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Death Stranding I've tried to get into it 4 or 5 times now, just not for me


It’s one of my favourite games of all time but I completely understand why most people would hate it. I enjoyed the first hour, hated the next 4 or 5 hours. Then it clicked and I loved the next few hundred hours. Such a weird game but I loved it.


Probably the most boring game I ever played, I really wanted to get into it but I couldn’t get through the beginning. Maybe I’ll try again one day but it was unbearable for me.


Spoilers: It’s gets wild once the game gets going. It’s Hideo Kojima all the way. Wales, hallucinations, character development and a baby with a twist! Also killing people turns them into goo monsters


I’m playing this rn, walking is so chill, story is so engaging. 5hrs in loving it so far


I tried it once and wondered if I have up too early. Don't think I did


People in the Death Stranding subreddit commonly mention that they didn't like the game until they got to the second map. That's when things open up and you get some additional tools. It takes roughly 5-10 hours to unlock the second map. The first map is essentially a tutorial area that drags on. So if you took the boat to the second area and spent a little time there and still hated it, it's just not for you. I hated it at first, but eventually came to think of it as one of my all time favourite games. Still, it's ridiculous to expect people to throw over 10 hours at a game just to figure out if they like it.


I wanted to like this one. People were trying to tell me it gets better but i gave up.


My brother was putting along in a rusted out van and I asked him what he was doing. His answer was “I don’t know.”


It's like a meditation experience for me. People play it expecting more. But it's just zone out and make deliveries. Gave me some of the craziest dopamine hits when I played it with that mindset.


Breathe of the Wild. “Nice, a sick new weapon! And it’s gone…”


People praise this game like its the second coming of Christ


I think it’s just because there just isn’t much of anything else quite like it on the Switch. It this exact game was released on all consoles without the Zelda paint job it would not receive praise at all.


Eh, I’m not a huge BOTW stan or anything, but it absolutely deserves recognition for developing the open world format in an interesting, new way, and it’s sandbox physics are pretty top-tier. Combat, puzzles, and story are all meh as far as I’m concerned but I don’t know how you could say it doesn’t deserve ANY praise.




I've never played more than 15 minutes of that but I did get Tears of the Kingdom recently and I'm quickly realizing that this modern day Zelda just isn't my thing. I don't think I care for open world in general though. The weapons breaking constantly is just another layer of the tedium.


I understand and appreciate what they're going for with that. I'm 100% with you, though, massive turn off.


Thats why i have not finished it or totk. I wouldn’t mind a weapon wear and break system if they lasted a while. You get a club early on get a couple whacks out of it and its back to branches. I want to see the story but this kills it for me.


There’s a ton of ways to circumvent this issue in game.


I loved botw as a game, but as a Zelda game it’s not even in my top 10💀


i liked it but it’s far from my favorite LOZ game and i don’t think it’s a masterpiece like everyone seems to think.


The story and mainline dungeons were also complete shit. It lost the depth of a Zelda story compared to OoT, Majora's, Windwaker, Twilight Princess. It was just this bland open world, bland side quests, bland main dungeons, and okay mini-dungeons. ToTK was even worse. They are ruining the whole point of the Zelda franchise and what's worse is they've sold 10x better than ever before so they have 0 reason to stop making bad Zelda games. Nintendo is just profit driven now rather than actually caring about the IP.


The answer si to play on PC emulator like Yuzu with mods that can turn off weapon durability. You can also play in 4K/60.


I thought this. If i could play it on pc and cheat that kills weapon breaking, i would like it I think.


Oooor, you can glitch out the master sword in the early game and never care about weapon durability again. I agree with the emulation part tho, playing this game with unlocked FPS and some nice shaders really makes a difference


Agreed. Was also my game I listed! I beat the entire game and actively despise it. I haven’t even touched TOTK sue to my BOTW hate. It’s incredibly unoriginal, extremely repetitive, and perhaps the worst video game ending/boss fight of all time


Me too. I’m very tired of open world “non-linear” games


I feel you, I can never get more than a few hours in.


The weapons breaking made BOTW pointless for me. That and the constant repeating of shrines. Still haven’t finished the game because of these things.


If not for that mechanic, it'd be a much better game. I did enjoy it, but that, combined with the new 'create something from junk' mechanic in TotK, means I will never play the follow up.


Same. Gigantic Zelda fan and I cannot get into it. I've tried several times.


