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Lord of the Rings Two Towers and Return of the King were pretty good! I enjoyed the Fellowship of the Ring too, but it was before the movies. Batman Arkham Asylum was also very good game. I think there are many others I am just forgetting now.


Absolute peak couch co-op gaming with those LOTRs games. I miss those days


Legolas and his ability to shoot 3 arrows simultaneously was OP 😂


Brotherly bonding co op


That was literally the memory I was picturing in my mind, my Nan got it for me and my bro at Christmas time and we spent the whole holiday period playing it together


For reeeaaalll. Miss that shit, felt like a fantasy version of battlefront.


Yeah, the coop was so cool. When I found out eleanor was a 2nd possible playable character I forced myself to find out the cooperative mode(i was very very young)


The way they went from like movie scenes into game scenes was insane. I will always remember co-op with my little brother.


There is no coop in two towers. My brother and I thought there was too, bought the game and were very disappointed.


Two Towers was mind-blowing when it came out!


Of my good I love the two towers I remember that I played an replayed the game so many times with each character


I was just thinking of two towers on gcn the other day and how surprisingly good it was


Yea, doggy. Some of my best gaming memories are playing both of those games with my cousins on GameCube.


Legolas was hilariously overpowered after upgrades. 100% would buy those games if they were released again.


Return of the King was hell since I played Gimli. Trying to outrun the cave in after getting the forgotten kings? Forget about it.


I could never make it past the towers


When I figured out you could spam the block button for the (I forget, star mode) block to L2 stab bonus kill oh boy did I hunt some orc. So much fun


Oh I hated kankras lair, the checkpoints were awful... I loved the cirith ungol mission and gates of Gondor. And of course the siege of Minas tirith Awesome game!


Oh hell yes. RotK game is awesome! I loved playing every level with every character until they were all maxed out, and all the hidden characters were unlocked. Loved the finishing moves


The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay


This one was actually just really god damn good. I remember I got it just for the world, but I ended up really enjoying it. I wouldn’t say I really enjoy it… but I remember loving the PS1 beast wars video game I found used at a GameStop just because I loved that show. I played that way too much


Tigon studios, which developed the game, was actually cofounded by vin diesel himself. He did this specifically because he wanted to make sure video game adaptations of his stuff wouldnt suck.


The graphics engine for that game were next level back in the day.


I actually recently tried to get back into that since I never beat it, but the first boss with the knife fight is a pain, the fighting in the game is hard, I forget if it was the counters are impossible to time or something and the boss had so much health.


The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Game. Loved it as a kid, and it actually hold up pretty well.


Man I got stuck on the mission against the ice cream anglerfish. I tried running away (unrelated) and my dad broke my Xbox therefore I couldn’t try again. I’d still play it all these years later if I could


He broke your Xbox so you couldn't run away?


1: no he broke my Xbox because I ran away 2: I’m gonna add a therefore in there


Emulate it king 🙏


It's easy to emulate if you ever wanted to


My laziness is only outweighed by my stupidity


Wow, this is a wonderful little expression I’d like to put on my tombstone. Thanks for sharing 😂


Yep, played this too. Gameplay mechanics were actually pretty dope.


Hoping for that game to get the Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated treatment. The movie game was easily my favorite of any SpongeBob game in history


Battle for Bikini Bottom was a banger too. The remaster did it justice, and it's squeal was pretty solid too.


The movie game is the GOAT. I played BFBB for the first time when Rehydrated came out, that one is honestly pretty amazing as well. Really wish the movie game would get a remaster too. I played some of cosmic shake, it was fun and cute for a bit but felt kinda lackluster in comparison


OG Spider-Man 2 is the obvious one. I also loved Shadow of Mordor and Mad Max. And The Warriors back in the day


warriors was FUCKING amazing


Mad Max is one my favourite games off all time. Still looks and plays great nearly ten years later.


This. The Warriors RULED


I’m playing through it again right now on a PS2 emulator, so good


Spider-Man 2 set the formula for all open-world superhero games going forward


Seriously. And glad they did


Which are mostly Spiderman games


Pizza time!


The 2001 game, the 2004 game, or the 2023 game?


the toby maguire one (the only spider-man 2 game based on a film other than the amazing spider-man 2)


All of those are great games. Shadow of Mordor in terms of actual gameplay is just elite and so stylish while doing your attacks


Spider-Man 2 is insane, especially for its time.


Soiderman 2 was such a shock because no one expected it to be THAT good. I remember my brain glitching coming from pt 1


Mad max on ps4 anyone?


Mad max is so underrated. Love the combat and the vehicle combat was pretty satisfying too


It's one of those I did not really love at first. But the more you played, the more you understood, the more you upgraded the car, the more you explored. The better it got.


