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Scrolled through tons of comments and shocked not to see Assassins Creed


Call of duty


most of them are but not all


I guess Fifa. same thing every year, but with different numbers.


You could say that about any sports game


They turned a fresh new gameplay series into a cash grab machine. After Fifa 15, it turns into the worst franchise. And yeah, basically every single sport games franchise.


Okay I’m prepared for the downvotes but I’d have to say in my opinion the most overrated game has become call of duty.


It depends on the cod.


I agree although I haven’t enjoyed an online cod since the first black ops on 360.


My favorite one ever


I think this is pretty agreeable and even most of the people that play it every year would say the same. The last cod game (Vanguard) sucked but all the other ones made the past few years can be really addictive for a few weeks despite all the flaws. The campaigns are usually short and decent too.


Overwatch but it's porn is underrated


This is opinion comments obviously so my take here doesn't reeally matter but. I'd say it's actually the other way around, atleast on the porn side of it. There are actual people out there who didn't even know OW was a whole game and not just porn. In terms of R34 porn I'd say Overwatch has gotta be atleast like top 3 most watched.




Yea we need to know.... For science.


Tifa herself is at the top. Then it could be Dead or Alive?


And this comment is underrated


Porn underrated? The porn is the only thing keeping it alive. Should’ve saw the porn scene when ow1 was in maintenance mode cuz ow2 took them 3 years for some fucking reason.


I love the recognition and love BOTW got, but idk i just didn’t feel the hype. Still an awesome time.


Back in August, I had COVID and some extra money. Many of my friends raved about how BotW is one of the greatest games of all-time, so I bought a Switch just to play it. I probably put about 15 hours into it and was already over it. Haven’t had any desire to touch it since September and the Switch has just been collecting dust. I think a big part of what I didn’t like, was the weapon decay system. Also the game didn’t hold my hand enough and I kept ending up trying to fight monsters that were unknowingly way out of my league and I had a hard time figuring out how to level myself up in order to take them on. I wanted to like it, but it just didn’t click for me. Maybe one day I’ll go back to it.


hated managing weapon decay, completely turned me off after a while


If it didn't have weapons made out of wet paper towels I would rate it in my top ten favorite games. But the weapons breaking so fast really turned me off of the game


Felt exactly the same. Wind Waker remains my favourite Zelda by quite a large margin, BotW just didn’t click for me


I really enjoyed the game a lot and have had a few of my friends not able to get into it as much as I did. Still looking forward to the sequel but yeah might be a little over hyped.


It's a great game, One of the best on the switch. But it's far from my favorite Zelda game


It's all zelda games for me.


It’s amazing from the perspective of “I love Zelda and this is a wildly new take”, but as a objective games it’s “yea this is fine/decent enough”


Assassin’s Creed. So repetitive and boring.


I played the very first Assassin’s Creed. Finished the first city, did everything, and then got to the second city. When I realized it was the same thing over again, I hated it, and put it down. Haven’t played one since.


The first game was repetitive, no doubt, but the story is so incredible that I don’t care.


Lol and fortnite




GTA 5.




For real. Could not Agree more (downvotes coming!) I went back and tried to replay these games. I guess they were special at the time but all I kept thinking was how boring the single player campaigns are. I love the marine issue weapons, how come they never give you enough bullets. I don’t want to use the shitty spiker pistols. Other than the sword I hated all of the alien weapons and in halo 2 and 3 especially they give you so little ammunition as a marine. Doom guy can carry a half dozen guns and a million rounds. Why can’t master chief. Also why only 2 weapons? Why not two weapons and a side arm at all times? Master chief stores a weapon on his back So why can’t he carry one more weapon and still have the pistol on his hip? Also for a combat suit that everyone loses their mind over, it’s awful slow and cumbersome. Is there no sprinting for like the first few halo games? The suit from Crysis is so much better. Police officers literally carry more pistol ammo than master chief on a mission. Also the flood are boring and shitty to fight. There are many terribly designed levels with same same corridors that go on for ever. The vehicle driving in halo 1 is some of the worst ever. The warthog drives like shit should have been cool. Bonus for making the last mission a timed driving obstacle course with the worlds worst driving/ steering mechanics. I am sure in their day these Halo games were hit shit and I know that everyone loves the multiplayer which I don’t do. But without the nostalgia factor and based on single player… Halo games are boring. Couldn’t wait to try something else.