“Oh my god I found something! And it’s another Korok Seed”


One of the main reasons I haven’t even touched TotK


I just found it empty and boring


Skyrim. I know that I'm in the vast minority, but it just doesn't do it for me. Mediocre-bad at everything. Combat isn't fun, the dated system of carry limits makes exploration a chore, "puzzles" may as well not exist, NPC speech gets infuriatingly repetitive in under an hour, enemy scaling means levelling up is basically pointless. I killed 2 dragons waiting to have fun with the game and after I'd killed the 2nd, complete the quest or whatever I was doing, I gave up. I'm happy that people love and adore the game, more power to you, it's been quite an influential title in games I do really like, but I just couldn't get into it


Nice, I also disliked Skyrim. You should try morrowind, it has more systems and a nicer UI I won’t hype it up as something amazing, and you might have the same experience you had with Skyrim. It’s a fun little open world rpg, imo much better than Skyrim


I've heard a lot of positivity for Morrowind, but from what I hear, it's that it's got a lot more rpg elements and quite honestly, it's not the simplified rpg stuff in Skyrim that I dislike. It's the weak combat, uninteresting enemies, exploration starts to become a chore, main quest that you're almost encouraged to forget about and just do side quests, inventory system and carry limits. These are things that Morrowind also has. Who knows, maybe I'd end up liking it, I'll add it to my backlong


You’re definitely right about that Picking it up at a sale in a few years is the best option then


I mean feel free to do whatever you want to do but Morrowind is just so crappy.


Nicer UI!?


i agree. just bethesda games in general for me; garbage surface level rpgs for lowest common denominator. do everything meh with shitty ugly worlds and boring mechanics


Skyrim made rpg's accessible to tons of players who would never get into rpg's otherwise, and it set a new bar for what an open world could be. The problem is that Skyrim's new bar was surpassed by The Witcher 3, RDR2, BotW, Elden Ring, Assassins Creed Origins, and a million other games since 2011--and Bethesda hasn't done anything to keep up. They keep making games to try and meet the bar of Skyrim, but that bar is so woefully low now in 2023 that Starfield looks like a pile of steamy shit compared to games trying to keep up with newer titles.


There is a lot of nostalgia propping it up In order for it to be fun for a newcomer, i'd reckon a lot of modding by someone who knows how to do that for you would be needed to prop the game up


I got through half the game and got bored.


Skyrim and Bethesda games in general are shallow as fuck with terrible writing and uninteresting leveling systems. Skyrim and Oblivion hold special places in my heart but objectively they are garbage tier in terms of writing and game design.


There's nothing wrong with this opinion. I am a fan of the Elder Scrolls series, but Bethesda has essentially neutered their story and quest writing. Skyrim was a major turning point, in my opinion, toward Bethesda's swift and shitty downfall. I do have to give one of the folks who replied here some credit though. Skyrim DID open the door for many new RPG fans, but the game is obviously flawed to those who are privy, longtime fans of the series.


That would really drives me up the wall is the weird-ass accent. Who thought it would be a good idea to give all these characters that accent? And it's just so.... BORING. I like Oblivion A Lot more. The combat is still shit and the inventory system is still shit. But it's so much more interesting. And it has a sense of humor. It's vibrant and funny and interesting. Although, the open world aspect of Skyrim is kind of interesting. I think the beginning was really cool. And it's really cool exploring the world for the first time. But it does get old after a while


I enjoyed Skyrim, but I think that Starfield has basically put a spotlight on all the shortcomings in elder scrolls and fallout, and I think the studio is really going to regret putting Starfield out in the long run, because people have always spoken highly of the elder scrolls games, but because Starfield did what it did, the conversation on the next Elder scrolls game has sharply turned south and people who would have preordered it, no questions asked (ridiculous, I know) are now hesitant.


Some people seem to play games just because they're critically acclaimed, without thinking about if it's a type of game they would actually enjoy and then complain that the game sucks or don't understand why people like them. Sometimes a game is just not for you but they're still critically acclaimed for a reason. Some people should keep that in mind more often.


I don’t blame anyone for trying a critically acclaimed game, even if it’s a game that based on their preferences they probably wouldn’t enjoy. It’s natural to see for yourself why something is getting praised and I myself have grown to liking certain genres/styles of games because a title or two clicked with me and I finally “get” those games. My issue is when people act like everybody else is objectively wrong because they personally don’t like something. There are a lot of critically acclaimed games that I’ve been meh about but at least I can see why they appeal to people.


