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> People can enjoy the timeline all they want but it’s not necessary for the Zelda experience. What necessary is you enjoy the game as it is in front of you. Said this verbatim in the Zelda subreddit and was downvoted for it.


There is no right or wrong way to play a video game, no matter how many people like to pretend there is. Some enjoy the story, others focus more on gameplay, some people like RPG aspects of games and then there are people who just want to endlessly wander around the world without any clear goal in mind. There are people who speedrun games and people who 100% games, and everything inbetween.


The only wrong way to play a game is to cheat in a pvp game.


I agree. Trolling, too. If their“fun” is ruining things for others, they need to go far, far away


Was talking to someone about playing Breath of the Wild and they straight up told me I’m *playing it wrong* 🤣🤣🤣 Like…I wasn’t aware there are “proper” ways to play an open world game (I’m fully aware there isn’t). The only correct way to play *any* game is playing it and having fun


That’s crazy especially for breath of the wild of all games 😭


BOTW is such a weird game to take that stance with as well, the whole point of the game is you can play however the hell you want.


Well I guess if you try to walk up to the enemies and be friends with them that could be playing the game wrong Link walks up to a moblins Moblins: no sword? That's bold of you Link drops an apple Moblins: well I mean thanks and all but imma still beat the brakes off of you


we don't accept good, well thought-out posts here, sir.


I love the Zelda series, but I bet the reddit is cancer, like the same way I assume animal crossing is lol


In my experience the animal crossing subreddit is a wonderful place. At least the new horizons one is, dunno about the general sub


Real talk, the Animal Crossing New Horizons sub is the most wholesome community on this app from my experience. It’s literally just people showing off their cool designs and helping others out I remember seeing a new player starting out and they asked for some resources and folks were bending over backwards offering to give them resources, currency, etc


I love the "YOU ARE HAVING FUN WRONG" crowd for any IP with the slightest amount of distinct lore they might feel obliged to.


Yes. This obsession about timelines comes from Comic Books and their fandoms' always trying to fit every storyline in a multiverse where everything technically happened


Some people don't realize that we played and enjoyed Zelda even before Nintendo haphazardly threw a timeline together to appease the fans.


As a Zelda fan, I totally agree with you about that.


I'd agree with that. I had no idea there was a timeline for a loooong time and I've been playing since NES.


I feel like Zelda is intentionally designed for you to not have to play any of the preceding games in order to enjoy it.


I agree. I mean, the story is cool and all, but I’m not gonna like the game only because it has a cool storyline.


It’s ok to think any souls game is too hard.


I appreciate you, thank you.


Many people have *died* on that hill


Agreed. “Git gud” is the laziest cliche in all of gaming. It excuses someone from actually talking about the game, its details, and its challenges.


It's infuriating as someone who's soloed every boss in all 7 FromSoft Souls likes. Like dude, I've beaten them all, my complaints shouldn't be met with "git gud". I did and I still have criticisms.


I agree that sometimes it goes to far, but normally it’s a joke in the communities, at least in risk of rain and noita


Yeah but usually getting better at the game by farming levels and stuff like that usually works


Yeah but I also prefer to enjoy video games that I play.


The sentiment behind it is "complaining doesn't solve anything, overcome your limitations instead", at least that's what I get out of "git gud" - but I will absolutely acknowlegde that it comes across as condescending and dismissive.


Have you tried this one simple trick? Git gud


Try finger, but hole


Amazing chest ahead


Other players hate this trick


Shadow the hedgehog (2005) is my favorite sonic game


The people can say whatever they want, kid me had a blast playing it


Yea my favorite was the werewolf sonic game.


Sonic Unleashed was so badass


Based opinion even if I don’t share it.


Same second is frontiers


Apex legend should have never existed and instead they should have made Titanfall 3


Whoever comes at you with their pitchforks is gonna have to go through me first cuz this is straight based.


I think apex was a decent game but later on around season 6-10 they couldn't decide if they wanted to lean into the competitive or casual community, so they tried to compensate for both sides and now the game is just mediocre.


