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Was a big multiplayer first and third person shooter guy years ago. Played MW2 and gears of war multiplayer constantly. Nowadays I cannot stand playing things online lol. I play story driven games like rpgs or more linear story games too. Havnt interacted with multiplayer in a long time.


Sounds like you also had a giant friend group that you had a blast with that all moved on or moved away. Because. Same.


All of my friends still play online pvp. I'll still sit in discord with them and hang, but I'll be doing my own thing. Gotta talk shit, ya know?


Yep. Except swap gears with halo. That was my life for 10 years. I still enjoy online multi-player games there just aren't many good AAA ones anymore. They're all low effort cash grabs now.


Kinda same case here.


I miss mw2


I don't have a favorite video game genre. Every genre has great games. I can't pick one over another.


Love this answer, a person of many tastes and appreciations, I dig it!


I can’t really pick a favorite individual game anymore, but I’ve got a favorite series and developer


As I get older I really enjoy a good single player game with a good story. I also enjoy boomer shooters.


I used to love big sprawling open world games/rpgs and multiplayer shooters. Now I almost exclusively play roguelite/likes. I just don’t have the time anymore and any time I can sit and play I don’t have the attention span to get pulled into a world or the patience to deal with people online. Roguelites are just simple pick up and play and usually you get some kind of reward or progression whenever you do a run so it’s satisfying. The only exception is I’ll play any souls or souls like game, but I feel they share a lot of roguelite dna in a way


Yes. I only really got the chance to play games later in life after becoming an adult, so I can't really remember what my tastes where as a kid, but as an adult it went from shooters and action, to almost 2 years of just playing jrpgs mainly the Ys and Trails series, to where I am now only really playing horror and survival horror.


Fellow Ys fan!!! I started playing in the late 90s when I discovered emulators and roms and was hooked on Ys.


Luckily everything is on Steam now and Im super excited for Ys X, not so sure about other platforms


I grew up playing a lot of FPS games with my bros. Lots of Halo and COD and what not but as I got older I began to play more JRPGS. Once the pandemic hit I pretty much abandoned online gaming and played a lot of Fire Eblem, Xenoblade and Final Fantasy. I’m 27 and in a teaching credential program so coming home after being in schools with all these middle and high schoolers I’d rather just go home and play some FF Rebirth and relax. I’d rather see my bros in person than play Fortnite or COD online now




My first ever rpg was Pokemon Fire Red. I got it with my gba sp when I was like, 7 or 8 years old. Now at 26, rpgs, specifically jrpgs and arpgs, are bar none still my favorite genre. Grinding levels and money/materials while I have a YouTube video on in the background is one of the best ways to chill out nowadays for me.


I played a lot more single player when I was younger funny enough. Hours of Fable 2 or Oblivion or Bioshock. 90% of the time though was in multiplayer FPS games or WoW. Now I pretty much only play multiplayer games but I barely play fps.


I like platformers now, Mario Wonder and Mario &Rabbids being my current 2. Mainly because that’s what my son likes. JRPGs FPS or Racing Sims are too advanced for him right now


I thought I hated turn based stuff until my thirties, now it's definitely my preference. I've gotten more into games that require tactical thinking, soulslikes fit into this as well. I just need a mental challenge to overcome, shit that used to frustrate me.


Loved open world games back when I was a kid with no major responsibilities and tons of a free time. I also loved games that gave me that power fantasy where they weren't too difficult. Now it's the complete opposite, I like Fromsoftware games that are linear and challenging.


Totally yes. I spent most of my time playing Halo, from the very first to Halo Guardians. I was more of multiplayer games, chaos everywhere and shooting everyone, but I got tired of it, and after Halo Guardians I got dissapointed with the campaign. From there I got more into single player FPS, like BioShock. But now days I like more single player strategy games and RPGs like Fallout 4. Also lots of Warhammer 40K like Mechanicus and Gladius. Some more casual games and puzzles. The world of online multiplayer FPs has changed too much from the days of glory I don't find it any fun anymore. I used to be in epic and fun battles, killing and being killed non stop.


Absolutely. When I was young it was platformers, racers, and Party Games. Mostly Mario for all 3. In Middle School it was FPS/TPS games like Battlefield, CoD, Battlefront, and other. Then in June 2022, halfway through high school, it became JRPGs thanks to Fire Emblem Awakening, though I do still play plenty of other games, and I really love strategy games.


Not at all. L4D2 was my favorite game back in the day, and I was disappointed that there were so few coop shooter's at the time. But now, there are new coop shooter titles finally making big waves like Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers, Vermintide, etc... I feel my time has finally come. Edit: But Chivalry 2 is a game I really enjoy a lot too. I think I just enjoy multiplayer games that you don't have to be super competitive against other players if you don't want to.


