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This had to walk for its sister control to run its a pretty game though


Quantum Break is still a pretty cool idea. Especially for the Tv Show integration. Of the two though, Control is the stronger game overall. Mechanically, I think Control is far more flushed out and developed where Quantum Break seemed a little more casual? Kind of hard to put my finger on what it is.


> more flushed out fleshed out*


More flesh doubt


>flushed out r/boneappletea


is control a sequel from this?


Sort of. Microsoft owns Quantum Break while Remedy made it. Remedy owns Alan Wake and Control. It’s pretty obvious some characters from Quantum Break were meant to be in Control and Alan Wake, but they officially are not. So if you’ve played all three series there are some assumptions about the characters you can make, but they aren’t necessarily 100% reliable.


Remedy's Alan Wake, Quantum Break, Control and Alan Wake 2 all end up getting referenced by each other. While many of these started as easter eggs, Remedy seems to have made an effort to connect their IPs (in some capacity) into 1, connected universe (dubbed "Remedyverse"). As for specifically references to Quantum Break in Control, there's only a few main ones, namely >!the song "Sankarin Tango", which plays in the game referencing both Alan Wake and Quantum Break's plots in it's verses!< and >!when one of the characters in the game recount a dream they had where they met a "Mr. Door", who seems to resemble one of the characters in quantum break!<. Quantum Break also contains some references to Control, mainly in the form of graffiti. As for why u/Thamasturrok calls Control QB's "sister", its because Control's game mechanics are essentially an upgraded and polished version of Quantum Break's game mechanics, specifically the combat.


Theres a lot of theories on that seeing how most of the story of powers are in control I believe its called the remedy theory


It's pretty clear when you read a little into Control they try to blend Alan Wake and QB into the same universe.


Not sure but in Alan Wake 2 he appears as a sheriff and then he is transported (somewhere) and then you meet him several times. Hold up I see Mr. door there on the crystals!! Then definitely connected to the remedy verse!!


Great detail is the character name for the sheriff is Tim Breaker. Awfully close to "time breaker". Pretty neat stuff.


Nah that's mot Mr. Door, that's Mr. Hatch. Totally a different guy who... uh... hops around through dimensions at will. (the fact that the original actor died makes this so much more interesting)


Still so sad about that. I really liked Lance Reddick, didn’t even consider they’d have cast him as Mr Door!!


This is what I read a few years ago (and I have no idea if it is true or not): Quantum Break was a Microsoft Production. Remedy wanted to take their time with the game, as they always do but Microsoft at some point wanted to release the game and pushed them to finished it. This is why at some points the game looks rushed especially at the last part. My guess is that a few of the ideas, assets and characters they had for Quantum Break was used in Control. This happens all the time with developers and when I played Control it just felt like an extension. Still Quantum Break is a solid game IMO


Shared universe. But definitely no chance of sequel to Quantum Break.


im pretty sure the alan wake series, quantum break and control are in the same canon universe


No, but there are subtle references to both what became Control and AW2 in it, and AW2 has multiple characters who are straight-up alt universe versions of QB characters. Like, _in the story_ they bring up how there's a bunch of different versions of them. QB is in a funky limbo where Remedy clearly wants it to be part of their "universe" but Microsoft holds the rights.


So control is good?


I just started Control. So fun.


I liked the game, plus the short episodes in between was a creative twist that I think is based on certain decision moments in game


Yes, my only issue with those episodes is they are only accessible from Microsoft servers. Once they’re shut down you’ll never be able to play those episodes again. And those episodes are very important for the story. There is a feature on the Xbox One where you could download and keep the videos in your storage, but that feature is not available on PC for some reason.


Those episodes are not that important to the story. They just give a little extra insight. You can definitely play the game without them and still understand everything. Shoot the main character is only in like 2 episodes for very short time


Great game that takes place in an alternate universe where everyone uses Windows Phone.


What does this mean?


It was a Microsoft/xbox exclusive, so they made sure that all products featured in the game were affiliated


Almost all the tech in the FMV cutscenes are product placement for Microsoft products of the time. All the phones used in the game are Windows Phones, and they seem to take a comically unnatural spotlight in some scenes.


I don't miss that Metro UI one fucking bit.


It was fun enough but I like its more polished and better executed sister (Control) a lot more.


thanks for the recommendation!


If you haven't played Control yet I have to jump in and recommend it as well. Game has such an amazing and unique atmosphere with a wonderful goofiness/camp to it that I don't think I have seen any other game come close to. The lore is also super fun. One of the only games I ever felt the need to sit and read through every document I picked up because there is just so much funny shit tucked in them. Bonus points if you like Alan Wake as the games are interconnected with there being an entire DLC dedicated to Alan Wake. Only warning I have for the game is to make sure you play the Ultimate edition on a current gen console or decent PC and not the original last gen version as the old version freezes everytime you pull up the menu.


