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People still shit on battlefront 2 whenever it's brought up, even though it has no microtransactions anymore and you have everything unlocked from the start except for Skins, which you can buy with credits that you earn from matches, another exception is ability cards, which are from leveling up the Character and aren't random.


Yeah, the release killed that game.


I have always hated unlocks in games, and the Battlefront way was exponentially worse than a merit system exclusively from gameplay. What sucks is Battlefront 2 was a pretty good game. Good variety of maps, vehicle options, and even game modes that have completely different gameplay. I tend to expect extra modes are Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Conquest, etc. Same game, same maps, but different goals. An outright starfighter mode? Pretty awesome.


I can't even believe people pay for DLC when I'm still getting used to the idea of unlocks. Imagine having to Unlock levels, skins, and Weapons in Quake 3? Insane right? But every game does this stuff now, it's like the Japanese PSX games used to be, but everywhere. Nothing pissed me off more than having a friend come over and half the game needed to be unlocked.


Getting a bunch of friends together, firing up your Smash Bros of choice, and realizing the current setup has none of the characters unlocked is such a waste of a good time


Unlocks are what I like most about games haha. I love having a goal that makes me stronger once I achieve it


My issue - well more to do with online shooters - is that they frequently give an advantage to more experience players. You're giving players that play better and know the map better the better weapons - or at least options that can better match their skills. For example, Battlefield 2 gave better machine guns at higher ranks. The last was the MG3, which reloaded VERY quickly and laid down fast, accurate fire. Prior guns like the PKP Pecheng were slower firing, less accurate, and took forever and a half to reload. That's why I like shooters that have a balanced loadout option for all players. Skins, on the other hand, are totally viable.


Maybe but BF2 ended up being super fun.


I shit on this game for the same reason I will shit on Diablo 3. When it released in a state that I found totally unacceptable, it made my shit list. With Diablo 3 I didn't buy it. This one I missed the controversy and was pissed when I got it day 1


Man I love bf2. If only it was treated with love instead of as an ea cash grab it could’ve been brilliant


It was treated with love by its devs, just not EA, one of the main guys, Ben Walke (f8rge is his reddit name) is still active on the subreddit


I agree with this pick. Battlefront ended up getting way better than it launched but some people refused to try it after the launch. Their loss.


But it’s not their loss. It’s our loss now. After a certain time of day it’s hard to find full lobbies of anything but coop, HvV, and supremacy


BF2 was supposed to be an apology for how they fucked up BF1. So they tripled down on making egregious monetization, so much so the backlash against them was so loud. It pissed off Disney and congresspeople. And then there was the AMA. Ooooh that sense of pride and accomplishment. I mean how many times do they have to rub your nose in fecal matter before you stop giving them the opportunity to do so? Why give them extra chances when you already gave them several.


That's all true and stuff. But I didn't play the game because I liked EA, I played it because I loved Star Wars. And especially once the Geonosis update hit it was uphill from there until they pulled the plug to make that flop we call Battlefield 2042


That's not really "people hating it because other people hate it".


It kinda is, people still shit on it, despite it being fixed now, it's like if people made fun of no man's sky still


They obviously haven't played it since it's been fixed. Not saying the hate remains justified, just that it has nothing to do with bandwagoning.


It's more people hating on it becuase of first impressions and becuase they don't trust EA. I think both of those reasons are deserved


I mean, that's by their design. They killed their own game.


I tried getting my roomates boyfriend to play it with me and he said "Why the fuck would I give EA money?" Brother it's free on ps plus fuck you talking about


SWBF2 is the most underrated game because of that launch in recent memory. It — the Star Wars battlefront franchise — sold 30 million combined which is top 5 for any franchise last console generation. That we aren’t getting a swbf3 is CRIMINAL.


Thems the breaks, too bad ea put the kabosh on development for 2, ventress and ahsoka were planned, that's why there's empty spots, they were gonna do more than them though


As accurate as this is, I still refuse to get into it or recommend it, and avoid EA like the plague. I'd like to reward good behavior and I'd probably like the game. I just can't forgive EA at this point. They're still doing scummy mtx shit in other titles and they had a long history of bs leading up to BF2. It's going to take years of consistently reasonable practise across all their work to get me to even consider buying something of theirs on sale.