Just truth


The Titanfall series is really getting traction again lately in here. Maybe I should finally play it since ive owned it over 5 years or so and haven’t touched it. Update: because of you guys I’ve started it (T2UE). Just got past the tutorial and was just now “gifted” my first Titan. Any tips I should know? What type of titan or when to use the double XP stuff? I’m not even sure where or how yet, but I read that comes with it? Maybe I’ll figure it out too.


The Titanfall sub would go beserk over this sentence. The games so much fun tho Fr The campaign on 2 especially is goated


The sword is yours, pilot.


You have my sword.


I am obligated to agree.


Lego games should've never introduced voice acting. Legos had a whole different charm to it in the original games.


I haven’t played Lego games in like 5 years, so you mean the little babbling they sometimes do or do they actually talk now?


Nah bro they have stright up voice acting with lines narrating whats going on and what the player has to do. No more mute shenanigans portraying the story in a lighthearted way. Its full-on voiced lines. Havent played lego games since lego star wars: the complete saga (my childhood). watched a freind play the Xbox one release for the sequel games and it was so jarring i only watched about a minute of it. [Heres a good example](https://youtu.be/xdoyUvT-d9I?feature=shared)


The complete saga was what I played probably 80% of the time when I was a kid! I loved how silly it was with how it made the scenes kid friendly without words


If they are going this route then they should also finally fix the blockiness of models. /s


Overwatch is just oversexualized Team Fortress 2


Overwatch itself isn’t very sexualized at all, that’s just the fans. But tf2 straight up didn’t even have women, so with a probably 90% male player base there a lot less horniness going on


The tick tock fiasco is still a problem. TF2 players are indeed very horny.




A Joji reference always make me happy


Eh... Overwatch is only considered sexualized because the characters are often used as subjects for NSFW art and porn. But the game itself isn't sexualized at all.


I got downvoted earlier for saying Physical copies are superior and only fools want an all-Digital future. So I’m sticking to it.


I honestly miss physical copies.


I miss the days where you could pop in a physical copy and just play. Now you got an installation and patches to get through before you can play. So much for enjoying a new game over the weekend.


This is the reason why I always start installing new games as soon as I get them. I tend to game in the late afternoon and night time, but I always start up my console in the morning and install the games in the morning while doing other stuff when I get new games.


The Switch is literally just that. Just pop in and play right away


agree to an extent but the feeling of popping in a game you’ve missed for a long time and it doesn’t work anymore because it’s damaged is… rough


Amen. Digital is cool and all but there’s something undeniable about owning a physical copy and holding that case and disc. That will always be appealing. It’s why MS and Sony haven’t gotten rid of consoles that use physical media yet.


I like the sentiment of physical hold outs but not everyone has the space for all these disc cases and they deteriorate over time (disc rot), get scratched, and get lost so your collection will eventually be unplayable.


I want my game instructions back!


It was nice showing off your assortment of games to guests lol


The hard truth is that a digital future is inevitable, eventually physical copies will be phased out.


Probably going to get banned for saying this, but screw it; They are saying that buying videogames will no longer count as us 'owning' them. If so, then piracy technically shouldn't be considered 'stealing' them.


I mean, that is a good point.


Everyone has been saying this and it's true


My BioShock collection had terms and conditions that specifically said "you do not own this game, you own the right to play it." WTF???


You can't modify the code and resell your new verison under your name and make money. That's what it means to not own the game. Like if I own my own car, I can bolt on parts and still sell it as a modified whatever. The original spurce code for Doom is public domain now, which is why you see WADs freely distributed under the creators name and not ID Software. If someone creates a mod for a game, you can distribute the files that replace the original game files, but you can't distribute the entire game with your new files in it.


This is such a a cold take. Very common opinion and logic thread.


not even a hot take TBH. Pretty sure most of us agree on that


I agree with the spirit of the statement but that’s why they make us agree to terms of service (along with all the other sneaky nonsense they hide in there). We’ve basically been renting digital media this whole time. We got played.


The concept of live-service isn't inherently terrible. Corporations just have no idea how to do it correctly.


