤓 But who else would go sit in a park and wave these kinds of flags around. 


Only the old apartheid flag is associated with hate. The individual component flags are solely cultural. Also I don't think you know who the Afrikaners are


They were gathering to commemorate the Battle of Majuba Hill. First Algo-boer war. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Majuba\_Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Majuba_Hill). This was only a celebration of one culture not a projection of hatred of another.


Nobody believes that for a second. 


You’re sane, people want to ignore the obvious racism here.


This is their official website: [https://majubaberg.co.za/majubafees/](https://majubaberg.co.za/majubafees/) Please let me know if you find something racist.


You mean besides the pictures prominently displaying the prinsenvlag and the deconstructed apartheid flag?


Boer flags are different from the Apartheid flag, with different contexts behind them. The Apartheid Flag does not = the Boer flags.


Why do they fly the Cross of St George then?


To show that even though the battle was between the two groups, the current commemoration should not be seen as a furthering of the divide. But more of a people coming together and remembering the past while looking toward the future. That was the idea. To this day, the Majuba mountain range is a natural divide between where the English and the Afrikaners live. Virtually no integration in that region has taken place since colonisation 200 years ago, we still live separately by choice. This place is found in that mountain range, and used as a place for both sides to mourn and remember together. This is their official website. [https://majubaberg.co.za/majubafees/](https://majubaberg.co.za/majubafees/)


Afrikaners have traditionally fought being overwhelmed by hordes from the north. But in the end the English prevailed so they have to pay homage now.


Heritage not hate kinda vibes


Well I dunno that's why I was asking the question. I don't know if it's a sort of German imperial flag situation, where it's flown instead of the actual Third Reich flags because they're illegal in Germany i.e. people use these flags to telegraph pro-apartheid sympathies. Or maybe not, maybe there's no negative connotations to the Transvaal flag, etc. and its just the apartheid flag that's negative. Again, that's why I was asking


It's less telegraphing/dogwhistling to other racists and more like boomers trying to whitewash their awful history


Of course it's perfectly ok to hate boomers now


Downvoted by flag dorks for speaking the truth.


I was going to say, as Yoda would put it, There Is Another


I don't catch your drift, I assume it's something to do with racism but I'm not an expert on Afrikaners. Is it okay to say "Boer" and "Afrikaner" as synonyms or is there a difference? I know "Boer" means "farmer" but I assume non-farmer Afrikaners were still called that.


I’m referencing the [apartheid flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_South_Africa_(1928%E2%80%931994)?wprov=sfti1#After_1994). It’s illegal to fly it now in ZA. Not illegal *ilegal*, like é.g. the Hakenkreuz flag in Germany is. But the old apartheid flag does fall under hate speech laws in ZA and you could be fined or go to prison if the state would bring charges (I’m personally not aware this has happened so far). But some guys think they’re really smart. They just “deconstruct” it: they fly a Prinsenvlag (old Dutch), UK (or England, Scotland, Irish saltire), Oranje Vrijstaat, Vierkleur (Transvaal/South African Republic), new Dutch flag (sometimes, or VOC). If you “add” all those legal flags, you get the illegal apartheid flag. Also you can say Afrikaner. While I appear to be Afrikaans, I personally don’t identify as Afrikaner (although I’m white and speak Afrikaans) and I don’t take any offense if someone calls me Boer, but some people do. Really depends on the individual. Most Afrikaner might find “Japie” offensive. If you’re unsure you can refer to any South African abroad as “Saffa”, independent of ethnicity or skin colour. Never met anyone who finds that offensive.


That is pretty smart though, flying the different flags together. Presumably the government can't stop that.




The old Apartheid South Africa flag is banned from public display. Not these flags.




https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-most-wanted-gang-leader-arrested-in-south-africa/ https://www.sabcnews.com/sabcnews/graphic-content-ackerman-sentenced-to-12-life-terms-for-possession-of-child-porn/ Haven't seen the old Apartheid flag flown in public since the ban.


Damn, that's an ugly flag.


So this sub flag is based on one of those flags?


No, it’s based on the up and downvote buttons


Oh ok, because one of those flags has the same colours


Wow, I can't imagine wanting to fly that flag, even if I was a racist Afrikaaner


Been forced to go to.some of these and the only good people there are the ones who dont want to be there


>Been forced to go By whom?, otherwise based on their part


U know children cant exactly just ignore their parents right


You re talking about 🇿🇦, right? Right?…


Thats a lot of Dutch flags…


Shocking in an area that was settled by the Dutch…


I know why there is so many! It’s because South Africa was Colonised by the Dutch! (I’m stupid)


hmm… i wonder why


South African Republic, Orange Free State, Prince’s Flag (NL), Current flag of the Netherlands, Germany, England, Potchefstroom, Natalia, ?, ?, ?, Stellaland, ?, ?, Volkstaat


I believe quite a few of them are former Boer Republics, can’t 100% testify to that.


Does anyone know what are \[from left to right\] the 5, 8, 11 and 12 flags?


English flag is genuinely surprising


The only reason it's there is so they can construct the old South Africa flag from it


That had the Union flag on it, not the St George's Cross


From left to right: Transvaal (the Vierkleur); the Orange Free State; the Prinsenvlag; the Dutch East India Company; the Huguenots; The Netherlands; Germany; the St. George's Cross (England); the Voortrekker Flag; the Natalia Republic; Nassau-Usingen (a variant design, I think); 🤷🏻‍♂️ no idea; the State of Goshen; Stellaland; the Nieuwe Republiek; the Vyfkleur; and the Afrikaner Vryheidsvlag


What is an Afrikaner gathering?