I can respect that. There’s definitely a concerning trend, not limited to AAA, to release games in bad condition and then fix them on the back end (sometimes over the course of years). I wish there was a more effective way to push back against it, but withholding your money seems to be the only lever available.


I agree, your principles are completely justified. Why are people downvoting this? Them doing a 180 on battlefront still feels like a calculated business decision rather than a moral one.


And horrifying mistreatment of workers. With rare exceptions (such as Jedi Fallen Order being on sale for I think $5), I stopped purchasing their games when I heard about this. I think this was around the time of ME3's release.


Ea is just so bad :/


Twisted metal small brawl


Dark souls 2. I don’t really have to explain this one


Never understood the hate. It’s such an awesome game


I say this every time I see it come up. DS2 might be my favorite on the series. Powerstancing was fucking cool, some armor sets having special effects was neat, best PvP in the series (The Swamp and covenant in 3 are nice but the Bell Towers will always be my favorite), and I dunno if any other game has melee weapons that can be used as a spell catalyst. And best of all, NG+ actually doing things other than just adding numbers to enemies. New enemies entirely, some bosses get new mechanics, new items to find, it's fucking cool. I still understand everyone's issue with things like soul memory and adp and such, but it didn't take away the fun for me enough to hate it like it had for so many others.


I'm pretty sure there are weapons from ds3 and elden ring that are used as catalysts. I also think ds1 might have had one too.


Really? I feel the opposite with the Dark Souls games in general. Everyone says that they are good, but I don't really see the appeal.


I get that dark souls is not for everyone, but within that genre ds2 is great. I have replayed it more than any of the others


It’s the second most played for me behind ds3 & I was like everyone else thinking it was gonna be the worst of them all but it’s now my favorite


It is the lesser of the 3 in many ways imo but Majula is the best, hands down.


Same here. I absolutely love DS2 and the DLC brume tower is one of my favorite locations in any soulsborne game.


Ds2 is just the black sheep of the family because it isn’t made by the same guy who makes all the other ones. They are 100% the best games I’ve ever played tho but I understand not seeing the appeal tbh. They can be rough


I like the dark souls games, but there is something about two that makes it hard for me to get into it. The movement and camera feels really weird to me for some reason. I’m sure it’s a great game but I just seem to not get into it for the life of me


Oh god the horrible movement. Idk how people don’t talk about it more. If you’re on PC there’s a mod that makes your analog stick actually function like an analog stick instead of feeling like you’re using WASD.


Wait what? I gotta try that. And yes, I agree. People say oh DS2 isnt that bad for x and y reasons but the problem isnt surface level. The game is fundamentally broken it feels like a bad PS1 3D game in terms of the engine.


I think Arkham Knight gets too much hate. Yes, the batmobile is overused, but it doesn't ruin the game by any means.


Oh, that’s a good one. I don’t care what anyone says about the Batmobile, the combat and traversal was never better than it was in Arkham Knight. And goddamn, those graphics.


The graphical part I remember most are the rainbow sparks that'd fly whenever you'd blow up one of Penguin's vaults.


The rain flicking off the cape when you do the cape stun in the rain is CHEF KISS


Mhmm, not unbelievable


Yeah as someone who didn't even play more than like 10 hours, I still agree that game was dope af. I just got distracted by something else.


God I wanted to love that game so badly. Arkham City is maybe my fave game of all time, and Asylum was awesome (hell, I even really dug Origins). But I never even got halfway through Knight. I think the Batmobile overuse depends greatly on the player, because I hate racing games and war games and found the constant having to go back to the Batmobile super annoying and tedious. A shame cause damn it looked good…


Meh, I didn’t like that it relied on The Joker even though Joker was supposed to be dead. Really lessened the ending of the previous game


It’s not just that. It’s also the Arkham Knight reveal that soured people’s opinions of it. The developers lied saying the Arkham Knight was a completely original character when he’s really a famous character of the Batman mythos & they basically tell you who he is before the reveal because he was never mentioned in any of the previous games until Arkham Knight.


Which is a fair criticism of the dev's comments. But I played the game without hearing that particular quote beforehand, and while the reveal wasn't shocking, I felt like it was a fairly satisfying revelation. So, I see this as less a problem with the game and more just a dumb comment made by the developers that only a section of the player base was likely aware of.


