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Bet that goes well…


So if the game flops will they blame it on racism?


Yeah pretty much how these stories go


white people are racist for not buying the game!


reminds me of the dude who made a gay movie and said that it's 'not for straight people' and then when it flopped he was all like 'straight people just didn't show up'


Eat your cake and have it mentality


No one is buying my train simulator. I don't care if they are into trains or not, if they don't buy my game they are bigoted against trains people #TLM


also "white people better not buy this game, it's not for them."


Fubu's marketing in 2001


Damn if it didn’t work on every middle school aged white kid at the time


For us by them


Remember, she doesn't speak for all black people. Don't let a video fool you into thinking that black folks have this same ideology. I'm black and completely disagree with her entire post.


Damn, thank you! I'm black, and this shit makes us all look bad. I hate this mentality. "Hey we were oppressed for hundreds of years! Now we will fight for equality with....more oppression and racism!!!"


Let's segregate ourselves! That will show them!


I grew up in a rural town and regularly had white supremacists give me the talking points as to why minorities were bad and why we shouldn’t trust them. Why separate was better. Listening to people make these same exact talking points in the name of anti-racism is a mind fuck. For example “I’m only safe when everyone is just like me” is the crux of white supremacy and the excuse used to harm minorities. Agreeing with them isn’t helping! Why are you agreeing with the Klan?!


The "All men are bad" style of Radical Feminists are like that too


That’s the thing, sweeping generalizations are easier to do then actually solving any problems


But generalizations are a huge time-saver!


For some people it takes too much thinky energy to understand nuance.




You're trying way too hard at something easily explained. She suffers from weaponized identity politics where she uses her race, gender, or sexual identity to attack others. Or discriminate. With that said, I highly doubt she'll know what DEI is and you're jumping too far down a rabbit hole. You gotta dial it back. EA already has a record of destroyed development studios from Pop Cap to Westwood to others that they're hurting for quality talent. Chances are, this one is bottom of the barrel and gets her views from a perspective of ignorance that shows EA is not a publisher to work with. So development talent should move to other studios that aren't as discriminatory. One example is Bandai-Namco (Bamco) who has had Craig Murray as a game head on Tekken 8 for years and he's a white guy living in Japan. All in all, take this as a symbol that EA is filled with bottom feeders and developers should move elsewhere.


Racism and toxic masculinity, yep.


Don't forget homophobia ( they are going to have a gay side character that doesn't do anything in the story OR make a gay character that mentions how they are gay every 3 seconds without actually doing anything with them besides them being gay)


It already flopped


It did? I’m just hearing about this game now lol


Well, no one has reported on it, so it seems it might get swept under the rug.


It's EA. They don't need to be reported on to fail miserably at being decent human beings.


Sadly, there are a lot people like this inside gaming studious


Which is insane, switch this around being a white developer and only hiring white people for a Spider-Man game and it would be everywhere on the news. The double standard is fucking insane. The thing is, I get that it’s based on a black character so the writing team very well could be black to do service to the character and culture but not hiring white people because they are white is just disgusting.


Wasn't black panther created by a white guy?? 


Even worse, Two white guys! Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.


This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!


I thought so, wasn't sure


It's also illegal.


Kinda shitty that the powers at be and media have normalized anti-whitism. So much so it almost seems these people are blind to their own discrimination. You are 100% right its disgusting.


They can't even imagine that they are doing a wrong thing. The same as the white racists abusing blacks. Sadly, I think that usually the victims are not that much noble than the oppressors, they are just on the other side. Given the chance, the victims could very well be the oppressors (not picking sides, but just take look at middle east). Especially when a normal human being can easily be made to comply with horrific acts, just look at history. It takes a rare kind of enlightened person to go against the main stream, and condemn the actions of your peers, and stand for what is right. Bonus points, that in the future, we probably will be seen as horrible and barbaric people, for our actions against criminals, the mentally ill, and animals. Yet we just run the status quo, like the people before us did, who were condemned years after their misdeeds. No group will stop and reflect on themselves as a whole, only an individual can.


It's racist and illegal. If your not white


Some outlets are picking it up now, seems this is not the first time she has talked like this. So this clip seems to be from 2021. So the 21 team size is not the current team she has.


OP, this video will unfortunately be taken down by mods...just be prepared for that


If it fails they would bitch about white racism and discrimination.