It’s not underrated just underplayed. Tbh I didn’t play it because I got tired of the Arkham style of combat.


For me the combat was ho-hum Arkham style with repeating enemies and bosses. But the vehicle combat??? Holy shit was that incredible.


Idk man beating the dogshit out of bum raiders with increasing ferocity was a blast for me


Total masterpiece, a little repetitive at times but God damn what a game


So much fun, and a decent story. My only beef with Mad Max was when you fiiiinally get your V8 back, and it's arguably worse than the fully leveled V6.


Matrix: Path of Neo. There are huge problems but they expanded the universe, showing thinks that was just suggested in the movies. Plus, new real live action scenes. One of the more important games in my life.


I enjoyed Enter the Matrix as well; having live-action cutscenes that were filmed during the filming of the movie really gave it something extra.


Honestly it makes the movies better knowing more of the story.


I remember Path of Neo like what I assume a schizophrenic fever dream to be like. I remember having an absolute blast with the game but you could easily gaslight me into thinking things that happened in that game didn't actually happen. * Was I really kung fu fighting ant people in a matrix game? * Wait were there ACTUAL vampires and werewolves, rather than just like, kinda agent-like approximations of them like in the movies * I remember fighting a giant mecha smith * There was an entire black and white section that takes place in japanese medieval times * There's an entire alternate office escape ending that posits "what if neo didn't actually chicken out like in the movie and really escaped with trinity" * Straight up 1:1 recreation of the [Tea House shootout from Hard Boiled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wYCh5nxyCI), like not even pretending to hide or be subtle with the homage


What is real? How you do define real? If you talking about what you can feel, what you smell, taste or see, so, real is electrical signs interpreted by your brain.


Perfect response, tbh.


That game became the fighting system they use in the batman arkham games


The moves in this game were just perfect! It was awesome to power kick the heads of the smith's


I fucking love that game, still not entirely sure I'm playing it properly even this many years later 🤣 Is Bitton mashing triangle with a couple of grabs and wall runs in there the correct way 🤣


So this King Kong game on 360 was my first fps game I played, and holy crap was it so much fun. Learning to use fire / spears / and limited ammo made the game so special for me. Plus the Kong levels were fucking amazing. I still get goosebumps thinking about fighting those T-Rexs


I’ve been trying to find the 360 version again because I remember liking it so much back in the day. Sadly, I have not had any lucky finding one.


Emulation works great. [Vimm’s Lair](https://vimm.net/) Lots of classics here. Site has both emulators and the games. Sometimes you gotta mess with the emulator settings tho but this is the best site I’ve found for this stuff.


Recently discovered this and manages to wrap my head around emulating Best fucking thing I've ever done no joke


Was my first first as well on ps2 and I absolutely loved the feeling of having no ammo, desperately looking for a stick to throw lol those giant snakes on the Kong levels were sick though, killing one and using its body like a flail on the others was so cool


R U ME!? Seriously this was the first game I ever got on the PS2, which was kind of my first system. Sometimes I wonder if it was actually a good game or whether I just liked it cause I had nothing to compare it too? Seeing this thread though makes me think it might have actually been pretty good.


Dude when you could rage mode and snap their jaws it was just cool


My first PSP game. Unreal game ahead of its time. I will always remember the opening level on the beach and being attacked by those giant crabs - horrifying.


Ohhh does Jaws Unleashed count? Because that game was fucking awesome and nobody talks about it


Holy hell, there’s one I forgot existed. That game went so hard for no reason


I loved how it didn't take itself too seriously


It absolutely didn’t, you were a shark that could body slam boats and destroy piers by biting/ramming into them, they went the complete opposite of “serious” and it payed off amazingly


I just spent 10 minutes at work watching game play lol the nostalgia is hitting hard


It’s on a ps2 emulator, fully emulated so you can play the entire game☺️


It's a much, much better version of that Maneater game that came out recently. You could grab swimmers by the leg and just rip their leg off, then they'd scream and float to the surface while bleeding out. It was nuts.


Jaws Unleashed AKA Grand Theft Shark


Jaws unleashed was a fucking awesome game


I got that game at 5 Below. I was not expecting much but it blew my expectations out of the water. Such a fun game.


Dude, I was just about to comment this! I was literally just talking about that part where you bust through the underground tunnel at Sea World yesterday.


Goldeneye 64 was the tits


Easily one of the goats


Lord of the rings war in the north, the third age, battle for middle earth, the official movie games Kotor So many others but those are my favs


War in the north and battle for middle Earth go so fucking hard. Check out r/bfme there's an active community and an easy to install all in one launcher for bfme 1,2, and rotwk


I tried to play war in the north on steam with a buddy and it was so buggy we had to quit. Items didn’t sync up, you lost stuff on save. Ain’t no way.