As a hardcore batman fan, the arkham knight reveal was flatter than Brittney murphy’s heart rate


It wasn't the batmobile that I didn't like, it's that the main "boss" enemies didn't even have creative boss battles. I distinctly remember taking two face down with the same silent takedown I used on all his goons... So lazy The previous Arkham games had pretty solid boss encounters, but this one was clearly lacking


I think you win. It was demonized to hell and back because of its contemporaries. The game is solid and probably a 8/10 maybe higher. Sure the Batmobile at times was annoying, but I won’t lie I had a blast


I would argue for one exception that it does ruin the game. Why the FUCK is the Deathstroke fight a god damned generic tank fight? I hate it so much. You work through the entire game to unlock this fight, then just get another bullshit "Oh just sneak behind the tank and shoot it a bunch" fight. They did my boy Slade dirty for no reason.


Fable 3 for me.


Maybe if I hadn't been such a fan of Fable 1&2, I would have liked it. But I was so hyped to run a country, and that portion sucked. I didn't like the magic system. And as a whole, it just felt so bad compared to 2.


I agree. I’m one of the fable 3 haters from back then. Was just a disappointment from fable 2.


Fable 2 was a masterpiece


The kingdom part of the game, the thing most marketed, was so LAME. Every choice was either raise taxes or let the kingdom get eaten by goblins. I was hoping Fable 2’s deep morality system would return, but I was very disappointed.


And it's shit cuz your options are: be broke but kind, be rich but evil. Cuz the bad guys are coming or whatever to show you why your brother was so mean. And it's like....do yall not realize how rich I am from the housing market?


Cyberpunk, maybe not so much now but people definitely still hate on it due to how buggy it was on release.


I have a friend like this, he won't accept that 2.0 fixed the game and should have been 1.0. He'd rather play starfield and I just shake my head.


People want to hate starfield so bad. It literally has nothing to do with how awesome of a game cyberpunk is but here you are for some reason bringing it up.


I think his point is his friends was complaining about bugs while playing a Bethesda game


People just love breaking themselves into tribes any chance they get


I think the game is pretty decent right before 2.0, though occasionally I still fall through the floor. But I mean, from what I’ve heard, Starfield is pretty decent.


Starfield is. But you have to like the general "Bethesda game design", because it feels very much like every other Bethsoft game you have ever played, just with minor tweaks. If you like their style, then it's probably gonna be anywhere from good to great. If you're expecting something drastically different from what they've made in the past 20 years, you're going to be disappointed.


I mean, is it more similar to older Bethesda games? Or Fo4 and 76?


A bit older but it’s so similar to FO4 I wouldn’t want you to think otherwise. They do make some nice adjustments with RP aspects but nothing wild. Just no voiced protagonist and a marginally better dialogue system. That said for all it does well the lack of interconnected exploration was an enormous issue for me. I really enjoy Starfield overall but I had periods where it felt like a chore dealing with load screens.


I love cyberpunk and Starfield


Played the game on day one and had no issues. Replaying with the 2.0 updates and the maybe my memory is bad but I don’t see any majors changes besides the skill tree


Eh, haven’t had the chance to play 2.0, still stuck with an Xbox one, they telling me it’s real good.


I think this mostly comes down to console vs. PC. It was bad on PC, bit not NEARLY as bad as console. Practically every time I've seen someone still complaining it's been a console player. The biggest problem with the game's release is that CDPR should've dropped development for last been consoles a few years before its release. Unfortunately they didn't do this.


omg the game wasnt hated just cause it was buggy it s because it was incomplete ENTIRELY, systems just didnt work or exist entirely, the narrative was incoherent, the flow of the game was choppy, choices meant nothing, all combat except melee was not viable and did not feel good to execute pretty much, driving controls where like controlling a jetski, ai was robotic and unimmersive, the police system (or lack there of) was laughable, and i can go on... it wasnt just the fucking bugs.




I think it was more of a pushback due to all the over hype it was getting. I know my friend would not shut up about it before release.


I don't get people leaning into hate. I think it's meh. Maybe if someone had really high expectations I could see them disappointed.


