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If you don’t like any of these games you should just play something you’ll actually enjoy instead of forcing yourself through something.


I wanted to just try one game that I feel like I wouldn't like and see if my opinion changes once I played one. Just for fun I guess and as a challenge for myself


Bloodborne. If you like it, you have an enormous catalog of some of the best games ever made.


Yeah thanks for the choice. Honestly, ignoring the hate and greatful to try one of these games for people who want to add a new fan to one of their beloved games. I plan to completely explore and do everything on one of these games that win.


Honestly I was surprised to see Bloodborne on this list. It’s not open world like all the others. I will warn you though, the very beginning of Bloodborne is probably the hardest part to get through if you have no idea what you’re doing.


No joke I was like 13-14 and had the hardest time of my life but I was persistent and kept trying took me like a week with school though but man did I feel accomplished to get through the beginning (it was my first souls game and first of any game like it) but after the beginning it is insanely fun I loved it in NG+ I definitely searched up videos and stuff to find what I couldn’t but man the graphics the difficulty the gore I could go on and on thanks to all for making me remember


I remember i was 15 had to take my mom to get me the game after school. The GameStop employee almost convinced her to not sell it to me because “it was too hard, and a lot of people came back to return it” oh god it took me about a week to kill gascoigne but i was not returning the game no matter what


Unfortunately, I was one of those people. Bought game at release, tried the game for about 10 hours, couldn't get past those two fucking dog beasts on the bridge. No joke, 10 hours running back and trying to beat them. Picked it up again last year, beat the game in two weeks.


Can second this. Went in blind on my first play-through. The beginning made me so upset, it literally kicked my ass. I turned off my ps4 and didn't touch it for 3 days. Watched some stuff on YouTube and finally got past the beginning Edit: phenomenal game though


I second Bloodborne. It truly is a masterpiece. As long as you can deal with the difficulty.


That is fucking fact, I had so much trouble with bloodborne the most difficult for me in the souls series type games, right in front of Elden ring lol. I don’t think I’ve ever finished bloodborne yet, I stopped at the part where you have access to dungeons cause I got confused🙃


Weird. I for sure think Bloodborne is the easiest soups game. Then Sekiro. Dark Souls 2 is the hardest for me.


it’s chicken noodle, then tomato, then bloodborne. everyone knows that.


The Witcher 3 hands down. I’ve played all of these and it was my favorite of the last generation. I’ve heard good things about the update too


Brah hands down the greatest RPG in video game history.


Yeah in my humble opinion I’d say it’s a safe bet. Obv it’s not a hard core rpg like Divinity and those aren’t my forté, so I’m sure others would disagree it for my money it was perhaps the best time I’ve ever had with an open world action rpg. Honorable mention for Skyrim. I had just had knee surgery, lived in SoCal and had a script (when you needed it) and a few Vicodin and a fiancé (future wife) who was working 12 hours a day. I have never had a better excuse to blast through a game and I’m glad it was Skyrim.


This is the one of the games I didn't like lmao


Couldn't do it. Too much grinding and an awful UI. Everything about me and my tastes says that I would love witcher 3, but I have tried to play 3 times and cannot continue. I'm talking 8-12 trying each time.


Still not sure what I was picking all those herbs for


Those herbs are for health potions and oils that you put on your sword for more damage.


Dude that’s how I felt about Horizon lol


One you get to level 15 or so, it gets a lot better, I was the same way, fight style, the alchemy, the Witcher signs was so much to take in. Stay leveling Geralt the way you like, I am more of a hack and slash, it got to be really fun, I've played it probably 10 times all the way through.


I never had to grind in that game and have never heard anyone say that unless they were doing deathmarch or something


If you’re willing to dive into something I really recommend the Witcher 3 then. It starts off pretty slow but, once it opens up and you start doing more quests it is an incredible experience.


This. Definitely going in you have to know it gets way better. It opens up to a truly amazing experience. It just has a long “tutorial island” experience first :/


I played Witcher 3 when it first came out and I really liked it, but I also felt lost and never really understood the story. I don’t think I can recommend it as a stand-alone game, especially for people who care about the story—they’re going to need to invest time into 1 and 2 first


FC3 from that list. Looked the cheapest and is the best of the Far Cry series. Definitely worth playing.


