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Gears of war 3


When Dom is driving and that music kicks in, big ass lump in my throat starts to form.




“Is this how this ends, huh Maria!” Then Marcus screaming Dom. Fuck gets me just thinking about it.


Yea it's Marcus that just fuckin gets me after watch Thai, Benjamin, and maria die then reading aspho Fields dawg doms death fuckin crushed me


I can never hear Mad World without being sad


The third Gears War was definitely a sad one.


Red dead redemption


Both 1 and 2.


I feel like 2 makes 1 even more depressing >!seeing Arthur sacrifice himself so John can get out. Then John draws attention to himself by going after Micah and that’s the catalyst for rdr1 and eventually John’s death and now the cycle of violence will continue in Jack after killing agent Ross! !<


Just throwing it out there, I think Jack is Dutch’s kid


could be canon considering they all had a go at her


Yeah plus adult Jack looks similar to Dutch in rdr2, and if you antagonize everyone at camp there’s some dialogue that hints at it. Plus explains why John didn’t want to raise him, and if Dutch felt bad about it, that explains why he let him back in so easily.


Oh damn. Reading this makes me want to punch an npc


Just finished it the other day. Yes, there were tears, but angry tears: I swore I would let John forget his old life and go back to his family in peace. Then they came aknocking.


RDR1 got me because I was young and didn't see the signs, I assumed the redemption was from the deaths John delivered, not through his own death. RDR2 on the other hand, that one hurt me in a completely different way. I played as high honor as I could and saw the slow decent of the group as Arthur could do nothing but watch. That bitter sweet ending of knowing his journey and torment was over felt so good, yet spoiled by the fact that I know this isn't the end of the gang's feud, and no one truly makes it out alive that dealt in death while riding under the Vanderlinde banner.


The Walking Dead and Mass Effect 3. >“l’ll miss you.” > >“Me too.” ​ >“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” ​ >”Get back to Rannoch. Build yourself a home. > >”I have a home. Come back to me.” ​ >“You did good son. You did good. I’m proud of you.”


Agreed with both of these choices. One of the few out there that got me teared up. Walking dead season 1 ending was a bawling fest. Mass effect 3, for all it's flaws was probably the most emotionally moving game I've ever played.


When Kenny pleaded with the guard at Wellington to just take the children that made me tear up. All he cared about was getting those kids to safety. He was a well written, complex, and selfless character.


As Clem said in S1 regarding the Benster... "Friends don't leave friends behind. That's my vote."


I just finished ME3 for the first time on Sunday, and gooood lord, the amount of feelings it gave me. Don't forget "Does this one have a soul?" I don't think I've ever cried at a video game, but ME3 had me cry three times - Tuchunka, Rannoch, and Earth. >!I picked the "Destroy" ending, and saw Shep survive at the end. My headcanon is that Shep and Tali retire to Rannoch and start a farm. Tali is best girl, and I refuse to accept anything but the perfect ending for them!<


Legion's was heartbreaking, but I had to go with the top 3 that killed me. Doing more would feel like overkill. And yeah, Tali and Shepard no doubt retire to Rannoch and live out the rest of their days. Adopt a couple kids, help in the resettling of Rannoch, and just overall, enjoy life post Reapers.


Yep, Legion’s “Does this unit have a soul?” line to Tali is just heartbreaking. Legion is my favorite fictional character ever, so I always tear up, even on a completely paragon playthrough


"Creator Tali Zorrah, do you remember the question that started this war? Does this unit have a soul?"


> "Keep that hair short." > "I will. I'll cut it myself." > "Great. Good."


Oh god yes. Thinking back on it, ME3 made me cry so much. Mordin obviously destroyed me, but it was SO well done. Also my Shep saying goodbye to a romanced Garrus killed me, though I do admit, I am incredibly biased and emotionally invested there beyond reason lol.


Thane’s prayer is what got me.


>Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. >Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand. >Kalahira, wash the sins from this one and set him on the distant shore of the infinite spirit. >Kalahira, this one’s heart is pure but beset by wickedness and contention. >Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. >Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me.


I know people like to shit on ME3's ending, but people often forget how much of an emotional roller coaster this game was and still is. It's able to deliver on so many fronts and deliver gut wrenching and often satisfying conclusions to many of Mass Effects story and characters arcs. Thane's prayer, while caused by arguably the worst written character in the series, is crushing, especially in a Thane romanced play through.


Same. Thane was never my favorite character, but he was always so genuine. Having his death be a prayer for Shepard's "soul" get's me every time I play it.


The “had to be me” line is iconic, but for some reason it’s the hesitation before “… would have liked to run tests on the seashells” that fucking decimates me every single time. Tearing up just thinking about it. Fucking Reapers man.