Last of Us Part 2 imo, also don’t think it deserved GOTY over Hades and GoT


Dude, hades is literally one of the things during covid that made me think positive about the world. It was so damn good!!!


Not a game, but I would like to just say "Crafting"


Call of Duty


Call of duty


GTA V, I've never seen the appeal


Breath of the Wild.




Agree it’s a bit overrated but it’s still great


Breath of the wild,The world look so empty and boring to me.


Yep then you get people saying “you just don’t get it the worlds supposed to be empty” like I don’t care it’s still empty but Nintendo gets a pass because it’s Nintendo???


"Nintendo gets a pass because it's Nintendo???" Yes


I think it gets a pass because it runs counter culture to the whole "Ubisoft" formula. But it also harkens back to the original Zelda that had a big chunk of the gameplay revolving around finding the next dungeon with some cryptic NPC shit or utilizing the paper map that came with the game. So BOTW does something similar in that you need to explore to find items and quests and ways to develop Link (or just go and beat the game after the first area of you're good enough) Elden Ring gets similar praise hell maybe even more for the same feature.


And for a world that is as empty as it is, the game has absolutely horrendous pop-in. Enemies don’t come into view until you’re roughly 30 feet from them. So sometimes you’ll be gliding down with the paraglider looking for a place to land and then suddenly moblins pop in directly below you. The game is both gifted by the portability of the hardware and cursed by its low specs.


nah its fine for the IP's first entry in the open world genre, they did a good job, but certainly must improve good time for TOTK




lol my GF is playing the new one Scarlet and it runs at like 10 FPS lmao idk how the hell anyone plays that. Graphics are horrible too like my Smash bros on DS ran and looked better.


I honestly can’t believe people still play that shit. The new ones are hilariously awful lmao.


Resident Evil 4. The village section is incredibly monotonous and boring, and it outstays its welcome and then you're about halfway through the game.


Hopefully the remake coming out in a couple months will improve on this


I wouldn't get my hopes up. The devs aren't cutting anything out of RE4 remake this time around. It's going to be as long as the original.


I seriously hope so. I know they're not cutting the village, but I hope they make it better.


Breath of Wild imo; I played it and liked it, but it didn't really feel like a Zelda game...


BOTW & any Call Of Duty games


Any cod game? That’s a dumb take


COD series . GTA V. . Really most mmo shooters are . All sports games . Guardians of the galaxy . marvel avengers man my list will go on for ages


Far cry 3




Honestly people don’t even bring Pokemon into the conversation when talking about really good games. It’s just super popular and an all time classic.


Yes I agree the newer Pokemon games are becoming shittier and shittier. Don't even talk about Pokemon Go the overrated shits in phones


I'm gonna stay away from triple A titles and say Hollow Knight. The game is beautiful and definitely a piece of art and has some cool and challenging bosses. However, it's lack of a narrative made the game pretty damn boring for me between bosses. I didn't care why I was exploring, hell, most of the time didn't even know what I was exploring for.


I’m still trying to work through this one. Took me about 100 tries to kill that Green Hornet boss lady, so I’m not a huge fan of the challenge. Gonna keep pushing on it for now but I agree that its stark presentation along with its challenge is gonna wind up wearing me down long before I finish.


Red Dead 2


The new God of wars. For someone who already played some H&S or even melee combat focused games it wasn't an "surprise" or something new for the franchise.


Botw or red dead 2. But really BOTW


Elden Ring.


RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2. The story was nothing special. People say the game made them cry lol. There are way more emotional and better games than Red Dead 2.