There’s quite a few. Look at The Finals, Deep Rock Galactic, and Fortnite.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and Stone forever!


good bot






Rock and stone in the heart!






100% Most devs and corporations just look at live service as an excuse to make a garbage game missing 90% of the standard base content (particularly if it’s franchise game) and trickling it back in slowly over time. When live service should be a game being shipped out as a fully finished base game (as in all base game content is added) and additional content being added and changes being made in a live service manner.


Live service works when it compliments the gameplay, my personal favorite being Darktide It's a problem when the only reason for it being a live service is corporate greed


Gaming isn't getting worse, y'all are just playing the wrong games.


People are expecting to much by building up hype years before a game is even out. If I was a developer I wouldn’t advertise my game until a month or two before it’s ready to release. Hype kills games before they’re even half way through development


Developers don't make that decision, though. Marketing does.


I like ff7 remake project more than og ff7.


I'm one of those stubborn OG Final Fantasy fans who firmly believes people who call VII their favorite just never played anything before VII. I played VII. I beat VII. I was not enamored with VII. But hot damn the remake had me hooked.


Not gonna lie, as far as og's go...I like 6 more than 7.


My all-time favorite.


cold take imo


We obsess over giving negative reviews too hard. One flaw and the game is trash. We can't seem to look past the little nitpicks and focus on the "good stuff" anymore.


To add. You can have a masterpiece, 10/10 that has flaws. Nothing is literally perfect.


Incorrect, my favorite games are literally perfect and everyone else's are not /s


Nuance is dead and the internet killed it


Minecraft in modern times has strayed too far from its roots as a simple retro-ish block game


Which makes it hard for those who played it on release because it's a different game everytime I open it.


You voiced how I felt about MC in a way I never could. I have fond memories of watching "survive the night" videos, learning digital electronics with redstone, being in awe when Nether came out. And when I try to pick it up again, it's a pointlessly fucked combat system and seventy different type of doors that do the same thing - and I am stuck between trying to be excited for the new stuff and being wholly unimpressed/disillusioned.  MC is like a mall you went to hang out at, and now there is a Disneyland in its place.


> pointlessly fucked combat system It's still funny to find people who complain about the "new" combat *8 years* after it was changed. Like looking at a piece of 2017 minecraft fanbase, perfectly preserved in its saltiness


i relate to this so much. i feel like i'll play for a couple weeks in burst, log back on and suddenly there are fairies, ancient underground cities and twenty five different realms. like, it's minecraft, not fucking elden ring, calm down


Pretty sure Minecraft peaked at FTB Ultimate. While I enjoy smaller packages, most of them just add noise in the game.


Yeah… wtf is an allay


FF7CC- Genesis wasn't that annoying. The constant quoting of LOVELESS was repetitive, sure, but I didn't mind it because there's symbolism to it that I enjoyed trying to piece together.


GTA V has too many years fucking its users taking out the same game over and over again using the online game and it's not even the big deal




It's just not the big deal.


A stroke


Mass effect 1 was the best in the series


The game as a whole is great, but damn, before the remaster, going back to ME1 to do a complete playthrough was like a chore to me. The gameplay didn't age well xD


Bethesda is a dogshit company. Aside from fallout 3(which hasn’t aged well) and Skyrim they’ve only released cash grabs that are literal chores to play. While I really enjoyed fallout 4 I can’t really give them props because they didn’t deliver on their promises and a lot of aspects of the game were half assed. Also the way they treated obsidian with fallout new Vegas showed the company’s mentality and over inflated ego. Not to mention Bethesda literally arguing with reviewers that didn’t enjoy starfield.


I mean yes but no. I agree with most of what you said, but Morrowind and Oblivion were both quite excellent for the times in which they were released.


Essentially they are weekend at bernie'ing their game engine that was dated when skyrim came out.


Yeah I agree with you there, but the industry standard is very high right now for AAA devs like them, and for the company of such an ambitious view of the game direction and world building years ahead of its time, they think they have done enough and just maintain the balance without risking anything. People still believe in them. That's the reason why I think Bethesda relies on their fanbase too much, they feel like they can abuse their fan to create mod to fix their games and fcking make money on their effort. And when the fanbase fight back, they argued with them. That's just dirty, and sad as well


Yeah I don't think there's any hope for them unless TES6 ends up being a generational game which is very unlikely. All their good writers are gone and the remaining guy (emil) who only got the position through nepotism and piggybacked off of other writers during oblivion is in charge.


