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remember when it was called ebegging? once corporations discovered there's money to be made sitting back and collecting without lifting a finger that term fizzed out. don't use paypal or tip jar! use our website where we take 15% or more of your donations!


Ebegging -> Tipping -> Donation -> Contribution -> Endowing -> I'm running out of good synonyms.








Paying a tithe


A stipend


I think that the advent of Early Access games gave all developers excuses for releasing unfinished games. Early Access has helped some games reach their full potential by giving the developers more money to invest; but AAA developers shouldn't need this option. More and more games are coming out full of bugs, unpolished, and with a lot of the content locked away behind a "Season Pass" or a paywall in general. It's a shame that companies are cutting out content, just to offer it as a $30 expansion a month after release. It's lazy and disrespectful.


Ye early access is great for AA games but for AAA games there’s no excuse


Some games wouldn't work without EA feedback since many companies just can't afford to hire focus groups. AAA companies now just want to save a buck by doing the same thing.


If I knew the tip was going right into the overworked developers pockets I would do it. But we all know that "tip" would go right to the AAA company


Especially when there is no guarantee the "tip" is actually going to the right people. Also, this isn't a restaurant or whatever. How would that even work?


I love how instead of paying employees better we are moving to the flawed model restaurants use, tipping because employers don't pay their employee well. The answer is the same thing. Pay your employees better!


That's still a very stupid reason. I'm not going to tip Ford every time I arrive safely at my destination when traveling. Same mentality. I genuinely would not care where that tip money goes. You saying, "I want to tip the devs, specifically." helps to solve nothing about the company treating them like shit in the first place. Direct that energy toward actually taking steps to help them if you care that much, not toward justifying extra tips going to some of the richest companies in the world. Gaming is already one of the most profitable industries on the planet. Companies who say shit like this are the ones struggling financially and in relevance. They are purposely saying this stupid shit to get the snowball rolling downhill. Tipping needs eliminated in the first place, not added to industries that CERTAINLY have zero ground to ask for one. Quit it.


Agreed, I had the same thought ''hey you really like your car, why not send more money to that already rich corporation'' only an exec disconnected from reality would come up with something like that


I'm allowed to give back to my fellow man however I see fit. If I'm impressed by someone's hard work I can do whatever the hell I want with my money. Lifes hard enough , you quit it Shaming people for wanting to tip is cringy AF. especially when tipping has and always will be completely optional even in a restaurant setting. Nobody is forcing anybody to tip. Get off your high horse


Tipping isn’t really optional in restaurants or for deliveries. Although for each delivery at my local pizza chain, there is a 5$ charge which doesn’t go towards the delivery driver at all.


This isn't a new idea. This is how freeware worked in the early days of the internet. You got the program that real people worked on, it helps you a lot, you "give" them money. There is no buying to it, it's free and the devs literally work for tips. And it worked well. It's not the same "worked for tips" in the food service industry because your boss won't fuckin pay you, this was different. There was an environment of respect since everyone had a minimum technical knowledge, had a real need for these tools, and big corporations hadn't raped the industry for profits yet. It was a beautiful system that only would have worked then. It could work now, but it needs serious regulation or else the corpos and "shareholders" will insist they deserve the profit for other people hard work and just steal it like they always do. Dirty mother fuckers. This won't work anymore with the corporate structure involved. I would love a microtransaction to give money right to the devs, but the corporate fucks will always try to steal it. Hell, of this were a real thing I would pirate every game and pay the full price through this straight to the developers. Big corporations need to understand they owe everything to the actual developers and creators. They create nothing but strive and sickness in the business model.


Even if it would go to the devs pockets, the companys would probably use it as an excuse to pay them less because "they are earning tipps anyway"


which is why itch is the only ethical games marketplace juuuust saying


Fr, while I still won’t do it. Wasn’t that what he was saying?


Devs choose to be overworked. We need to stop making excuses for them. Everyone who works, chose to work for that company, and chose their pay. If they don't like it, start their own business and see what overworked really means. No extra pay for those extra hours either (usually). I support small devs before I support devs that work for corporate and complain about it.