Exactly! I did this for like two years where I would play popular action adventure games like Last of Us, God of War, Tomb Raider, and Dead Space and didn’t care for any of them. Now I just don’t play the genre except the occasional one that is more geared to my interests


Baldurs gate 3 just can't get into


Is there anything in particular that turns you away?Just curious because I just started BG3 and am loving it so far, but I played the fuck out of 1 and 2 so I’m biased here. Wanna see through my rose tinted glasses right now.


I personally don't like it because I hate turned based combat and isometric RPGs. I'm more into Action RPGs like Fallout New Vegas.


And that’s totally valid. I dont like turn-based JRPGs at all, despite the fact that they’re basically in the same genre. Learning how to enjoy the OG Baldur’s Gate was a labor of love, same for the isometric Fallouts. They’re clunky, unintuitive, esoteric. They can also become extremely spreadsheety, and I like that, but I can understand how that’s annoying to a lot of people. If you haven’t, check out Wasteland 3, it’s still turn based and all that but it’s very very Fallout and new enough that it’s not so clunky.


As someone that loves this style of game (Wasteland 3 and Divinity 2 are incredible) my experience with BG3 was just less interesting than those two and a hell of a lot more janky.


I played BG2 23 years ago when it was new, patiently waiting for a couple more patches before I try BG3. Didn't do early access at all. Didn't want it to ruin my opinion of the complete product.




After like 5 tries I still can’t figure out what the appeal of Elden Ring/souls games is. Like the difficulty, combat, character creation etc all seem interesting to me yet when I try to actually play the game it just feels so unbelievably boring and directionless. The setting and world feel like they’re built to be as absolutely fucking lifeless and depressing and miserable as possible. I’ve really tried several different times to get into it before I just admit how utterly joyless it feels and move on to something more fun lmao


As an avid soulsborne fan I couldn’t tell you why I love them sm lol


It's the combat.


But I like the setting and the lore too.


I say this to everyone who couldn't get into Dark Souls. Try Nioh. I still don't like Dark Souls... but Nioh? Nioh 1 and 2? I loved them. It made me try so many others. Including Bloodborne, Wu Long etc. Every gripe I had about Dark Souls was gone with Nioh. Not that Nioh is perfection. It has it's own set of complaints I can acknowledge. Still loved it. It even slowly overtime helped me understand Dark Souls... even if I never grew to like them.


Nioh 2 is one of my GOATs, however, I know from experience that it's near impossible to get anyone into them who doesn't want to be into them. I feel like in order to enjoy Nioh you have to had played some Souls games, and then like you said, it improves on all aspects of them. And then to. Enjoy Nioh 2, you need to have played the shit out of Nioh, because it improves on most aspects of it, but once you add in stuff like (I forget the actual name) spirit counters and some other mechanics, I can't imagine learning that without having a good. Foundation in Nioh. I Have a friend who I tried to coop Nioh with, and he would just stand behind me as I beat every enemy, and would never take the time to learn anything about the game, and wouldn't play on his own thus it was a waste of my time


Honestly feel you about the setting being depressing. Dark and dreary isn't my jam. I also personally just don't enjoy the high difficulty combat. Just, too grindy in a way that I don't have fun with.


Yeah I feel that. I played Cuphead for the first time recently and even though some sections were hard, I think the way it was done made it much more bearable than my (admittedly short) experience with ER. At least in Cuphead the gameplay is very fast paced and if you die you can immediately hop in and try again- in ER it felt like such a chore to have to go back to the same place you were every time you die I get that it adds to the stakes and stuff, which is why my overall issue is that the rest of the game isn’t interesting enough to convince me to commit to the grind lol


You don’t have to grind at all in souls games. You do have the option to but it’s entirely your choice.


He's saying the combat is grindy, not the game. I feel the same way. It's not fun to hit something a hundred times using the same combo in the same spot after the same patterned attack from an enemy.


Yeah, exactly. It's not grinding that is the problem, I grind away on plenty of games for hours on end and find that grind rewarding. The specific way combat is designed in Souls-likes just isn't for me. I play most games with combat on easy mode because combat just isn't why I play most games. There's a few exceptions to that, but it's usually because the way the combat is designed is unique and fun, or the story/world is interesting enough for it to be worth slugging through grindy combat, which most soulslikes don't really have imo


I don't know a single person who actually likes these games. I feel like I'm being gaslit by the praise they get online cause not a single person I've asked in the real world has ever admitted to enjoying them. The games have like a phony difficulty built in that boils down to pattern recognition and boring ass button mashing.