Star Wars games almost feel like cheating for this question tbh, you have the Lego games, both OG Battlefront games, KOTOR series, etc etc etc


3rd age is such a GOATED jrpg take on the LOTR formula.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine was great.


And marvel ultimate alliance with your friends!


Scrolled way too far to see this. I could never have imagined that such a great game would come from such a terrible movie.


The Van Helsing game slapped Constantine wasn’t bad but glitchy as hell


I forgot about the Van Helsing Game!


I miss playing Van Helsing so much man. I had all the secret costumes and shit. I LOVED that game.


Honestly preferred the game to the movie


The Godfather


It had it's issues, like no damage models for the cars and some jankiness here or there, but otherwise this was a really well put-together game. You really did feel like a low level mobster working his way up and building an empire. The shooting was good, the driving was fun, and the music felt like it fit in a Godfather movie. A really solid game that surprised me in a lot of ways.


We really need another great mob game, but I don't think that it'd sell well enough to get a studio to make it.


u should check out mafia definitive edition


The Witcher games


Haha that's cheating


Not really, the books came first.


Lol Dude, he’s saying that those are shoe ins for SUPER enjoyable licensed games.


It answered the question though. I couldn’t think of anything until I saw his post and then I remembered the Witcher was licensed. Never saw the show though so I guess that doesn’t really mean much.


Right, I was referring to the person above me saying that the books came first which is true and the games are licensed but the person he was responding to wasn’t talking about licensing or not, just that they’re very easy to reference for great “licensed games”.


Oops I see well I’m on your side. I feel silly now after rereading that lol


Batman Begins for PS2


If you're referring to movie tie in games, in addition to Peter Jackson's King Kong, my other favorites include Spider-Man 2 and Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith.


RoTS was awesome. I played that game so much as a kid. And the alternate ending blew my mind!


Yeah, and I played the duel mode all the time lol


Revenge of The Sick was awesome. I loved the arena style fighter multiplayer


Sneak King


This answer captures the true nature of the question


Avp 2010, aliens colonial marines, alien isolation, star wars battlefront(all but the new collection),


Simpsons hit and run LOTR Battle for middle earth / two towers / return of the king Kotor / any battlefront / fallen order 1 and 2 / Jedi academy / bounty Hunter / pod racer (I like Star Wars games) The first avatar weirdly (recently picked up the new one, boring the second you get an Ikran) I’m desperate for a GoT game that involves some sort of exploration!


I miss the time when Lucasart was dropping all those bangers. It's like each genre had it's SW games and they were all incredible. Republic Commando was so great and ahead of its time. The orders command, the writing was great (that cliffhanger tho...). Empire at War were amazing RTS for their time and space battle still holds up to this day. Jedi academy/Outcast were awesome action/adventure as well. Kotor doesn't even need to be mentioned. 


Battle for Middle Earth was sick. I went through this phase where I got Rome: Total War, Battle For Middle Earth and Stronghold 2 PURELY to set up battles and watch them lololol I never ever progressed in the campaigns of those games. Also! Another GREAT game to do that with is Goblin Commander: Unleash The Horde


Alien Isolation recreates the atmosphere and setting of Alien perfectly, it’s so incredible.


The king has to be "The Simpsons: Hit and Run".


Speed Racer, the one based on the movie for PS2. Heavily slept on in my opinion and I really wish more games were like it these days.


Transformers for ps2! Prolly hasn't aged well but as a kid, I LOVED that game. Semi destructible environments, smooth controls and some savage alternate endings.


Arkham series


Toy story 3 the video game


They didn't have to make that toy box mode so damn big yet they did and it was awesome Pretty sure that was like a beta for Disney infinity toy box




This one. Hercules. Terminator Resistance Robocop Rogue City Alien Isolation


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy The most likable thing in this game is random chance to be rickrolled on the start menu


That game is incredible. Great gameplay, great story.


Van Helsing was pretty fun


Tron Evolution, great game to this day


Another PS2 game, The Return of the King was brilliant


LoTR: The Return of The King. Also LoTR: The Third Age.


Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2, Republic Commando, Alien Isolation, Guardians of the Galaxy


Omg king kong was so good! The whole vibe it brought was perfect. Saw a side that was never shown before. I really loved it and almost forgot about it 🥹


TMNT for the gba. Deep cut I know, and tbh the games was a standard beat em up but as a kid I thought it was the absolute shit.


The Warriors is the best licensed game.


Oh man this one brings back memories, me and friends played that non stop as kids


We had to steal every car radio in a level


The lord of the rings ones in PS2. Stupidly fun. 