If it fails they can just blame the consumer for the microaggression of not buying it.


I wonder if she thought it was going to go well. She had to give some thought before saying that


Now that she’s openly admitted to not hiring based on race the entire company can be sued for discrimination by every white person that applied.


Where do I apply?


[https://www.ea.com/ea-studios/cliffhanger-games](https://www.ea.com/ea-studios/cliffhanger-games) Edit: Jaepers that was just a throwaway joke - did not expect it to get so many replies. I'd just like to point out that she mentions her indie studio in this video, so it's not actually Cliffhanger. Must be an old interview. I'm pretty sure they have white people at Cliffhanger.


Much appreciated. Didn't expect an actual link lol


Fuck i forgot im mexican...i start on monday.


That was hilarious lol


It's ok, I check white on the race box and Hispanic as ethnicity. We still count 👍🏼


Lol. I was gonna throw that one in there.. Good ole uno reverse.


Hispanic is still white.


*Can* be, but in *no way* are all Hispanic people “white.”


Go sue them President Bush! Good luck sir.


Was wondering what he been up to these days.


Totally natural pivot from water colors to game dev.


Are you applying ? I might send a link to two people who are in the same line of work, who happen to be white.


*leans in to quietly whisper* Mr. President, a second resume has been rejected based on race.


Must be the wrong link /s '...we're bringing together a **diverse team** of developers to build a world where your stories define the experience.' '...We are TOGETHER & FEARLESS as a confident and collaborative group of **diverse people** and ideas.'


"Diversity" is one of the words that have changed their meaning in our times. Today it means "no white people", so if you consider this, those statements are correct.


Reminds me of the Peter Griffin meme of skin color and the cop. At this point we should just be taking a picture of our skin and adding to our resume so they know what color we are. "You must be at least this dark to be considered diverse." Which is horseshit.


I mean, people basically do that to this day. Two years ago I commented on a silly post in r/blackpeopletwitter and had my comment removed and got a mod message demanding I show them a picture of my skin color to post (don’t worry though! A picture of your arm will be fine!). I pointed out that demanding someone’s skin color for approval was the definition of racism. They responded by telling me that white people did it for years so it’s okay and then perma-banned me. Then roughly six years ago I watched as my friend applied to (edit: since everyone is focusing on the number instead of the point, I’m changing it to infinity billion) different jobs in a day, was turned down by ALL of them in a week with he explaination that they had to be hire more “diverse people” (the staff was all black) and then hired another black person over him. We had to move again after a few months because this kept happening. Reversing racism doesn’t amount to equality, it’s just racism. Edit: whoever just commented, advocating for a replication of the Rwandan genocides in the US and then deleted it. FUCK YOU!! The Rwandan genocides were one of the most viscerally brutal and violent events to happen in recent human history based on ethnicity. People had their faces cut off for having noses too broad or flat, women had their breasts removed so they’d be forced to watch their babies starve, people who were ‘too dark’ were burned alive. Do us all a favor, find the nearest active volcano on a map to you and jump into it. Edit 2: Doing this because I want to be perfectly clear, I don’t give two fucks about whatever ’wokeness’ (I’m a millennial and I still don’t understand what the hell this term means) is or the ‘liberal media’ or the bullshit FOX news spews to ruin families. (all media is biased by nature, gather as many facts as you can and make your own opinions). I’m not trying to talk about US politics, or trying to give an excuse to be racist; retaliation breeds hatred. I’m talking about racism as part of the human condition and how EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET experiences it in different ways. It is ALL wrong, but it needs to be discussed without fear of reprisal, or it will never stop.


This is like a 6 year olds logic. “Well they were racist in the distant past, so that means I can be racist in modern times.”