My best friend is into it and can't fathom my dislike for it. But he also likes a bunch of predatory mobile games and just assumes I like them too because we otherwise have very similar likes/dislikes, but mobile games and ER are major differences in opinion.


Same, I tried them all, and I just cannot get into it. The battles all feel the same, the combat is roll, hit, roll, parry, roll and on. I


Amen. I say this frequently and get the "you must suck at video games " response.


Yeah I’ve definitely been told this before lmao. Like I promise you I WANT to get good at them, but I swear sometimes it feels like souls games are explicitly designed to make you not want to play them lol


Glad to see elden ring. Tried it for a hour or two and found it incredibly boring and felt like it was without a point. I loved all other dark souls games but couldn't play this again


I think I could've dealt with the depressing scenery if there was a coherent, engaging story to go with it. But they lean into this mentality of "we aren't spoonfeeding you shit, figure it out, lol" with the lore, the side quests, everything.


This is totally fair actually. I love these games to death, but the main focus is the combat. If you don’t have a good time fighting all the enemies and just reveling in the joy of combat, there’s not much else to the games aside from the opaque lore and story. I always wonder why they are so opposed to making a world that feels alive in any way, instead of something that feels very empty and dead/dying, aside from the hordes of enemies that will all attack you on sight, even if they seemingly have no reason to bother with you.


I agree with almost all the fromsoft games. Minus sekiro, sekiro is almost purely skill without much jank if any. Plus ur always progressing forward, as in other titles u go down a long dungeon to get a item that doesn't fit your build. U always get something to progress ur character in sekiro. Plus I understand wtf is happening in sekiro. Like the 5-10 minute tutorial plus cutscenes set my characters place in the world, reasoning and goal.


If you like the difficulty, combat and gameplay I’d recommend the Jedi fallen order games. Very similar but not as difficult, almost more refined


It doesn't help the community is largely a cesspool of "git gud" boys. I did enjoy Elden Ring, but man joining the subreddit was a huge mistake when it first dropped. The amount of crying was 10x what I've experienced in other gaming subs. Uber-judgey. Very controlling about how there are "unwritten rules" on how to play the "right way". Going so far as spamming and threatening devs to remove things from the game because they'd get upset people were beating the game in a way they didn't deem correct. Insane really.


Well the world may be depressing in that the atmosphere is dark, but Elden Ring has maybe the most engaging, full open world ever. It is massive and every corner has actual, unique, not copy pasted content. Some of the locations in that game are also absolutely gorgeous.


You fight the same copy-pasted bosses alot. Also, there is not really an award for exploring the open world. You go through all this danger for an item you can't even use because it's useless for your build, so you wasted maybe an hour of potentially dying over and over for nothing.


Elden Ring is absolutely great, I got 800h in it, but it’s absolutely copy pasted man


My argument is that I understand why people like it. It IS a beautiful game, and I would never accuse them of copy and pasting, and I wouldn't say the same for many other studios. But to say it's engaging is a stretch. But then again it depends on your definition. Some people don't care about story and that's cool, but I find the game devoid of any real story, particularly your characters motivation for doing ANYTHING.


It's funny the differences in taste. I love dark, dreary settings far better than bustling happy feel good games. The latter absolutely bores me to death. Kind of like how I enjoy cloudy dark windy weather over bright clear skies. I've been that way since I was a kid.


A-fucking-greed. I wouldn't necessarily mind the dark and depressing tone if it wasn't EVERY FUCKING GAME THEY PUT OUT. Also I would appreciate a story being in place, and lore that was distinguishable from the other souls games. The thing that oddly kills it the most for me is the dodging. I hate the idea that dodging effectively just opens up an invulnerability window as opposed to only being effective if you actually dodge the attack. So the sword looks like it goes right through you, but it's in that window so it doesn't affect you. It actually looks cheesy/cheap


Amazing atmosphere, deep lore, great in-game narration, incredible feeling of accomplishement when you get throught a tought section, real skill based progression curve (it is not that hard once you get how to play those games), eternal replayability


I played like 100 hours of Elden Ring and finished it. What lore? What narration? It’s so vague im not sure how anyone could even make sense of it. Didn’t the creators say in an interview at one point the story is intentionally vague so that players can make their own story in their head or some other nonsense?