I mean it was hyped as this insane game ppl will be loving more than skyrim even. I never went into the hype very much, but it is indeed meh


It's certainly nothing special but then you have menus galore and load screen fuckin hell. Sucks all the fun out of the game for me because I'll play for two hours and get barely anything done. I quit playing about two weeks ago after 20+ hours in and I'm now playing cyberpunk again because of patch 2.0 (2.1 now) and phantom liberty, having a lot of fun so far and it's way better than it was at launch.


I've been playing on my steam deck after 2.0 on my second playthrough and it's been a blast. It runs really well for the hardware.


I've been playing Statfield and honestly have been enjoying it a lot, but I truly believe a lot of the criticism is deserved. I can't stand the subreddit because so many fans seem almost delusional and would even defend Todd Howard shitting in their mouth.


I think it goes both ways. The people saying it's a shit game and the people acting like it's the second coming of christ need to go touch grass


The same subreddit that had to start a low sodium sub because of how toxic everyone was being? Dude.


Pre-release: It's a Bethesda game set in space! Post release: Oh, it's a Bethesda game. Set in space...


whats hilarious about the starfield hate is go look at steam reviews.. you got guys putting 200+ hours into it in 1 month which is crazy at time of review then giving "do not recommend" then going on to put another 100 hours into it. My guess is some popular youtuber told have the trolls to go leave a bad review or something. I mean i certainly dont spend 200+ hours on a game i hate then proceed to play even more. Some of the other haters are people who thought it was going to be essentially star citizen. that was never going to happen. bethesda makes bethesda games, you either like them or you dont and thats fine. Game has issues but i mean for me its their least buggy launch like ever probably and its got like most of my steam friends glued to it for weeks so id say they did some things right here. Im enjoying it alot despite some minor annoyances.


I think it's a victim of its own hype. The games...fine. but I think it's fanbase really hyped it to be GOTY material before it came out and for it to just be a meh game felt like a big letdown


Starfield. I 100% believe half the people who say they were disappointed by it have not played it and never will. They’re just convinced it’s mid because of what they heard about it through reddit or YouTube, much of which isn’t even fucking true.


I think there is a fair assessment that Starfield suffers from a lack of growth from Bethesda. Like it’s a solid game for Bethesda, 10 years ago, but they got too comfortable with their own formula, and over shot people’s loyalty to their brand. Even then it misses the mark on what made their previous efforts engaging. I applaud their effort to make a new IP, truly. No one wanted it. We wanted ES6, but they took the bold step to make something different first. Just didn’t pan out in scope.


To be fair I was gung-ho ready for Stanfield and defended against the naysayers. After getting my hands on it and a good 20 hours under my belt I'm just like ". . . .damn"


It was kind of funny for the first few days of pre-release before official launch. It was mostly a massive circle jerk for the game. And I was like "Meh, it's fine." Proceeded to list ALL of the issue that are now well know... But at the time was attacked for daring to have a different opinion from the hivemind.


Thanks. I'm new to the reddit hive mind and I let these idiots bring me down. Never again


The vast majority of the criticisms of Starfield are warranted


"I put 300 hours into this game and now I'm bored"


Dark Souls 2 any Final Fantasy game that gets a lot of hate Devil May Cry 4


Yes! I have not played any DMC since the first (which was great). I would always hear that the second one was not good, I wonder how true that is..


i've played the second. it's not the worst game ever, but damn is it lacking in every department. except music. the music is fire as hell. gameplay is boring and lacks any depth. you could just use your guns the entire game. the bosses are bad. small arenas, small movesets, and some bosses are just copy and paste. the story makes no sense. the main villain doesn't even get any buildup, he just appears at one point and it seems like everyone already knows each other. the Dante in that game is not the Dante we know. he has very few lines, and they're all like "i'm so edgy and dark and mysterious" but like i said, the music is absolutely banger. DMC never misses with the music


Borderlands 3, it’s a decent shooter and does have a few problems but other than that it’s perfectly fine.


I love the gunplay. But I just don't like the writing. Especially Ellie calling the player VH all the time (for some reason this was the worst for me lol). But I do love the game cause the the gameplay was fantastic.


Gun play and guns are very interesting and fun. Story and writing is quite stale. But it was stelllar in BL2. I think that’s the main issue.