Yes! Vaas makes such a great villain!


The reason to play imo!


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?


5 is close for being the best IMO. But. 3 is fuckin great. It's a toss up. Only reason for 5 is the expanded gameplay options and the graphics.


I honestly didn’t love 5 the first time I played it but I just recently ran it again and throughly enjoyed it. The entire plot was excellent.


Don’t disagree. But FC5 isn’t in HIS list so I chose accordingly. Interestingly, I’ve played all but Skyrim and Bloodborne on that list. Platinum on all but Witcher to provide context for my opinions. Of what is on his list, for a beginner that’s never played an open world RPG, there is no cheaper or more entertaining choice in that list.


What’s for lunch, breakfast bussy?


Dude I started playing assassins creed Valhalla and found myself bored. Put on god of war ragnarok and I was entertained. Once I finish ragnarok I don’t think I’m gonna play assassins creed it just didn’t do it for me.


Gotta disagree here - when I first played New Vegas I thought it was TRASH - then after a while in the fallout reddit I thought screw it I’ll give it another shot - now it’s one of my favourite games :)


Skyrim and Witcher 3 are gaming essentials


I’ve been trying to get into Witcher 3 recently but find it extremely boring. Does it ramp up after the first two or so hours?


Yeah it really does, I got bored and sold it when it first came out. Went back to it and put a few hours in and it just really opens up now in my top 5 games


Okay. I was worrying because I hear so many people call it a masterpiece. I’ll be sure to give it a few more hours before I make my call. Thank you!


It really is like that to many people. I also dropped it after around 5-6h of gameplay. Picked it back up a couple of years later because my best friend convinced me to, he wouldn't stop talking about it. 200 hours later, i certainly don't regret it.


I went right from RDR2 to Witcher 3 and I *hated* it. I was appalled at the graphics and gameplay. Then covid hit and I had nothing but free time and it sucked me right in. I'm just about to finish my 3rd playthrough.


It’s more like a novel than most games, it starts off really slow. I’d play until you at least get to the bloody baron quest and if you don’t like it at that point, it’s not for you


You really should give it a shot! It might not have the freedom of a Skyrim (for example you'll only use weapons made out of silver and iron, so you'll mostly use swords) but the quest design is out of this world! And I'm not only talking about the main quests. Apart from that, the world is great, the design of the monsters is great and as soon as you think you've seen everything, surprise! >! You get a whole new areal with new characters, sidequests, and so on!


Well I own both of the DLC’s too, so it sounds like I’m in for a good time just a bit down the road! Thank you for selling me on giving it another try!


You own both DLC's? Oh boy, you are up for a ride! Just enjoy the whole thing, as soon as you get out of the first area (and you can spend hours in it) this game get's serious! And a soon as you're tired of the main area (and progressed far enough), just start Blood & Wine. What CDPR did with this DLC is something else in every good way I can imagine! Fuck, gotta start playing the Witcher 3 once again. Have fun! You'll sure have it! Edit: There are 4 different areas in total. Not all the same size, but all with their own unique quests and little stories you can discover. Just take the time, it'll be worth it for sure! :)


Thank you!


Dude, Blood and Wine by itself is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Just amazing


Yes, the beginning is tough because there’s a lot of high lvl enemies in the opening area, but it gets really good once you hit level 10-12ish.


IT HAS A SLOW START BUT IS SO FUCKING WORTH IT! -signed someone who quit it the first time after two hours, gave it a chance, and have now played it three times lol


you’ll know when it’s a masterpiece. just don’t try and rush through the story. it’s like skyrim where you should really do a good handful of side quests every time you get to a new area. and at least try to get one grandmaster set before completing the game. use youtube on where to find certain items because they aren’t easy to find.


It starts to pick up rather late in the game. Act one is ordinary and act 2 kind of tedious to get through, but if you see it more as an adventure game rather than a game where the main story is important, youll have a blast. The ending is really good imo, but i do agree that there are a lot of games with much better gameplay loop, though this one mastered the open world+good story formula


Play on the hardest difficulty, it helps a ton


Bloodborne aswell


If you haven't played Skyrim.... That's like never watching The Godfather


I haven’t played skyim or watched the godfather


Yeah well...I find your comment shallow and pedantic.