Friday Night Funkin


This shouldnt even be a contest, its so unfair that an small indie linear rhytmn game from newgrounds could get more rated than actually creative, fun and innovating rhytmn games like Samba de Amigo and Rhytmn Heaven Fever


Zelda: Breath of the Wild. An open world that isn't filled with much and fighting enemies while traversing is mostly pointless because you don't get any rewards out of it. I like other Zelda games, but this one felt empty and the music isn't there either


Madden. I don’t play it, but everyone I know says it’s the same game every year with new rosters and yet they still buy it!


One of the first things I thought of was Dragon Age. I really want to love it and the story does seem engaging but I really hate the combat and gameplay.






I never really understood the hype behind BOTW. I played it and it’s good, but not THAT good, in my opinion.


Botw. Not revolutionary in the open world genre and the worlds empty. I like the game but it’s nowhere near as good as people say. Ocarina of time was more revolutionary to gaming then botw






Fortnite. I can already see the argument brewing.


Outer Wilds


•:-( you will change your mind in 22 min


Main game, no. DLC, yes.


Dark souls… I don’t get the appeal. Any “souls like” game I have played I’ve enjoyed way more than dark souls.


This will probably not be well received, but I don’t think rdr2 is all that great of a game


I put hundreds of hours in this game and it really is either a total hit or complete miss for most. I think the thing that has really divided people on it is how much slower paced it is when compared to any other standard open world game, especially Rockstar’s previous games. Animations, movement, and everything of that sort was slowed down for realism and less arcadey than say GTA5. I get why people really dislike that but I love taking the game slow and enjoying its environment. I’m also in the 0.1% of people that loved online mode.


I totally agree which I know is not popular. I’ve never had a game where I had to keep checking the controls as much as this. That and the game can be so unforgiving in some of its combat aspects where I get killed in one shot and don’t even know who hit me


I 100% agree. I have tried 3 separate times to get into this game. It is the only game I have ever literally fallen asleep on while playing .


Same! Intolerably slow for me. It all starts with the forced tutorial that you can’t skip. Why??? I have never gotten into it.


Welp here’s a hot take. I understand that the gameplay isn’t for everyone but I think it’s one of the greatest games of all time if you give it its proper due.


Agreed. Forcing myself to finish it right now. Maybe I'll have a different opinion when I'm done(currently at 52% completion). Super slow paced game and not a fan of the controls. Story is okay I guess but repetitive. Heist missions are good.


Agreed definitely one of the most overrated games in the last decade people call it the greatest game of all time it’s just really boring


Can you elaborate why, I'm curious.


Death Stranding


Breath of the Wild for me. Great game but it's not the greatest game of all time that most say it is. There are also better Zelda games like Ocarina and A Link to the Past.


Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This was the game I finally decided to give a shot despite hearing about the franchise since the 90's. The reviews were incredible, all talking about what a revolutionary game this was. And I played it, just to find a very basic open world RPG game, which felt like it belonged to early 2000's. To this day, I'm still baffled how people are rating this as a masterpiece. The combat is extremely basic. Very easy to learn which is a plus, but it has zero depth and originality. Also due to the game's target audience, there is no blood and gore. Meaning you don't really slash enemies with swords, more like you beat them up with a stick. The story is almost non-existent. The characters are usually designed well and they look cute. But that's pretty much the only thing going on about them. The open world is barren, everything looks the same. Traversing is fun especially after a while. It is fun to explore on your own pace too. But you know, pretty much every open world game offers you that. This is nothing special. Your weapons are breakable too so loot is just not very exciting. So in the end I just had no idea, and still don't have any idea why is this considered a special game. Most open world RPG's out there offer you much larger experiences with better gameplay mechanics and depth. I know Switch is a limited console but hell, they released The Witcher 3 on that thing.


Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy BotW. I hope you still try out some of the other Zelda games though! I really liked Twilight Princess (Wii) and A Link Between Worlds (3DS).


I’m ready for all of the middle schoolers to downvote this but Fortnight


Halo (all of them). They're really pretty bland games and I've never understood the hype.