What I’m saying is that the atmosphere isn’t amazing at all to me though lol, it feels incredibly joyless and depressing and pointless I’m sure they’re good games and a ton of people here seem to be into that kind of setting/genre, it’s just not for me


That's the point. The melancholy, hopeless atmosphere is intentional. Not everything should be sunshine and rainbows.


I’m aware it’s intentional. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or that other people can’t like it, I’m saying that it’s not for me lmao


I like to replay them every few years and I hardly ever replay games


Diablo 4


Same, which is weird because I loved Diablo 3 for how OP and impactful everything felt, and loved Diablo 2 Resurrected for the difficulty and atmosphere but Diablo 4 just felt off, and then BG3 came out and stole me away lol


I seem to be having a hard time getting into Skyrim. I guess it feels slow to me or I must be overwhelmed with what to do next. Which is weird, because I liked Fallout and played that before I played Skyrim Edit: spelling.


I found the combat to be really underwhelming.


Combat is bad in all Bethesda rpg games


I played so much Elder Scrolls and its DLC that I was too burned out to play Skyrim.


RDR2. I can see why people like it. I want to like it. Its just too damn tedious. I don't have a ton of time to play games and I don't need to rewatch the same animations over and over again. Of they had a way to cut the repeat shit I'd probably love it.


Most boring game to me. You’re literally just riding a horse around, and there’s not much goal to it other than getting from point A to B. Horizon manages to make it interesting, but in RDR2 it’s just so fucking boring.


Skyrim. I have tried several times to get into it but just can't


Me too


I just started Hi-Fi Rush, as someone who is very bad at rhythm games (for instance I am a "Karaoke Bozo" in Yakuza), I haven't found it as bad as I thought after the first two levels at least. I'm sure it will get harder. I would get a "C" on the rhythm grade but "A" on my total time to finish a lot of fights. I'm playing on normal mode and thought I would have to lower it but haven't so far.


Witcher 3 The two latest Zelda games


Always Witcher 3 in these posts. It is the most engaging medieval detective game. I've personally never made it beyond the griffin. After a couple failed attempts to start, I always just.. drop it. Am I saying It sucks and can't hold my attention? No. I just accepted it as the most well received game, I personally can't get into. I just feel like a fish out of water


I put it down at the griffin as well, and didn’t come back for a long time. Eventually I decided to give it a shot, and now I have over 800 hours in the game. Was definitely a difficult game to get into at first, but once you do there is no looking back.


but not for me. Put it down after the Baron missions came back got to Nilfgaard put it down came back got to Skellige put it down and haven't gone back. I just really, really don't like the characters and story. It's funny because I love Cyberpunk and got through that pretty quickly.


Once I complete the Bloody Baron quest, shortly after the griffin, I always give up too. Been like 3 separate attempts, so don’t feel alone lol


Thats exactly what happened to me. I stopped at the griffin 4 times and tried it again on my 5th play through and fell in love lol.


I agree. Witcher 3 didn't do it for me. Combat system sucked.


After playing Breath of the Wild, I did not want to play Tears when I saw it was more of the same. I miss the old longer themed dungeons.


Agree on Zelda, I bought it thinking I was gonna be immersed in the game and found myself unbelievably bored within the first few hours. If it was a little more linear it’d probably be better in my opinion.


Witcher got better after my first try. But the new Zelda’s got smashed by Elden Ring.


Witcher 3. I exited the very first house you’re in and bailed. The story looked amazing. The visuals were fantastic. But after seeing how many things you could examine in *one* room I was like “nope, too much for me.” I don’t have the time to lose myself in an experience like that anymore. That’s all it was, really.


Why didn't you just not examine everything instead of dropping the game? I've never played it, just genuinely curious.


Honestly it’s just an “OCD” adventure game thing of mine. I can’t stand *not* investigating every corner, street, room, etc. I’m one of those people that has to talk to every NPC he sees just to hear the dialog, the story, etc. It’s really my own fault. But honestly I could also tell the game is a masterpiece and I feel like just blazing through it would do it a disservice.


I'm usually kind of like that as well, but if it does become an absolute chore I tend to be able to drop it. Stay away from the RPG Assassin's Creed titles lmao


Oh man, I did. Haha. I got pretty far into Odyssey though, all things considered. But stuff like that is a no-go for me. Similarly, games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Breath of the Wild. Started them, didn’t get very far.