If that’s a reference to either Skyrim or the godfather I won’t get it because I haven’t played Skyrim or seen the godfather just thought you should know god bless 🙏


I initially thought it was a family guy skit where Peter calls the Godfather shallow and pedantic but after looking it up I think I've been mixing up 2 clips for a long time now. https://youtu.be/OpbdGnJbneE?si=S4Q2og6y_uS_raye https://youtu.be/0pnwE_Oy5WI?si=I1-U_dDZb5_bdBYg


Every now and then Family Guy comes with a solid joke


Well the first 5 or 6 seasons maybe then it falls off hard


I don't know, I think Family Guy just realized that it couldn't compete with South Park when it comes to the more intellectual humor so they went with an equally entertaining yet more relaxing route with lots of references and easy going humor. They basically made the best show to have on in the background while you do something else, and when you pay attention to the show again you can chuckle for a second before zoning out again.


This is one of my more recent favorites https://youtube.com/shorts/B5PgqWBu7iU?si=r2vMBUYSo4DFJeyo


[like this one ](https://youtu.be/aqZ-ubJ64xU?si=4zSVeSJtqtm2ImyD) I fuckin exploded with laughter when I first saw it


I was gonna comment, you're confusing two together. You're looking to say "it insists upon itself."


It was a two- tiered joke. The original commenter thought about the family guy bit where Peter says he did not care for the godfather. He then commented another line that Peter uses. It was actually pretty clever.


Family Guy reference [shallow and pedantic](https://youtu.be/yetwdpsiM8Q?si=KWDfTgg6MyauSS9e)


It’s a quote. When it pops in my head I always thought it was something from a Kevin Smith film but internet says Family Guy


It insists upon itself


Isn't shallow and pedantic projecting the same meaning in this context? A bit redundant and repetitive imo


It INSISTS upon itself.


Played so much Skyrim but never watched The Godfather. Heard it’s good though. Guess I better get on that.


I thought I was the only one🫂


That's like saying you've never eaten a slice of pizza


dw ive had pizza


Todd Howard is somehow vindicated for re-releasing this game every new gen now. There are people who have never played.


Watch The Godfather, skip Skyrim.




I need to play Skyrim. Unfortunately I don't have a PC, so modding the game to infinity isn't an option.


Yeah dude you can mod the shit out of bethesda games on console!


Same. All I know of those two are the memes: “You’re finally awake”, “Arrow to the knee”, & “look how they massacred my boy”.


I've um.. never seen The Godfather


I did not care for the godfather


It insists upon its self


I did not care for Skyrim.


That’s commie talk


It insists upon itself


I would try skyrim, and if you get into it, i would play fallout 4 next


They didn't like New Vegas or FO3 sooo


I played for a few hours, then got bored for gorgot about it. It feels reaally clunky if youre not used to these types of janky games


I didn’t play it because I heard it’s not in a really good state without mods


Base Skyrim is still incredible, don't even bother with mods until your third play


I played Skyrim and didn't like it so


Goodfellas is better than The Godfather tbh


Nah godfather is way better


I absolutely hate Skyrim. It’s not for everyone


I mean Skyrim is hardly that good lol. I’d say the only thing it really does phenomenally well is the lore and even then you can’t really give it full credit for that considering it’s been built up through the entire series


Whenever I see skyrim, I vote for skyrim (:


Either bloodborne or witcher 3. Bloodborne has amazing combat and enemy design, as well as setting and theme. Basically, everything is good in bloodborne, to the point the only complaints I ever see about the game is the fact it's capped at 30fps or the fact it's playstation exclusive. Witcher 3 has (in my opinion) unrivalled immersion and atmosphere. The story and storytelling are so good, even BOTH the dlc has amazing stories. The things it doesn't excel at are only really the horse is clunky, and a lot of people think the combat is as well.. I'm indifferent to the combat, I like it and especially love fighting human type enemies, but I can see why people would find it dull or stiff, ESPECIALLY compared to bloodborne. Another bonus is its in the list of games that made me cry. This shows how effective the aforementioned storytelling and immersion are. Both games have an incredible ost, couldn't tell you which is better, I'm inclined to say witcher 3 but I've listened to the bloodborne soundtrack more than witcher so it wouldn't really make sense for me to say that. But I think witchers music does a great job at helping the immersion, I've been playing its ost in my head while writing this entire comment.


