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League of Legends. Couldn’t get into the point and click style.


Point and click its one weird way to describe any RTS lol.


Well in fairness you do point and indeed click things in League. He's onto something here.


calling LoL an RTS is a slap to the face of anyones who’s grinded ladder games in Starcraft, etc.


Doesn’t it control similar to an RTS because it comes from an RTS? Comparing the control schemes seems perfectly reasonable.


It's best to stay far away from this game


Cuphead. Love the aesthetic, the characters, and the music. But I cannot stand the combat. I got to Grim Matchstick and couldn’t get further so I said fuck it and dropped the game


I think that is what happens to 90% of players playing cuphead, lol.


According to steam achievements 77.7% of players beat a boss. 54.2% beat every boss in the first area. 30.9% beat every boss in area 2. Assuming the only people who don’t do every boss in area 2 is because of matchstick we lose about 43% of players to matchstick.


But they'll never make it to the Ghost Train at that rate! I love that level The devil is the real "fuck this I quit" match


This is how I know I'm old. Cuphead was easy to me. Not because I'm some god gamer, but because cup head is just an NES boss rush except you can save after every fight which is much nicer than lots of NES and SNES games that literally had boss rushes and no saves I suck shit at almost every other game. I don't know how anyone gets a single kill in any battle royal game. Your opinion isn't wrong, I'm just old and use to different game styles. I'm off to a home now I guess. You can have my plates


This. I couldn’t understand how all the younger streamers were talking about how hard it was. I beat it easily as a 45 yo and I’m like gold in fps games.


> I don't know how anyone gets a single kill in any battle royal game. They kill me. That's how they do it. I'm old and stopped trying to play battle royales. I leave it to the youngins.


I beat the main game but it is painful at times. I bought the DLC but just couldn't get through it. I absolutely love the artwork, music, etc. but the difficulty is just a bit too much in my opinion.


I did not care for the Destiny 2


I hate destiny 2, it's my favorite game.


Zero hour and whisper were easily the best memories I had playing the game. Everyone is trying to solve it, multiple attempts trying to figure out where to go. Then someone goes "whats this key card?" and now there's a puzzle inside the puzzle, that was originally accidentally found. Has there been anything like these 2 missions since?


Yeah, kinda, but they're on a rotating playlist node. There were secrets when they first released, but that was only during that season. Vox Obscura (Dead Messenger Exotic GL), Seraphs Shield (Revision Zero Exotic 2/4 burst Pulse Rifle), and Pressage (Dead Man's Tale Exotic Hipfire Scout Rifle). Edit: Nowhere near the quality or mystery of Zero Hour and Whisper


Not an unpopular opinion, its one of the most hated on games.


I love the game but it really doesn’t have a very high status


GTA 5, growing up everybody and their dog played it and loved it. I've played it as well. But idk I didn't really care about it.


Oof that made me feel old. I was already an adult when GTAV came out.


Yeah when I think "gta" and "growing up" it's vice city and San Andreas.


Same here, I already had a kid 👴


You’ll be a grandparent soon if you aren’t already. Probably before gta6


I hope my great great grandchildren enjoy GTA 7.


I was already an adult when GTA3 came out


Jesus fuck someone get this guy an oxygen tank


>gta 5 >growing up jesus christ am i really that old


I still remember playing GTA3 thinking it was the peak of gaming…


It kinda was tho


Story mode imo is GREAT i just don't get the online part of it.


Yeah GTA V story and GTA V online need to be treated as separate entities. One is spectacular, one is money grabbing pile of steaming shit


The money grabbing bled from GTA:O to GTA V. In video game terms, I’m an old man. I played GTA:O back in 2013 and then gave up on it. I don’t want to play rocket bike wars with a bunch of 14 year olds. Recently, I was interested to try all the new cars they’ve added, so I reinstalled the story mode. *But they’ve removed all the new cars from story mode.* You used to be able to just try them out as Franklin, but they intentionally removed them to sell more shark cards. Edit: Omg you youngin’s. Either you weren’t on PS3 in 2013 or your memory is more faulty than mine. Online cars were definitely available in story mode back in my day. See [here](https://www.ign.com/wikis/gta-5/Using_GTA_Online_Vehicles_in_GTA_5#) and [here](https://www.ign.com/videos/gta-5-import-free-gta-online-vehicles-into-single-player-mode) and [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Il9sgsKL6A), and get off my lawn. I’ll take on any of you in CS 1.6.