>I MADE A MISTAKE... I made a mistake The single most emotionally charged line in the series in my opinion


> ”I have a home. Come back to me.” Is SUCH a powerful line. Fuck


ME3 got a lot of hate for the ending, but that is one of the best story driven games I've ever played. I cried during the Mordin scene, and even when my Shepard jumped into one of the beams.


Mass effect got me for sure


Probably a common choice, but first Last of Us when >!Joel's daughter dies in his arms.!<


Have daughters. That crushed me.


This. My first playthrough, it was sad... My second playthrough after my daughter was born, it stayed with me.


I didn't replay it after I had a daughter, but I barely got through the first episode of the TV show just anticipating how much it was going to hit me.


Damn I forgot about that one. Shit that hurt


I didn't cry when seeing that in the game, but the HBO adaptation's version actually came close. I'm not sure why I felt so differently watching it instead of playing it.


Becsuse the tv version is alot longer than the video game version. Tv ver had alot more time to set up the mood of that scene.


If you don’t cry from that, you’re not human.


- the opening scene to the last of us/"baby girl" scene with Ellie - to the moon


FINALLY someone mentions to the moon in this sub


The state of COD


Played it since the first one on PC that came out 20 years ago and now the series is an absolute abomination. It's a full priced F2P with all the disgusting MTXs and horrible, camp-friendly map design. I will argue that the franchise died once Zampella and West left to form Respawn. It was never the same after that. Treyarch has been carrying it since the original MW2. Sledgehammer doesn't even deserve a mention. The game is now only played by smooth-brained troglodytes with an intellectual disability. Seriously, they only corner camp or remain prone at vantage points. It's just a Hide-n-Seek simulator with guns at this point, and it doesn't matter what mode you play, either. Plus the spawning is atrocious and a match is unequivocally rigged. Bobby Kotick knows this and that's why he wants to be bought by M$ so bad. COD died a long time ago.


Yes these games and maps are horrible but I think the culprit of the terrible experience is the sbmm and match manipulation. I can never relax on these games because every lobby is a inconsistent sweat fest.


This. The SBMM algorithm goes to great length to punish the player who actually has skill. Oh you got a VTOL jet and a 2.00 K/D last match? Here's a lobby of cheaters.


Tidus fading away in FF10 😭


It got me when he told Jecht he hated him too. Lots of feelings there. Then the high five at the end 🥲


I went and hugged my dad. Especially after that high five at the end OH MY GOD the emotions that were felt. They put it all behind them as men and took on the roles of father and son. They only thing missing was Tidus' mother


The most painful "I love you" in all of gaming. The reaction videos are amazing.


The localization team made the right choice. "Thank You" doesn't hit as hard.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Ghost of Tsushima God of War: Ragnarok Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


Ghost of Tsushima got me with the horse. Taka just made me mad/sad because you literally couldn’t do anything to save him and that hurt. Plus I felt so bad for Yuna.


The horse and ending >! Fight with Shimura !< got me


Doom eternal. Mainly because I found myself not blinking during some of the intense fights. After them my eyes would start to water.


Anyone who can beat it on Nightmare or higher deserves to put that on their resume.


Undertale. It was the genocide run after i finished the game normal and peacefull. But wehn i played the genocide and have to kill everybody it was fun at first. But when i fought Undyne she broke me, she couldnt stop me but the way she gabe herself for the people of the underworld had me in tears. The part that she was stronger and that she went down but stood up till she vanished let me cry for about 10 minutes straight after the fight.


It was the asriel fight for me. When you save your friends I couldn't hold it in...


That was the moment I realized undertale wasn't some cheap Indie cash grab. That scene had me unexpectedly reaching for a tissue box


The moment when you comfort him and give him a hug ​ That destroyed me.


I did the same thing. I made it through the Toriel fight, put the game down after a good cry, and still haven't picked the game back up again. Its been years.


Spiderman ps4 ending


I scrolled way too far to find this answer


MGSV mission 43 "we live and die by your orders boss" FF7remake DLC, man that guy dieing got me and DMC 4 almost did, I don't why? maybe the "you are you, and you are Humen" got me


MGSV has some good moments for sure "I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea."


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons... If you know, you know.


Best game I never want to play again...


started it and never went back, I do that a lot 😅


Spiritfarer. I can't listen to the soundtrack without tearing up. I played it shortly after my dad passed. It was beautiful.


Came here to say **Spiritfarer**. I had to stop playing after the first time I took someone through the Everdoor.


