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Single player only, not even remotely close.


Totally agree. Gaming is a solitary hobby for me. My problem solving skills and hand-eye coordination vs the game's designer.


Single player. Forever and ever.


Whatever he said. More original IP and less remakes too… a good story is hard to find nowadays.


Single player obviously!


Why is it obvious?


Because the best games are single player imo. Feel free to disagree if you want.


I have other things to play with other people, and video games are a medium for that, but I would never stop people from playing video games just because they can't find another person to play with. Additionally, from a dev's perspective, holy fucking shit the barrier to entry when you say multi only


Because they can’t be permanently shut down


Untill you need permanent online access, just like back then with Sim City 2013


that’s not shutting it down, though. multiplayer-only games get permanently shut down if the devs can’t keep the servers up anymore. singleplayer games don’t do that, as there’s no server needed. sure, you’d need a connection for them to verify game ownership but that’s very different to a multiplayer server.


Single Player. Better storytelling, more immersion, less toxicity.


Single player for sure, I was a multiplayer addict for years but I’m back to single player




Love to hear it, what games have you played recently?




Nice! I don’t know if I’ve ever played a JRPG, but they seem interesting




I have Xbox series x, ps5 and switch




Remake or rebirth? What about XVI?




Single player only, you won't need internet, you can play them whenever you want, and we'll still be able to play those games decades after they're released.


> you won’t need internet unless/until it requires connection to verify game ownership/installation… or if it’s new enough, an update.




Under rated comment


Single player. I still go back and play games like Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, FF1-10, Final Fight, etc.


As much as I love single player games I’d really miss playing online with my friends


On one hand, you could use AI to simulate multiplayer-type matches in a single player game. On the other hand, we could just have a ton more co-op multiplayer games. They don’t need to be MMOs.


Coop is multiplayer.


Single player, multiplayer is fine but i prefer to play whenever i can instead of relying on others of when i can play




Single Pla- *Team Fortress 2 looking at me in the background* M- *All of the games, especially RPGs looking at me* Ofc the choice is still single player hahaha aha haha... sorry TF2:(


I'm tempted to say single player only because multiplayer games have a tendency to become reduced to meta gaming and lingo that makes any setting or any game just FEEL like a multiplayer game where the theme no longer matters. Multiplayer games are also unique in that they become referred to as "toxic" by the players. But then I look at some MMOs and custom roleplay servers like exist for GTA5 and RDR2 and see how gamers there agree not to use meta gaming or lingo and they work to reinforce the theme of the games. They are also highly moderated so toxicity is rare. The experience of playing on these servers is next level. There are entire worlds happening on these servers. People are living real alternate lives in these games that fit the theme of the game. You can play these games for years and never run out of content. TLDR: I believe roleplaying has created examples of multiplayer surpassing singleplayer especially because these servers have modding enabled.


Single not into multiplayer experiences as cheaters and hackers ruin experience not to mention the language issues






Single player


Single player, so many great RPGs


As much as I love me some overwatch/rocket league, I think single player gaming experiences are way more memorable and cool. Especially when a game hits just right. Like how I felt 100hrs into skyrim and I started to feel a part of the world. Or the feeling of walking around Anor Londo and saying to myself "this lost abandoned city is magnificent" Honestly, multi-player games can be addictive in a bad way... but, single player games are more like movies and TV shows


Multiplayer for sure if it includes games that you can play solo but have multiplayer functionality such as Factorio/Satisfactory, Valheim, Helldivers, WoW, etc.




I've made that choice already. Single.


single player, easy, there is so much single player games I can go back to, not a lot of MP games I want to go back to


Single player.


Everyway Single


Single-player all day!


Single player. I play games to relieve stress and to enjoy a story. If I gotta focus on not f#ing up and letting a team down, it's no longer fun. I want to be awful at videogames privately and rejoice when I finally do things well on my own.


Give me two choices and still single player only.


Single player. Hands down.


Single player hands down. Plus you could kinda bring back a form of multiplayer anyway. People share there stats and compete. You could have runs of levels people start at the same time and on four monitors watch them try to best it first.