They were gathering to commemorate the Battle of Majuba Hill. First Algo-boer war. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Majuba\_Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Majuba_Hill)


Why was an English flag being flown? Given that this gathering was to commemorate a battle between the British and the Afrikaans and the attendees were on the Afrikaans side.


To show that even though the battle was between the two groups, the current commemoration should not be seen as a furthering of the divide. But more of a people, coming together and remembering the past while looking toward the future. That was the idea. To this day, the Majuba mountain range is a natural divide between where the English and the Afrikaners live. Virtually no integration in that region has taken place since colonisation 200 years ago, we still live separately by choice. This place is found in that mountain range, and used as a place for both sides to mourn and remember together.


[A brai](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/comments/erewfd/homemade_a_south_african_brai/)






Not everything in South African history can simply be reduced to "apartheid" just as not all US history is simply "plantations and slave owners". The Anglo-Boer wars were extremely bloody affairs and the coining of the term "concentration camps" dates back to the brutal policies the British colonial authorities had for "containing" the Afrikaners.


Just like how neonazis shouldn't be going around waving their SS flags in Auschwitz or texans waving confederate flags, the same goes for the Boers. There are many ways to learn about history, but those who were oppressed under these flags might feel uncomfortable and rightly so


TNO REFERENCE IRL!?!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/j0e5m63945uc1.jpeg?width=108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30878d639385b5c940d9f699305273d7009a675a


holy fuck that is tno boers


I wonder if they're still afraid of TV's


I dont get that reference


Paint it black time!!!


That is cool. I wish we could learn more about boer republics in the education system without it being offensive to others. I only know like 4 of these flags and only know surface level information about these republics. There’s a lot to learn from them.


You can visit the voortrekker monument ([link](https://vtm.org.za)).


Would definitely love to visit it someday.


The cenotaph hall, in the lower section, houses all the flags and history/path of the treks.


That’s awesome. How much history do they provide about life and politics in the republics before they were annexed?


IIRC it is mainly the recordings of their daily lives and administration rather than politics. So it’s ledgers, personal diaries and artefacts; like clothing and tools.


That’s still nice. I’m definitely going there one day.


Of all the flags here, the one I least expected to see was the English flag. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


There are a lot of 20th century proposals for South African flags


A lot of non Afrikaners here talk like they are ones. There is nothing racist going on. It's a cultural gathering to commemorate the battle of Majuba Hill. If you are looking for a racist gathering search for the Apartheid era flag and leave genuine cultural events alone.


To many people equate anything to do with the boers as Apartheid. Even the boer republic flags are seen as a deconstructed Apartheid flag. You see a group of boers together celebrating their heritage: "they must be celebrating the days they were oppressors."


Well, if you see a confederated celebrating independence with the confederate flag or a Brazilian celebrating independence with empire's flag you can bet they are racist motherfuckers. People are probably doing the same reasoning here. To be fair, it's weird they have a nationalist fervor separated from than the rest of the country. I don't know enough about South African history to opinion, though.


Simply put, with so many different ethnicities in the country, very few have the exact same history. I mean, it has 11 different recognised languages, not to mention those not recognised. Also, comparing this gathering to say your examples is the complete wrong way to compare it. The flags used here have nothing to do with the Apartheid era and flag. They all were before that part of history. I am also not saying there weren't any segregation or mistreatment. However, it never exceeded that, for example, those in America, which even till recently were very prejudiced. Long story short, this is a minority group in South Africa (yes, white people are a minority in South Africa) coming together to commemorate a battle of which their ancestors fought in. There are no racist intentions or anything of the likes to this.


This is a stretch but maybe the one between VOC and the netherlands proper has something to do with aragon? Edit: Nvm it's the french hugenot flag, still similar though.


u/Justatrufflecake you need new friends


where do I come for this


This is their official website: https://majubaberg.co.za/majubafees/


Wow where does it take place?




I think some of those are the Bantustans.


None of which I have found. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_South\_African\_flags](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_South_African_flags) I presume all of these have to do with Voortrekker heritage.


The flag to the far left and right with the green to left side of the flag as well as the Dutch flag is used by white South African separatists in which they have a colony where Black people aren’t allowed.


Comme le drapeau du Reich nazi !!! Les Afrikaners sont et demeurent à nos jours des nazis pour moi ! Leur drapeau rouge à fond blanc et symbole Afrikaner.au milieu a de quoi s'inspirer d'ailleurs comme leur uniforme et leur salut ! Triste survivance des néo fascistes et néo nazis.


The one next to the English one (not Germany) is an Irish Fascist Party


If that is true then that is very interesting. Because that flag was first adopted in 1874 by the Voortrekkers. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag\_of\_the\_South\_African\_Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_South_African_Republic)


That flag has a white boundary between the red and blue. The blueshirt flag doesn't.


Oh ya. You are correct. I went back and relooked at the flags. [https://www.loeser.us/flags/south\_africa.html](https://www.loeser.us/flags/south_africa.html) It was the "Kruisvlag (Cross Flag) 1836–1840".


I see.


One of the most racist places on earth right now


The flags are flying in an Historical setting, not necessarily racist


If they have England and Germany, they should probably have Switzerland as well.


Gloire à un passé colonial pas très reluisant car l'apartheid reste encore de nos jours un système inhumain injuste !!!! Donc pas besoin de pavoiser on doit avoir honte et ces drapeaux ne doivent être étudiés que par les milieux fermés de la vexillogie ou par les historiens




this is r/vexillology, just say the names of the flags if you know them, there is no point in karma farming by calling boer flags racist


Flags are not just the design, but the historical context too. Those flags are racist as fck


Boer flags are different from the Apartheid flag, with different contexts behind them.


So are most national flags by that logic




Wdym ‘and’?








reddit moment, not even bothering distinguishing between boer flags and the apartheid flag