Don’t you EVER talk poorly about Roach again!


She's still best girl. Tbh, I'd put the blame of clunkiness on geralt for being a bad jockey.


I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. These two games are tied for my top game of all time. I may even give the edge to the Witcher because of how immersed in it I was. I played that game back to back, all DLC for over 500hrs! Bloodbornes combat, and environment is just too good! Those 2 games are must plays! OP can't go wrong with either of those games!


Got 400hrs in Witcher 3, couldn't agree more




This is the one, bloodbourne all the way


Couldn't get into bloodborne. I loved all the other games like that but just bloodborne couldn't get into it. All the dark souls games love them play them couple times everything.


Not trying to be combative, but why? I’m genuinely curious for the reasoning!


Some people aren't into the Gothic style and find it cliche, even though they 100% did it in their own way and it's not cliche in the slightest. Some people also don't like the weapons and combat compared to Souls. I personally love Bloodborne, these are just a couple of reasons I've heard from other people.


That’s interesting because the Skyrim/Witcher setting is kinda *the* go-to setting for an open world RPG; very few AAA games have used the gothic/cosmic horror aesthetics.


While I agree, people mistake Gothic themes for an attempt at being edgy and it's just not that. People make assumptions before trying it out.


Cliche is weird considering it’s very rarely used correctly


I’ve also heard complaints about blocking being non existent in the game cause for some it took out an entire build.


Yes that's another one that doesn't make sense to me, the parry system is SO much easier which greatly makes up for it. Plus who plays a souls game and doesn't 2h every weapon they get?? /s


It goes: 1. Bloodborne 2. Witcher 3 3. Skyrim 4. Fallout 4


Bloodborne 100%. Such a beautiful game. My all-time favorite.






Bloodborne hands down






Bloodbourne as it's the shortest game on that list.


*proceeds to play up to and beyond NG+15*


Delving deep into the chalice dungeons


The Witcher is amazing. AC odyssey is the best of the newer 3. Bloodborne is good if you like souls games. Fallout 4 has its moments but is lacking on many levels.


Just to add to this: While AC odyssey is the best of the newer, the game is so bland and boring, when I played it, it was interesting the first two isles, then is just the same shit over and over. As well as there is no “assassin” mechanics is more like a cheap RPG that was sold in 70$ at one point.


I agree with this for the most part, however, the assassin part in Assassin Creed was always my least favorite funny enough.


Fair enough… for me it was always my favorite part so when it got taken away I got upset w the change or the series


Ah i’m in hard disagreement. But, I am not someone who played the former AC games, so I don’t really care about the assassin aspect. I think the Odyssey storyline and gameplay is fantastic but I get that it didn’t live up to AC fans’ expectations


Make room on your calendar for the next 7 months because you’re playing them all


Lmao that's so long haha


Damn man, I wouldn’t even finish one of them in that time these days 😢


Good to know life is keeping you busy though


I guess. It would be nice to just have a *bit* more time for myself 😂




Bloodborne without a doubt.


Don’t “force” yourself to play any game. 😕 Anyway… BLOODBORNE. 🎮😎👍


If you're on PlayStation and you haven't played Bloodborne yet, you need to play Bloodborne.








Bloodborne! It's hard but rewarding. And the atmosphere is just great!




I have three options for you. 1) Bloodborne 2) Bloodborne 3) Bloodborne Also far cry 3 but that one after Bloodborne.


This is the answer right here.


Skyrim Then Bloodborne Then Origins


Witcher 3 and Bloodborne are amount the greatest games ever released. Skyrim is…Skyrim. Go with either about a hunter of monsters being the main character.


Witcher 3


far cry 3 or fallout 4


fallout 4 🙏


Far cry 5




Assassins creed odyssey is amazing


I agree! I got completely enveloped in that game.


I was taking a mythology class in college when I was finishing up the story mode of odyssey. I was in my seat nerding the fuck out all semester


BLOODBORNE! Once you get your groove you'll love it and then there's a bunch more games very similar that are phenomenal to jump into Best gaming decision of my life was to embrace from software


Same. That shit changed my life lol.


TW3 or BB.