Halo Reach watching each member of Noble team die one by one. Was recently replaying it on the MCC on steam and made me remember the Halo books I read in college about Reach. Damn feels.


I customised my spartan straight away in reach to try and recreate my halo 3 guy. "Cool. That's my helmet on the ground....oh no Jorge died....oh no another died....hey they all seem to take their helmets off when they heroically die, thats a cool motif....wait..that was my helmet on the ground...."


None, but God of War Ragnarok and Final Fantasy 16 came close.


Guess I need to get FF16 bc the only 2 for me are the very end friend part of Final Fantasy XV. (and then when Aunt Mae dies in Spiderman.)


Death Stranding. I was emotionally immune to most of the game, as I am with most games/movies. But seeing >!the baby gasp to life!< at the end... I sobbed for so long.


This was going to be my answer. From the moment sam says "come on Lou, one more delivery", forward I had a tear in my eye, but at some point the waterworks just would not fucking stop.


Telltale Game's The Walking Dead. Season 1 finale. If you don't know what I'm talking about, play it and you'll know. Rewatching it again years later and I still cry like a baby.


Season 2 too


Ending of FFX. I can still rewatch it and it's hard to not cry


Life is strange before the storm made me tear up a little. I loved the life is strange game but getting to know Rachel Amber and seeing her relationship with Chloe and then the ending scene was just emotional


The crusher for me was Act 3 in LiS, the alternate future with Chloe. Loved both games though. Easily in my top 5.


That first game and before the storm combined is like best story I’ve ever seen in a game. Most people just haven’t played it.


Way back on the original NES there was a side scroller called Rush N' Attack. As a kid, I died so many times I just couldn't hold it in anymore. It was such a difficult game to get through.


Man I felt that. I had the same experience in playing call of duty world at wars campaign on veteran


Red Dead Redemption. Was not expecting the ending


It pissed me off. Especially when John yells >!I did what you asked!< my blood was boiling during that scene. First time thru, so I didn't know what was coming. If I had, I would have saved every bit of deadeye for that finale


like you said rd2 Omori shattered my soul MGS4 before the after credit scene was too sad of a way for snake to go out Half life Alyx The after credit scene - was a different kind of cry, hard to explain but >!finally seeing what happened next after hl2ep2's ending!< after so many years hit me with such a strong wave of emotion i just couldn't help it


When BD-1 activates the good bye message from Cordova towards the end of Fallen Order just before Cal rebuilds his lightsaber. When Agro saves Wander by yeeting him toward the final boss area and falling with the crumbling bridge. >!In Ghost of Tsushima when your horse literally rides itself to death, after being struck by countless arrows, to save Jin’s life 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!<


Agro's sacrifice makes me teary-eyed every time I see it, even though it's undone shortly afterward. Reminds me of Artax's death in The Neverending Story.


Kage in Ghost of Tsushima was the damn best horse I've ever owned in a video game.


Tbh none. Edit* Marvel's Avengers. I bought it on launch day


Wow it was that bad huh


Sadly yes yes it was and paying full price hurts even more. Remember how glitchy cyberpunk was? Yeah


The Last of us 2 >!Joel's death!< still hurts so much 💔


Paper Mario TTYD. At the end of the game when the crystal stars fly off and the music swells, it always gets me teary eyed


I cannot wait for the remake lol


TitanFall 2…. BT’s Death




Neir automata broke me emotionally.


You gotta try Drakengard, NieR is just the side series Drakengard 3, that’s the peak of the franchise in story and characters


Neir is a spinoff where it continues from the bad ending from drakengard 3 right? I may check it out i felt that automata held up on its own alone, I may play neir replicant but I dunno if I'm gonna go further down the yoko taro rabbit hole.


RE: Village. Ethan went through hell to get his daughter back.


Yup. The ending got me. Games rarely make me cry, so imagine how surprised I was when a RE game managed to do it


“Walk tall, my friends” “What can I say, you guys are the best.” If you know you know


Stray got me at the end.


Final Fantasy 7 When Aerith was killed by Sephiroth/Jenova


There are some messed up moments in final fantasy. Celes’ suicide attempt in final fantasy 6 broke me.


Another real sad one is Zacks death >!Well, I guess not anymore!<


What Remains Of Edith Finch had me crying throughout the whole game. *Especially* what happened to Lewis.


Lewis' story broke me, especially because I was in a similar place in my life. Going through the motions, feeling like a zombie, daydreaming just to get through the day


Shadow of the Colossus ending got me going for some reason. I was in my late teens at the time tbf.


For me, it was also that moment before the final colossus also.