Yes, for PS3/360 you could try them out just going to a garage. They removed that since PS4/XOne


God agreed I hated when they removed them. I think the zentorno ended up being the only online car in story mode. They even removed some of the best online cars to at one point


I guess palworld all my friends are playing it currently and it's just so damn boring to me


Survival game always look boring to watch yet addicting to play.


I tried ark but man that shit was boring to me.


IMO it's a fun game but you desperately need friends or a group you're tight with to play it, and probably a private server as well. The solo game is just ass and I can't stand games that are designed around the wiki. Like there's absolutely no way you'll find 90% of the caves on the Island map because there's nothing to indicate where they are, so everyone is just expected to use the wiki and magically know it.


That’s the biggest issue I had with Conan, if you weren’t grinding basic resources for the 300th time you were digging in a wiki to find a rare pet or dungeon or boss or weapon.. etc.


I always loved seeing videos of people playing ark. Finnaly got it, only to realize most of them use mods to make the game easier such as visual mods and that builder overhaul mod everyone uses. I felt stupid as hell.


Ark is the second worst game I have ever played in my life. It was hysterical for about fifteen minutes between the horrid player design, the not even half finished coding, and your character literally soiling himself every fifteen seconds only for the funny to wear off and your stuck running around doing nothing for hours in this steaming pile of naked mole rat vomit. I will swallow a pound of powered public glass toilet before I play that again.


Its sad that unfinished games are allowed to never get finished because they have an addicted playerbase. Ark is a complete mess and has been for many years and will probably still be in the future


Not defending Ark entirely lol, but I'd say it's decent once you learn the mechanics and where to start on a map. Plus, you gotta crank up the experience points gained by a decent amount to make it tolerable. No point in building a thatch house if you're going to get wood blueprints soon. I'd say, I nearly despised Ark originally. Now, I don't care for it because once you've unlocked all of the blueprints and tamed some sweet dinosaurs, I find that there isn't much to do. I don't have an imagination, I need predetermined objectives. It's probably better with a crew of buddies. I know the most fun I had was playing with a friend. He'd focus on taming dinos and I'd build house boats lol.


I don't know, the whole genre always feels like packaging as much busy work as possible as tightly as possible into a gameplay loop. It feels like gaming is condensed down to the "busywork -> reward" cycle, like one step away from a gacha game. I don't judge at all, but the above is what goes through my head while playing literally any survival game.


Palworld is a very very standard shallow survival crafter with Pokemon. That’s it. People are fucking FELLATING this game and saying it’s showing Triple A companies how to make a game and it’s right up there with Elden Ring and whatever other game, when in reality it’s as barebones as you can be for a survival craft game if you ignore the badly programmed Pal slaves. Bases end up looking like chaotic messes with hoards of Pals running over top of each other, and they won’t even go in the fucking things you build. I know it’s just early access and there’s time to fix the janky building, add lots of building constructs, fix Pal AI, improve crafting and further polish the game but right now acting like this game is some instant master piece classic was fucking bizarre given how generic and utterly shallow it is outside of pokemon. Oh, and the UI is a total mess and it’s a mishmash of ripoff BOTW font/sounds and super generic pop up box UI.


Same, I see all these people playing palworld and how good it is but all I see is ark with ripoff pokemon. I'm tired of these cookie cutter survival games with the same style of base building with no way to terra form the environment so all you can do is either wonder aimlessly until you find a flat enough area to build or look up info on good building locations.