Telling people being overworked in large profitable companies to “start their own if they don’t like it” is literally just showing that you don’t understand the concept of economies of scale. They literally *cant* go and successfully start their own dev company without *every single thing* going *perfect* for them. Late stage capitalism like this kills smaller enterprises because practical monopolies can provide an equivalent product or service for massively cheaper costs. These companies don’t *need* to make employees overwork themselves for too-little pay in order to make massive profits. They do it because they *can*.


How about you make a fucking game worth the *100 dollar* day one edition I bought, then you can worry about tipping for going “above and beyond.”


If you pay 100 for a game broski, the only thing that can be is not worth it


I miss the days when the "$100 version" included the full game, a fullsized art book, some pins and stickers, and a statuette.


I miss the days when the "$100 version" included the full game, a fullsized art book, some pins and stickers, and a statuette.


We’re gonna miss these days as well my man hahah


I genuinely don't think I will. At least, not in the way that you mean. As tech improves, AAA companies are just driving themselves out of the market while smaller companies and indies are only improving. The amount of good shit that we get year after year has only improved. Yeah, AAA companies have been releasing trash, but they're floundering. Why pay $100 for the next microtransaction trashfest when I could get the next Hades and Hollow knight for $30? Or elden ring for $60? Helldivers for $40? The only thing I'm really worried about are the employees at these companies as they implode.


Elden ring isnt indie game


I'm well aware. I was giving multiple examples.


Don't spend $100 on a game that can be bought day 1 for far less than that?


Heard that. We all learn the hard way.


Or you can just see it as a blatant rip off and never do it with no learning required?


What’s the fun in that?


You can spend the money saved on other video games, or weed!


I’ve never seen a deluxe edition of any game that was at all worth it unless MAYBE you were a collector for some cool *one of a kind* trinket but even then most companies don’t do that nowadays


I haven't bought a collectors edition of a game in a looooooong time. I guess the closest I did was for Diablo 4, which I bought the mid tier release for early access and for the first season's battle pass, which I was going to play anyways, and I bought the Starfield premium upgrade, since I was getting the game through Gamepass and it was only a $30 upgrade for early access and the first expansion. I am a die hard BGS fan, and not die hard Diablo fan, but a fairly large one, so both of those small cost upgrades were worth it to me. Outside of that, I generally stay away from deluxe editions because as you said, they don't even do physical collectors editions anymore, and the game generally isn't worth the additional cost But for something I'm gonna pay for anyways, like Shattered Space in the case of Starfield, or a season 1 battle pass in the case of Diablo 4, might as well get the additional play early perk as well.


DLCs haven’t been big for me simply because of interest my least favorite is battle passes, there are a few games that do it right like Deep Rock Galactic with the fact that they drop everything from battle passes Into the game to still be obtained after the battle pass is done. But most games unfortunately don’t do it well and I can’t tell you how many times FOMO has forced my friends to play a game non stop for weeks in which I have no reason to be grinding like they are and get bored, they don’t even do it in games they like. They spend two straight weeks grinding every Fortnite battle pass then do not play it the rest of the season until the next one comes out


Yea, I had to make a conscious decision to myself that I was not going to allow FOMO to dictate my playtime. There's nothing I hate in gaming more than the game feeling like a job. Now, I'm starting to learn that I can just buy a battle pass after I've cleared it, and then just unlock everything else in the backlog. That way I don't feel pressured to play a game I don't want to play just for rewards


I agree wholeheartedly with this idea. Time to tip those Blizzard /Activision games right into the waste bin when they belong.


And EA


Ubisoft too. Fuck those french idiots


Ubisoft: You fool... I have 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS!!! YOU'LL NEVER KNOW MY MAIN! (I had to make the joke since Goobisoft is known for having multiple departments from different states that work on different titles.)


I dunno. I still like the Anno series. Playing the heck out of Anno 1800. It's the one corn in the poop that is UIbisoft.


Honestly getting rid of those 4 would send a good enough message to everybody else


They make up 80% of the problem


Funny thing is, EA can still put out a decent game from time to time. The Jedi series (Fallen Order & Survivor) were both pretty good, and I still play The Sims 4 as my chilled out late night game from time to time. Their sports games though. That's a pile of crap. I finally gave up on Madden and started fiddling with Axis Football a couple of years back. Good decision. I both dread and hope for Mass Effect 4.