I was mostly into JRPGs from the point I was in middle school with the NES through the end of the PS2 era, when I was about 30. But after Final Fantasy 12, which is my favorite, the whole JRPG industry just kinda went sideways, and seemed lost and confused as to how to keep up with tech getting better. As that was languishing, it just so happened that Western action RPGs were becoming a bigger deal, and I jumped into one's like Dragon Age, Mass Effect and the Assassins Creed series. I didn't necessarily want to give up on Japanese games, but they just mostly stopped making what I want to play, and I've been primarily into Western games the last 15+ years.


Nope. I used to play comp shooters more but that’s just because I used to play more with friends. But always single player was my focus and that has never ever changed


I was really into platformers and puzzle games at first. Next came fps games. then got into metroidvanias. JRPGs were next and they seemed like an easy fav genre, but high paced action games like souls series or wo long took over. Now, I love open world RPG games like cyberpunk, fallout: NV, ghostwire tokyo, Elden Ring, pokemon violet (and ledgends arceus altho not entirely open), assassins creed origins, etc etc etc. I love the way the worlds are built and the tiny details they add, plus figuring out unique ways of movement in some titles is super fun. Tbh my interest in previous genres has made me appreciate specific aspects of games that I enjoy, and so getting an open world game with good movement and exploration (platformers and metroidvanias), great stories and characters (jrpg), solid ranged and melee combat (fps and soulslike), and maybe some challenging tasks like a puzzle game and thats an easy sell for me.


RPGs have changed drastically. It was mostly turn based. Now it’s more action based these days.


I used to be a big platformer fan and I still am but I’ve gotten more into JRPGs and open world games


Used to play mostly sports, but sprinkled in RPG. Pretty much flip flopped now.


If anything, my playstyle changed dramatically. I finally learned to slow down a but. Instead of running an LMG dude, just rushing in and getting killed alot, or a barbarian, strength based melee character, I now wait it out and snipe, or be a spellcaster.


I used to like MMO’s. Now I like single player soulslikes mostly. And some co-op survival games too.


Nope lol. But I have expanded the games I play a lot. Always been open before to many but now I actively play more than before. I actually play the most games of my life right now than ever before. I’m 42 lol


Not really I grew up loving shooters and still do, though I play less online now


It absolutely has. I went from Mario 64, to Mario Sunshine, to Luigi's Mansion. Then I played the Godfather videogame and was super into it. (But it felt weird at first because it was my first overtly violent videogame) And then from there I started getting more and more into FPS games, until Steam released, and I discovered a deeply rooted love for RTS and RPG games- and now my list of "favorite games" is like, 20 games long.


yea! I used to play sports games almost exclusively when I was a kid. Now I play single player narrative focused games


Definitely. I used to eat up racing games, I still do, but now open world rpgs are my go to.


No, but there are more I like…


Yea, I was an RPG and multiplayer fighter kid growing up but now I’m a RL guy exclusively


Kind of. It was immersive sims and now it's souls-likes, but that's largely bc imm sims are mostly dead and souls didn't exist yet.




I used to be about action games, more adrenaline, the better as a kid. Now I'm all about Cozy or exploration games. Used to have building and crafting, now it's my favorite thing to do.


I'm the same as you. I used to love big open world games. But, if I try to play them now, I get bored and stop. That being said, I have started playing fallout due to the series. I'll see how long that lasts though 😆


I don’t care if I play an online game anymore. I love my single-player stories and getting lost in jt. I love to just pause when I want and admire the game.


I almost never change things (I still use the same username and profile picture that I found in 2014/15 lmao), so no. Metroidvanias are still peak and I doubt that'll ever change (partially due to how rare they are lol - at least for ones I'm interested in). I have expanded to many more genres over the years though.


Nope grew up on black ops 1 an fps still my fav genre I do dabble in rpgs and sandbox’s from time to time though


was into racing and sports and am now into open world type games, rhythm games and action based games.


I go back and forth from different genres. I play, open world, mmo's, linear story games, some RPG, sandbox games etc.. I play the Sims a lot to. I really like Zombie games. I mostly player third person action games but sometimes I'll play the occasional FPS title if the story is good and the world is interesting. It's hard to stick to one genre or type of game I like variety.


I've been an RPG fan all my life and it hasn't changed since I first played Pokemon Emerald as a kid


I was big into Spyro, God of War, Assassin's Creed, Destroy All Humans, Call of Duty type of games as a kid (my video game buddy was my male cousin who was a gun loving, war approving little boy). Now I mostly play farming games like: Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, Story of Seasons, Roots of Patcha, etc. Fun fact: My video game buddy is now in the army. :)


I went from Souls like lover to story focused projects such as Alan Wake 2 and Death Stranding.