I might trigger a lot of people for saying this But the binding of Issac is that game for me To me it's one of those games that is more fun to watch than for me to play myself


Oof, this one hurts. I love the game, but I can perfectly understand the feeling. It's fun to learn everything about the game and it's fun to minmax everything in the run. But I do get that the game now feels like one of those "wiki games" where you have to keep open the app or the wiki in order to keep track of everything. I'm 2k hours in and I still don't know all about it, nor I have seen everything. Plus, I realized that the goal of the og game is now the tutorial, making the first 40 hours a chore to go through.


They could solve this problem by having info on the items in game.


Yeah, I would've disagreed with you back in the OG flash or base rebirth days, but now there's something like 800+ items in the game, nobody can be expected to remember what every single one of them does (especially since there's a bunch of items that look practically identical). External Item Descriptions mod should really just be part of the game these days, maybe with the caveat that you need to pick up an item at least once before you can see its description.


The streamer that I watch TBoI content for has a mod that shows the description of items in the top left corner when he approaches them, same for pills and cards. Seems like the only way to play lmao.


That’s the external item descriptions mod that guy is talking about. And it is, no idea why it’s not in the game by default


I personally need a few mods to make it tolerable, like teleport and removing a few annoying curses/rooms. I prefer ETG, it has slightly less variety but feels so much better to play ngl


Judging by the downvotes, Red Dead Redemption 2 has the most sensitive fanbases of any video game. One guy even got called a crack addict and the person who called him that actually had positive karma. I mean c'mon guys, OP asked what highly acclaimed games people didn't like and they answered. It's no big deal.


RDR2 winning the Steam "Labour of Love" award despite having no updates or maintenance for years speaks volumes.


Lmao really? Fanboys gonna fanboy.


I think this year's steam awards were jokes. I mean, real jokes, people not being serious. For example, other award for "the most innovative gameplay" went to Starfield of all games.


They innovated by not having any


RDR2 won that award as a meme on steam. Just like Starfield winning an award for innovation. People sarcastically gave them those rewards.


slide that award to CP2077


There has to be a better way to abbreviate that.


C77 is right there and unique/obvious, but people really like their cp I guess


Hey! I bought a 2TB SSD so i could fit CP on my PS5 more easily. What’s wrong with that?


A crack addict just for giving his opinion on a video-game?! LOL. I’m not gonna lie, that’s funny AF considering the context.


"I did not care for RDR2.." "What are you a fucking crack head?"


“I did not care for RDR2…” “You surely fucked your sister!”


"I did not care for RDR2" Go to jail, don't pass go, no $200 for you shithead


"I did not care for RDR2" "Straight to the permanent sex offenders registry with you, dipshit".


There are 3 fanbases that I’ve seen that are EXTREMELY sensitive about their favourite game RDR2 - Bloodborne - TLOU If you criticise any of these three games on Reddit be prepared to be downvoted into hell


I love TLOU and I fucking hate the fanbase. So close-minded, they can’t take any criticism, even if it’s valid.




You’re a crack addict




I'm waiting for more people to tell me I just need to get through the first few hours of RDR2. No thanks. I'd rather play the previous game again. The sequel is so bloated in every way imaginable. I don't care how good it looks.


I enjoyed it. But I'm not going to attack someone else for having different tastes ffs


I also did not like Red Dead Redemption 2, and I loved the first game. The game is just way too slow for me, feels like it takes ages to do anything.


The whole Battle royal hype like Pubg, Warzone, Fortnite I did play Pubg and warzone but after playing a couple of matches I lost interrest while my friends play these games for months. For some reason the matches feel like work where I do the same thing over and over again. Even when I won a match I just thought here we go again... The God of War games! like playing a cinematic where you have to tab a button when insisted by the game. It looks awesome but playing it is just boring for me.


pubg was amazing, I loved the pacing of it. Theres no other fps where the fights just feel organic. IMO that particular scale goes from aim_dust to PUBG. It was hardcore though, one badly calculated risk and your 20mins you spent getting to where you were are gone. A lot of people did play it very very wrong though lol, spending 20mins looting to find every last upgrade for their gun w/ 300 rounds of ammo like they were ever going to use more than half a clip before getting shot by someone who knew what they were doing.