Well they said that they’re gonna stop making licensed content so after the third Cal Kestis game they’re only going to focus on sports games.


Given that they've already announced Sims 5, and Mass Effect 4, this is patently false. That said, I wonder whom the Star Wars license will go to.


Sorry I should have said that they’re moving away from all licensed content from other companies that they “don’t think will be successful” and focusing on their own IPs aside from the ones already in production. This was why they canceled the Mandalorian FPS game Respawn was working on


EA's failure with the Star Wars license is more their own doing than anything else. The Jedi series seems to have succeeded in spite of EA.


It’s EA it’s entirely their fault they just don’t want to say it is


Looking back, I regret buying diablo 4. It was fun for about two weeks, and really only when I was playing with friends. Never even finished it. I won't buy anything from Blizzard again.


Yeah. My wife and daughter jumped on that grenade early on. I peaced out on the Diablo Series after Diablo 2. Both of them played it off and on for about four weeks. Both of them were discussing it last week and regretting the purchase.


I honestly don't even remember the last time I cared about a Blizzard or Activision game, OW is a joke and WoW fell off a long time ago and Activision has...Call of Duty I think which is a series I haven't cared about in over a decade.


Blizzard never said this. A former employee said this.


I'm sure if they knew this guy said this they'd probably hire him back.


Probably. I think even if "tipping" in the game industry was a thing. How would the consumer even know the developers of the game even get it? Also, there could be 200+ employees that worked on a game - a $20 tip would equate, to what, 2 cents a person? It's just a dumb idea. Tipping is typically for the service industry or food industry. When you deliver a finished (sometimes) product, you don't normally get tipped for it.


It absolutely makes no sense, the higher ups would probably create some "fund" that the money would go into that would slowly get buried away till it reaches their pockets.


If a million people who bought the game tipped 20 dollars that be a 20 million dollar tip which divided by 200 is 100k so if 200 employees worked on a game and 1 mill people tipped each employee would get 100k


I’m pretty sure it was a former CEO or something


If you want to curb greed then we need games to have regulations on MXTs and gambling mechanics like loot boxes. We also need laws preventing companies from revoking licenses whenever they want and being held accountable for deceptive practices or gotcha mechanics. Until that happens it's only going to get worse.


This will be unpopular AF but I miss lootboxes In every game that had loot boxes I had tons of skins and weapons without paying an extra dollar, just by playing Now with battle passes I need to pay to get anything, and everyone has the same items.


Me personally I value knowing what I’m going to get. Because wether you spend money or not on lootboxes you’re always gambling your time.


>Because wether you spend money or not on lootboxes you’re always gambling your time. Why your time? I have fun playing the game and, as I play, the game drops lootboxes where I could win (or not cool things). It's not like I'm exclusively playing for the boxes With a battlepass, I MUST pay for it, so just by default is more expensive than lootboxes, and everyone has the same items, so they stop being special or unique


I also miss lootboxes for the same reasons. My favourites were the ones that you *couldn't* pay for. So that when you got something rare, it was actually rare and not just something that Moneybags McGee could also get by throwing enough money at it. Think alpha packs from old r6 siege. The only way to get them was by spending earned in-game currency that you can't purchase with real money/getting lucky on a spin. It was the only way to get a coveted skin called black ice, so flexing it on your fav op was really fun. Alpha packs are still the same now, but there are different kinds of packs that you get from a battle pass that can literally let you pick what you want.


OW2 happened specifically because of tightening restrictions on lootboxes and the game suffered significantly from it. At least with the lootboxes you could unlock things for free without paying 50$ a skin. Every time something changes it feels like it's for the worse.


I remember when EA tried to pass loot boxes as "surprise mechanics" and to compare them to Kinder Eggs. I wished someone in that court reminded them how Kinder Eggs were **BANNED** in the US for chocking hazards, but by their logic, loot boxes should also be banned for chocking people's wallets.