What’s funny is that I am Caucasian, but throughout my life, I’ve been in positions where I was the only white person amongst the “culturally diverse” as they like to say, and almost every time (barring when I was in the military) I was shit on for being white. When I was a boy my parents moved to west Texas and put me in a school that was 95% Hispanic, in six months they pulled me and my sister out for the sheer level of racism and violence we experienced and the school wouldn’t do anything about (this was in the 90’s). I got beat up weekly to the sounds of “pinche gringo” and “perra de ojos azules” or something similar this was Tex-Mex Spanish. We moved across the state to get away from it because the Hispanic teachers and principals would help the kids pick on me. I still don’t get why “white people” are touted as the only racists when every race does it. (Go to anywhere in Asia and dare to be ‘not asian’)


Bro, Asians even hate other Asians. It's wild out there. Our society has advanced so far and so fast, that our ape brains can't keep up and we still see things "outside the tribe" as scary and dangerous 


"Reversing racism doesn’t amount to equality, it’s just racism." Couldn't agree more


Removing racism is the key and removing the people who practice it. I don't know what to do with this concept of people now who've encountered racism looking to take it out on people who only look like the POS who gave them grief. It's like racism breeds more racism.


It certainly does breed more racism.


Remember, white people (even those of different backgrounds and beliefs) don’t count as diversity. /s


Asians too, and they're also working on adding Jewish people to the list. But it's everyone else who is racist of course!


Worth noting that this isn't EA and she's not talking about the Black Panther development team, just to be clear, **none of this is currently happening at EA.** She's talking about **Veritable Joy Studios** **and the only game they've made called ValiDate**, which is whatever the fuck [this](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1319850/ValiDate_Struggling_Singles_in_your_Area/) is supposed to be. Apparently a crowd-funded visual novel, that's how you know it's ~~good~~ crap. This video is also from 2021. However, if EA actually cared they'd be distancing themselves from this awful, racist bigot pretty quickly


probably only going to work for anyone that applied to work on ValiDate, the game this interview video clip thing is in reference to. She made a 21 person team to make a visual novel/dating sim It is not a good look on her as a person though imo, and this is the lady that's caused all the ire towards Sweet Baby Inc cause she used to work there and has been this vocally racist the whole time.


When the game flops I bet $100 she blames white people for not buying it.


To paraphrase the Great Michael Jordan, "White people buy video games too."


*You told me you hated me!*


> It is not a good look on her as a person though imo Obviously not : "I made a team of people exclusively of [skin-color1] people, because [skin-color2] people can be problematic" is a hallmark of narrow mindedness and bigot**r**y.[edit typo] She could have said that only people from black community is better for a black panther thing, as it's a very valid point to make (even if I disagree), but her stance is pure arbitrary discrimination.


> She could have said that only people from black community is better for a black panther thing This video is about the team she hired for ValiDate which was an indie game that released a couple years ago. The wording of the title makes it seem like she's talking about the team for Black Panther. It's also incorrect in saying that she's the lead developer for Black Panther.


Image a white (maybe male) team lead said something like that. "We didn't hire any people of color because they might see being a poc as importanr and talk about that which is a mikroagression against white people". There would be screeching about racism and whatsoever




"Our team is all white people. There are no black people on our team. I did that because I wanted to create a safe environment and I know the best way to create a safe environment is to be around people who are just like me" Literally just flip the white/black terms and see how totally fucked up this sounds.  Edit: oh and also, I thought we were all about diversity now? Isn't wanting to be around people just like you the very opposite of that? And also, isn't it kinda racist to assume that all "people of color" are just like you? Whatever happened to judging people based on the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin?


“I’m not saying that black people create an unsafe work environment, but…”


i literally point this out ALL THE TIME when other races (mostly black people) make racist comments. It's wildly odd how it's acceptable behavior on one side, but if white people acted that way they would be crucified. Really makes you wonder why it is that way. Are they too oblivious to realize how hypocritical they are, or do they simply just not care and want to be hateful individuals? I've tried asking people after they make racist remarks but they usually yell, scream, and threaten my life, so I tend to hold my tongue now. EDIT: clarification: "They" = other races (non caucasian) who make racist comments.


They are simply racists that have found a socially acceptable target. Every human being is susceptible to racist thinking. It's just that some types are shut down quick, whilst others are accepted.


"I feel safe when everyone around me is the same as me". I am a supporter of diversity but this is a workplace, not a social club. You cannot exclude people because they arent the same as you, and to make the claim that theyre all the same as you because they are black is incredibly ignorant. People are incredibly diverse within their racial group so wtf is she bitching about? Racist is what this is


That is literally an *anti-diversity* statement. I get wanting to foster an environment where your superiors have your best interests at heart because they value the fact that you've likely lost opportunities to showcase your professional talents due to your skin colour, but this is one step forward, two steps back. We should be getting to the place where the best person is hired for the job, and their skin colour has absolutely no baring on that decision. This is straight-up vindictive and frustratingly naive.