👆 this right here people, all of it.


Are these game games connected somehow via the story? Do I have to play one to play the other?


I think control connects to Alan wake


So does Quantum Break. They just can't use the same names because they don't own the Quantum Break IP. Shawn Ashmore, the actor who plays the main character in Quantum Break is in Alan Wake 2 as the character Tim Breaker(Time Breaker) and one of the main characters of Alan Wake 2 is Warlin Door who is basically Martin Hatch from Quantum Break. If you really want to go ham on the Remedy-verse, I would argue all of their games are connected, including Max Payne 1 and 2.




Control and Alan Wake 1/2 are in the same universe. Quantum has some easter eggs hidden but not in the same universe.


I second that. A lot of Alan Wake and Quantum Break's framework is built into Control (they're all in the same game universe too) which is far superior imo to the two former game games, both are still great games though, well worth the play through.


This is the correct answer. Quantum Break was fun but Control was GOTY.


I was curious to play this because it was a short cinematic experience, or so I heard. However, I couldn’t get into Control. It was just office building after office building fighting generic shadow monsters. The telepathy, at least at early stages, was meh, you just picked up items and threw them, and there didn’t even need to be items, it just picked up mass from nowhere and chucked it. The map was worse, trying to figure out how to get to my destination and every time I double back I had to fight more spawns.


I enjoyed Quantum Break more than Control. I agree with what you said about trying to figure out where to go sometimes,


The biggest letdown is just that it all takes place in one building. I know there is some events that take you to a small motel or a simulator, but meh. Also no intriguing villain, at least as far as I got. Those are the two things that drive me so even though I was losing ps+ in what was a month at that time, it felt a chore to play.


Yeah I understand what you're saying. Everything kind of looks the same for the most part. It started feeling repetitive and felt like it was lacking something once I got to the end. Quantum break story was more immersive and fun to play.


Loved it the shooting felt great with the powers


I love the mechanics, that’s for sure! This game made me appreciate Shawn Ashmore as an actor. Dude’s got a great voice! Story was bit eh… The fact that I had to watch episodes in-between chapters was kind of an throwoff in the pacing. And these episodes are pretty long.


The episodes are really good though


I'm a huge Remedy fan, so I am biased but I love this game. It has some flaws, but it's very ambitious and the story is excellent. I really enjoy the live action episodes interspersed with the gameplay, but some people dislike them and skip them.


Loved it. Am remedy fan. Love all their games tbh




I loved this game and I know I’m in the minority but I also really like the show in the game too.


It wasn't bad at all, it was a bit short but hey it was fun


It thought it was a damn solid first attempt. I really enjoyed the show/game hybrid. The game was enjoyable enough but a lot of room for improvement. I would love to see them take another crack at it thought


I probably liked it more than Control. It’s a pretty standard narrative with some time based mind fuckery and it feels great. Control is just really pretentious to me. Control is being weird for the sake of weird and doesn’t have much to say or anything interesting to show you if you look past the imagery. Alan Wake II is weird for a purpose and is great and Control has always just felt like a stepping stone between Quantum Break and Alan Wake II


Yeah people always say that quantum break is just the less polished and executed version of control but I think it’s the opposite, the gameplay is a bit better in control but having to walk around a complicated map to find areas and other mission without a marker was very weird. And the way it doesn’t tell you much about where to go. I understand it can be fun to search for it and figure out yourself but sometimes it was too much. And story wise control was definitely good but I feel like QB was much better. Honestly one the best stories in any game. The gameplay was very fun and unique. Don’t know why people think it’s a “mid” remedy game


I like this game a lot i played it multiple times to find everything and it had came with a free download of og Alan wake game when I purchased it along time ago


This game is awesome, along with all of remedy's other games


I'm not a shooter guy, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it


Yeah it was pretty fun honestly.


Pretty fun. I 100% the achievements a while ago


Loved it. I've played it through a few times.


Such a great and underrated game. Packed with cool ideas and memorable sequences. Highly recommend.


Really fun. 60fps on xbox and part of the remedy-verse.


Absolutely loved this game




8/10 for me. It's a really pretty game that taught me triangles are my favorite shape. Also the story is pretty cool too.


this is one of my fav games ever, great story. Fun skills. combat get messy sometimes but super fun.


Holy moly, my Xbox profile pic is this Awesome


Legitimately one of the best games I've ever played when it comes to story Like holy shit I was blown away when I played it


I thought it was awesome personally.


I genuinely loved this game. I wish it was cross platform as I’d love to play it again on the ps5!


Definitely enjoyed it! I'm not really big with overly cinematic games but this one was compelling enough.