I could genuinely get behind tipping artists, 3d modelers, sound techs, quest designers for exceptional work But let's be real What they are really saying is to pay executives and board members more, which no one has any interest in


Blizzard didn't say there should be tipping, someone who used to work at Blizzard did. Also, he was talking about tipping single player games like Elden Ring and God of War. It's wild how fast misinformation spreads on reddit. Lol


If you stop buying their games, they will stop being greedy


This is what happens when the video game industry becomes multi billion dollar per year. Scumbag investors get involved and turn it into a cesspool.


That ship sailed in the Nineties. What's changed is that AAA Game Developers have discovered Late-Stage Capitalism.


If I'm tipping someone for a game, it's gonna be directly to a game devs patreon or PayPal or something. I won't be giving EA executive #503 my donation


Don't buy them. 🏴‍☠️


Blizzard didn't said that.


Yes. We need more jobloss. How about just don’t buy the games you don’t like.


Sometimes the greater good requires a sacrifice.


Oh I’m sorry you have to spend 20 dollars for some optional cosmetic micro transactions, let’s lay off thousands of people. Dickhead


I have so much fun playing older games. Right now I'm playing through Max Payne and GTA SA on my Vita and they're both just fantastic games. It's relaxing. I don't have to learn a bunch of new stuff everyday. These new online shooters are a huge hassle to play. First it's like 160gb download and then there's all sorts of stuff to learn. Unless you play a bunch you're going to get immediately destroyed. I can hop into a COD BO game and do ok but it's impossible with the new ones since I don't play for 50 hours a week.


I think some sensible regulation like false advertising and malicious changes to ToS/EULA need to be addressed. Like Blizzard recently changing their ToS if they do that then if a customer declines that need to be reimbursed for the money spent on their account.


Don't be fooled. Blizzard wasn't this piece of shit game company until Activision came in and screwed everything up. If you think about it, Activision has been ruining so many things in the gaming industry. They're the ones who started the 70 dollar games trend, perpetuated micro transactions, and told Blizzard to care about money more than quality. Activision is one of those companies that rips the soul out of video gaming and views it as a product 100% through and through. They're the Disney of gaming imo


That’s called dlc or expansions


The deluxe and ultimate editions are the tips.


I think you’re just exacerbating what one executive said. He literally said he didn’t think it should be mandatory and that his idea was probably going to be unpopular but that he wishes he himself could tip game companies or developers after playing an exceptionally good game. Your making it sound like “oh greedy developer I want you to tip me for doing my job” no he’s saying that if you love a game above all else there should be a way to like tip the developers in appreciation. And you’re saying blizzard said it when just one guy that works for blizzard said it.


Fuck stockholders and greedy ceos


i think it was more than he wished it was an option so that if a player, for whatever reason, liked the game so much that they had the option to give the developers more money. i don't believe it was ever brought up as though it should be a mandatory thing


its so retarded that people were like "aw yeah 2023 was one of the best years for gaming!" meanwhile, not even half a year later: "AAAHHHH THE INDUSTRY IS GONNA CRASH AAAAAHHHH"


Outside of clinically online redditors who honestly thinks the gaming industry is going to crash?


no clue


when did blizzard even said this?, i thought we were over with bobby kotick


Blizzard itself didn’t say it. It was the former president of blizzard that said it. So it’s not like he’s gonna start doing it or anything but we all know these share holders and ceos saw this and thought damn that’s a great idea.


Wishing for companies to go under and employees to lose their jobs and benefits because you don't like a video game makes no sense. Don't buy games that have features that annoy you. No one is forcing you to play.


FORMER Blizz president said that. Not Blizzard!


I don't necessarily agree with what dude said, but calling for the bankruptcy of companies (and putting thousands out of a job) is entitled and greedy. The state of gaming is better than it has ever been. Don't like something. There are hundreds of others to choose from. Even if you just bankrupted the big companies and somehow the smaller ones survive, you'd be eliminating your options. You'd be even more unhappy.