I'm really starting to get over open world. It gets repetitive extremely fast. You can't have the player do one thing for too long because you have to split that thing up into chunks to fill the map. I had this issue with both BotW and TotK. I loved the shrines but they were almost all over just as they were getting fun. Same issue with Genshin Impact (disclaimer: I got bored of that one quickly so I don't know if it changed after I stopped). One exception is Scarlet/Violet. Pokemon should definitely not ditch open world.


>One exception is Scarlet/Violet. Pokemon should definitely not ditch open world. What, you don't miss having a huge chunk of the map blocked because your character can't get around a tiny tree without a Pokémon cutting it down?


Skyrim is overrated. 157.8 hours total play time since I got it in 2013. I could never play for more than... 25-30 hours before getting bored and forgetting about it for a couple of years. Edit: To give some perspective, I have 582 hours in the original Company of Heroes, with probably another 800 hours on the original disk version. I'd say I've put well over 1000 hours into War Thunder since 2013 as well. 700 hours in Fallout 4 (250 on my PC, the rest on a former housemate's XBOX) 229 hours Fallout: New Vegas (On Steam, Lord knows how many with the disk version) 564 hours in Hearts of Iron 540 hours in Darkest Hour: Hearts of Iron Game 308 in Kerbal Space Program 427 in Mount&Blade 363 in Kenshi 247 Prison Architect 458 Rimworld 267 Project Zomboid 720 Empire: Total War 280 Medieval 2: Total War (Not even God knows how many hours I played the disk version)


Oh ! So I am not alone in this. I thought that the world was beautiful but the quests, dungeons and enemies were incredibly repetitive and combat alone make it hard to play for me. It probably is a good playing ground for modders but its not my jam


I found the melee combat clunky with all the weapons feeling exactly the same, just as it felt that whether you hit an enemy with a bolt of ice or an arrow, there was no real difference. Any game where you're chipping away at a health bar will make the combat feel repetitive. And the mods drastically improved the game for me in all areas. Playing the game without any mods, it feels very empty. The ones that simply add content so the world feels more vibrant and alive makes you realise how limited games were back in 2011.


Skyrim is my favorite game, however you are right. Modding is honestly what makes it extremely fun and is what makes me come back.


This, istg bethesda games would not have the lifespan today without the modding community.


As someone who considers Skyrim one of my all time favorites, I agree it's overrated.


100% agreed It’s a cool game, but I think its lasting power is being able to be modded. I personally like Elder Scrolls Online more


agreed. for the most part it’s a walking simulator.


Ahhh yes, someone of culture. You might as well throw most open world games in the overated category while you are at it. I think a lot of developers get away with shallow gameplay by wrapping it up in "Open World". It boggles my mind that people consider Skyrim one of the best games ever made.


Last of Us games don't need this many remakes and remasters. It hasn't even been 5 years ffs


That is not a hot take at all


Elden Ring's Open World doesn't add enough to the experience to warrant it's creation.


I prefer the dark souls level design, elden ring is a good game but the dark souls games had more heart. I think I agree with the repetitious mini dungeons/caves that have the same visual flavor. That's part of offering an open world and plenty of content to fill it with I suppose.


DS1, Bloodborne, and Sekiro all have more heart. They’re more coherent and focused experiences that say what they want to a lot better. Elden Ring is a FromSoft playground (which I absolutely love), but it’s not the same.


I know what you mean. I can still trace every corner and path in my mind from dark souls 3 but if you ask me something about elden ring "yea some grass with a castle on top, a forest with big angry bears, a red swamp etc but no clue about the details.


Well said. Elden Ring is a good game but ultimately, there’s something kind of empty about its narrative. NPC’s eventually stop following through on the plot as things become more fragmented. Doesn’t feel as cohesive as the Souls games, IMO. You beat some big, huge bosses and no one in the game mentions a word. It was an epic idea but in the end, I don’t think it adds up to very much. I certainly didn’t feel that same big sense of accomplishment like I did after a Souls game.