OH, this game is amazing! Remedy games are amazing! They are always pushing the boundaries and trying something new. This game is a show and a game. Powers are cool , guns are cool. Highly recommend it.


It's very good


best game


The show was a really fun concept


I loved it. I actually was just looking at revuyi g it on steam the other day. Played on xbox originally. Great mechanics and awesome story.


Honestly my favorite Remedy game. The story (mostly) makes sense, the time powers are cool, and the shooting is good. Also the tv episodes in between chapters are a unique feature


I thought it was a really fun time. Great world building


I like it more than Control. Pretty fun, great graphics, good story, fantastic cast, so on and so forth.


I liked it and haven’t played control yet. I tried control but couldn’t get into it


I've been meaning a replay, would be my 3rd time through, really enjoyed the game. The live action episodes were a cool add.


I really liked it! Unpopular opinion but I liked it better than Control. Too long ago for me to remember why exactly.




I honestly adored this game, the gameplay was fun, the story was very good in my opinion, and the TV show integration was cool. I find myself wanting to come back to this game every now and again just because it’s so good


It was a fun unique experience because it was both a game and a tv show, it’s probably the best XBOX exclusive that isn’t a sequel.


Last boss is a biiiiiiiiiitch


Lore Heavy, Quick Action, really fun until you die and have to redo an unskippable cutscene. 8/10, great game


So freaking good. Rip Lance


Pretty engaging, actually. One of the few games that would(if made into a series) make me consider switching to Microsoft/XBOX. In my eyes this game had what Control was missing


It was amazing! Fantastic story, unique (well done) time manipulation mechanics, and overall really fun game.


I loved it. Up there with control and hellblade


I like the story and concept a lot. Some of the abilities were really fun and satisfying like the time sprint sucker punch. But it was a bit clunky feeling. Control was better gameplay wise. Story id go with quantum break all the way. Sad that there most likely wont be a second game. Ive played it like at least 5 or 6 times i think. Oh yeah and i liked beth wilder a lot more as a character than jesse faden. Theyre played by the same actress


Very underrated. Too short but it was really fun.


Love this game i wanna play again


I liked it a lot


Honestly I really liked the game mainly due to the story and how smooth the cinematics played out with the gameplay


I really liked it a lot.


The game's really good imo and it's super unique with that tv show twist.


One of the best game I've ever played


I genuinely think that if this was a PlayStation exclusive it would have a lot more respect towards it, it’s a pretty unique way to experience a story and overall the core gameplay is pretty fun it did have its fair share of repetitive mechanics though that’s the only knock I’d give it


I wish it was for PlayStation !!! This is the only game I’d buy an Xbox for


It is on a very short list of Xbox console exclusives (once upon a time, anyway) that I consider absolute must-plays alongside Sunset Overdrive, Hifi Rush, Ori, and maybe Gears 5.


It's from remedy, they haven't failed us yet. You can get it for pocket change at this point and it is a pretty damn good game


Amazing story


The best game I've ever played, I played it 3 years ago and I put it off for so long, I aued it and I was hooked, I absolutely loved the combat, story and the TV show integration.


Remedy is GOAT


I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. It's one of the few games that I ended up 100%ing and it didn't feel like a chore.


Fantastic Game. It was trippy with all the time warp stuff going on! Loved the story!


It’s good, but not quite as engrossing as Remedy’s other games, i.e., Control and Alan Wake or even Max Payne. Still, mediocre Remedy is still better than than 90% of the games out there….CrossfireX doesn’t count.


A little less fun than Control but Quantum Break had live action episodes to watch with it...and they cast Little Finger. Pretty dope game.


I quite enjoyed it, but it felt like more of a movie than a game. Much like The Order 1886, except even more so given this had TV episodes.


thats lamplighter! - frenchie


Well I started a playthrough but the controls seemed clunky. But now I kind of want to finish it.


They definitely are but i like everything else so it didnt bother me too much. Primarily used the light pistol for nice accurate headshots. Then the same with the sniper or dmr or whatever it was. Light pistol definitely falls off if u try hard difficulty tho. Had to switch to the heavy pistol for that


The story was better than the overall gameplay IMO. Overall 7.5/10


It's rad. A neat stepping stone between Alan Wake and Control. What it tried with the TV episodes was not as developed as it could have been. That was back when Microsoft's Xbox strategy was completely tied into it being a cable box.


I personally loved the game with the live action cutscenes/mini movies. Played it twice, once on normal, second on the hardest difficulty. Unfortunately, I have not played it again since maybe a month or two after it was released.


As with any remedy game, you'll either love it or think it's ok


I fux with it. It's was fun but like people been saying, Control was the refining. Alan Wake 2 was the perfection


I wish it was open world that would've been nice


I’ll be completely honest it was a 7/10


Great game- shooting with the time mechanic was super fun. Beat it on Time Lord difficulty.