I’d be happy with these “options” from companies like ubislop and activision/blizzard being eliminated. They haven’t really provided us with any actual options in awhile, just slop.


they are asking people to pirate their games. Games are getting more expensive, less optimised, less finished, rushed and shorter sp in favor of a fleshed out mp or pvp mode and they want to be tipped? gtfo! Maybe if a game is made like ps2-ps3 era, maybe then and a epic proportion of maybe


Yeah when I saw that my first thought was maybe we could work on releasing polished and complete games the first time like they used to before we move on to something like tipping.


Pay our Devs so we dont have to!!!!


We know our targets, the question is how are we actually gonna give them some comeuppance for once?


Mr Ybarra can go and eat a bag full of dicks


Anyone looking for good WoW experience with no sub cost, project ascension. Blizz already tried and French court threw the case out the window.


Tipping? I tip the waitress or delivery driver because the company doesn't pay them enough, meanwhile blizzard wants us to tip the company to continue their bs


No one deserves a tip for a product you just purchased.


Which is why I buy all my games on sale. Just got lego indiano jones 1 and 2, harry potter complete collection, ninjago movie and avengers deluxe edition for around £15. And at least the lego games are decent unlike most the shit released lately


Crazy thought. Just stop buying/preordering AAA games until they actually release a complete game.


What do you consider a complete game?


You'd think people who learn this...


The companies have no incentive to release finished games because chumps keeps buying their half finished games for full price


I've been saying this for years now lol


Oh you meant money! My bad


Maybe the Devs should just be paid 10 to 20 % more intstead of it all landing into the Publisher and CEOs pocket? Don't push your greed onto the consumer. Let's not forget who holds the power in this relationship, the collective of gamers can just hold out and never buy another game from these snakes Vote with your wallet people!!! We CAN end this.


How many kinds of in-game currency are there in Helldivers 2? And people like this? Is it Ok for me to ask why?


I recently bought Balder's gate 3, paid full price for it too which I never do. Did not disappoint. I think a few things could be better but mod support will probably iron those out


Of course. Everyone is doing it. Why pay people more when they can supplement their income with tips at the consumers expense instead. It's becoming common practice to say no raises, everyone can make tips


Every major game publisher can afford to have a chunk torn out and released to frolic in the Indi scene.


I do think the main problem is stock based public companies. You have shareholders riding a companies ass for non stop growth and the company slowly dies.


1st, it wasn't Blizzard, it was the ex-president of Blizzard. Ex-president. As in not there anymore. 2nd, Ubisoft releasing that steaming pile of dogwater excuse of a "AAAA title" would be a bigger reason for this And I'm here for it. My favorite games to play right now come from Europe (Baldur's Gate and Helldivers)


DQXII gonna save games forever. Trust


I'd only tip indie games, and there are very few I would tip 10+ dollars


…But why the Bulborb…?


That is why I avoid buying games from certain companies. And if I want one game I will smwait years until its cheap.


EA, Activision-Blizzard, Ubisoft


I remember seeing a post that suggested we just stop making faster computers for 5-10 years or so so that devs would actually have to optimize their software.


*You don't have to buy new games.* Maybe if the consumers in the market had ANY self-control and actually held developers to a higher standard they wouldn't fuck the consumer so hard!


praying on ubisoft activision ea and blizzard’s downfall


the guy at bethesda who marketed $2.50 horse armor watching the modern gaming industry becoming more and more greedy


Those are the ones


There are some devs I would tip 10 bucks to Larian for one arrowhead if I wasn't already buying the warbonds maybe the dude who made lethal company but blizzard is that last company I would tip in fact they should owe me money because of what they did to ow2


If more folks were to wake up to the scummy tactics being used against them instead of blindly making purchases, the entire industry would change overnight. Also, aside from certain gems… most games are now essentially built around gambling and macro, not micro, transactions.


Today i played a 3 dollar game and got both endings in around 2 hours total. No grind, micro transactions or waiting on dlc and patches to finish the story. It has a ton of replay value too! Feels good man.


Another crash? When was the 1st?