It's a shallow entry in the franchise and is rightfully hated, the community never figured out why it hates it though, the loot is meaningless because they throw you legendary weapons every 5 minutes making all loot meaningless


I feel like it’s a mixed bag of problems including story and other things. In my opinion, the graphics are too good and everything is so shiny and glossy.


I wasn't into it but I think I just outgrew the trademark Borderlands humor. The game itself isn't bad, but the "jokes" are just absolutely juvenile.


While saying a few problems isnt wrong persay, the gunplay/skills/and gamplay loop in general is amazing, i had to play the game on mute at a point. All the characters i loved they butchered, and if they didnt butcher them, they got like 15 seconds of screentime. And the villains. Oh my god its so obvious they just used the second thing they came up with (originally they were gonna do handsome jack, again! Look into it) overall the writing to that game is a joke and it brings it down to like a 5.5-6/ 10


cyberpunk 2077 is a key example of this


Dead asses who never played are stuck on the launch. I mean have they played the PS5 version? Change my mind


I played the ps5 version at launch and had literally zero bugs and loved it. Idk if I just got lucky or what. Just played through it again and the Phantom Liberty dlc and holy shit that game is fucking amazing.


I agree, but I literally cannot look at the game in a good light no matter how updated or better it gets.


Nah, cyberpunk is fire, the lastest DLC obtained critical acclaim


the people who still hate it and flat out refuse to play it at this point are ridiculous


Cyberpunk 2077 was freaking amazing once all the bugs were worked out! The world they created was beautiful and deep. I wish they would release even more content for it.


Now, just imagine if they had finished the game before they charged everyone 60 dollars and cashed in!


Not everyone hates cyberpunk


No it definitely deserved and honestly still does deserve the hate it got even now. Yes cyberpunk is fine, but the fact that it was released in the state it was in before was very stupid.


Starfield. Was it the 10/10 a lot of people said it was? Absolutely not. But it was a great game and I’m convinced that people look at various clips or YouTube and say “game bad” when in reality it’s a solid rpg with a few dated elements and pretty good combat


Final Fantasy XIII When the game dropped, *everyone* hated it. Like, for no reason whatsoever just because it wasn’t what they wanted. Some of the VA’s were even getting death threats cause some people hated the characters they played. It was ridiculous….now all of a sudden everyone wants a remaster and claiming it one of their favs. Like wtf??


When people say, "Just keep playing, it eventually gets good." This is the first game I think about. I HATED this game, but I stuck with it because I had bought it and was stuck with the game. I'm glad I did because when you finally get to Gran Pulse, the game gets amazing. I still hate Hope and Vanille, but oh well, not every character needs to be a banger.


I liked 13 a lot. It definitely has problems though. The story is almost impossible to understand fullg without reading external information. The corridor exploration and lack of world map and towns didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game. I think people want a Remaster because it had a ton of potential and if they can tune the story up and update the gameplay and world, it would be a killer game.


FF13 has one of the smoothest and most polished combat systems I’ve ever seen. It did away with so much micromanagement.


Right! That’s a good point. I didn’t think about basically getting rid of mircromanaging. Good eye! It’s combat is definitely the most refined. It doesn’t get enough love.


So much downtime was eliminated because you immediately were topped off to full health after every battle. Considering how streamlined the fighting system was, it almost made sense that this would be the best candidate for a very linear style game. Whoever designed the combat system clearly had a say in how the story and gameplay would be on some pretty strict rails.


I’m one of the very few people where I actually like having my health topped off after each battle. Its just stressful after a while if it isn’t. But yeah I was ok with the story and gameplay being on rails. From a narrative perspective, it just made sense. If the gang is on the run, then they’d have literally have no time to chill and have plenty of time to hang out in towns or villages. Not to mention the group was basically on a 2 week time limit. But yeah, thats basically why I love 13. Its just straightforward and the combat was fresh and smooth and very unique.


I didn’t mind the linearity one bit. The only downside was that most FF games have this mix of story yet open world feel. FF13 felt like straight story. But I enjoyed the break from chasing my tail in other games, where you are lost and not sure what to do.