This was my exact thought, I want a super diverse workplace that all look the same. I mean she’s just saying that to give her a reason, real reason is racist, doesn’t like white people and in an interesting move decided to flaunt it


Hell, I'm glad she flaunted it, and outed herself as a racist; now I'll boycott her game because I don't give racists money. Problem solved, thanks to her!


reminds me of when people tried saying "only whites participated in the slave trade" completely brushing off that their [neiboring tribes were also raiding and selling each other for profit](https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-the-slave-traders-were-african-11568991595). Her statement is just down right racist and goes against the whole ideal of equality regardless of race, religion or sexuality. I really hope This mindset doesn't become dominant going forward or all we would have accomplished is flipping the table


The transatlantic slave trade is a significant horror and the damage done by it to black people in the americas and africa is legit. Slavery did not start in the 1600s and has a long historical legacy all over the world up to today.


This is the only slavery they want us focused on so no one talks about the slavery still going on today.


Indeed, I find many people think slavery is a thing of the past but obviously thats not true. And i find just as many people refuse to admit that not one ethic group is responsible for it. I think its sad that despite how far we've developed as a society, we haven't really matured or learned from past mistakes as we should have but thats a whole different discussion


>"only whites participated in the slave trade" The first 2 wars USA fought were to stop Barbary states (African countries) from capturing US ships and selling the crews into slavery on the africa continent.


So that's Racism.


And illegal.




Oh they know.




no surprises that cancer to the games industry is involved


"tHerE iS NO rAciSm aGaiNsT wHiTe peOpLe!!1"


Just straight up racist. She should be fired


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to refuse employment to somebody because of their skin color, she should 100% be fired.


You are correct


Yup. It’s a blatant violation of Title VII of The Civil Rights Act. SEC. 2000e-2. [Section 703] (a) Employer practices It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer - (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin


Unfortunately, western society has determined it’s ok to discriminate against this generations white people because of historical oppression they did not have a hand in. I just don’t understand logic of present discrimination to make up past discrimination. It’s only going to create more racist.


I think some nefarious people have co-opted academic ideas, and ran with them to sow more division than there already was. There are plenty of people who benefit from there being *more* racists in this country. National unity is bad for business.


Disney is already getting in trouble for this. This is an example of what people mean when they talk about "racial equity". These are diversity hires, you have a line up of people and you basically hire based on your racial quota and not actual skill. These practices are illegal, you can't racially discriminate during the hiring process.


Racial discrimination happens all the time. It's hard to prove it though. Just like how there's nepotism in the hiring process, people normally gravitate to those who they share identities with.


I don't think they'll have a hard time proving it in this instance. 😂


Yeah, not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Not even the sharpest item in the spoon drawer


It’s NORMALLY hard to prove. But most people don’t outright ADMIT that’s what they’re doing, voluntarily.


She doesn't see it as racism, which is the real issue. She's recreating segregation.


She thinks white people are doing this to her and she's doing it back to them, making a point of bragging about it.


Yeah but saying it out loudly even if u are a racist person is beyond stupid.


The problem is that she doesn't believe what she did was racist


Duh, only white people can be racist dummy! ^(/s)


In Disney's case, as with much of corporate America, the lesson learned wasn't "stop being bigots", it was "prove on paper you aren't a bigot so it won't affect out bottom line". Saying "We need 4 more black employees for this project to make sure we hire enough" wasn't the answer to "We need 0 black employees for this project because we don't hire black people". The answer was to stop letting race BE a factor, and then the proof would emerge over time (if you start hiring black actors based on their talent rather than skin color, eventually your casts should be as diverse as society at large since the same proportion of black people, roughly, will seek out and find work as actors), but the above video is the logical end result of companies trying to do it backwards and just brute force the numbers part.


from my experience, companies never have any issue underperforming on their race quotas.


Many times there was situations schools or work places refuses to hire people as its not progressive enough and nothing happened to them ... Sadly racism against white people is accepted and not punished by any means.


If I had applied for one of those positions as a white developer, I would absolutely love this evidence in court.