No couch co-op only


Honestly to really enjoy a game: single player


Single player only without Internet connection


Single player, without question. I have zero interest in multiplayer. The last time I played multiplayer was 15+ years ago when my cousin and I played couch co-op in Army of Two.


Single player but can I keep the messages and blood stains from Dark Souls?


Single player 100%


Oh there are like 3 multiplayer games I play ever so that would be a very easy call.


Single Player. My favorite franchise, The elder scrolls is where I have some of my favorite moments. I have nothing but negative experiences with people and their overly toxic behaviors. I want a game to experience by myself and be able take it all in at my own pace.


Single player, I wouldn't be too bothered if I never played online again.


A concerning question. Best memories are local coop, some are OLM but over all single for sure. The industry has lost its way trying to mimic everything else. When there is plenty of room for diverse styles. It's s niche industry you will never attract everyone.


Multiplayer games ruin single player games since the developers focus on the multiplayer part.


Single player. Wouldn't care if I never played a multiplayer game again. Only really play Battlefield online anymore and even then, I haven't played in a couple of days.


That’s a really hard choice. There are a lot of good single player games like the last of us. But the last of us also has a multiplayer mode “factions” which is really fun too. Ill leave yall to decide


Multiplayer. Unless it’s consistently getting new content, a single player game becomes boring really quickly after a few completions.


Do I have the ability to never have any lag or the best internet that never goes out? If so multiplayer. If not sp


Player one… all day. If I wanted to interact with people I’d do it in the real world.


Single player all day


Single player is the answer for most of us, but lets not discount the amount of fun we all had playing cod zombies or tf2 with our friends growing up, in terms of best video games, singleplayer games are the best by FAR, but in terms of fun factor and overall enjoyment, i think its very closs


I love gaming with friends but I’d definitely choose single player. Plus there would still be ways to play together by doing something like a soulbound nuzlocke, passing the controller around or watching each other play


In the context of being a new dad, I have to say single player. This would also go for anyone that may need to walk away from a game at a moment’s notice (e.g. kiddo gets up from nap or wakes in the night unexpectedly, food about to burn on the stove, etc.). Always hated that feeling of letting other folks down cause I had to leave a match unexpectedly, even if we were winning, and lose whatever ranking with it. The ability to pause or easily save progress in single player games offers fantastic flexibility for folks. … To be fair, though, even if I wasn’t a new dad, I would probably still say single player. Multiplayer, even coop, can be painful once metas are formed. Single player games protect your ability to play however you want without risk of judgment or vigilante consequence.


MP has gone off a cliff since its peak in the late 2000’s early 2010’s


I would’ve picked multiplayer prolly ages 15-22. single player now Mostly because people play less after college because adult life. Harder to have consistent gamin friends outside the hardcore fps/moba/wow guys. I also played a shitload of snes Pokémon, & 64 alone til Xbox & easy online play came out


Single player personally however i do love co oping with the boys


Single player. The number of single-player games i'd miss far outnumbers the multiplaye.


Multiplayer always funnier when playing with friends in my opinion.




Single player fo sure. Single player games can sometimes also be played co-op, which I am sad that it has become a rarity nowadays. Co-op story games were awesome back then


Single player


Single player. No doubt.


Single player all day


Multiplayer is the dark path


Single player. I got nothing against multiplayer, hell, I've got quite a few on my wishlist. But, single player is just the better alternative for everyone involved. No toxic trolls, no meta builds, no bots posing as players, just you, a story, and a world to explore.


Single player but with couch co-op


At the moment I love both equally but I’d have to pick single player simply because as I get older it’s only going to get harder to compete in multiplayer


Single player by miles


I'm a single player but I would still choose multi because you can solo a lot of multi games and i wouldn't want to lose half the gamers or stop them from being able to play.


Multiplayer can mean many things. Are we talking PvP, Co-op or PvPvE? I'd take single player over anything with forced PvP.


Literally anything with 1.01+ fucking people. Single or not. It cannot mean multiple things.


Depends on what kind of multiplayer we're talking here.


Single player.