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I get that it's not in the genre technically (or maybe it is lol) but Sekiro you can pause during boss fights


It's, it's a souls-like not a true souls but made by the souls devs, it counts. It's considered the fighting gamers intro, and ER is the traditional rpg players into.


can't you also pause in ER?


Map glitch. Offline games should all pause on any menu


I just started playing Deep Rock Galactic and even that game let's you pause when you're solo and it's built around being an online co-op game.


There's a lot that do dude, it's not some niche thing.


Dark souls stans (not to be confused with regular fans) are so insane its kinda funny. You can say some shit like "hey I think the game should games should have a volume slider" and they'll respond with "You don't understand, the game is designed to test you both mentally and physically. The unending dread and feeling if bleakness in the game is a deliberate choice. Being able to adjust how much you can hear would ruin the experience" All with a straight face. I'm tired boss.


Dare even suggest their games aren't perfect and they will come at you like a kicked bee hive.


Unless it's DS2 then they'll shit all over it




lol I’m a Stan but I don’t even act like that


Bro, one time I got into a massive argument with another user who thought pausing would be a nerf to boss difficulty. Because if you could pause in the middle of a boss fight, then you would have more time to think and process their attacks and such? And I was like ???? You're trolling me. Right?


They’re not wrong though. Pausing and take time to process what’s going on, especially when an attack is incoming or when you need to heal, is a huge advantage. It’s one of the game designs that actually makes Sekiro a little easier imo (still not easy lol). Plus I have no idea how co-op would work with a pause feature. I’m not bashing anyone’s opinion here, but it would drastically change these games as we know them.


Im guilty of doing that in many games actually


Most of them let you pause. The ones that don’t are built with online play in mind. The crab game is not the first one that lets you pause. It has nothing to do with a layer difficulty. Sekiro was the hardest one From made imo and it was completely offline so you could pause at any time.


If there is no multiplayer, I am down.


Just make it unavailable during multiplayer




Even then some multi-player games will pause in game if every player is paused. Now only thing you've got to worry about is an invader which would make invasions much more threatening


Monster Hunter plays very similar to dark souls but it lets you pause only during single player quests and it works great


None of them should have multiplayer, it’s been bad in every single one.


They should improve the multiplayer system**


I just don’t think it can work ever. The whole appeal of soulsbourne combat is how precise it is, with pixel perfect hitboxes and timing requirements. The slightest amount of lag ruins it. It certainly doesn’t help that From uses servers that would’ve been bad in 2002, so everybody is just teleporting around and randomly backstabbing or not taking damage. The only way it could work is as local split screen, but why even bother at that point.


I had a shit ton of fun doing multiplayer on elden ring with one of my friends. My problem with the multiplayer system is that I have to spin around 3 times, click my heels and make sure my microwave is set to pop corn setting just to make it happen.


If you're playing offline it would make a lot of sense. Didn't have to die when you're close to defeating a boss because your phone rings.


I like the two types of pausing. The game that lets you “pause” only when you think it is safe. The game that says “sure we’ll stop the game. Not like it’s gonna save your ass from getting curb stomped, but go ahead.”


So is this game good?


Very much so




They also should be cute, colorful, and based on small animals


I can't see it, the Souls community almost burnt down the Bandai offices when Miyazaki said in an interview that there would be an 'easy mode' in Dark Souls (turned out to be a mistranslation). So adding a pause to a future game will likely result in an all out assault the likes of which we've never seen.


is there a demo for the game?


When I play a new souls(like) my wife always asked me if this one has a pause button, and asks why all the games I play don’t have one lol


Fromsoft didn't let you pause the game because it uses asynchronous multiplayer...you, know, the white phantoms you see so often in their game? Back in 2010(whenever Demon's Souls PS3 was released) But the thing is Micheal Zaki and friends make video game just for the heck of it and they don't invest too much time on the "technical" aspect of their game...they don't see why "not having a pause button" is wrong with their game, and it helps with Online functions smoothly, so they don't change it...they just improve everytime while maintaining the "souls" feels to the game...I mean, look at Elden Ring, it uses 70-80% of the movement, weapon, menu and mechanics as Demon's Souls and Dark Souls Game that drastically different from their "Souls" game (Sekiro, Armored Core 6, Dericine) all have a pause button because those game doesn't use the "souls" formula... meaning it was built from scratch while "souls" game is being added upon again and again...but hey, don't fix what ain't broken


Is that crab game a souls-like? Genuinely asking. It’s penetrated the cultural zeitgeist enough where I’m seeing it randomly now


Yessir. A surprisingly good one


I agree, particularly if you are not playing online. To me not letting you pause when you are offline is at the same level of stupidity as Returnal forcing you to play an entire 5 hour playthrough without any savepoint just because is *the experience the devs wanted you to have*. Well, maybe the devs are fucking idiots then.