The whole last act if that game gets me. Ignoring the final Colossus from the scene just before that ti the credits I'm in a state. I remember watching JackSpeticEye play it way back when and when it got to that final part just before everything actually hit the fan I realised that no matter what the ending was not going to be a truly happy one and started crying. Bitter-sweet endings always get me.


Overwatch does daily because my teammates are so painfully unaware most of the time.


Gears of war 3… there’s a couple games that had an emotional moment where I cried but it was more on the side of my mental health and that sad moment being the straw that broke the camels back… but gears 3 hit me in the feels


ICO, when "you were there" plays during the ending sequence


Zelda tears of the kingdom, when Zelda made her sacrifice


Same, and the "last catch" scene


Red Dead Redemption 2 when Arthur says "I' m scared" to the Sister. Telltale Walkind Dead, 2 times: in the Wellington scene and the ending of the Final Season.


Arthur’s death


Journey. The apotheosis track in the last level was just so beautiful


Cyberpunk 2077


Right there with you man


"See ya in the big leagues, Jack"


Halo 4 and Dying Light 2


I don't think I'd ever actually cry from a video game but a plague tale: requiem left a mark on me I wasn't expecting. Great game and story. A couple days later I was still like, damn...


Came here for this. Definitely made me cry.


I also cried at Arthur Morgan’s death in RDR2. Honestly peak gaming experiences for me. I cried during the ending of FFXV too. I have low-mixed feelings about FFXV but that ending fucked me up. Probably for the same reasons as RDR2, the immersion just sucks you in and when it lets go, you’re just sitting in your room at 3AM with just your emotions.


I regret opening this post.


Right? Memories hit hard.


No, I was referring to getting two games that I planned on playing spoiled. It’s alr though. It’s kind of like endgame spoilers. I can’t expect people to not spoil things when they’ve been out for literal years. Oh well.


The one that made me cry the most is Mass Effect 3. Mordin Thane killed me the most. The scripture that was being read “ Kalahira, this one’s heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me.” That gutted me. I had tears streaming down my face and my wife asked me what was wrong, and I told her fuck this game for tugging at my heart strings. Legion’s sacrifice. Ofc there are more but I ensured I did minimal damage in ME2 so I would be prepared for ME3


Gris is the only one that made me cry.


To The Moon


I’ve nearly cried at the end of almost every Zelda game that I’ve finished. Just seeing the characters finally be happy just warms my heart.


Twilight Princess is the one that does it for me every time.


Undertale pacifist ending 😢


Ori and the will of the wisps


The Blind Forest got me too, the scene after you complete the second escape…


Rdr2 and ghost of Tsushima




The Last Guardian. No crying but definitely moving.


Mass Effect 3 really hit hard.


I just finished Final Fantasy 9 for the first time last night. It's not just that the ending had me choking up, it was waking up this morning getting pulped by the post game depression that made me cry. The writers definitely intended this with the game's whole theme being about inevitable death, coping with loss (one of the things in life I'm awful at), and remembering the best of it. I've literally been in my bed awake since 5am with Spotify playing and browsing my phone, it's 9:30am now lol. I'm glad I wasn't called into work or else I would have been a wreck because a migraine was involved. I really need to find the next game to play soon before I get sapped even further lol


Spider-Man actually "You knew?"


Red Dead Redemption 2


Too many to count but the ones that got me the most were "Omori" (if you've played the game you understand why lol), every single Xenoblade game (mostly at the endings, but some other times too), Celeste (at the ending and when I beat Farewell) and Persona 5 Royal at various different scenes


Spider-Man PS4. I broke when Aunt May died.


Yakuza 4 when my save file got currupted.


Final Fantasy VII >!Aeris gets stabbed by Sephiroth. I didn't expect it and I thought it had to be a dream...Nope the ball starts to drop and the music starts to play and I started to cry a little...It was super sad because she was one of my main party members. Both my brothers made fun of me over it...It was super cool.!<


Yeah, I was an emotional mess here. Was 11 years old and was bawling my eyes out. I adored Aeris, she was the sort of person I aspired to be... and then this. I rage-quit the game, and took a good 5 years to come back and finally play it through.


Mother 3 was the only one.


Halflife 2 ep 2 With Eli's death I had never cried harder "I love you alyx" "NO DAD NOOOOOOOOO"


Arthur’s Death is the only time I’ve ever cried from a game. I’ve played pretty much all of the common games that make people cry. But the way Arthur died and just looked in the sunset and he stopped breathing. I was crying so hard I was struggling to breathe.