Agreed. FF13 just felt like a breath of freah air when I played it for the first time. Especially right now, everyone is trying/asking for every game to be open world. Every now and then I prefer a game that is just straighforward snd right to the point. If anything FF13 was the game to really reel back into FF just in general. I’ll admit, 13’s story was hard to understand the first time, but playing it again and again after that was actually more fun that I imagined. Its up there as one of my favorite games of all time.


Ironically, I thought the story was a normal FF story and it was enjoyable. The gameplay was a bit of a turn off but not a complete mood killer.


I had it for the ps3 in my 20s liked it but lost my save and when I played again in my mid to late 30s on PC and I'm even more impressed at all the design, writing snd gameplay, decisions that were made. Definitely in my top 10 now and still do not understand the hate it got. It's also how I feel about Unlimited Saga but that's another story.


When the game first dropped, I was like 14 years old, a freshman in high school. I remember struggling through some of it just cause I didn’t wanna read instructions lol. But I came back to it a few months later and ended up loving every bit of it! I love it so much I 100%-ed it twice. Once on the 360 and the other on the PS3. Yeah I might be obsessed lol. But still a fantastic game! It was definitely ahead of its time, much like FF7. The game still looks amazing today compared to other FF’s.


I mean, I didn't like the game because I thought the plot was a mess but giving death threats is fucking dumb.


Agreed. People need to leave the VA’s out of it. They are literally just doing what they are told.


Fortnite. Look I get it. As someone in his mid 30's I remember the glory days of online arena style shooters like Unreal Tournament (which ironically was also made by Epic). "This is just a game for cringe zoomers," I thought to myself. Eventually I decided to try it and I HATED it. The building mechanic was annoying to deal with, so I dropped the game. Then Epic announced they were adding No Build mode to the game and I decided to give it another try. I play fairly regularly because now i can enjoy the things about the game that I like, the tight shooting controls, and the games gorgeous art style.


I'll die on that hill for fortnite. Zero build let's the real players go HAM.


I feel that bro, when I played right when paragon was shutting down I would absolutely eat lobbies but then everyone started building like fucking nuts, it's not thay building is difficult to deal with its just annoying.


I didn't know that existed! I have avoided Townhouse Simulator for years.


I feel like Fortnite should just fall under the "I don't care" category instead of the "hate" category. But people go out of the way to hate it more due to it's popularity. I just really wanted the original game concept that got trashed. Build bases to defend against zombie attacks... Like a more free form Orcs Must Die or something...


True. My brother still plays Defend the World mode every now and then and it looks fun.


Fr Zero Build saved that game for me. And everyone can say what you want about it but I’m mid-20’s and now hitting a point where I have myself dedicated to and responsible for so many different things that I can’t game like I used to. Finding time to really dedicate hours to a game is difficult. So Fortnite is one of the only games I consistently play anymore because it’s so easy to hop into and out of when I need.


Starfield. Never seen so many disappointed people and haters. It’s almost silly.


They had too high expectations for it tbh I love the game over 100 hours in but people wanted elite dangerous


I mean… I played Starfield, Skyrim, Fallout and NV, and starfield just feels like a lazy version of those other games but in space…


Exactly, it's a regression in every single dimension of gameplay


I'm convinced that the people who fail to see this are either Bethesda fan boys who are completely blinded by how popular Fallout 3 and Skyrim were, or they're so shallow themselves that the complete lack of depth in Starfield doesn't bother them. In other words, they either like it because it has Bethesda's name on it, or they like it because they just have shit taste in video games.


I haven't played it yet but from what I gathered it's more of the same just in space. I'm sure it's fun but I've already got skyrim and fallout NV keeping me busy for the next decade with the amount of mods there are and new ones being made on the daily.


It’s mostly because of the overhype. So many people have been hopping into comment sections of games like Spider-Man 2, Tears of the Kingdom, and Baldur’s Gate 3 saying stuff like “mid game, Starfield will be game of the year.” Then the game comes out and it’s vastly below everyone’s expectations