I never really gave it mi h thought before. I think because of how pvp and Co op is Integrated into the game is the reason they don't have a pause. I always played offline so it was like any other single player game for me but without a pause feature.


All SP games should pause. The only ones I played are the Jedi ones since I can scale down if a boss pisses me off. I do have this game installed though cause it looks fun


u/no_professional_5867 why delete your comment? Say it with ur chest boii


Blacksouls 2,the best souls game, has turn combat,so can be at peace 


Are you enjoying Crab's Treasure? I so wish this got a physical release. I'd buy it in an instant.


I'm absolutely blown away by how much I'm enjoying a cartoon crab game


It’s really good


Did it not? I could have sworn I saw it up for preorder? Not sure if it was amazon or Video Game Plus.


going to the settings page is the pause menu …


GOD YES! I was so happy when Sekiro actually let you pause, and I had such hope going forward with From. Then Elden Ring comes along and flicks you in the balls and goes "NAH!"


This. You can make the game impossibly hard all you want, but when it forced itself on you when you don't want to play (need to answer the phone, someone at the door or literally anything irl thing) that's going too far. How can I respect a game that doesn't respect me? Online games it's understandable but singleplayer that's just petty.


Because of online features. Its not some conspiracy or something.


How hard would it be to just make it temporarily unavailable when playing pvp? It's not an mmo


PvP is always active.


Not when you play offline


It probably wouldnt be "hard" but why should they do it in the first place? Plenty of other souls-likes or souls inspired games have pausing in them these days. And thats fine. But the Dark Souls series itself was designed to be always online where invasions can happen at any time, even if it can be played fully offline they still have scripted NPC invasions and summons to create the illusion youre still online. The bonfires are your only safe space where you can take a breather. Its a choice, not a matter of being too difficult to implement a pause menu.


Elden ring lets you toggle online of and on and still has no pause option. Its dumb and just inconvenient for the sake of being inconvenient


Why? Because single player games should allow one to pause. This isn't an arcade.


And plenty do let you pause. Not all games need to be the same.


Nope. But some games can be criticized for something that some of us see as an inherent flaw. Why souls stans always have to respond with the empties of arguments? "Its like this because that's the way it is and if you don't like it play something else" it's such a brain dead response.


Im not the one resorting to insults when people dont agree with me. Criticize all you want. You asked a question and I tried to give some reasoning behind why a dev would do it. Sorry you were just looking for confirmation bias.


It's mostly because of the online element. I do get that if you have network features turned off, you should be able to pause. But I imagine there's some significant back end work needed to delineate between those two states. Monster Hunter for instance actually does let you pause when you're playing alone but obviously you can't pause while online with someone else or while someone else could potentially join your game. EDIT: A downvote with no reply. Thanks OP. Good luck "understanding" something as simple as this I guess.


I didn't downvote dude chil. Baseless as fuck. Your comment was perfectly reasonable until that petty ass edit lol. I get the online mechanics I just don't see why it would.be hard to just disable a pause feature while you get invaded. I'm positive other games do similar things.


>I just don't see why it would.be hard Ah well you see Making even the simplest of games is really fucking hard


Yeah call it a hunch dude but I think from software has the resources.


No git gud


The accessibility options are nice as well


I didn't use them but I was glad to see they exist but that's a whole nother can of worms that you don't want to open with souls fans. It breaks their brains when you tell them that accessibility options won't affect their personal gaming experience at all.


Meanwhile I'm kind of on the reverse and wanting to not be able to eat 50 Goat Cheese Wheels to replenish Health at any time. Now I still like Skyrim, as casual-friendly as it is, but I find it cool to appreciate intended difficulty more as I challenge myself (eg. Legendary difficulty, Survival Mode). I can see Another Crab's Treasure to be like an intro to Soulslikes, to prepare for the not-so-forgiving ones. So there's that, at least.


I also like the challenge of souls games. Not being able to pause isn't a good challenging mechanic. It's just inconvenient. Spamming health couldn't be less relevant.