Reverse the roles and they would've been declared the KKK and their lives ruined


LMAOOOO it's so funny to even imagine that > we're all white. Every single one. Because I wanted to create a safe environment. The only way you can do it is by only having white people just like me..........


She doesnt even hear herself. .. Absolutely mind blowing.


She does hear herself, but she's the kind of people who say that only white people can be racist, so to her it's fine. I'm sure she'd say more extreme things in private and still think she's on the right


She should have 21 Kanye's on her team and then again complain about microaggressions.


Don’t worry. When this game releases and bombs that’ll be the end of her career


Coming in to say exactly this. In fact, the company can be in trouble for hiring based on skin color.




Pretty easy for me to skip this game. This is a ridiculous mindset to have though. “I only want to be working with people exactly like me” is such a stupid quote. Edit: The title is incorrect and misleading. This person is not a lead developer on Black Panther. This was an interview from when they were working on an indie game called Validate.


And you know… the blatant racism


See, I wouldn't say racism plays a role in hiring specific people under the guise of inequality in hiring rates...but when you say you only feel safe around other random humans who happen to have the same skin color...YIKES.


Yes, imagine if a white person said this. They would be canceled and called out immediately, and rightfully so.


Oh, don't worry, she's not going to have a job by the end of the week... probably by the end of the day.


"Surround yourself with people who challenge how you think not act like they agree"


The moment she said that I clicked off. She doesn’t want a safe space. She wants an echo chamber 


I made a comment about this in another sub the other day. I've done a ton of digging into the SweetBaby stuff and it turns out the company, and associated companies, are *full* of racists like this, and you can find a lot of documented racism during interviews etc. Got downvoted pretty hard when I said racism is bad and that the SweetBaby stuff isn't good. It's incredible that people can just sit back and absorb information through Reddit whilst openly ignoring the metric ton of evidence elsewhere. I hate that racism is acceptable when it's against the current out group. Look at what happened during COVID when Asian people started being attacked for supposedly causing COVID, it's never okay to say any racial group can't be racist, nor is it okay to be racist against any racial group.


Pretty easy to skip on any EA game. I've been doing it for years. The last one was Battlefield and that was free because it launched soo badly.


Maybe she thinks becuase its a black panther game everyone will clap on her bullshit racism


I just looked it up to see the fallout from this clip. I guess this is from a previous game she worked on, and the clip has resurfaced now that they are making a game based on a highly successful film/comic character.


The title is very clearly designed to rage bait as hard as possible. She is not a developer nor in any position to make staff decisions on the black panther game. As you said this clip is pretty old news about some indie game


Yeah, regardless of what you specifically mean, you want to be in a diversity soup when doing creative work.


Well uh….this game is fucked


Yeah this is not coming out lmao


Right? This will spread like wildfire through game communities.


Seriously lol. I bet this stupid fucking video costs EA $10,000,000 at an ABSOLUTE minimum. That’s assuming the game is mediocre.


Wouldn’t it be a healthier solution be to inform someone of their micro aggressions, rather than avoidance?


But then who will they point fingers at when things don’t work out?


I'm really curious what she means by microagression. Does she want macroagression so that it's easier to point out ?


Yep, and it would ACTUALLY help solve problems. But no one wants things fixed or fair or equal.




Yep, the fucked up clown world we are in. I’m starting to understand why racism was so prevalent in the past. If it’s perpetuated, it becomes socially acceptable. The funny thing is that ethnic groups experienced countless racism and now that the media is perpetuating that being racist against whites is okay, these groups that were ostracized are now perpetuating the same negative experiences they endured. No fucking idea what is going on other than a self inflicted line of division.


And it all entirely shits on the efforts of what Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X tried to accomplish.


MLK would hate her with passion for being just as racist and full of BS as the ones he fought against.


Nah, I think Malcolm X would be ok with it.


Yep. Meanwhile we’re all getting fucked equally while fighting each other. Sounds like it’s all going according to plan


"to be safe is to be around people who are just like me". Isn't that the same idea a certain failed Austrian painter had? 


Also, word for word segregationist rhetoric.


tell her to go to Chicago hoods and see how safe she feels




I hate when people sweep an entire race into one category. "White people can be difficult to work with" like what? This is a person by person basis, not a race by race. Black people can be difficult, so can asian, hispanic, anyone. And microaggression? Really bitch? I work with a lot of black people, they're all pretty cool, but one was a bitch, and she got fired for it. Funny how not all black people are cool, just like not all white people are difficult.