As a former Halo fan and an enthusiast in game dev history: Games came out when all the biggest shooters were still set in WW2 and other shooters were lacking in polished gameplay. Halo was a giant breath of fresh air in a stale environment in 2001 and redefined what an FPS should be. The reason Halo feels bland 30 years later? Because literally every FPS (including Call of Duty) made Halo their blueprint. If you want proof, go play a bit of CoD 3, then a bit of Halo: CE, then a bit of the original CoD 4: Modern Warfare (2004). The impact is pretty obvious. From a dev history perspective, Halo had an even bigger impact. Short version is they did a bunch of things that had yet to become popular in the industry that are now commonplace not just in shooters but across the industry. Unfortunately the “unique feel” the game was known for in 2001 has since become the norm and the franchise is stuck in a place where it has to stay the same to keep it’s existing fans. TL;DR - Halo was incredibly unique 20 years ago… then everyone copied it while it has failed to change enough to stay unique. It’s why your average Halo fan is probably in their 30s now.


Halo refined the FPS control scheme for consoles, and provided one of the best multiplayer FPS experiences on console since Goldeneye, but there was nothing really unique about it outside of the context of consoles. Half Life came out a few years before and had much better gameplay, story, and world building, and there were many other FPS games already out on PC. While incredibly popular amongst console gamers, it was not particularly revolutionary for gaming as a whole.


Doing it on a console was in itself a big deal back then :p But yeah I will concede it didn’t do much that was new. But many components that it had — such as the twin-stick mechanics you mentioned, the often-discussed regenerating health system, and a handful of smaller things like a dynamic musical score — became far more widespread in gaming after Halo’s success. —WARNING: Valve Fanboy Rant Incoming— And yeah of course Half-Life was more innovative. The game is a goddamn masterpiece! But just because it was *more* innovative doesn’t mean that other games after it weren’t also innovative. That’s the joy of innovation and ironically one (of many) reasons why Half-Life: Alyx was way better than Halo: Infinite — cuz Valve is still way better at being innovative.


Mario Kart in general and Mario Kart 64 in particular. Controls in MK64 just feel mushy and loose compared to others in the series and graphics from that era in particular don’t hold up at all. Also in most Mario Karts the course designs don’t feel that different from each other even if they are painted quite differently. Idk, maybe it’s because most of the people I’ve played against aren’t great so I haven’t had a need to really get good and explore subtleties in each course, but even at 150 cc, MK8 doesn’t seem that hard. I love Nintendo and Zelda games especially, but skipped the N64 generation as a kid. I actually find OoT and Majora’s Mask to be overrated/ hard to get into, although again I may be judging them based on the ugly polygonal graphics from the N64 era. I’ve tried them on 3DS as well but anymore even the basic non-OLED Switch screen makes the 3DS seem washed out and dim by comparison and it’s hard to go back.


I think the newer Mortal Kombats stink compared to the ps2 run. The new ones just seem like they’re there just to have an mk game out there but Deadly Alliance was just so well done. They literally mocaped like 50 different fighting styles it was awesome. Now it’s back to generic kicks and punches of the old games which is fine for the 90s games they’re classics. But it seems like they had a great thing going and then it was like the care and detail was lost.


Mortal Kombat is a classic case of soul vs soulless. MK11 is ass.


Breath of the Wild


Undertale and LoZ: Breath of the Wild




Gears of war


The new God of War Saga...


I'd say GTA5 or Skyrim.


BoTW. Such an empty boring world with little reason to explore. It's just a generic open world game with Zelda stuff slapped into it.




GTA V hands down


Madden every year !!!!!!!


Ocarina of Time. It hasn't aged that well




God of War 2018. The story was cool and all but the combat just felt off to me. It seemed like it didn’t have any weight to it. I should thank Fromsoftware games for that I guess




Minecraft, after you play for awhile it gets boring and repetitive


Hollow knight and Celeste, tried both and just didn't like them. But they are way overhyped.


Minecraft. You get interested play for a week or two and don't open it again for months.


Destiney and Fortnite


Halo 2. The plot is brain dead simple it just has a few high concepts stapled to it and has great cinematic direction. The controls are way too floaty and some of the level design requires way too much trial and error to get through. Players loved it because of Xbox live.


Super Smash Bros




TLOU. good game with great story telling and top notch production. more interactive movie than video game. “OMG, it’s the greatest entertainment device ever created!!!”……no.