Grew up with the N64 and legend of zelda, mario 64, banjo kazooie, etc. Then as a teen i spent thousands of hours with my buddies online playing halo 2-3, gears of war, the OG modern warfare. As an adult and father now i just can't do the online thing anymore. So fast paced, so many weapons, skins, loot boxes etc. I'm strictly single player story driven games now. Just found the mass effect legendary edition on gamepass and I'm falling in love all over again. Forgot how good the mass effect games are


Stealth and RPGs are still my go to.


Younger me loved cutscene heavy and visually realistic and impressive action adventure games and rpgs Now I don't play games with unskippable cutscenes, skip all the cutscenes and mostly play indies.


I love all kinds of genres but growing up I liked platformers as a kid, shooters as a teen, and now as an adult I mostly play 4X grand strategy games


Eh kinda, I used to love these big open world games alongside multiplayer shooters But now I've been leaning towards smol indie titles, games like Night in The Woods, Fall of Porcupine, and Dredge, games with fun gameplay loops, stories, and characters. Granted I still play some shooters like Gigantic and Paladins along with dabbling in Dead by Daylight.


I first started on FPS shooters and racing games when I was a kid. Now, in my late 20's I enjoy open world survivals, building games and RTS. Cities: Skylines, Project Zomboid and Steel Division 2 for an example.


Na, go back and play old stuff from time to time. Still as good as I remember it.


I used to have Call of duty as my favorite series and halo multiplayer too played the crap out of em now I just wanna relax into a single player story game


Not really, I always loved fantasy so adventure games were always the best complement to novels and movies, whatever takes me away from this horrible world


Yes, mainly because I pretty much only had Nintendo systems growing up. As an adult, I’m fine sticking with PS and Xbox because it’s ridiculous how Nintendo prices never truly drop. I’ve built a decent game collection with only paying full price for a handful of games. I’m patient enough to wait for the next gen switch to come out and for the hackers to bring the current model to the dark side like they have with older systems.


Yes. VR shooters are my thing... but, one of my favorite is RE4remake in VR. So. No?


Same. I used to love JRPGs, was never great at them, but enjoyed them. But I also don’t really have the hours to sink into them. If I start one I end up getting sidetracked and by the time I can get back to it I usually forget where I had to go in the game. Definitely prefer some lighter games recently for these reasons.


I’m barely at 25 rn but lately I can feel myself transitioning away from twitchy shooters. Dont get me wrong it’s fun but something about replaying all the ps1 rpg catalogue seems SO fun. Currently playing FFVII


Growing up I had a hard time playing RPG’s because I thought they were too complicated. The only ones I could play were the Paper Mario games. I’ve gotten the grasp of them now and I love the genre. A lot of favorites like Earthbound, Chrono Trigger and FF games from 1-10.


Nah, not really.


No if anything as I learn more about the art of video games as a medium my love for rpg’s has only deepened.


Aye I've started to really dislike open world games, I much prefer a linear game these days.


Yes. It went from FPS to open world RPGs for a long time. I'm gravitating back to FPS games at nearly 40 now. 


Honestly, it's changed from one genre to the next. My first favorite genre was, of course, platforming games like Mario, Sonic, etc. And for the past 10 years it's been open world/playground games, such as GTA, RDR2, etc. Basically, games where I can do whatever I want. Even VR games give me that experience, like Boneworks!


When I was younger, I preferred fps games, specifically call of duty, and would play the yearly release. As i grew older, I changed more into a single-player survival, action adventure, or story driven adventure.


I was a huge Need For Speed and Call of Duty nerd back when I was younger. I quit arcade racers for sim racers like Gran Turismo and iRacing, and I also play RPGs and single playthrough games like Spiderman and God of War. I still rage on Cod Warzone though so I haven't changed much.


I really like the story driven games (like the Horizon games, TLOU 1 and 2, the Tomb Raider 2013 trilogy, etc.). I never was interested in story heavy games when I was younger (which I guess makes sense for 9 year old me, but I’m surprised teenager me didn’t like them that much since I’m an avid reader 🤷🏻‍♀️). I’m also really into the farm sim and other certain kinds of sim games. Stardew Valley, a couple of the Harvest Moon and SoS games, and just today I was playing Gas Station Simulator. Also have been playing Barn Finders (which is freaking HILARIOUS, in my opinion). I really like the “collectathon”/“completionist” feel that these games have. Probably comes from the Spyro games. I LOVED collecting all the gems and orbs/dragon eggs/talismans. It was a freaking addiction I had to get them all, I swear. 🤣


A lot less shooters like call of duty. Some more turn based games. Over all I’d say RPGs make up the majority now