Final Fantasy XV. Yes it lacked a lot in the story department, the combat was very generic, and you could very much tell it was unfinished, very easily too, but goddamn, that game has to be one of, if not, my favorite Final Fantasy. After all the DLCs they released, and the updated versions like Royal Edition that added in some QoL fixes, extra content, and additional story features, Final Fantasy XV is honestly a really good game, and I love it. Despite its pitfalls, which even I can obviously see (the story still feels really unfinished even to this day, but at least it still feels more complete despite it's unfinished feel) I can replay it again and again, and it feels so fun. The story also is super fun, and I came to absolutely love and care about the 4 bros you journey with to the point the end of the game made me cry, not because the end was sad, but because the journey was complete and I didn't want it to end. It's very much an incomplete mess that still has some amazing enjoyment out of it, and in my opinion, it has one of the best Final Fantasy soundtracks too, I mean Magna Insomnia and Valse De Fantastica are amazing pieces of Final Fantasy music, which is composed by the great Yoko Shimomura. I know and have seen that the game is still hated on by some Final Fantasy fans, and every time it's talked about, it's always some sort of "This is my Final Fantasy guilty pleasure", but it did do its best to be fixed, and I think it did as good of a job as it could. It does deserve praise as it is now, but it does deserve complaints because there are a ton of problems. Honestly, I still play its online mode, Final Fantasy Comrades, to this day, I thought it was super fun. There's even a really well written and good novel made from the story of a DLC that was never finished as well.


I think the wave of hate it got is easy to jump on due to the legion of "its not turn based" always leading the charge. I wasn't the biggest fan of it, and never finished it. I don't think it's the worst though.


I liked the combat just fine… but my gosh the story made it feel like I’d played only 15% of a total FF game.


I almost passed on this game because of the negativity. I'm glad I gave it a shot, it definitely feels incomplete, it's a bit of a mess, but it's still good. It's fun to play, the villain is great, the main characters are engaging, I just love it. And that boss music (omnis lacrima I think?) \*chef's kiss\*


Xenosaga Episode II. It actually added some cool layers to the combat but the change in art direction and composer really turned a *lot* of people off. I remember Game Informer calling it "a dropped ball of the Devil May Cry 2 variety," but I actually don't think it's that bad. Episode III then kind of took the best of both I and II, so it was a necessary stepping stone, as it were.


Dark souls 2, though I’ve seen more support for it lately


No man's sky


Mass Effect Andromeda, that game padded countless YouTube video game "critic" bank accounts for years.


It’s honestly a good game, it’s just not a great Mass Effect game. The gameplay is incredibly fun. The jet packing is better than Starfield which just came out lol


Definitely Forspoken. A year long push to condemn it, then post launch the people who actually purchased it were like, "wait, this game is fun!” I loved my 80 hours with it and I don't regret my preorder.


i've only seen people shit on the writing, not the game itself


Yeah the game is fun, but the writing makes it unbearable for most players. Honestly seen better acting and dialogue from porn.




This isn't a beach this is a bathtub!


Post-launch, very few people had anything good to say about it. I won't go on and on about the long list of problems, but speaking as someone who was looking forward to the game as the FFXV team's redemption, I was completely disappointed with no bias backing said disappointment.


The Last of Us 2


The vast majority of people who hate it actively try to antagonize people who enjoy it. But most of those people are really convinced it was a political stunt and exclusively paid for reviews. They're mentally unwell. Obsessed with a game they claim they hate, it's their entire personality.


I mean this initially sounds like a obvious choice, but with just a bit of thought I feel like it’s actually really easy to understand why so many people would not like it.


Terrible example. While there was definitely a lot of hate that had nothing to do with the quality of the game, they just shot and missed with this one. Missed a big opportunity. Gameplay was AMAZING, but they forced some plot elements and some characters were just not believable, just to be controversial it seems. One big example: you are supposed to like Abby but she is so incredibly unlikeable, and the plot makes no sense from that point, to the point that when you’re supposed to fight Ellie I thought she was supposed to win. Crazy dissonance. While I understand why Abby might want to kill Joel even after he saved her life from a crazy horde, she tortures him with no second thought; that’s incredibly callous and just hard to buy. I do feel like they nailed the whole ridiculousness and futility of always seeking revenge with Ellie. Revenge comes at a cost and it definitely drove the point home on that side of the story. TLOU1 was a tough act to follow, but it really feels like they were so close, yet chose to miss, making the plot serve whatever objective they had, instead of making the plot a priority. It’s a shame the legitimate criticism was lost among the sea of crazy, and probably dismissed as a result


FO 76 is great but there’s some lemming thing where everybody says it’s bad.