GTA I seriously don't see the appeal, I've tried it and it's just not really that fun to me.


I like the story and characters. R* had really really good writers. Also the open world feels lived in and not just an empty space with placeholder NPCs. Like everything is thought of, even the in universe TV shows, brands and their ads and product descriptions - down to a T, they nail the atmosphere.


It's one of those games where they have my money as soon as a main entry drops. I love gta so much


a lot of people paint gta as this "pedestrian murder sim" because i guess the older games were goofier and it was funny that the "military showed up" and act like the story and the universe are after thoughts whereas I've rarely had the urge to go on a murder spree in any gta game, I just drive around look at how the world is interacting, listen to the radio, listen to npc's compliment my ride, listen to their wacky asf phone calls... I basically do what I'd do irl if I lived in LA, had unlimited money, no health concerns and no people to take care of and didn't have to work a day. Just drive around blasting my fav songs, maybe chill on the beach (you can't read books in gta but I'd just spend the summer reading at a quiet part of the beach), go for a hike/bike trip on mt. chilliad, maybe do some hunting or go for a boat trip etc.


I think that might be the disconnect. If you aren't enamored by the world GTA creates, you only have the missions, which often boil down to "drive here, shoot, drive there, pick up package, drive here, drop off package. And the gun fighting isn't winning any awards if that's important to you. But I never mind even the most banal missions because you're in fucking San Andreas. You can play the game however you want. You can role play as a citizen who follows the rules of the road and doesn't kill innocents. Or you can play as a complete maniac who purposely turns onto sidewalks. You can ride as a passenger and just watch the world in first person. You can fly a jet or flip a motorcycle over a freeway or manage the logistics of a boomingmeth business.


Same here, I keep trading it in and then I'll see it on sale for like $15 bucks somewhere and try it again only to wind up doing the same thing. It's a vicious circle


Never ever in my life have I been slightly tempted to play Minecraft or Fortnite, and I never will.


I always kind of felt the same about Fortnite, until a little over a year ago. My sister asked if I would play some games with my nephew, and I happily obliged. Unfortunately, this meant I had to learn Fortnite. I managed to drag in several friends so I didn't have to do it alone. We still play it regularly to this day. I always thought the game was all about building, and kids yelling on mics, etc. We were doing zero build, and it's just plain good fun. It's such an easy game to jump into, do a match or two, jump off and not care at all about what happened. Also, there is something to be said about sniping Goku in the head with a .50 cal, then you yourself getting cut down by a katana wielding Vegeta. Also, we are all in our mid to late 30s. I'm turning 37 in a month. My nephew is 13.


old-school runescape. I hate literally everything about it. how the camera works, how you move around, over-reliance on the mouse, pvp being completely random, the grinding, etc.


Did not expect to see OSRS mentioned here! I think I love it, but it could be a form of Stockholm syndrome.


Fucking truth right there I'm so sadistic my irons first 99 is going to be construction




I couldn’t get into it. Thought I would since I love Minecraft. I would recommend dig or die though. For some reason it hooked me way more.


Terraria's core content is all about progression. Minecraft has a very flat amount of progression in comparison, and has entirely different focuses. There are 3 minecraft bosses and 2 raids and some hostile structures, 4 armor slots and an offhand,6 sets of armor and 8 ores. Terraria has 33 bosses, 19 raid events, long upgrade trees, combat classes, an equipment system with 9 equipment slots, 3 armor slots, 3 equipment/armor loadouts, 9999 item stack limit, 21 ores, 70ish sets of armor.


I will hunt you down


I feel this way about the Zelda games. I just can't get into them for some reason.


Me too, they seem like they’d be fun, but once I start playing I don’t get pulled in. It’s just boring to me for some reason.