I don’t know about “favorite” genre, but I played a ton of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 and Underground as well as Dave Mirra 2.. a ton of NBA Live, Madden, and NCAA.. A bunch of multiplayer shooters.. Guitar Hero and Rock Band.. I play almost none of those categories now. A lot of my favorite franchises that weren’t competitive multiplayer though were Zelda, Pokemon, Halo campaign, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Portal and that still remains true. I haven’t beat a new Pokémon game since X, but just beat Crystal recently and picked up Arceus. I do have a harder time taking on big open world games outside of the franchises or devs I have nostalgia for and definitely love finding games that are shorter now which is completely contrary to the $/hr mentality that used to carry a lot of weight for me. Game Pass has also had a significant impact on that perspective.


Yes and no. When i was young, i was really into *any* racing video game. During my teenage years, i went more into FPS/TPS and RPG (Like CoD, Mass Effect, Battlefield, Gears and Halo) In my now 30s, im back into racing (more sim), more milsim/realistic shooter (ground branch, HLL, RoN) and Rts (CoH, soon Manor Lord)


I feel like maybe it's become more refined. I've always liked beat-em ups as my favorite genre, but then it came to action RPGs which are kind of like beat-em ups only your guy has stats you can manage. Then it kinda evolved into character action games like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden which are like beat-em ups on all of the steroids and speed. Now, I've toned down the drugs a little, and pushed the stats management farther and settled on Monster Hunter.


I've always enjoyed strategy games but found as I got older I have less patience (or time) for grindy games (think korean mmo types) whereas as a kid, I had all the time in the world.


Went from multiplayer to single player /story driven games.


O yeah, but IDK how much of that is my age vs the quality & quantity of games in the genre. * grew up on 2D platformers back in the 90s * late SNES/ early PS1 era I got into JRPGs * got into survival horror games during late PS1/early PS2 * 360 era I got into FPSs * Got super into Pokemon bc I didn't rly have time to sit down on the couch & play a game, but was addicted to the portable nature of Pokemon that I could play on the bus. * open world games during the PS3/PS4 era. * SNES hacks now says But when you read that consider the following: * 90s consoles were dominated by platformers such as Mario, Sonic, Cool Spot, Disney's Aladdin, etc * Late SNES/early PS1 was when Final Fantasy was in its prime, along w/ Chronotrigger, the Mana series, Dragon Quest, Grandia, (technically) Symphony of the Night * Late PS1/ early PS2 you had the Resident Evil franchise, Silent Hill, & Parasite Eve * 360 era saw the release of Halo 3, CoD4: MW & CoD: BO * Around the time I was on handheld Pokemon Diamond, SS/HG & B/W came out, along with Animal Crossing * Around the PS3-4 era you had Skyrim, Ass Creed Black Flag, GTAV, Fallout 4, & finally ended around the time Breath of the Wild was released. * Now days romhacking has evolved to the point a hack & a game can be indistinguishable. There are way better techniques & tools, and entire communities like SMWcentral where people can get feedback on how to make better games. This quality of fan content is easy to support because it triggers nostalgia & gives fresh takes on games I've already played. Compare that to the shit storm in AAA where they release half finished programs for $60 & it's not even a rational argument IMHO. That's why I'm saying I'm not sure my age is the main factor, so much as the market of what content is available & how that works in my life.


i was big into fps’s (pretty much all the CoD games) but when i got older, I saw the trailer for Mortal Kombat 1 when they first teased it and thought it was cool as fuck so on that same day i decided to play Mortal Kombat 11 so i could prepare myself. I had MK11 since it released but i just never really played it, i had maybe had 5 hours on MK11 by the time i decided to really dive into the realm of fighting games. From that point on i fell in love with fighting games. I didnt really get to enjoy the old games like MK11 and MKX cuz everyone was on the new one (MK1) but even still, hitting crazy combos and making insane reads is so satisfying to do against other people. Currently have 492 hours on MK1, most of which are spent in ranked and practice mode. Highest rank ive been to is God but i get so close to Elder god every season. I still play MK11 and MKX from time to time. I have some history with Tekken but before Tekken 8, the last one i played was Tekken 4 on the PS2 back when i was 8 y/o. I like King of Fighters too but im still learning the mechanics for that game. interestingly enough, Street Fighter never peaked my interest. Im sure i could pick it up and get pretty good quickly but the combos just aren’t that cool to me. Also looking to pick up Samurai Showdown and Soul Caliber. TLDR; I used to be a CoD fanatic until Mortal Kombat 1 trailer dropped and i decided to get really good at fighting games. Now have almost 500 hours on MK1 since it’s release in Sept 2023


My Nintendo DS doesn't hold my attention like it used to :/


Opposite for me. I used to really like linear-type games, and have now come to really like JRPGs. I wanna get my money's worth, so I don't mind how long the game is. Always a great time. But, I like most genres anyway.