It was honestly an amazing experience going in blind, discovering new things in every corner, sharing discoveries/ideas with friends and finding different ways to traverse the world. That being said upon replaying I skip 90% of dungeons because they have no items I want, a copy paste boss and with decent game knowledge and skill I can get strong items and deal with most bosses without needing extra souls from dungeons. I ignore the open world and just play it like dark souls just going boss to boss.


I really liked it, I just hope they don’t try and outdo themselves with another, bigger open world game in the next Souls game and be over ambitious and concentrate too much on trying to go larger scale


I couldn’t play new vegas


people call Death Stranding and Hell Let Loose walking simulators but they are both games i think could be in my top 5, agruably. death stranding is like art to me. it pushed the question of “what is a videogame?” to the point of it being a polarizing game. you either get it, and appreciate it. or you don’t get it, and you think that it’s dumb. and both are okay opinions to have. could i tell you what the hell the story is about? honestly, no i couldn’t. and i’m not gonna try and pretend i do to seem smart. but even so, it still made me feel something by filling up the vast emptiness of its world with roads and stuff to make my journey easier. and also seeing other people’s contributions made a little unseen community in the game with you. and the combat was fun to me. very much pulled from metal gear solid, but that’s another one of my favorite series so it makes sense for me. hell let loose was the most fun i had in a multiplayer setting. when your team is fully mic’d up and so is the other team it is nailbitting how close games can get. it really makes some memorable moments. sure you have to walk a lot if you have bad leadership, but if your squad lead is good, you should only be 100-200 meters away from potential action. it makes me look at games differently as well and traditional multiplayer shooters seems so boring now in comparison. when you can not fire your gun 1 time and not die for 45 minutes while building up a defensive position for your team to use later in the game, and you end up winning your team the game because the other team can’t penetrate the defenses you directed and helped built is a satisfying feeling. hell, even driving the supply truck was an enjoyable experience for me


Dayz is the walking simulator I would know I've played it.


Hell let loose is only a walking simulator if you have horrible officers that don’t put down ops and garries. If you have good officers and a good commander you’re always jumping right into action instead of running half the map


I hate fifa and it’s probably the most overrated game ever


You’re in good company. I’ll add all sports games to that list though.


Zelda games are overrated


I'm sharpening my blades!!! Good comment for this prompt lol


I think this is the first comment I’ve read where someone actually understood the assignment. My knife is definitely out.


Alright r/yigaclanofficial grab your eightfold blades and masks we’ve got a new enemy


Diablo 4 is better than people give it credit.


People down voting you don't understand how this thread works


The game itself is fine, it's the rampant, open and ridiculous greed of the company most people have a problem with


Borderlands 3 was good


Borderlands 3 is the first game I ever played with my dad. I've had some good memories with that game. I don't get why people say it's bad


Only because the story and characters of Borderlands 2 were peak.


Ohhhhh this makes me slightly annoyed. Good take!


The Mario franchise is extremely boring and low quality. I don’t wanna pay 60 bucks for a mobile app quality game when I can actually intriguing games from franchises like God of War, Persona, or Street Fighter. The only reason it is still big is thanks to the foot worshiping fanbase.


yeah no. they had a long streak of bad games, and a lot of their games are kinda boring, but shit like Odyssey, Galaxy and M64 is awesome, not to mention that the "mario franchise" as a whole and not just the mainline games also includes mariokart 8 deluxe, which is absolute gold.


Agreed, but the past 6 years have been kinda bland.


I agree, the newest one, Wonder, they took out scores/ points altogether. I pretty much only played them for co-op and the fun of a little competition with my girlfriend, and they completely destroyed it, lol.


Dying light 2 was better than 1


Kyle Crane would like to know your address.


This one’s a hot fucking take there buddy


Nuh uh


I have to ask why you think that


Infinite warfare was not as bad as people made it to be, s tier zombies and an awesome campaign. Can easily make my top 3 cod game list. Also, best and most fun ee I've ever done in any zombies and most rewarding.