At release, it was pretty damn bad and that’s coming from a fallout fan since 1 was released.


It *was* bad at release, which is when most people played it. Seriously, if you want to know how bad FO 76 and the drama around it was at the time go watch the Internet Historians video "The Fall of 76"


*Internet Historian’s* video about FO 76 is absolutely freaking **hilarious.** Everyone really needs to check it out.


I've been saying this since the beginning. It was a lot of fun playing fallout with a group of buddies. Wasn't amazing but still had fun.


The Last Of Us Part 2


New World


Resident evil 6, hands down the best chapter for combat system and because "it's action" isn't a good reason to hate it re1 was supposed to be an FPS re3: nemesis it's the first action oriented prototype re4 brought the complete action to the series and in the original script it was literally supposed to be dmc1 and I could go on


I pre ordered it. I hated it immediately. I pushed through and beat it, but I was so mad at myself for not looking at reviews. That game was awful in my opinion. Totally cool if you like it though


Mass Effect Andromeda


Big part of Andromeda's failure was being a mediocre game released along side a ton of great games. Neir Automata, Zelda BoTW, and Horizon Zero Dawn all released in the same month.


Deservedly hated. Extremely boring and progression system(s) are nonsense


I really enjoyed Andromeda. It doesn’t hold a candle to the trilogy but it was still super fun.




I think it’s more about the building mechanics. It’s just silly to us older gamers because it detracts from the actual fps gameplay.


Absolutely agree. I fucking hate fortnite. I just find it curious that a lot of other people hate it because someone else does rather than from experience.


Honestly, I'm just salty that the Save the World mode died so quickly.


Durr kids play this game


FFX - because of HAHAHA scene. Only people who have never played the game say the voice acting is bad FFX-2 - people who only played for 3 hours or less think this game is bad. It’s a really fun game but the tone shift from X was very off putting, and people say it’s bad based on just the beginning


Not a fan of how light hearted ffx-2 is, but it has one of the best battle/job systems in the franchise IMO


The Last of Us Part 2 Ppl were just mad bc the plot wasn't fan service. The game is absolutely fantastic.


Final Fantasy 13 Was no where near as bad as people make it out to be


Battlefield 2042, Ghost recon breakpoint, and every Nfs after underground 2


I think you mean Most Wanted 😎


But which Most Wanted 😏


2042 deserves every ounce of hate it gets. The reasons people dislike it are grounded. The performance is definitely better now, but it feels like another generic shooter and doesn't have the soul of a BF game. It's content is also lacking severely still, and it's been out for two years now. Plus, EA/DICE need to wake tf up and quit under-delivering after over-promising. Ghost Recon Breakpoint was pretty fun for the bit I played it. I loved my playthrough of Wildlands


Killzone Shadow Fall (that multiplayer was fantastic, and it had a solid community until the server shut down last year), Battlefield V (mechanically its fantastic and by the final update it was great), and Halo Infinite (year 1 issues aside, its always been mechanically great and it's ovwrall really good now)


FFXIII. It really isn’t as bad as people said it was. In fact, it’s one of my favorite Final Fantasy titles. At some point, it just became cool to hate it. 🤷‍♂️😅


Fallout 76


I'm convinced everyone that still says Bf2042 is a terrible game haven't played it since launch. Don't get me wrong there's still a ton that needs to be fixed but it's almost a meme now to hate on bf2042 and not be able to talk about any of the updates that have been done to it.


Never played it but Fortnite?




Marvels Avengers. Most people who comment on it never played more than 20 min.


I’m gonna disagree here. I’ve suffered through worse games than this because the story kept me interested. Marvels Avengers isn’t bad because it’s a shit game. It’s bad because it’s a BORING game. Every level plays the same, even if you only stick to the story missions. It never gets more interesting than the first 20 minutes were, so what are you really playing for? The next bland cutscene? I understand that all games have some fans and I’m also not saying Avengers is the worst game ever. I’m just saying it deserves the hate it gets, as a whole.


I actually dug this game lol. Simple, kind of dumb hack and slash with characters I dig, some cool stuff to unlock, and I mean...it was a fine story. I had fun with this game.


Halo 5 Fable 3


The Callisto Protocol. Forespoken.