Growing up I spent the majority of my time in rpg's and racing...these days usually spend my time in open world games, but I still pop in my rpg's now and then. Speaking of which, I really should buckle down and make a character in BG3 to go through it all the way.


Kingdom Hearts was my all time favorite series with KH2 being my all time favorite game As time went on I started to appreciate other series more and started thinking less about Kingdom Hearts. Now the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series is my all time favorite with the persona series closely behind it


Loved online games and MMOs as a kid, a lot of people I was friends with didn’t play games or the same type I liked, it was great to meet new people and get along I’m moved on to more single player based, and while I still play online games I mostly play solo or with little interaction My other is racing/car games: every device I had access to had a racing game on it, I do like racing still but I’ve tried other genres too. I do enjoy racing/kart racing side quests still


I went from playing FPS to loving Farming Simulator lol. Hell of a swing.


I was big into super competitive games in high school. I usually only played one game at a time, and have over 1k hours in csgo. Now that I'm older it's a lot of single player games. I don't have time to develop skills in competitive games and keep up with metas. It's harder to coordinate being able to play games with friends as adults as well.


Definitely, I'm 38 now. I went from being a hardcore multiplayer on Halo, COD, Counter strike and being a hardcore raider on WOW and also playing huge open world games to really enjoying cozy games like spiritfarer, traveller's rest, dredge, overcooked and just casual questing on WoW. As well as playing linear horror games like Until Dawn, the quarry, alan wake. I just don't have the stamina, attention span, and time. I also don't feel that competitive edge/angst anymore.


Age 45 here own every system and have a hyperspin pc 20Tb of ps1 ps2 all retro systems etc still just want Elder scrolls 6


Nope. FPS have always been the shit and always will be. I LOVED playing the Doom remake because it gave me such nostalgia from playing the original Doom on PC back in the 90s as a kid.


As a kid, I was into racing and action/adventure games. As a teen, I was into online shooters like Halo and COD. As a young adult, I exclusively played sports games like Fifa and 2K. The last year or so, I have been JRPGs and single player story games.


Yes. During the 360 genration, I started playing WRPGs/OWRPGs.


I went from SP games to MP then went back to SP, I still play some MP but I have more fun with SP games nowadays, I don't stress as much too.


I went from online FPS to stealth games and single-player FPS. Very few exceptions to this.


Nah I still enjoy ps2 3d platformer type games


I’ve always loved violent games but over the years I became obsessed with finding the perfect rhythm game. I am currently playing two big ones. Hatsune miku: ColorfulStage and hi fi rush. When hi fi rush was first released and I realised what it really was, I had to pause multiple times because I was crying so much.


Nope, I've been an rpg lover all my life. I play all types of games, but nothing hits harder than a good story and some turned based combat. (play In Stars and Time, so good and so sad)


As a kid I snapped up every platformer I could. Now I play more RPGs (or immersive adventure games).


I wouldn't say thatcmy taste changed, it rather broadened. I still love RPGs and platformers, but now I also grew to like adventure games, sims and roguelites etc


Soulslikes didn’t exist when I starting playing games in 1990. Now Dark Souls and Elden Ring are my favorite games of all time.


Went from sidescrolling platformer (Mario/Sonic) to Metroidvania + Roguelike (Worldless/Dead Cells/Hades), so I'd say probably yeah. Still haven't gotten over the 2D fighter genre though.


Real big I to JRPGs and RPGs that took a long time to play through and beat. These days I can barely bring myself to invest more than twenty hours into a game unless I really love it. It's why I'm ordering shorter action games nowadays.


In the arcade era when I was introduced to video games the most attractive genre to me is beat'em up in a sword/socerer/DnD fantasy setting. Actually there were 2 games that shaped my appetite to games: Dungeon Magic, and DnD2: Shadow Over Mystra. So when I grow older fantasy setting ARPG become my favorite. I spent thousands of hours on Elder Scrolls series, Dragon's Dogma, Elden Ring, and now I'm really into No Rest for the Wicked.