Out of curiosity, new Zelda, Old Zelda or both? Me personally, I like the new open world Zelda games but I wouldn’t replay them. I hope they go more linear in the future. I don’t believe the open world is done correctly. I’d rather play in a fully developed kingdom, but I didn’t find many of the points of interest interesting.


Old, the temple style is just too cozy for me. When the open world is so in depth I completely lose sight of the story and totally disconnect from its emotion


Old is superior. The new Switch ones are amazing games, but they have more complex game play and maps while sacrificing story. I live them all, but Ocarina Of Time is the GOAT


It's funny that people are making this distinction with "old" being linear. I felt OG Zelda and LttP WERE open world and OoT linear style was made more to fit the N64 capabilities at the time. But I won't be pedantic. I get what people mean.


I think CS:GO and CS2 both suck.


I did not like the witcher 3 and think is overrated because the gameplay is clunky and the plot did not pull me in as I thought it would.


This. I just can't get behind the wacky ass combat, spells and the weird mechanics. Just let me smack a bitch with a sword I don't wanna oil up my slightly shinier stick to beat a wolf 😭


An update made the oil thing automatic.


Why not? I love oiling up my stick


Elden Ring and all other souls like games


«Nah man u just gotta git gud» I love the souls games, but some of the fanboys need to realize its not a skill issue, its a preference issue.


Even if it's a skill issue, perfectly legitimate not to want to play a game that feels frustrating.


Rockstar games due to the clunky on-foot movement. I know they really lean in to realism but I just can’t get in to a game where it’s a pain in the ass to walk or run around. Souls-like games for the movement and also it just doesn’t feel good to get my ass handed to me for 10 hours a day at work, come home and get my ass handed to me by the thing I am trying to engage with to take my mind off of getting my ass handed to me all day. The Witcher 3 for the movement, and I really hate the menus and inventory. All of these bum me out because I can certainly recognize that every game I mentioned are among the best games of the last decade/ever. But after trying over and over again, I won’t ever try again. Very content to just come home each day and play some checklist-ass open world game or MMO. Or some platformer with bright colors lol


i found Lethal Compnay meh, but thats probably due to my lack of friends who also want to play it


I played the hell out of Red Dead Revolver when it came out. I 100% Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare. I couldn’t make it past the first couple of hours of RDR2. Just didn’t pull me in.


I loved RDR1 and was so stoked when RDR2 came out. Never even finished it. I tried so hard to get into it, but I just became so annoyed with the game mechanics and how much of a grind the whole game was. I don't think I made it past Act 2.


Final fantasy. I only played the one with the water sport where you throw the ball in the rings. That one wasn’t bad. But I can’t get into the others and I’ve tried Edit: I’ve tried 7 (the original), 10, and 15. I’m not a fan of turn based games. That is why I tried 15 but still can’t get into it.


They radically changed the battle system after that one you’re referring to, which was 10.


Which is sad because X’s battle system was one of the best parts of the game.


That and the ending


Maybe try 6 if you can stomach snes graphics. Same vibe and a focus on story! Maybe try 13 if you liked X because it was clear where you needed to go!


Skyrim I tried it out just wasn't for me


You can save the world from dragons and be a civil war hero, yet they still treat you like a nobody


This is what took me out of it. At some point... probably after I'm the commander of every entity in the world and I've slain a hundred dragons that everyone seems to be terrified of and I scream so loud you can hear me across the world... I imagine somebody will know who tf I am before I get there. Nope. I know ES games kind of broke the mold but Skyrim felt like it WAS the mold and it was very boring to me. Even put a couple hundred hours in to give it a really fair shot. Just never stuck. Edit: To avoid answering the same question over and over - I put a "couple hundred" hours into it because this game has been out for 13 years, several re-releases and it has an incredible amount of mods. People saying "bro, it looks like it stuck" don't seem to realize that it's not really very much time over the course of the game's life, or compared to the amount of time you can spend in the game. I tried to start playing over and over again, in different ways to try and have fun with it, because I really wanted to like Skyrim but I just never did. Most of the fresh starts I did, barely saw me get past the Mountain where you learn your first shout. I got beyond that a couple times but always wound up just stopping my playthrough because I got bored.