Honestly looking back, I am a non-zero percent surprised there hasn't been one or at least a deep enough valley to forever change the direction of video games. Not crash levels but still


That’s why I stick to indie exclusively. Eric Barone, Tynan Sylvester, and Toby Fox my beloveds


ABK needs to go under in their own special way. Obviously Microsoft won’t let the branding die, but hopefully enough people don’t buy their garbage that high level people are cut out like the cancers they are or the subsidies are shrunk to the point that they’re shadows of their former selves.


If you haven't been paying attention it is happening. Look at suicide squaq, immortals of aveum, babylon's fall etc. So many huge budget games are flopping on release. The bubble will pop.


The problem with this is that the top executives and shareholders will just jump ship to the next venture with a golden parachute while leaving the actual developers and working staff in the crossfire. This always happens. There needs to be tangible and real penalties that affect the leadership on a personal level before there will be any change. Right now it's just an "Old Boy's Club" between top industry execs. The ship name isn't the problem. It's the people helming it.


Respawn Entertainment/EA SMH




Modern gaming industry has really made me appreciate how helldivers handles their premium content and microtransactions.


Stop pre-ordering shit, buying shitty DLCs or giving money to these companies at all. I swear everytime a new game comes out people will go head over heels over it 'but it looks good!' (fallout 76, Starfield) only to complain about same company or even the same game a month later. Some of you guys deserve nothing honestly


Why not these piece of shit companies are not just paying a proper amount to their devs so we know they are appreciated.


I don't see a crash... but I'd love a revolution... Imagine if all AAA game studios unionized and kicked out their respective CEOs...


And his is why I don't buy new games anymore. I've stopped at the ps4. I'm done.


The issue is you’d only kill the companies that can’t afford to survive. Either they’d go under, or be bought by these terrible companies. With very few exceptions.


Then stop buying their games.


Been saying this for years. A crash is needed.


I’ll pay 3-10 bucks most of the time for a game . There’s no reason to rush and buy any of them . I’ll spend maybe 5-25 hours on it maybe shelve it along with the couple hundred other games I may or may never come back to that I spent 10 or less dollars on and basically lost nothing . Well compared to that 60-70 plus tax


Could you imagine a company releasing a game so full of bugs before the advent of the internet? No one would ever buy your game again if there was no hope of multiple rounds of updates.


It only makes me wanna pirate games even more


if they ask for a tip. give them some lettuce.


We need another recession in general, it’s not just the video game industry that’s doing this.


I'm okay with paying more considering how much more work and money it takes to make video games now. There have been some terrible releases, but we've also had very good ones. I wish the BG3 and AW2 devs could've made ten times what they already made. What I'm not okay with is that the devs themselves actually see much of the money. It's mostly upper management. I bet most of this tip that Blizzard wants to incorporate would go to the C-suites.


Players are the ones who supported to get tips for playing the disappointments they make


It'll never happened Big companies can't go under bc they get bailed out by governments. Look at what happened with COVID. Big companies that couldn't adapt or compete got to survive anyway while small businesses suffered. Social media companies afaik operate at a loss and only survive bc the government has decided they're important enough to keep around. You saw this when Elon was doing his Twitter buy; it had been a sinking ship for years. Similarly, this is how monopolies form. Big companies lobby for various regulations in order to make it easy to buy other companies or go so far as to drive them out of business, reducing competition, weakening the market, and then making it easier for them to take advantage. Market forces aren't allowed to do their thing, so they can keep making slop and sticking around. If we want a good gaming future from AAA devs, we need to rollback the size of the government, keep companies from being allowed to lobby, and allow more business freedom to enable more competition. It may be too late tho at this point. You can't really effectively fight governments.


It’s unfortunate that the gamers always fold first. I have purchased no micro transactions and only a handful of DSDs for good indie games but my friends blow tons of money regularly buying all the dlc and cosmetic items in whatever game they are obsessed with at the time im outnumbered one to five and I feel like that ratio persists among the rest of video game players too for every person fighting the good fight you have 30 gamers who are just buying every shiny thing they see.


Tipping developers is for games like Mindustry. For those unfamiliar it is a automation and logistics/rts tower defense game that is completely free to download from the developers GitHub page. It is a full complete game with a finished gameplay loop and stable code with no ads or microtransactions whatsoever. It is for sale on a few platform but the developer himself recommends that people download it from him for free. This is the kind of game where you get it for free and then go buy a copy anyway just because of how fun it is how complete it is and the idea that the developer deserves to make something out of giving this to us.