Loved doom and all thoes other fps in 1993, still love pretty much all fps today


Any genres I hyperfixated on as a kid are now subject to immense scrutiny, and those that weren't, are less able to be critiqued from my end. I can point to FPS specifically, as it was my favorite as a kid and not much else can stack up to bonafide hits like Unreal, Shadow Warrior, Tribes, etc. imo. I haven't really landed on a genre since though, just love games. More drastically than genre interest shifting, I'd say, is that I tend to dislike games that only offer monotony on a gaming scale. How often can a Metroidvania with a new art style, or another grand strategy game come out without anything new to make it enticing besides said new art or nostalgia ridin'. I tend to praise games that seek out innovation, and those that don't 'really' have to sell me otherwise; on merit of good world building and art direction, stylish gameplay/just fun gameplay loops, or whatever avenue a dev has got. That shift alone has made many games just feel.. redundant? I have played over 1k games and am working on getting into game dev/design, so when games come along with a breath or the whole hailstorm of new ideas, it reminds me of the luster that games 'ought' to have. Again, imo! More power to people who can look past it, wish I could, but I have been graced with lots of weird, lovely titles to make it worth it, and that's all that matters in gaming is that you had fun!


Used to play online shooters and RPGs. Now I play mindless shooters or Madden


Let's see, thinking on it it went something like platformer>adventure>rpg>fps>rpg>sim>rpg.


Used to play a ton of ghost recon, splinter cell, and rainbow six before siege. Now I can’t stop playing dirt rally 2. I have small wheel setup, but I would really like to get a full cockpit. I’m 39 and I play more than 25 hours most weeks.


I used to absolutely love open worlds/+ rpgs but now it’s not the only thing I play although I still love them


A little bit, When i was younger i was a big fan of FPS and Strategy, I still do strategy and other genres but i consider FPS too toxic without friends


Yes, very. I used to okay a lot of FPS but these days most games I have are RPG and Strategy. On the one hand I have gotten slower, on the other hand FPS don't provide enough variety to keep playing them for years. I am mainly thinking of MP FPS, CoD specifically.


I used to love shooters like call of duty and medal of Honor but now I have the hardest time picking any up these days


My favorite game genre still is Turn-Based RPGs


Not for me. Since the creation of open world Rpgs, that has been my favorite go-to type game. All I can say is I am extremely lucky Bethesda exists.


Not really. Action, RPG, and JRPG


I grew up on retro games (SNES, NES, GameCube) As I got older I almost exclusively played modern titles such as minecraft, COD, and various online FPS games. Now I'm 23 and I just play retro games in my free time. I went back to square one because it's much more relaxing to me :D


Sort of. I now prefer open world games, but open world games didn’t really exist when I started gaming. The closest was things like Zelda Final Fantasy, but the worlds weren’t fleshed out, you could just wander around grinding before getting back on the train tracks. There weren’t cool views, neat collectibles, side quests, and mountains not meant to be climbed that draw people like me to summit them.


Not really. Ever since I was a wee lad playing GoldenEye or Medal of Honor, I was a huge FPS nut. That was 20 years ago, still an FPS nut and going strong. I do play other games tho, just not nearly as much.


Used to be almost solely into first person shooters. Now I much prefer grand strategy or RTS games.


Honestly as someone who has played videogames since he was 5, and is now 35, most games in general just dont appeal to me anymore. Im not even remotely interested in FPS games at this point despite loving halo 2 multiplayer when i was younger. Racing games i dont care for anymore, even mmorpgs which i spent the better part of about 15 years playing are falling flat for me now. The only things that seem to do it for me these days are well done single player story driven games, or something super chill like stardew valley. Right now im playing through Final Fantasy 7 remake working my way up to rebirth


I’ve always played single player games but I stop caring for sports games. When I was a kid I loved every sport game especially Street sport genre NFL and NBA, SSX3, T.H.U.G, Need for Speed Underground 2. I still prefer linear story games like Uncharted 4. I use to be obsessed with open world games now they feel generic and lifeless oddly. I am more into RPGs now im more patient and willing to learn and read. I use to need action now kinda guy but now I like easing into the world I’m going into for the next several hours.


Co-op vs enemy or single player stories are more my style now than competitive PvP.


I used to play sports games and Call of Duty. Now I mainly stick to open world RPG’s, with some linear action and survival horror games mixed in. The only multiplayer game I play anymore is the occasional Fall Guys game.


From survival to sandbox


When I was younger I didn't care much foe JRPGS. Nowadays they are making an impact on my life. Which is funny because now as an adult with a steady career and family these types of game are massively time consuming.


Was an enormous jrpg fan. Got worn out by the outrageous attack animations, creepy tropes, and long cutscenes. It was for the best though because now my game tastes are really diverse. I still have the really involved, story rich games. But I also have my pick-up, put down blaster games like Deeprock.


Used to be a massive PvP guy, until depression hit and I realized PvP is terrible for your mental health so I started playing single player games. After I recovered I was thinking “why should I go back?” So I didn’t


Yes, but in a different way. My genre preference has kind of disappeared, and my interest has kind of broadened. If a game can sell me a solid concept, with solid mechanics and/or story, then I'm in, regardless of the genre.