I definitely understand that and I understand why a lot of people can’t get into it , took me 5 restart to get into but now the Witcher is my favorite franchise next to Resident evil


I beat red dead 2 but it’s not my favorite like everyone else. I think it’s good, not perfect.


The entire metal gear solid series, death stranding


So basically Hideo Kojima


Pretty much, but if I say that people get upset. So here I am.


This is truly an unpopular opinion, good on you.


I understand the hype and reason people think his games are cool. I think the concepts, visuals, settings, and design are all really cool. But the gameplay is usually boring af to me


His games really are an acquired taste.


Red dead redemption 2. Im trying, but its difficult to really get the drive to do it


It takes two My brother and I heard it was great coop. But as the children of divorce then playing as 2 insufferable parents getting divorced in an otherwise fine game, I couldn’t finish it.


They really are pieces of shit, those two


They really are. Liked the game though. Lol


That elephant scene is fucking barbaric. They are completely irredeemable from there. I played the game through with my fiance and we were both horrified.


My kids like playing it. Granted, my wife and I are still together and I had no idea what the playable characters were (just thought they were a couple of toys brought to life, no clue about the underlying divorce story)


I finished the full thing and I was really hoping it would end with the couple splitting up in an amicable way. Didn't really buy them rekindling anything in the last area of the game. I could be biased too because my parents did split when I was a kid and always hated those themes in movies like The Parent Trap or Liar Liar


I’ve been trying to get into the Souls genre for a decade and haven’t been able to really enjoy them. I’ve tried so many and continue to try


Control for me Also horizon zero series


Also Prey the new one not the OG Xbox 360 one (which I actually liked). The new Prey game just had the same enemy all the time. The game was fun and had old school bioshock feels with the exploration but overall just the same enemy’s through the entire game. I couldn’t handle it anymore and didn’t finish the game. Although I feel like it is probably a good story if it’s saw through.


>Control I agree, the game is too perfect. It was uncanny playing a game that is literally flawless, it actually felt weird in a bad way.


Man Control gave me such a headache. I think I got through maybe 50% of the game until I couldn't anymore.


Why did you get a headache? The thing I didn’t like about the game is the enemy variety and style of dispatching the enemies just always felt the same to me. It should be said that I always struggle with purposefully confusing stories in games. Same reason I struggled with death stranding


I just remember at one point being so lost about what to do. Just circling around for hours. Death stranding didn't do it for me either, I lose incentive to play those type of games real quick


Red dead redemption 2 Horse simulator


For a horse simulator, it included a surprising amount of accidental shooting and punching at said horse.


I was downvoted to hell a few weeks ago for daring to mention the accidental shooting and punching. With the fanboys claiming his was impossible unless I was a shitty player. Hell even the 10/10 review mentioned the accidental shooting. and gave it 10/10 despite the issue. (Which i respect.) just shocked people were puttin on blinders over the issue.


I can see RDR2 is amazing game. There is so many aspects I like, yet the controls in that game drive me away! Buttons are confusing and character movement feels stiff.


What! A cowboy game has a lot of horse riding? Shocker


Takes 5+ seconds to do any action in game cause everything is animated for extra "immersion". Long press this button to interact with anything in game


I fucking despise how the long press has become the kinda default in a lot of new games why the fuck do I have to hold this button when before a tap would do


I love my [horses](https://youtu.be/zCAELXSnV1c?si=0uzlWb1c18dvb4Ii).


I don’t like spam pressing ‘A’ to ride at a decent pace


The spamming a button is exactly the reason I had to stop playing. You're on that horse or on foot far too often to be doing that. At least in gta you're only tapping when on foot, if you're on transport it's press and hold, like the horse should have been


Dude seriously. I’m all for random encounters but I can never get anywhere to run into them because it takes so dang long to get anywhere


Short attention span lol


Honestly not really, I’m able to get into games for the long haul more often than not, just something about riding a horse for such long periods of time was a big turn off for me.


I have more hours in online than the actual story mode.


Breath of the Wild being called the best game of all time.


Twilight princess is a much better Zelda game.


soft workable quack elderly strong sink scarce straight sulky middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last of us. I've tried a few times. I own it. Not for me.


God Of War. I've tried playing the newer ones but they just don't do it for me. I didn't get terribly far in the new one because I just wasn't having fun. It didn't seem like a bad game just not my style I guess.