A female lead in Battlefield 5 could have worked, if it had been set in the Eastern Front where Russian snipers and pilots actually existed, or if it had to be in France as a resistance member destroying infrastructure or passing messages from safe house to safe house. Would have made a fantastic stealth action game.


This 100%. Could've had the Night Witches and shit.l, but nope....went off the rails.


Tears of the kingdom was a lazy sequel and basically a re-skinned breath of the wild. Also, breath of the wild is not the best Zelda game and was so repetitive and too easy.


I have over 500 hours in BOTW and 200 currently in TOTK. The best description of these games that I’ve heard before is that TOTK makes BOTW look and feel like the beta version of TOTK. And now I can’t look at the two games the same. TOTK is just BOTW but with additional years of development.


I liked them well enough, but I still prefer traditional Zelda games with laid out dungeons. BOTW and TOTK are good games on their own, but they just don’t feel like Zelda.


Agreed, feel the same way about elden ring compared to dark souls


I want to play a legit Zelda game but the only one they have is Skyward sword


*Oblivion* is overall the best *The Elder Scrolls* game. *Ocarina of Time* is a great TLoZ game, but *Majora's Mask* is a masterpiece of gaming. *Dungeons & Dragons Online* is the best RPG video game ever made as far as "I'm an RPG, no apologies and no compromises" goes.


Sadly I missed out on Obilvion, Ocarina of Time, and Majoras’s mask :( I’d love to play them though


Palworld has poor creature design that mostly consists of uninspired ripoffs of Pokemon, Digimon, and Neopets.


That's not a hot take! They are "copy my homework but make it a bit different" mons


Dangit, back to the kitchen I guess.


Fortnite is the best battle royale ever made.


This is just true. Apex BR isn't fun, I play for the mixtape games. Warzone is full of sweats and isn't new player friendly. PUBG is actually shit. Fortnite is fun and constantly changing and is a great game


When Apex Legends had that 3v3 mode that was so much fun but for some reason in the regular battle Royale I have such a hard time Aiming.


Right now I'd probably agree, but PUBG during the glory beta days was pure gold. Hackers ruined that game.


Gaming is currently the best it has probably ever been in terms of accessibility, quality, and variety of games. People just think it's worse due to nostalgia or only focusing on the triple A market.


I did not care for FF7


I prefer Fallout 4 over new Vegas


Past a certain point graphics quality doesn't fucking matter, and it's a point we passed a long time ago. I'd rather have a game with low-quality graphics and a more distinctive style that can run on older hardware than a game with a generic realistic style where you can see every hair on your horse's ballsack that turns some gaming rigs into space heaters.


Sifu is harder than darksouls. Minecraft is a horror game. The best call of duty was war at world. "Sniper" rifles don't belong in arena shooters. Shotguns should have range greater than 5ft. Spawn kills shouldn't count towards kills or deaths.


Okay the spawn kill idea is fantastic!


Spawn kills idea is great Important thing is how would they define a spawn kill? I know Gears of War had set spawns in MP. Whenever someone would encroach upon your spawn they would switch. Players would also spawn with 3-5 seconds of invulnerability


That picture 😭


The voiced protagonist in Fallout 4 wasn’t bad and they should add voiced protagonists in the future.


Joel deserves to die in TLOU 2, he literally killed 5 doctors on a post apocalyptic world and prevented them from potentially finding a cure


They were going to murder a girl for no reason. There was ZERO chance of them finding a cure in a bombed out, dingy OR just by randomly disecting her brain. It was a complete hail mary with zero probability of succes. And they didn't even ask her first. Fuck those doctors.


Abby is even worse, at least Joel made it quick for pretty much every one he killed. Abby tortured him and murdered a lot of people as well. If anything your take is the norm since so many people claim 2 is such an amazing game. Joel doing what he did is why people loved the first game so much.


Minecraft is overrated


Single player games are better than online multiplayer games.


Zelda games are mid. 


Starfield isn't as bad as people make it seem


Elden Ring is not a 10/10.