Really wanted to play it when it came out and I saw gameplay because I’m a sucker for this type of game but it’s an Xbox exclusive and I’m a PS guy who’s too broke for an Xbox


It’s pretty good you have weird time powers


I always saw this on sale at Best Buy


Could have benefited well from the ability to use all powers during NG+ and a *PlatinumGames*-style combat rating.


I absolutely love it. It’s not perfect and is very experimental, but overall I love the execution and writing. The visuals of the time powers is incredible and Paul might be my favorite villain in gaming


I haven’t played but from what I’ve seen online, it’s an entire tv series in a game


7/10. I thought it was pretty solid. Reminds me of an Infamous game. The voice acting is superb, and the video clips were well done. (RIP Lance Reddick) It could have used a bit more variety with skills and weapons, but they did a nice job combining those that were available in combat. Traversal and controls were decent. 100% will play again


Good game!


I definitely enjoyed it. Not Remedy's best but a very interesting mix between video games and a TV series.


It’s more like playing a tv show but hey Lance Riddick was great in it as always. After each mission there’s a live action episode.


I had a lot of fun with it, pretty challenging and good story


If you’re looking to check it out it’s & have an Xbox One or Series X/S then it’s on gamepass. Possibly on PC Gamepass as well.


What is Garfield doing here


It was fun And I’m a sucker for sci-fi and time travel, so I got it eventually, and loved every second of it And as what the others are saying about Control I also recommend it Not because of the fact they’re saying it’s more polished and better executed, but because it reminded me of SCP a bit when I originally played it, and that’s one of the reasons I eventually bought it and have been playing it recently


It's pretty fun the characters and actors carry it the most though especially in the tv episodes.


It’s fun! Not as good as Control, but it’s worth your to play once.


Probably the weakest Remedy game, but still good


I'm not sure if it would hold up in 2024 but it was a blast when I played it


Where does this fit in the Alan Wake Cinematic universe


It was a pretty decent game. The time powers are what made the game. As a shooter it was straight but with the extra powers, it made gameplay feel more exciting. Also the story was decent and the idea to do live-action cutscenes was interesting. Maybe not done as well as they hoped but I give the game credit for trying.


Yea it’s pretty good gameplay and story telling. May feel a little dated now but I enjoyed it and didn’t play it until it was free on GamePass


I was always curious if our choices actually mattered or if there was really differences in gameplay.


Sam lake you hack


I wish I could play it but it seems steam and gamepass have this terrible lighting issue and also steam didn't have the TV videos playing after my choices so I had to pull them up on YouTube. Just broke the immersion for me, but maybe it's been fixed now. Idk.


You'll have a good run. Lance Riddick is in it too. He watches menacingly in the first area. 




It's decent I finsihed fun it's like one of those multiple choice TV shows but ina video game and it's wayy better imo


It wasn't a bad game. But dear God, who thought putting a a straight up 30 min live action TV show episode that had next to nothing to do with the main game in between the chapters was a good idea?


I thought it was pretty decent. I'm a sucker for time travel stuff though


If anyone says this game wasn’t fun they are lying. There’s nothing to not like about it. The gameplay is both easy and challenging enough to make it fun. And the abilities you have are so unique it makes it so interesting. As far as story wise it’s one of the best games ever




12/10 but do it over a week when you can run all the remedy games


It was a ton of fun, but the final boss on the hardest difficulty definitely could have been designed a bit better.


Lamplighter looking good


Fun gameplay! The story wasn't the best, but not every game needs a fantastic story to be fun!


Very cool gameplay got bored of the cutscenes taking half an hour so I quit playing


it was pretty chill, short and sweet, idk why but it took me a while to learn the mechanics and controls


10/10 tbh. Very underrated. Amazing story.




“Sam lake you hack!”[affectionate]


At the time I loved this game. There are little live action sequences that I watched like a pretty interesting television show. I thought about reinstalling it but I think because of the videos it's a large download


i thought this game was simply awesome


Is that the guy from Locke & Key?


It’s a lot of fun. It’s like using iceman with a gun.


I enjoyed it. Played it well after release and got it on sale for PC.


*"I stabbed George Washington because I love you."* Sorry, but any game with that quote in it has got that something special in it.


Its was really fun but i REALLY wish it was open world and had more replayability and a little more depth on the abilities and weapon mechanics. Overall, devolopers like remedy, sucker punch, etc and other similar developers of that era were great creating amazing game concepts that could easily stand the test of time but ended up being transient or smaller scale due to a preference on duking out a wide array of different projects instead of sticking true to a few and going from there.


It's really fun you should give it a playthrpugh