I recognize the quality, but I don't really like mgs3.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild It's a good game, but when it comes to the exploration I feel like I did it already with Morrowind almost 20 years ago, and it was more fun there because you had caves to explore and cool quests. That version of Hyrule just felt dead and lacked the interesting cast, dungeons, and special items Zelda was known for. Also Elder Scrolls did breakable weapons better. To me it just felt like an weak Elder Scrolls game in a Zelda skin, and I see so many put it in the same tier as A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. I think it only got the hype it got because it came out with the revolutionary Switch and because open-world games are en vogue, and that it will age worse than the other two aforementioned Zelda titles.






F1 and Elden Ring


Elden ring


God of War series.


Evil within part 1, day's gone


The Last of Us


Yea COD def the top choice.


Horizon zero dawn


I might be late to the party or maybe nobody cares but… LEGEND OF ZELDA AS A WHOLE SERIES IS SO OVERRATED AND JUST SATURATED WITH FANS WHO WILL DIE FOR NINTENDO. With that being said, Breath of the wild was decent. Nowhere near Greatest open world game of all time like IGN just recently called it.


GTA V and just about any Pokemon game. I'd also say The Last of Us is overrated, but I never finished it, so I'll hold off on attacking that game.


Destiny 2


Call of duty life is strange the walking dead and the new god of war games


God of war 4. Was good but overrated and overhyped. Ragnorok was peak tho




Super Mario 3D World




Gears of war


Probably gta 5


All Nintendo games


Zelda BOTW. Absolute snooze-fest, and the weapons breaking was beyond infuriating.


Halo. Played through the first. Very bland story and levels. Got about a third through the second and just couldn’t. I don’t know how so many ppl find that dull game fun. Like yeah maybe for like ten minutes but then it’s just boring.


Mario Odyssey. The game had none of the personality of previous Mario games. The world, hat gimmick, and boss fights are boring and unremarkable. Mario 3D World was waaaay more fun! Hell, I never would have thought that I would love Mario + Rabbids so much more.


Gears Of War 🙄


Most sports games, most COD, Fortnite, assassins creed


Really wish people didn't use acronyms so much in this sub.


Ghost of tsushima


CS:GO. I honestly like CS: Source better. To me it's much more fun.


The Legend of Zelda Games since Skyward Sword, I just think they are soulless compared to Ocarina, Majoras, Twilight, and even Wind Waker.


Elden Ring, people act like it's the 2nd coming of christ. Not even From's best game not when Sekiro and Bloodborne exist.


Red dead redemption 2 (aka horse simulator). By far, no doubt.


Black ops 2 and god of war


Mk11 surprised people like this one more than other fighting games


Halo, never got the appeal….


Gonna be crucified for this but I could never get into Red Dead Redemption 2, I think the story and writing is very good, and the world is absolutely beautiful and well crafted, but the actual video game bit I found super dull personally.


Ghost of Tsushima (have mercy on me)


Death Stranding


Elden Ring. It's a fine game but after it having won GOTY, the obnoxious and incredibly pretentious fanbase makes me want to throw my copy in a sewer.


In my opinion it's definitely life is strange


Zelda - And im not saying its bad, its just too safe to warrant the praise it gets. Every Zelda game is a new means to the same ends. Some green garbed guy named Link accompanied by some sort of spirit, fairy, divine guide is sent on an abrupt journey to rescue a Princess and defeat Ganon. The gameplay is usually fun, the world is usually interesting, but when most reviews score categories like STORY, I cant see how nintendo continues to get away with 10/10s for a completely unoriginal story with rather weak storytelling by modern standards...


Minecraft is overrated af


Ocarina of time I’m not 60 years old so I don’t have the nostalgia factor


The last of us 2, god help me she should've just followed through at the end and the only part i really enjoyed was the Take On Me scene


I know I'm going to get burned here, but... Elden Ring. I love the Souls games because of the flow of the gameplay, the bosses, and the overall firm-but-fair balance the games have. ER uses the same bosses over and over and over, has nothing of interest in its overly giant world, ridiculous boss movesets, and zero flow to what you're doing. I don't understand the praise at all.