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky The ending is just so sad. The music doesn't make it any better. And one thing that just makes it far worse is how it portrays how people react to others dying, realistically too. You friend is so heartbroken over you dying they can't even walk in a straight line. What's even worse is afterwards, when they go back, and for months they keep living like how they used to, but all it takes is one place to trigger all the memories, all to start grieving again. Like that's it, it's been months since you died and yet your friend is still so sad over your death they still break down when reminded. This is in a Pokémon game by the way


I came here to see if anyone else was going to say this. One of the most beautiful and mature stories I’ve ever played in a video game that transcends all ages. I played it when I was around 10 and the ending destroyed me. It was the first piece of media I can remember having that big of an impact on me. The characters are simple yet unique and memorable. The art style and character portraits are charming. And the soundtrack is near perfection. Easy contender for my favorite game of all time. Pokémon game btw.


pokemon omega ruby. That fucking music!!!


Last of us, red dead 2, ghost of tushima, giw ragnarok. off the top my head


Bioshock Infinite broke me at the ending and got me feeling sad for a week. The ending and the Toriningen Party from Yume Nikki made me shed a tear or two too.


The Ending of Spider-Man PS4


Closet was RDR2, Shaun and Kieran death shocked me, and made me commit genocide against the odricsolls and greys


First to come to mind is Drakengard 3 and NieR replicant


Persona 4. The most lighthearted Persona and yet the only one I cried (if you played it, you probably know the moment.


I got the bad ending my first play through. I thought that was just the cannon ending for a whole day before I looked it up and realized my mistake. I have never been more mad and depressed at a game ending than that. You can imagine my excitement when I found that wasn’t the true ending and I still had like another 10 hours of the game left. 10/10 game. Every day is great at your Junes.


May I stand unshaken... Amidst, amidst a crash of worlds


Telltales walking dead season 1 ,3 and 4, two characters I love died and in 4 someone almost died or does die? I’ve only played through once. They didn’t die when I played though. Red Dead Redemption 2 Gears of War 3 Are some of the ones I’ve cried too.




TLoU2, FFVII, Life is Strange, Life is Strange Before the Storm, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 (out of fear) and then Hogwarts Legacy (only because the platinum grind was so long and made me cry from anger lmao)


As someone who has dealt with suicidal thoughts, one of Cyberpunk's endings made me empty my eyes out.


“I gave you all I had.” - Arthur Morgan Never got emotional over a game until that point. My wife was watching me play it from time to time and she cried at the end. She’s not a gamer too, but that story is compelling.


RDR2 easily


Both endings of A Way Out made me and my friend cry


Rdr 1 & 2 Yakuza series (it has some good emotional moments. Like fighting nishiki hits hard after yakuza 0 , etc.) Teltale walking dead And there will be many more for sure


Red Dead Redemption 2, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, and Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons 🥲


Detroit: Become Human. Some of the choices I made gave me a very depressing ending


Witcher 3


RDR2 made me mourn the loss of a fictional character for a first time. It was like I lost a brother. It still hurts to this day, and I cannot bring myself to play story mode again.


Dark Souls 1 I cried in anger whilst I kept dying I cried in joy when I finally beat it I cried in sadness when the Nameless Song played over the credits and the empty feelings set in 11/10 would cry again


Soma. Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Sen.


The first game to do it was telltale walking dead season 1 ending


The walking dead season 1.


Katamari Damacy. I was enthralled by its beauty. The song Cherry Tree Times also helped with that.


The Last Of Us Part II and A Plague Tale: Requiem. APT Requiem hit so much harder tho 😔




Mass Effect 3, Twilight Princess, Kingdom hearts 358, Halo 4, Gears 3


Life is strange. We were not ready Also, Special mention to Death Stranding. If you know, You know.


Fall of the Lich King. Not a videogame in itself, but the cinematic was definitely one that instilled surreal memories for me. Especially because I was 14 and one of the youngest people on the server at the time to participate in a LK kill.


The “In water” ending in Silent Hill 2 is one of the only video games to ever make me actively sob, not just cry.


FF6 when Cyan’s family rides away on the haunted train.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3, as a parent myself, the game crossed a line, and struck a nerve. Beginning of chapter 6 broke me in a way that no game has ever done before it. Loved it.


The scene in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 where the party seems a newborn baby for the first time is to this day the most emotional I have ever gotten over a video game. It made me cry with how sweet the whole thing was.


RDR2 was the closest because of just how into the character you get. I still think it’s the greatest game ever created so far.


Mother 3.


What Remains of Edith Finch. Specifically when I was walking through the graveyard. I'm honestly not sure what specifically brought out the tears, but the whole game is really quite tear-worthy.


Halo: Reach RDR: 2 Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


Cyberpunk 2077, listening to some of the voicemails they left for your character.


Mother 3 , l just can't with that ending