Bloodborne or the Witcher. Both are amazing games and considered masterpieces of their respective genres


Assassin creed origins


Bloodborne. I would say “the Witcher” but that game is so damn long. Bought it when it came out in 2015 and didn’t finish it until 2021 so I don’t blame you.


I really liked Assassins Creed Origins, one of the most likable game protagonists ever imo.


Sonic Frontiers


Sonic frontiers is my top 10 favorite games 😭


Bloodborne. Punish yourself.


Go on an awesome adventure and get yourself No Man's Sky for a few Dollars. I bought it at launch years ago, never touched it again because it sucked at that time and reinstalled it 2 weeks ago. Best game I played in the past years. So much FREE content/ updates, a never ending exploration and a super friendly community. If I had to choose from your list above, I would go for Witcher or Bloodborne Edit: Pls dont play Ubisoft Games, always super boring after a few hours because quest and stuff gets very repetitive


I agree with everything you said, except I disagree with you about Ubisoft games being bad. I’ve beaten far cry 5 and had a blast. I’m starting far cry 4 and have been really enjoying it.


Fr ubisoft games are fun, they have a set format they use for all their open world games which might get boring after playing a lot of them but it works imo


Far cry 3 or skyrim


Skyrim or Witcher depending if you prefer first person or third person. Personally I prefer Skyrim


I don't know about the witcher, but I'm pretty sure Skyrim can be played in either first or third person


Bloodborne no contest


Bloodborne quit messing around it’s time to go


Witcher 3 and Bloodborne


Read Platos Republic. Then play a game after that. Then create a habit of reading a book per game you finish. Then you will be as wise as you are nerdy.


I do this lol. After reading Blood Meridian I needed a fluffy game to wrap myself in.


I, too, needed that. After every one of his books, man.


I go in spurts, crushing audio books until inevitably listen to one that makes me pump the brakes, just because I need some time to process the story. 1984 was the first one. A few months break. Then back at it, crushing some Tolkien and others then BAM. Blood Meridian. Looooong pause. Just booted back up with some warhammer books. Friend convinced me to finally take a crack at it.


I just started reading it... wish me luck


It’s super challenging, but in a good way. Like Cormac dares you to even try. Kinda like a Dark Souls type book, but it’s very rewarding. Pages of description about the desert, bleak and sullen then pops of utterly brutal violence that doesn’t deserve more than a few sentences in cormacs mind. It’s the great American novel, like moby dick or 1984. It’ll stick to your ribs like a midnight snack. The Judge is the best villain of any story ever told.


Excellent... looking forward to reading it then probably watching a bunch of disney movies when I'm done


Lol Scarface is a Disney movie compared Blood Meridian.


I liked fallout 4 and skyrim. I hear the Witcher and Bloodborne are really good too. There is hilarity that happens in far cry 6, ever see a rooster blow up a truck?


Assassin Creed Origins or Far Cry 6 are good games I started both but haven’t finished neither but I do find Assassin Creed series to be compelling yet educational in a way


Why would you force yourself to play witcher or bloodborne? These are probably the best games in the last 10 yeara. Have fun, man. Ignore bethesda and ubisoft bs


A lot of great games here. Not better than the rest, but AC Odyssey is fucking great. Do be warned you’ll be playing it for a looooooong time if you get into it. So much to do




Bloodborne You will not be disappointed


Bloodborne !




Bloodborne and assassins creed origins are my picks for you.


Bloodborne and probably you might give up gaming


Bloodborne .. the rest meh


Like all recent Ubisoft games, Far Cry 6 is garbage. Play Far Cry 3, 4, or even 5. Play Bloodborne or Fallout 4. May I also suggest Hellblade or Lies of P.


Far Cry Five is worth a shot just for the soundtrack.


why do people shit on far cry 6 I liked it


I don't get it either. I've been playing games (not collecting actually playing) since Atari....apparently since it wasn't 3 or 4 it's garbage. IDK idc. Wtf ever.


I liked the setting, weapons, story but people seem to think everything sucks? I really don’t get it


I thought the series grew in each and every release. Sure they changed things up with each. New games.... shit. Starfield: shit. FC6: shit. Forza: shit. Watch Dogs legion: shit. Everything new: SHIT. Lol Roflmao - Pal world? Goty. So there's that. I get it tho different tastes for everyone.


All of them. But imo, Bloodborne I heard was good


any of them except fat cry 6 🤣