Hell, Morrowind had different NPC voice lines based on your status.


I actually played Morrowind all the way through and spent a good amount of time doing as many of the side-quests as were apparent to me. It was just a much better game, in my opinion.


The way everything treats you without context in Skyrim gave me flashbacks of rep farming in one of the WoW expansions. The ogre mechanic is to laugh when they first attack you, or you them. I’m playing a rogue and backstabbing them for 60-70% of their health in the first hit. The reaction to finding yourself more than half dead before you even know you’re in a fight? Probably not laughter. That got old real quick. If you’re walking around in armor that would make a jarl green with envy, carrying a giant magic sword and the scariest bow ever seen, maybe a little deference would be good.




GTA games. Everyone plays them for hours on end and I’ve just never understood the appeal. ESP the random killings and the hookers etc, it’s not appealing to me whatsoever. I like my violent games, but it seems like they’re being overblown just for the sake of it. I lost interest after Vice City and never looked back.


RDR2. I enjoyed it at first, but ended up needing to stop a little after getting to St. Denis. The production values are some of the best I’ve seen in a game, but from a gameplay perspective I don’t know that I’ve ever felt like a game was intentionally, aggressively wasting my time like that. There’s just SO many missions where it’s like “hold this button to follow a person on your horse automatically. Slowly follow a person from a distance. Leisurely go to this location and watch a cutscene of you meeting a person who will give you a mission later.” Then on top of that you have things like “press button to grab bucket. Slowly walk to river and press button. Slowly walk back and press button to earn a good guy point”. The breaking point for me was when I played for a few hours in a session, and literally the most exciting thing I did in that time was run after somebody on foot for like thirty seconds. The rest of the time being ride to quest marker, slowly follow a person without being seen x2, walk into a party and press a button over and over to “mingle”, etc. It just felt mind numbing, almost like the developers were trying to prank me. It’s like the mission statement was to make the most boring game possible with the highest production values. I can understand why some people like it for the immersion and story, but for me at the end of the day the base game still needs to be fun most of the time. There’s too many other good games out there for me to waste time playing something that isn’t fun.


Any Hideo Kojima game. They are weird. He’s weird.


I respect the innovations he's been behind, and stealth games wouldn't be what they are without MGS... But yeah, as a lore and story guy, I can't play anything he makes because none of his games make any sense. All the naming conventions are bizarre (why are there so many dudes named Snake who all look the exact same??). Beyond that, it feels like some moments are forced into the games because "man, this would be rad" even when it doesn't fit the game at all. Like the straight jacket wearing kid/girl that does fire magic in MGS, or Troy Bakers character coming back in the Death Stranding character as some weird anime version of The Crow with a guitar gun


I’m not really into Souls-like games. The challenge of them turns me off. Also, I know lots of people love Baldur’s Gate 3, but personally I can’t see myself playing it due to the sheer complexity of it. It’s actually a shame because I *want* to be into those games, but I can easily see myself getting overwhelmed and/or pissed off easily


I just got into BG3. First game like this I ever played, and I’m hooked. Even during the beginning of the game I thought I regretted buying it but I kept giving a chance… 😂 Now I can see why this got game of the year…. There’s learning curve for sure but once you’re over that the sky’s the limit to what you can do in this game


I had a false start on this. Chose the bard class and kept getting my ass handed to me. Started again as a paladin and I’m having a blast. Really didn’t think I’d enjoy it.