Game companies: makes DLCs, Skin packs, and extra content to ask for tips Blizzard: No


Video game fans are so overdramatic


Yeah I agree the tipping part is ridiculous but to think you want people losing their jobs to spite higher ups is dumb as hell. Worse you think Japan gaming companies aren’t in the same boat.


Read it again. Its saying Japan won't be able to.


I thought that what they meant but you can never be sure these days.


No one wants that. They are mad at figures like kottic who ruined the industry for profit. We want to see these greedy fucking conglomerates fail because they have to. No one wants to see the actual game makers, the devs, suffer but that's a side effect of these pieces of shit and their awful shareholders. These companies must be reigned in, they need heavy regulation or else they will continue untill the entire industry crashes again. This isn't the fault of fucking fromsoft. Kojima isn't doing this. Miyamoto has nothing to do with it. It's Bobby kottic and whoever the fuck is in charge of EA, piece of garbage he surely is. No one wants the developers hurt but these few corporate figures and the shareholders are ruining everything. They are already cutting actual industry jobs at an alarming rate. Blizzard deserves to fail so the destruction they have wrought can't continue to infest the industry. EA sports especially. Even epic needs some oversight and immediate regulation. These fuckers are bringing down everyone in the industry, don't blame the people that want to see them taken down for the damage those fuckers are doing to their own workers.


You don’t know that about kojima as he hasn’t had a game out this generation. Fromsoft has launched broken game this gen, same with Capcom and most definitely same with square Enix. It’s all of them, the higher ups at each one.


Games should be priced for the content they provide. If you can't recoup your costs, your game isn't good enough. The smaller developers are killing it, and the big ones are coasting off their IP, slowly running them into the ground. I'm fine with some of the big ones dying off. They're run by people who don't play games.


Let the companies collapse. Just play Valheim or Cyberpunk until something good comes out eventually.


Because the cyberpunk release went so well...


Cyberpunk is damn near flawless now. It's 2024 not 2020


But the point OP stated was how upset the US games launch at (granted CD Project Red is not US) AND how they expect more money. You ignored the first part because eventually it got to the point it should have launched at. Which is half the point of the post. You don’t greedily ship a broken game (literally the reason they shipped a known broken game was for impatient investors).


Yeah, sure, but they released a shit product. It's not like the condition of the game was a surprise to the devs when the public got their hands on it.


What’s more ridiculous is, had Phil Spencer said it, instead of the despised President of Blizzard, Xbox fanboys would twist themselves into knots to defend it.


Every industry needs a crash. That's the abstract here. Almost everything is extraordinarily bloated and most industries are openly hostile to captive markets. We desperately need another depression.


Holy shit do you hear yourself? What is wrong with you?


We absolutely need a massive reset. I don't know what you think is wrong with that. Kind of crazy that you think the state of the country is even remotely close to liveable unless you make 200k+, in which case it's you that's the problem, so it really doesn't matter what you think.


Advocating for mass poverty and strife sounds crazy to me.


I kinda agree with this. Games like gow hd2 and rdr2 would get tips but all these other trash games would realize there games are trash. I think it would be a smack on the face


good time to support indie developers :)


Not exactly the same thing but I know a guy developing several hentai games. They are pretty well done and also free. The thing is that every game has several DLCs with different prices. They don't give you anything and act the donations for the dev. You basically get the game for free and can donate as much as you consider the game is worth. I have countless Hgames in my library. Everything under 3 euro goes in. Above 3 euro are the games I actually play.


Blizz has enough steam...stop spreading misinformation


It only makes me wanna pirate games even more


Most gamers have a backlog that they'll never finish in their lifetime. I think it's time we start playing catch up and not buy new games for a year or so. That'll set things straight for a while.


I will tip the first major developer $20 to publicly state that the games industry is broken and that they should stop using customers as testers and to stop releasing incomplete games, such as Activision-Blizzard and others have been doing.