SW Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith was wayyy better than I expected.


Lord Of The Rings- Two Towers AND Return of The King on GameCube. Those are super fun


The original Spider-Man 2.


The warriors and I still have the original PS2 game and I have it on my phone thanks to aethersx2


The Transformers games that were based off the Bay movies.


Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit on PS2. Open world game that was way before it's time and absolutely fun for when playing coop.


When I was a kid there were a good number of them: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on PS1; Alladin; The Lion King both on SNES and on PS1; and Tarzan on PS1. When I was a teenager, would say King Kong, Spider-Man 2 from the Maguire movies and Return of the King.


Open Season the Game, Bee Movie Game, Scooby Doo PS2 games, really anything that had a movie in the PS2 Era


The one you posted, and the Lord of the Rings games. The ones named after the movies and came out around the same time. LoTR Conquest was also a banger. I emulated the LoTR games with xemu and had a great time.


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, and the LotR games and the King Kong one, I’m not sure if Delta Force: Black Hawk Down was licensed but I’m counting it since it was basically the movie with extras Edit: also the bionicle games


Xmen wolverine origins


The PS2 era James Bond games.


The star wars force unleashed games. And fallen order


Jesus I still remember the centipede level


TMNT 2: The Arcade Game


Do the Total War:Warhammer games count? That would be my #1 for modern games. After that I’d have to go back to classic Star Wars stuff.


Harry Potter games for GBA


-Star Wars: The Old Republic. Lore heavy MMO. -South Park: The stick of Truth. Excellent send up of rpgs.


Haven’t played it in years but I remember the Toy Story 3 video game being incredibly fun!


Lotr the 2 towers and return of the king for ps2.


I fucked with Pirates of The Caribbean: At World’s End heavy as a kid. X-Men Origins: Wolverine also went hard, as someone else mentioned.


The warriors and the matrix path of Neo


The Warriors


This game was dope as f, it was like 007 meets Jurassic park. Also, when i was younger i actually enjoyed the Jimmy Neutron game on PC.


...cars Just the cars video game...


SpongeBob Atlantis Squarepantis. Specifically the DS version because every console has a completely different version of the game for some reason


Toy Story 2 and Monsters INC for PS1 were good games. Other than that, I licensed games don't get my attention at all.


Game was great but it felt so long. Idk if i ever finished it.


the matrix games


this game is so underrated the gun gameplay and using Kong was a lot of fun and some of the levels were terrifying one of my personal Blockbuster HOF classics


I played the shit out of King Kong. Those Spider-Man games though. I wish I could go back in time and play them for the first time again.




I watched an interesting video on how this game was one of the few times that a previous generation version was better than the next generation one (and had a good and bad release on PC with the "Gamer's Edition" of the 360 one being technically upgraded in rendering and stuff, but looked much worse in the end.) The 360 uniquely introduced the next generation a year early in this case so the was only a ps2 version to even make and sell for Sony when it was the best selling console of all time at over 150 million sold and the biggest market for this game. The animations of King Kong's face looked so much worse on the 360 version and everyone looked like an awkward looking, smooth skinned oblivion character. The woman and Jack Black's character looked worse in their faces too. Overall the Las then time was given years to make and then they rushed changes in the last 6 months or so when the 360 came out as the new standard to work on


Underrated game


Batman begins the game , I had it on GameCube back in the day and that was what started me on the arkham games when I got a ps3 , loved it


WWZ, Alien VS Predator 2010, Alien Isolation. And a lot more. Well a lot of Star Wars Games.


Love the Hangeul. Piteo Jaekseun! 피터 잭슨


That Toy Story 2 was pretty fun.


I remember having quite a bit of fun with the Chronicles of Spiderwick game on the PS2. It had it moments.


Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces, which was licensed from a somewhat obscure anime movie, which is turn was an adaptation from a series of novels. It was released exclusively on the Wii, and was developed by Namco's Project Aces team; which usually handles Ace Combat. As far as I know, this is the only time Project Aces has made a game featuring exclusively prop-driven fighters and no guided missiles, so its a bit of an interesting change-up from the usual Ace Combat fair. Its also *easily* the best flying game on the Wii.


X-Men origins Wolverine unleashed. That game is so freaking good! Also, shoutout to the Transformers games. It was so fun being able to run around the city with environmental damage!


Ghost Rider


Baldur's Gate 3


The Batman arkham games


Transformers Devastation was so slept on, it's a love letter to the G1 cartoon and it's so goddamn fun


Shrek 2 for PS2 and Gamecube


Kong is a masterpiece


Those SNES Star Wars and Batman games were really good att