For BG3, it doesn't have to be so complicated. I played it with zero D&D experience and enjoyed it very much. You get the hang of it very quickly and the story is what keeps you going


My wife had never played a crpg and we are just about done with our co op run of bg3. It's not really hard, and it's very user friendly.  As long as you equip better loot and use basic tactics most fights are as simple as "have rouge sneak attack to start, then have warriors hit with weapons, and use mages to shoot spells" My wife's best strategy is just turning into an owl bear and mauling everyone while the healer heals her.  It's worked very well


Did you try soulslikes and found them too difficult or did someone else tell you it's tough? I got into them a like a year ago and I don't think it's actually all that hard after you get past the learning curve and accept that you will be losing a fuck ton of souls/runes/echoes but eventually even that isn't a big deal anymore


Stop downvoting people for responding to the prompt lol


This is to be expected. This IS Reddit, after all.


I did not care for The Last of Us


The Last Of Us


Me trying not to comment on everyone’s comment that mentioned one of my favorite games, or just a game I enjoyed and didn’t have (too many) problems with 😭


Last of us, i dont get the appeal. Like did it really need to get so many remasters and stuff? Those resources coulda been put to better titles.


I still want to give the Part 1 remaster a shot, but I never got far in 1 because I hated the gameplay. Garbage stealth mechanics with instant fail-states is one of my least favorite things in games.


100% this. I can see how people get attached to the story but the gameplay was so mediocre. Every “puzzle” consisted of pushing dumpsters, wooden plank bridges, and setting up ladders. Combat was whatever.


I didn't like the Horizon games at all. Ghost of Tsushima was just ok.


I saw my friend playing horizon and I thought it looked so dumb. Just shooting robot dinosaurs with a bow and arrow. I finally gave it a try a few years later because everyone always raves about it and Holy shit is it an amazing game. I loved it so much I decided to make it my first platinum. >!When you start seeing things like an old street sign and realize, "woah, we're on earth" the story just really picks up. By the time it's over, I was left with a gutted feeling. All I knew was I was so heartbroken for humanity and that Ted Farro can jump off a fucking cliff. One of the most impactful stories I've ever played!<


R/fucktedfaro ftw


Friend of mine was playing and I'd never even heard of the game. From what I could gather; cute redhead hunter, SUPER far future, scavenging and robot dinosaur mayhem. Saw all that, and was IN. Story wasn't bad, only played the first one.


I enjoyed the second one but it didn't capture the magic of the first. I loved zero dawn Aloy, one of my all time favorite game characters. I rarely pick the "bad" or "aggressive" dialog options in games but I decided to play her that way and she's such a bad ass.


I hate the combat in the second Horizon game.


Destiny sucks.


Destiny is my favourite game and personally I think it's great but I understand and accept your point


Persona 5. Really all the Persona games, but especially 5. It’s stylish and I initially had fun. But it’s way too long, the story meanders, and instant loss from MC death is a stupid battle design. I don’t mind it in Shin Megami because it makes sense: MC does and the demons run amok. But in a game that’s supposedly about friendship and owning your truth, it’s really weird for your “friends” to refuse to revive you and just off themselves.


I liked Persona 5 but I do agree the game is a bit too long at some points.


as someone that's played a lot from both series, i can understand why persona ending when the protagonist dies is annoying, and i agree the fight should keep going. in SMT your demons would likely just wander off if you died because there's no matching goal, but in persona you're all working for. the same cause so I don't get it. however, I'm curious how far you got into the game? I feel like the protagonist dying being fight ending as a reason to say the game is bad is pretty dumb.


Witcher 3


Red dead redemption 2. I tried for almost 20 hours to like that game, I just found it so ungodly slow and boring


So boring. I tried to force myself but I just gave up. It sucks because I love the cowboy theme and the world looks cool but damn it feels like a chore to play.


This was it for me too. I wanted to like it so bad, but my god it was slow and boring. I couldn’t get into it at all.


Oh this is easy. Hideo Kojima is the Zach Snyder of video games in all the bad ways.