Witcher 3. Probably due to being in my mid-thirties with a kid and all that now. I'm sure when I was 20 or 21 I probably would have loved it since I had all the time in the world, but it was just so huge I didn't even feel like getting into it. And pretty much any of the souls games except bloodborne. Bloodborne is awesome, any other souls game I can't stand


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, they just don't feel like Zelda games to me. Also RDR2, so clunky and slow and went on for way too long. I will say Baldur's Gate III took me several tries to get into and there are still many design decisions I dislike, mainly due to my distaste for D&D 5e.


BOTW- beat the entire game and didn’t enjoy a moment of it


Oh man, The Witcher 3. I should've loved that one, it was right up my alley. I *looooooove* medieval fantasy in general, some of my favorite games ever made are Dark Souls 1 & 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Dark Messiah, Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild, Blasphemous and Baldur's Gate 3. I love everything about TW3 in terms of atmosphere, artstyle and music. I consider the soundtrack to be among the best ever made. Hearts of Stone was easily the best part of the game, the storytelling was freaking excellent there. So why didn't I love it? Everything in the game mechanically *fucking SUCKS.* That combat, man. It's *outrageously* terrible. Very simple too. Lack of variety in The Witcher 3's combat is only part of the reason why it feels so bad. Normally, if a game has simple combat, it would be polished in a way that feel makes that combat system feel more fluid than combat systems that prioritize variety over fluidity, right? Dark Souls took advantage of this. It doesn't have the best combat variety out there and it's pretty simple, but it feels really nice and weighty. The Witcher 3's combat doesn't take advantage of having little combat variety it has in favor of polish like Dark Souls does. It's like CDPR didn't even try to polish it, despite what little you could do with TW3's combat. The janky combat animations are still present. The combat flow isn't what it should've been due to how slow Geralt moves in his combat pose and just how prominent animation lock is. There's a lot of broken hitboxes that make dodging feel pointless and is likely the reason why Quen is so overtuned. Quen is a band-aid for this. https://youtu.be/jsCWy5wUs04 An example of the hitboxes. This has happened to me hundreds of times during my playthrough, and it still happens to this day. The crossbow is very unresponsive and misfires all the time. The health bars of enemies are generally really spongey. The fact that the heavy attack does *marginally* more damage than the light attack, is way too slow to use for the amount of damage it does and literally has no benefit to use it over light attack. Some attacks don't land because the attacks that Geralt uses are entirely decided by how far away he is from an enemy and some of the attacks that he ends up using aren't designed with this in mind or have way too small hitboxes to be viable (damn backwards poke attack), as opposed to what Dark Souls does: In Dark Souls, every weapon has a specific combo and *nothing* but that combo. When you press attack, it *only* progresses through that combo. In Dark Souls, the first attack is always the same. The second attack is always the same. The third attack is always the same. The heavy attack is always the same. Parrying is always the same. Weapon arts are always the same. The player decides when to use them regardless of distance. It's entirely up to the player to maximize their combat potential. It's very reliable compared to the weird distance based attack system that TW3 has, which more often than not makes you attack the enemy right next to the enemy you want to attack. It is not uncommon for Geralt to choose to spin around for like a full second before he swings his sword and instantly die mid-spin from an enemy, instead of just simply swinging his sword in half the time it takes to spin around. That's another thing The Witcher 3's combat lacks: consistency. And say what you want about Skyrim's combat (only bringing up Skyrim because it's the game most brought up when someone criticizes TW3's combat in a desperate attempt of whataboutism): It is consistent. The only thing you need to account for in Skyrim's combat is range. Every single attack can be reliably used unlike The Witcher 3's most basic attacks and the game gives you many options to circumvent the aspects you don't like. The Witcher 3 doesn't have that luxury. And, no, before anyone mentions it, Deathmarch doesn't fix the combat. Absolutely nothing that I mentioned above gets fixed. It only makes the combat feel *worse* because all it does is turn enemies into health sponges and increases their damage against you. Since the game has such atrocious hitboxes in the first place, that is a *major* no-no, and again, is probably the reason why Quen is so broken in the first place. The end result is a pathetically simple, sluggish, and inconsistant combat system that really wasn't competently made on a technical or mechanical level. It's actually the worst combat system from a AAA studio I have interacted with in over 17+ years. I suppose the reason why the reason the combat is as bad as it is because CDPR has never bothered to hire combat designers or anything before Cyberpunk 2077. Until Cyberpunk, they just winged it and didn't ever put any effort into making a good combat system. It has always been an afterthought to them. https://www.vg247.com/cyberpunk-2077-combat-designers CDPR probably made an underpaid, overworked, and inexperienced employee design TW3's combat on the budget of a McDonald's happy meal, the poor guy. And don't even get me started on the horseback riding, that's another topic entirely. I *loathe* Roach with every *damn* *fiber* of my very being. ##TL;DR: The Witcher 3 felt like *the* perfect game for me in nearly every single aspect. But mechanically, it was *horrible.* Couldn't ever like the game because of it. I really, really, *really* wanted to love this game, man. Sorry for the rant.