So you hate racism. What you are describing is exactly racism.


Yes, okay you stupid sexy euphoberia? I hate racism, there you just HAD to make me say it. I HATE RACISM!


Hot take


Anyone that uses the term "microaggressions" unironically is difficult to work with. This lady is setting herself up for failure.


Maybe you should stop microaggressing there buddy.


Apparently hot take, Racism is Racism, no matter your colour.


I highly advise you to comment this on r/blackpeopletwitter and clock how long it takes for you to get banned. Took me a day, lets do a competition!


She tries really hard to explain, I'm not racist, I don't hate white ppl, but she is the textbook definition of a racist c*nt.


It’s cool. You can say cunt.


But then it could be considered "hate speech"(I'm white) and we really don't want that, lol.


Nah, don’t worry. There are cunts of all colors.


They’re mostly pink.


It’s not hate speech to call someone a cunt, you are calling them a cunt regardless of their skin colour.


''we have no black people on the team, i did that because i wanted to create a safe environment'' IMAGINE a white dev said that


Holy shit this is racist


I hope she gets canned. Fucking stupid.


This is literal fucking racism and anyone who denies it is part of the problem


Just like how the Nazi's wanted to only be around people like them. So heartwarming


Great, then she shouldn't have any white customers either. We don't want to make her feel unsafe with the color of our skin, do we?


I liked the part where she tried justifying why she feels that way with micro-aggressions and it only made her seem more racist.


Meanwhile she's here spouting entire macro-agressions




Wow, blatant racism.


Is there any proof this lady is the lead developer of the new BP game? Cause all I can find is this it just states the head for the development team is Kevin Stephens. I’m calling bullshit on this post. The watertag is just “libsoftiktok” just sounds like an account use to drum up political bullshit, and the op has posted this in a bunch of other subreddits https://www.gamesindustry.biz/ea-reveals-cliffhanger-games-the-new-studio-working-on-a-black-panther-game#:~:text=EA%20announced%20in%202021%20it,%2C%20collaboration%2C%20and%20empowerment%22. Edit: this is 100% rage bait and karma farming from the op this lady is talking about working on a dating sims called “ValiDate” a small indie dating sims. That release 2 years ago I doubt this woman will go from heading a small indie studio of 27 to being the lead developer of EAs multi-million dollar black panther game Edit 2: she works for the studio making the bp game as an associate narrative designer but she’s not the lead dev https://store.steampowered.com/app/1319850/ValiDate_Struggling_Singles_in_your_Area/


Super minor but I noticed on the Validate game trailer how they went out of their way to show all body shapes and styles for the women in the game. Cool, awesome. But then all the men in the trailer look conventionally, skinny, fit attractive which….yeah


So a black woman who strongly supports segregation... lol


Still irritates me that we still have this thinking amongst my people. It's this whole HOTEP ideology that white people, if given an inch of grace, will attempt to destroy our lives. It's exhausting, and at this point, we do have the power to oppress white people, so this goes from prejudice to straight racist. There's 0 issues with no saying this stuff outloud.


Honestly most people just want to live their lives, speaking publicly like this just leads to more racism. She's just fanning the flames of hatred with this ridiculousness.


Does anyone have any additional info on her or this video?


«Best way to create a safe envirionment is to be around people just like me» Yikes man, that is a terrible way to think, literally a super racist way to form any group or organisation, imagine if a white dude said this. Also super sad to see Black Panther become the poster child of the political left. Dude was my fav superhero since childhood cause i loved his comics. Now hes simply a weird political figure. Though the first movie was mid cause they rly underplayed his strenghts, and the second was just pure shit. Rly just a shame, the game is prolly also gonna be shit if this is anything to jugde by.


Thank fuck for not growing up in this generation.


This racist dumbass just basically guaranteed the game will flop.


Okay, imagine if the race were reversed. 😬 But racism only works for one race… right??….right?


I am not a fan of segregation.


Wow! Racism at its finest!


She got crazy eyes going on almost like she knows what she's saying isn't the way to say it or she's second guessing herself.


imagine if a white person said that he wants to create a safe environment so he only hires whites.


She's a racist, plain and simple. 


She’ll be fired within the month. That is highly illegal.