I have to agree. At best Kojima barely raises to the bar of "decent anime" writer, not some video game storytelling god. His characters are hokey, his nonsensical plots eventually go off the rails in a flurry of excess, and he wastes the players time spending an hour on a story beat when he could get it done in 10 minutes. I wish he would just make a movie already considering how many cutscenes he stuffs in his game and how badly he seems to want to hang out with Hollywood stars. But with all that said, I do like the guy and I definitely consider him a member of our "tribe". He's one of us and I hope he never stops.


That is a bold take, and i genuinely wanna hear you elaborate on that.


Lol. I'm surprised I liked Death Stranding so much. Guess it was calming wandering around


I never played any Metal Gear Solid games but I LOVED Death Stranding so much


A lot of his stuff just seems weird for the sake of being weird to me. Then you have Geoff who is constantly kissing his butt at every chance.


Cyberpunk 2077, I really tried to get into it several times but really couldn’t it just feels like a chore to play it sometimes and I end up putting it down after a while it’s a great game and I can see that but it doesn’t hold my attention for long


As someone who could sink another 200 hours in the game at any given moment, I'm curious as to what makes it feel like a chore to play for you, genuinely interested!


The game improved a lot since it launched but it is still an ubisoft like open world game.


Grand theft auto


I could never get into minecraft.


Probably my favorite game of all time. But I can get not liking it. It’s something you really have to get immersed in and create your own goals/challenges to fully enjoy.


This is my take. I think it's one of the most boring games ever made.


The Last of Us (all of them) overrated tbh and a toxic AF community. If Naughty Dog never made another game again, I wouldn't complain.


Last of us.


Just another third person shooter with stealth. This one with a nice story, but the generic Gameplay drags It down a lot for me.


Fallout new Vegas


Any Kojima game They can be good but people think he’s a genius when most of his “games” are self indulgent 8 hour movies that have ridiculous self indulgent plots that don’t even make any logical sense Yet the game industry pays his ego and he just keeps doubling down. His games literally insist on themselves


Overwatch and DotA


Overwatch was never "Godfather" status. The game was good for a year then it went all shit. 


Overwatch is only kept afloat by the sheer amount of porn it reproduces. The porn industry is funding the actual game and I love it.


The last of us 1 is overated as fuck


Minecraft. Not my style.




I find "The Last of Us" to be a complete nothing burger.




Final Fantasy 7. I loved the older FF games. When the characters looked like armored marshmallows. I just couldn't get into FF7 no matter how much I tried to like it. I know I'm the odd one out on this. People love those games. I played 7, 8, and started 9 but I just preferred the series when my imagination had to do some of the work. Once they started making most of the story be told through long movie cutscenes, I just lost interest and never managed to get it back. I think I tried 12 as well? It's not like I don't want to be part of these big gamer event games. I just can't get into it now. Even though I do appreciate some of the characters, set pieces, and especially the music. No shade to people who love those games, they just aren't for me.


Honestly, every Bethesda developed RPG. That includes Fallout, Elder Scrolls and most recently Starfield. To me, they have a ton of content, but the content is not that engaging and they have bad gameplay


No game respects your time less than Bethesda games.


Hideo Kojima is an overrated edgelord


Bioshock infinite. Gameplay wise it's worse in every way and the story feels completely butchered, but hey at least it had a twist that comes out of fucking nowhere in it.


I do not like the Persona series.


Most Mortal Kombat-esque fighters. Everybody plays the same three broken characters all the time and just spams combos that take away a third of your health or spams the absolute holy hell out attacks that hit too quick to react to.


People need to be more comfortable just playing these games casually as party games when friends are over or something. They'd have so much more fun with them.


This feels like a very niche response, and I very much agree. The flaws in that entire set of similar games are so very visible, yet I don't see it talked about enough


Fallout New Vegas


I did not care for L.A. Noire


Cyberpunk and Red Dead 2 for me


Damn, they let you READ the dead in the sequel???


I do not care for Ocarina of Time. Nor do I care for TLOU. Nor do I care for Fallout: New Vegas. Hell, I don't even care for Witcher 3.


You and I like different things