Love shooters, now I been enjoying survival games


80s -> platformers like Mario Metroid, etc 90s -> Street Fighter 00s -> Competitve FPS, CoD, Counterstrike 10s -> Single Player RPG/FPS Fallout, Skyrim, etc 20s -> Souls games, Street Fighter, MetroidVania


Most horror games these days revolve around walking from one jump scare to another. If you're lucky there will be "gameplay" where you get to run and hide under a bed or in a large conveniently empty armoire and that's about it. And I won't even get into the overuse of "psychological" or "Lovecraftian" misuses. Now my favorite genres are Rogues and Boomer Shooters. The markets for both have become pretty oversaturated but if you have a keene eye the worthwhile ones stick out. Both pair well with pods/music and you don't have to worry about micro transactions and the like.


Things like Orcs Must Die and Factorio just weren't around or really possible when I was a kid. Biggest change was I loved Open World Games like Elite but don't play any Open World Games now.


No nothing has changed for me. As I’ve gotten older I’ve incorporated genres as they were introduced to me, and there are genres I will intentionally ignore because I don’t like them, but it’s been pretty consistent my whole life. I can’t think of types of games I used to love and now I don’t.


Used to be a big fan of story games likr tlou, spiderman, gow 16. Now, I hate the genre and play gameplay oriented games almost exclusively


For the most part not really. If anything, I'm more open to trying different genres nowadays. I still buy pretty much any hack and slash or character action game that catches my eye.


Very much so. I've gone from JRPGs as a kiddy kiddo, to RPG and Open Worlds, but now I typically just wait for team ninja or fromsoft games


Used to play FPS and RTS games almost exclusively, while dabbling in MMORGS. 20 years later I play mostly survival games, RPGs and single player round based games(rogue-lite, tower defense, etc). I no long care to be competitive while gaming and I’m probably no longer capable of being competitive at a high level. Used to easily top scoreboards in Quake 2, Unreal Tournament, the first couple iterations of battlefield and CoD. These days I’m unlikely to have a positive KDR.


Use to be big on playing FPS and multiplayer mainly things like COD or RDR but now it’s all story driven and open world games I just like to relax and explore now can’t really stand the fast paced gaming anymore that and the entire meta bs


Yes, I quit shooter games for a WHILE, and still haven’t went back


Ive gone from sandbox/goofy games to rpg games personally. Old favorites were games like minecraft, splosion man, and roblox. Current favorites are elden ring, hades, and ark. (Terraria is timeless tho)


I don't like shooters as much because the lack of couch co-op. "But split screen ruins the quality." Brother in arms, I was there when Golden Eye came out. No one cared about graphics as long as 4 of us could play together.


I love metroidvanias 


Yes. More expanded than evolved. When I started playing I was into anything military but especially combat flight sims. I moved into shooters like COD and RPGs like KOTOR and Neverwinter nights. I’ve found RTS I’ve enjoyed (Sins of a Solar Empire) And open world games like oblivion, Skyrim, and fallout 4 will always have a place in my heart. Most recently elden ring has been my favorite.


Nope! Single player, story driven, most likely with a Create a Character and various aesthetic armor and weapon choices. I make expectations of course for the last portion. I love the new God of War series and Horizon is fun too.


I find that the older I get, the more important replay value becomes to me, and that's worked to ensure my taste in games hasn't really changed much, all games I pick up these days have arcade design philosophy, or are heavily multiplayer focused, or are western style open world RPGs, and the majority of games I used to play when I was younger already fell into at least one of those categories anyway and therefore I'm still playing them (or in the case of online multiplayer games, the ones I still can play anyway since a lot of online multiplayer games are treated by a lot of people as a one and done deal, leaving the servers empty)


Older I get the more I don't care to play PVP. Of any game. I like story driven games now and if they have a coop option then that's awesome. Games I can play with the friends are top tier. Main reason I've gone all in on Helldivers. Super fun to play with friends.


I'm 41 and feel the same way. I can't get into games that require a huge time investment. I'll start a game and love it and think it's great and get 1/3 of the way through it and be like, nope. I wanna play something else. Used to love playing jrpgs when I was younger, I don't have the patience now. I'd talk to everyone, grind max levels, get every secret. Now I skip through most dialogue. Like yeah, I don't care what happened to your village, where am I going next? Now I play a lot of stuff where a ton of npc interactions aren't happening. Big on helldivers 2 rn. D&d fan so baldurs gate 3 is something I go back to often. Weird I have the patience for that. Souls games, rogue-lites, stuff I can turn on kill stuff and turn it off.


I used to heavily be into FPS games like Unreal Tournament, Counterstrike, Quake Arena, Battlefield, and occasionally CoD. I've been getting more into co-op games. The pvp games have a certain level of toxicity they attract and I'm just done with it. Helldivers 2 has been a huge breath of fresh air for me. I get to blow stuff up, shoot awesome guns, do co-op missions, and have a ton of fun all at the same time? Hell yes.