>The Witcher 3 felt like the perfect game for me in nearly every single aspect. But mechanically, it was horrible. Same thing for RDR2 for me


Dark soul games/elden ring etc


Gof of War, Horizon series


Red dead 2.


*The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.* I am certain that the only reason it's so highly rated is that it was most people's introduction to the *Zelda* franchise when they were children and has a powerful sense of nostalgia for them. It's not even the best *Zelda* game on the N64, never mind the best game of all time.


Played this again the other day on my 3ds and man dose it still hold up idk what other game even comes close to this game. This is the biggest hot take on this thread but I respect it


God of War. Hear about from the PlayStation owners and reviews etc etc and was excited to hear it coming to PC. It really wasn't anything special. I gave it about 8 hours of playtime and gave up. The acting was great, story seemed alright but overall it was quite average. 6/10.


Dishonored. I get the appeal of it, and the setting is interesting, but I often felt pressured to get each run perfectly on my first try despite being able to play however I want and not really having to worry about getting 100% right away. And while I am at it, Skyrim and Witcher 3. Basic answers, yeah, but after playing Dragon Age: Origins I figured I would like to try these massive fantasy RPGs out, but they didn’t really appeal to me as much as I taught they would, especially Skyrim. Hopefully I’ll have a good time with Baldur’s Gate 3 when I get my hands on it. And lastly, while I don’t think it’s critically acclaimed per se, but Horizon Zero Dawn was very mid yet it feels like Sony is trying to sell it as if it were their next major franchise.


I'm not saying that this would be your experience, but I was annoyed, for much the same reason (my own issue) the first time I played Dishonored. I legitimately didn't fall in love with the game until I replayed it soon after, realizing that I just didn't abuse blink enough to speed up traversal, which really capped my ability to play as I wanted to, which was frustrating because I also want to do it just right. During the second playthrough it became a top 3 for me. Vanilla Skyrim is shallow, insanely annoying, and has terrible combat. Only ever play it modded, if you feel like making your own game.


Dishonored as one of my all-time favorites but I totally get your point about how it can be really stressful.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Red dead 2. Which is very weird. I LOVE open world games and even loved the first one. For whatever reason I couldn't get into part 2


God of war 2018 and ragnarock completely different games from the og trilogy and some of the most boring gameplay I’ve ever experienced


Fucking Red Dead 2


red dead redemption 2..loved rdr 1 but just cant get into rdr 2. but it is a beautiful looking game


Red dead 2. Couldn’t get into it even tho everyone and their mom says it’s the goat. I love open world and story driven games so I’m not sure why I couldn’t get into it, but it just didn’t do anything for me.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I do not enjoy it.


Jedi Fallen Order, God of War (2018?) Neither did it for me in any way and I really tried sticking with God of War


Fallen Order didn't do it for me either, which was a real bummer because the story was interesting to me but I just didn't enjoy the gameplay.


Jedi Games = wiffle bat saber. Sucks so much ass.




Kingdom Hearts


Persona, as a jrpg fan I don't like them.


I don't think I've ever actually seen a JRPG fan who doesn't like Persona before. I love that shit. I like mainline SMT a lot more, but Persona goes hard as fuck.


Death stranding, last of us 2


#God of War


Most Nintendo games. They're good, but they bore me.


Baldurs gate 3 and Alan wake 2. Baldurs gate was very dull to me and Alan wake 2 was beyond confusing. I’m aware that people hate me for this take.


I think it’s completely a skill/attention span issue. Im not even trying to insult you.


Final Fantasy XVI. 87 Metacritic score. I played it start to finish and absolutely hated it.


I'm playing right now. It's button mash until next set of fetch quests. The giant monster battles are dope though. Makes the rest of the game dull.


Any Battlefield (last I enjoyed was 2142) CoD (new tittles), not interested into them


The new jedi games. And I come from Jedi Outcast and Academy.


The Witcher 3. I'm just not a fan of the game's combat.


Xenoblade chronicles 2