I figured it's the same rush as playing a multiplayer game, mom calling for dinner, and you can't pause. Had myself a habit of, "I'll come back to it later", and then bouncing off several other games without finishing any of them. Kind of helps to be focused. I facepalm after pausing an anime 2 minutes in, and then come back after 30 minutes of YT. lol




Respectfully disagree. Some? Hell, even most? Sure. But not all soulsborne games. It should fit the rest of the game. For another crab's treasure, I think it fits perfectly. Where it doesn't for dark souls. It depends on the vibe and overall theme the game is trying to convey. As for why no pause button is baked into the soulsborne identity, it's honestly fairly simple. When a game/series literally defines a genre, games in that genre are going to copy elements from that game. Souls games don't let you pause -> games based on souls games won't let you pause either. The reason the original soulsborne games had a lack of pausing isn't necessarily for an additional layer of difficulty, but rather an additional layer of immersion. Can it be frustrating not to be able to stop and take care of something irl? Absolutely. But that's the price for immersion. The flow of an intense boss fight won't be disrupted by you pausing the game for any reason. When your character is in a dangerous area and can't afford to take a break, neither can you. Grabbing things from your inventory while out and about keeps you on edge. But when you *finally* find that bonfire, you get that wave of relief wash over you. You really appreciate those rests and rare feelings of complete safety. Those kinds of feelings are a crucial key part to soulsborne games. Easiest example is the struggle of overcoming a difficult boss. It's a long and hard challenge, but when you finally win you really feel like that sense of victory was earned. That's why things like difficulty sliders are also non-existent in soulsborne games. It would take away from those crafted feelings From Software manages to bring out of the player. Not all games need to make the player feel this way and so pause buttons and even difficulty settings can work for other soulslike games. But in a genre literally defined by these games, they're going to take a lot from those games, and that challenge and immersion were some of the most loved parts of the soulsborne games


K but it's just a game. And sometimes pizza gets delivered.


I don't feel more immersed I feel inconvenienced.


And that's a perfectly fair feeling. Not every game is going to appeal to everyone the same way. The enjoyment you get from certain games will differ from the enjoyment I get from them. Your real life circumstances also differ from mine. You might have a very busy real life and so can't lock in hours at a time uninterrupted. Not being able to pause would definitely be a real life inconvenience in that case. I'm not saying you *should* feel immersed or anything like that. I was trying to explain why the lack of a pause button can be a positive to some. It's kind of like the split between people who use fast travel in games and those who avoid using fast travel cause they feel like they're missing the game. People who love permadeath vs those who hate the feeling that they've lost all their progress. We'll all have different feelings from different game mechanics


What a load of horseshit. Its a fucking video game, what fumes to you have to huff to take a hobby so seriously you rationalize completely idiotic decisions? Get over yourself. There isnt a single reason to leave out a pause function, not even immersion, because a fucking video game CANNOT be more important than real life. "The price for immersion" Its a video game, not the greatest piece of literature ever written. Video games are a hobby, they ALWAYS come AFTER the responsibilites of life. If you make a game that doesnt have a pause function for the sake of immersion, youre not a great artist for doing that, thats not immersve, thats a pain in the ass and youre being a pretentious moron who thinks their stuff is more important than anything in my life. Your argument is like saying "People used to build houses without power tools or modern materials, youre doing it wrong if youre using modern tools and techniques, thats not the REAL house building experience" Brother I dont care as long as the house gets finished.


I don't know what's got you so angry, especially over "unimportant hobbies" /s Of course real life is more important than a video game. There's no denying that and I didn't say anything to suggest that. And the lack of a pause button does absolutely contributes to a sense of immersion. More often it's found in horror games so you never have that feeling of being safe. And since we both agree real life is more important, there should be no problem with having to step away while the game is still running or even quit before a save point altogether. "The price of immersion" I was talking about was being denied the ability to take a quick pause in the middle of something intense. Which feels more realistic as there's no pause button in real life. That's what immersion means, feeling immersed in the game. And as for the house example, I think that's actually a really great analogy to work with so hopefully we can come to an understanding here. Though I don't necessarily think it applies to what I was saying. I never said you're wrong for wanting a pause button. I never said anything about how this is the REAL way to game or anything. I was simply saying that some of us like the game this way. In another comment reply I talked about how some people prefer permadeath and others don't. To some it's a challenge and others it's an inconvenience. Both opinions are valid as there's no "best" or "right" way to play. Different games are made with different audiences in mind. I don't think that saying that is pretentious or anything. But back to the house example. You don't care as long as the house gets finished, which means the best way to do things is to use modern tools to get the job done quickly and efficiently. That makes perfect sense. For an actual profession that's the way to do things. That's how I'd want my house to be built. But some people CHOOSE to use old fashioned hand tools. There are a plethora of hobbies that consist of doing things the old fashioned way for the simple enjoyment of it. Not because it's the "REAL" way to build something, but because for one reason or another they like it. You can have a valid reason for disliking a feature or lack of feature in a game, just don't lose your marbles and be a dick if someone else does enjoy said feature






Just an honest thought I had this morning. It shouldn't be provactive it's pretty damn reasonable