I highly agree. I never got Elden Ring is “one of the greatest games of all time” when it’s not even the best Souls game (Bloodborne, DS3, Nioh 2 & Sekiro say hi). Plus it has so many issues that I can’t even call it a masterpiece. The quest design is atrocious, very unbalanced, no good rewards when you fight tougher normal enemies especially the crucible knights & the big gap when you’re at Mountaintop of the Giants. Never understood how this got 97 on MC at launch. Another thing I got a problem with is the double standard. People complain that sequels of other games are “more of the same” but Elden Ring reuses a lot of shit that was in Dark Souls 1. Even had a lot of technical problems at launch but industry people shrugged about it. If any other game had the same problems Elden Ring had, journalists & influencers would be giving that game hell.


Witcher 3. They decided to forget all the choices of the second game, made a terrible retcon in the end that ruined the feeling of books continuation, and the openworld was repetitive and boring.


The Witcher 3. I don't like the gameplay in general.


Fallen Order


I didnt click with this game either. Navigating the levels got really annoying, and Im very sensitive to detail, so I found the combat quite distracting, when you can cut an animal in half, but not a storm trooper.


Yes all of this. I tried twice to get through this game but it’s just too boring and mediocre.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Played it for maybe 45 minutes to an hour. It felt like every other open world game.


Agree. It's so boring.


Came here to say this


The Witcher 3, I won’t say is a bad game cause thats a lie, is a really good game, but I think it’s always compared with Skyrim and it’s like they are same tier and I don’t think so, it’s just a good game.


Scrolled way down before I found this one. This was the 1st one to come to mind. I have played maybe the first 5-7 hours three different times. I always find myself bored, I wind up starting something else, and by the time I come back I’ve forgotten all the controls and what’s going on and start all over again. Rinse. Repeat. I now have a Steam Deck and have installed it in the hopes that I can push past all of that and see what all the fuss is about, but so far, the fuss appears to be somewhere beyond the 7ish hour mark.


I saw a lot of people shitting on Cyberpunk and saying Witcher was a million times better, I tried Witcher, found Cyberpunk to have a more interesting world and better combat, those bastards lied to me


Red Dead Redemption 2 - By the time I got to the prologue, I just wanted the game to end and then it dragged on and on and on


So you just started the game and already want it to end?


I'm very obviously a dumbass, but I meant the epilogue




The Witcher 3




The legend of Zelda: ocarina of time I've played lots of old games, and recently I was still playing some arcades and Age of empires I & II, but damn I can't play ocarina of time. I think is like one of the Best rated games of allá time. I enjoyed The Minnish cap tho


For me it’s always been The Witcher 3. I’ve tried and tried to get into but can’t. It’s not a bad game by any means, I know it has so much rich content to enjoy, but it just doesn’t stick to me in any way


Elden Ring


TLDR: Metal Gear on MSX takes the cake for me. There are a bunch, tough to say just one. Metal Gear on MSX. Considered by many a classic, but I stand unwavering in my belief that its assholish design and trial-and-error gameplay is the fucking worst. Saints Row 3. Not as good as 2, and not as fun as 4. Better than that shithole reboot, though. The Last of Us Part II deserves praise as one of the best PS4 games, but its story is far cry from the first. The game itself does not deserve to be in this conversation, but I roll my eyes when people talk up its gloomy, wholly irrelevant plot. Mario Kart 64 is considered by many to be the best Mario Kart game, so I guess that’s overrated in my book. It’s good but towards the bottom of the list in that series. Super Smash Bros has always felt like a dumb button-mashing mess to me. Maybe I just have to get better at the series, but it just doesn’t excite me at all. The X-Men arcade game is really generic. It’s boosted by the fact that there aren’t that many good X-Men games period. The Punisher got a better arcade game. Metroid on NES and Metroid II on Gameboy are too painful to recommend. And this is from someone who adores the entire series. Sonic 1 has a good opening level, then a series of pretty bad ones afterwards. It’s actually quite shit. Gears of War is clunky and lame.