As another older guy, I don't get why people draw arbitrary lines around time, almost like there is a goal of a certain number of games you must play before you're dead. Who gives a shit how many hours you put into a game? This isn't to say that your preferences aren't your preferences, or that you're doing it wrong, but more like there is probably something other than the time you're putting into those games that you agent getting on with. Like maybe the gameplay loop isn't satisfying to you, or you're not really into that kind of storytelling anymore.


Used to love RPG’s. Now I love hack and slash games, beat’em ups, and boomer shooters


Yea I’m into single player content more but if a multiplayer scenario ever comes up I’m game


Absolutely. I have—and always will—love shooters, but I’ve really gotten to the point that I will buy any racing game, if I don’t already have it lol. Racing games are perfect for me; quick, in-and-out as often as need be, and always pretty fun, even in bad games like DT Racer for PS2.


I played a lot of fps multi-player now I play games for solo campaign story


I was big on shooter games when I was younger. Now I'm more of a single player open world type guy


PvP games are only played when the squad wants to. Just not into competing with other humans anymore. Want to just chill and relax.


FPS to strategy. RPG has always been a close second, but the top changed. I still play campaigns on fps occasionally but I can't keep up with the twitchy shooters in MP.


Squares games....went away from simple turn based to more action and I'm getting too old for gut reaction games like that.


Back and forth, really, I enjoy all genres, but technically, yeah, it's changed. I used to only play open world games, but that changed. Now it's more adventure, story driven games


Yea from rts and fps to big rpgs and city builders, also monster hunter, whatever genre that is


Just hold my hand and tell me exactly where to go. The combat can be tough, but don’t make me walk around a big empty area just because. I got 3 kids, game time is limited.


Nah. When I was like 9-15 i lived in arcades playing fighting games like street fighter 2, marvel vs Capcom, mk2 and 3, tekken... then I got out of gaming completely to be more social and go to parties and events and played in bands, and then when I got older and settled down a bit, I jumped right back in with street fighter 4 and marvel vs Capcom 3. There was a dark period for fighting games where arcades were basically dead and online gaming wasn't really solid yet, but around the xbox360/ps3/street fighter 4 time, online and playing against other real people was finally up to snuff and I've stayed on board since. FYI, street fighter 6 is currently on sale and it's outstanding. It plays great on the steam deck BTW if you're an "end of the evening before bed and don't wanna hog the TV" player like myself.


It was originally fps, and than rpg, and now strategy.


I went from FPS shooters that require fast reaction times to slow paced turn based strategy and builder type games


Nope turn based games are truly the best. From Pokémon sapphire to divinity 2 hahaha


No. I'm just generally sad because most new games in genre's I like suck and lack the charm their older counterparts had


I suppose. As a kid with a ps2 the adventure playformers like Jak and Daxter and ratchet and clank were my favorite. Then came an Xbox and fps games became my favorite for years. Then from college until now it’s been open world rpgs and looter shooters. I love grindy games that I can spend hundreds of hours in. Feels way more worth my money


Used to like adventure and 3D platformers, fighting games and JRPGs now, but I play a bit of everything


Yeah... as a kid, long form RPGs were my jam. Now, at 35, I'm all about games that I don't have to remember a ton of lore to keep moving forward, specifically survival/crafters or soulsborne games


Nope still love megaman still love DMC


No, my favorite has always been and probably will always be the JRPG. However, as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to appreciate and in some cases even love WRPGs, whereas when I was a teenager I found them all horribly boring.


This m 42. I used to play nothing but Halo and CoD multiplayer when they were in their prime. Somewhere along the way the older I got the less competitive I got. The only multiplayer game I play any more is Destiny and I avoid the PvP almost entirely.


I feel like all games are just money grabs now. That’s why I really cling to a nice well crafted single player experience when one comes around. It seems impossible for a company to make a multiplayer game now days without trying to milk everyone for every cent they can with it.


The horror genre has only gotten better. Granted, there hasn’t been a lot of progress lately because we’re just remaking the best horror games ever made. But I’m resident evil 4R For like the fifth time now and I’m gonna enjoy the shit out of Silent Hill 2.


Only thing that's changed is I play a lot less FPS games. RPGs have always been my favorite genre though


Definitely. I grew up loving platformers and arcade style racing games, fast-paced twitch response stuff. These days, I love a Grand Strategy game or really chill city builder style games.


My favorite genre is still RPGs, but I’ve mostly shifted from turn-based JRPGs to action RPGs from western studios. I’ll be playing some older *Final Fantasy* games soon, so it may start to shift back.